The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 09, 1909, Image 9

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Wan is lke a clock run down, MUNYON'S
VITALIZER will wind hi up and make
him go. If you ure nervous, if you are
frritable, if you lack confidence {n your-
f, if you do not feel your full manly
vigor, bogie on this remedy at once. There
are 75 VITALIZER tablets in one bottle;
every tablet Is full of vital power. Don't
epend muother dollar on quack doctors or
spurious remedies, or fill your system with
harmful drugs. Begin on UNYONS
VITALIZEK at once, and you wiil begin
to feel the vitalizing effect of this remed
after the first dose, Price, $1, post-pal
Muouyon, 83rd and Jefferson, Phila, Pa.
Your Health Worth?
You start sickness by mistreating nature
and it generally shows first in the bowels
and liver. A roc box (week’s treatment)
of CASCARETS will help nature help
you. They will do more—using them
regularly as you need them-—than amy
medicitie on Earth. Get a box today;
take a CASCARET tomight. Better in
the morning. It's the result that makes
millions take them. 851
CASCARETS roc a box for a week's
treatment. all droggise. Biggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a month
Baby Smiles—
When He Takes
THE BEST wEnCME For Gucasw=Guos
Se pleasant that be Fikes #t—und contuins no oos
aden, # pothing like #t for Broach
Asthuns and sll troubles of the throat and lungs
A Sundaed Remedy for half a century
All Druggists, 28 Cents
From fa tory direct a 3400 p ann for £00. stonl
snd cover to you on approval — 1-1 cash.balanes
0 per month. Write as row GW ts do it
1 13th St, N. W., Washiogion, D. €,
Trade Marks, Uoprrignt your Books, Writings, Ma
ares, etc, gf Boy to Boanly he witiars and
thetr relatives, woo served ia the covl war, (sil
Have secured over JL om of them, For eaks
struclous, Address, W, HM Wills Aseyas.
Ww, ( Notary Pusiic) Wilds Ballliog, sidlad Ave,
ith D.U Uren wl year pradtions,
gsharge commission of exjwessage like Western
bousen, thereby saving jou aboul W per cent to
begin with, Write for Price List, Tags, etc. Men
tion this paper.
236-38 East Ninth St,, New York,
References: Banks amd Commercial Agencies.
Warsen E.Coleman, Vash.
PATE fagton, D.C. Books i ve, High
est referecces, Hest resgas
The German navy, which in 1888
130,000,800; in 1900, somewhat un-
der 200,600,000; in 19508, 330,000.
000: the budget for 1909 stipulates
fek's CAPUDINE js the best remedy—
ns the sching and feverishness cures
Cold and restores pormal conditions. [t's
eects Immedisiely. We. 2c. aad
st drug stores
8ir Joseph Dalton Hooker celebrat
ed bis ninety-second birthday on June,
30. His scientific career began sev.
enty years ago, when he went out as
surgeon and naturalist with Sir James
Ross’ Antarctic expedition.
When you're an hoarse as a crow, econgh- |
img and gasping when you've an old-fash-
roned pd take Allen's Lung Balsam.
Why Worry?
“f see that comet is about due.’
“Do you think it will get by thy
earth without annihilating us?”
“Oh, 1 guess so. 1 understand!
those polar explorers met recently’
and nothing bappened.” Louisville:
ssa — sais
And More Than Three.
Mangel—Our big note will be du
tomorrow. What can we do abou
it? i
Wurzel-—The law gives us thre:
days of grace, doesn’t it? I
Mangel-—It used to, but it's day |
of disgrace now, i
Usually There Are Other Symptoms
fo Prove It,
Pain In the back is palo in the kia
neys, in most cases, and it points to |
the need of a special remedy to re- |
Heve and cure the cougestion or in- |
flammatian of the |
kidueys that is In-
terfering with their
work and causing
thatpainthat makes
you say: “Oh, my
Henry Gullatl, of
Greensboro, Ga.,
says: "Two years
ago kidpey disease
fastened ftesif on
me. 1 had awful
dizzy spells, head.
aches and urinary
irregularities. My
back was weak and tender. 1 began
using Doan's Kidney Pills and found
quick relief. 1 was soon restored to
complete good health.”
Remember the name-—Doan’s. Bold
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos
ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
$d Of
Prayed For Rabbit,
Nanticoke, —Having gone through
the hunting season without tasting
rabbit stew, of which she {8 particu
larly fond, Mrs. Mary Coleman, of
\@rgantown, near here, prayed that
peased, and as she has faith in pray-
er she waited hopefully all morning
for some hunter friend to leave one
at her door. At dinner time the rab.
come, so with a sigh she
gellar for potatoes, and
potato bin, 50 frightened
unable to escape her,
Mrs. Coeman found the rabbit she
desired. One blow with a stick fin-
ished it and she had the rabbit stew
for which she had prayed
went down
there in the
that it was
Man In Skirts,
Still band-cuffed |
to here was cap- |
He managed to!
being taken jail
might |
wind |
had not
moving the
still be at
to the eyes of a vigilant |
officer the trousered legs beneath it |
A shawl about his heal and
concealed the handcuffs. He
embezzling $40
of this city,
hody |
was |
Zibony, and
Prowler Beats Women,
Collegeviile.—An attempt at mur-
der occurred at Yerkes, a small vil-
lage a few miles south of this place,
when the home of Abram Pearlstine,
a farmer, was entered and Mrs.
Pearlstine was struck a heavy -blow
over the head while asleep, Pearls
stine caused the arrest of Leonard
Taylor, a 17-year-old boy, whom he
discharged as a farm hand on Sun-
day The boy was held by Bquire
Yost under $500 bail for court,
charged with assault and battery
with attempt to kill. Mrs. Pearl-
stine Is in a serious condition. Her
husband says that he heard his wife
scream and, jumping out of bed, saw
some one disappearing down
stairs, He took his revolver
fired at the intruder. He then
lowed and found that the man
made for the interior of the
instead of escaping through
front door. Again he fired, this time
blindly, into the living room.
out that she was dying and
gave up the chase.
Bold Bruin,
been terrorizing the resi-
dents of Pleasant Valley, a suburb
The brute has been seen many
but always managed to elude
pursuers. He entered the pig
of Benjamin Detrick, and killed
Detrick was
Dies Scoring Courts,
Newcastle. Fred
fan, was hanged here
der of his cousin, John Coccho, on
July 12. 1908, From: the gallows
the condemned man delivered a brief
address to the effect that he had not
been treated by the courts
and that he was going to his death
because he had defended his wife
and family It was jealousy which
caused him to shoot his cousin. Ow-
ing hysterical condition the
condemned man it was rumored that
the Sheriff would Rave to chloroform
him in order to
an [tal-
the mur-
the ol
sroceed with
f extreme Curse
16 EXE.
not resoried
South Bethlehem
children sufle
hon 0
To Pine Reading Collieries,
Mahanoy Cily
ary measn
fires ir
and Realing
began the
A line of
the surface
zles and
erected in all
The cost will
Squire Accused,
South Bethlehem
charges Justice of Peace W. F
Bloom, of this place, was arrested
He is accused of ettortion by Jacob
B. Clewel, of Hellertown, and ém-
bezzlement of a large sum of money
by Rudolph Satowich Squire Bloom
was held under heavy bail for court
by Justice J. M
{nn 1WO serious
Undertakers Form Association,
The Central Pennsylvania Under.
takers’ Association,composed of nine-
ty delegates from twenty counties,
was formed here Addresses were
delivered by State Registrar W. R.
Batt. on the registration of deaths,
and by other State officials.
officers elected are: President, J. J.
Ogelsby, Harrisburg; vice-president,
Paul Kraiss, Chambersburg, secre-|
tary, R. K. Spicer, Harrisburg, and
trepsurer, G. W. Sauter, Menges Mills,
York County,
Lost Boy Closes Un Store,
Pottstown. —8o0 wrought up did]
the parents of little Edward Creger
become when he failed to return to
home that they closed un their
store and refuse? even to talk busi-
ness until he had been found The
family recently removed to Pottstown |
and the lad became lost in the streets, |
He was found after an eigth-hour
Wilkes-Barre —Evan Thomas was
fatally and four other men slightly |
injured by the explosion of a pow-|
der magazine in a stone quarry at]
Buttonwood. Two horses were so!
badly hurt by flying debris that they |
had to be shot. The magazine con- |
tained 100 pounds of high explosives, |
Anti-White Slave Delegates,
Pittsburg. ~The National Execu-
tive Committee of the Council of
Jewish Women, in convention here,
York, a delegate to the convention |
of the International White Slave
Trafic Suporession Association, to
be held at Madrid next May.
Strikes Oil At Coonersburg.
Bethlehem. «- While drilling an ar
tesian well at the Gabriel Hosiery
Mill, at Coopersburg, workmen at a
depth of 165 feet struck oil. The
find carsed considerable excitement
among the town's citizens, and own-
Dies As Doctor Treats Him.
Butler. Bil May, aged 51, a
prominent oil producer and horse
breeder, died suddenly while receiv.
ing treatment for his eyes from a
doctor. * He belonged to the Elks,
Odd Fellows and Good Will Hose
Philadel Charters Issued.
The following Philadelphia char.
tors have been issued: Galveston
County Fruit & Truek Company, capi.
tal $60,000; Eclipse Hoslery Com-
pany, capital $5,000. ’
Fired At His Limbs,
Kutztown The county
ties are investigating the
which resulted in the loss
to 13-year-old Homer
Young Schlenkel charges his com-
panion, Patrick Stein, aged 17. with
having willfully committed the shoot
ing Schienkel ed
to the Fair Grounds, when Stein got
on a raised platform and demanded
that [| dance. ‘hen 1 refused,
cause the ground uddy
want to pet
pointed a
of a leg
said “We wal
didn’t shoes
gun at me
was in fun and still
¥ » 1
fired as
fired a
aan @
Lenape Station Destroyed.
est Chester
Busy Bethlehem,
lected by ¢ Indu
of this place
Beckons Business ™ It
from among = of several
dred suggestions submitted by
sons from all over the Lehigh
le} C. J. Gapp Is the winner of the
$25 prize,
WAS najev
First Victim Of Coasting.
Pittston. Enjoying the first snow
Williams, aged 6,
other coaster and received internal
injuries, which resulted in death.
Four Hurt In Auto Mishap.
gineer of the Pittsburg Stee] Com-
yany; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greena-
wald and Harry Phillipbaum_ were
bile In which they
the road and ran into a fence at
Jellevernon near here All are
prominent. While their injuries are
sérious, it is believed they will re
were riding left
Gets Vincidated And Six Cents,
Pottsvile. —8amuel Wetzel of Ash.
land, was awarded 6 cents damage
Wetzel asked for
damages. The costs amount to $125,
and the court has not yet
which side must pay these
Runs Anway: Maybe Wed,
Dallastown. — Miss Blanche
christ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Emanue! Sechrist, is missing. it is
sald she defled locksmiths and other
maiden keepers and went to Mary.
land to be married. Incidentally
Paul Ferry, of Hanover, is a nice
young man, say the young woman's
parents and they are anxious to see
them both.
Governor Grants Charters,
Governor Stuart approved the char
ter of the Titusville Central Railroad,
to build a line from Titusville to
Corry. The capital is $210,000, W.
J. 8mith, of Titusville, being presi-
dent, A charter was also granted
to the Mortgage Security Trust Com.
pany, of Pittzburg, with a capital of
£125,000, The treasurer is R. 0.
Stover, Harrisburg.
Seven Million Feet Of Walnut Rum.
Tyrone—~The saw mill and 7,000,
000 feet of seasoned walnut lumber,
owned by F. M, Waring, was destroy.
ase. The loss is estimated at
Consel Samuel C. Reat, of Port
Louis, reports that, although tea of
superior quality is grown In Mauri.
tine, less than 250 acres are devoted
to its cultivation, with a Janris ro.
duction of about £0,000 pounds, all
consumed in the island
Rheumatism Cored in a Day,
Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rhoumatism ard
Neurnlga radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action ms remarkable. Removes the couse
and disease quickly disappears. First dose
greatly eel A pete. 1. All druggists.
tonnage of any port in the world.
arvous Tronpies. Geondine will oh boy
re ve you,
Re liquid—plessant 0 take-—acts iminedi-
mely. Try WW, Me., Xe and
a ————————_— to ob —
rallways of the world would
to the moon and back again,
teething, softens
tion, allsys pain,cures wind colic, Zc bottle
first torpedo was made
The next time you have a eold on the
lungs try mmbhbing Wizard Oh! on your
ehest and see how quickly it will draw out
the inflapnmatiom and hreak ve the eaid
a ———
The first plaster cast was made by
Verochio in 1470.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and
! liver & bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy to take
as candy.
The first iren wire was drawn at
Itch cured mm 30 minutes by Woolfonl's
Banitary Lotion. Never tails. At droggmis,
The British Welsbach Company has
begun manufacturing electric lights,
When your joints are stiff and muscles
Perry Davie’ Painkiller. At all druggists
Only 5% per cent, of the total
area of the world is tillable,
Baby Boy Had Intense Itching Humor
Scratched Till Blood Ran
Found a Care in Coticura.
“Our som, two years old, was afflicted
with & rash. After he suffered with the
trouble several woeks I tock him to the
doetor, but it got worse. The rash ran wo
gether and made large bBeters. The Little
fellow didn’t want to do anything bu
scratch and we had to wrap his hands up
to keep bim from tearing the flesh
till the blood would ran. The itching wo
intense. The skin on his back became ha
and rough like the bark on a tree. lis
suffered intensely for about three monihs
jut | found a remedy mm Cuticurs Boap and
Cuticurs Ointment. The result was almont
magical. That was more than two vears
ago and there has not been the slightest
Lavuck, Yukon Okla, Aug. 2% rnd Sept
17, 1908." Potter Drug & Cher
Props. of Outicura Remedi |
Cort Nile
an Maa
The Cat And The Sparrows.
This is;a true story with all the
necessary vouchers, says the Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
An East End family has a cat, a
big grey Tom who answers the name
of Ben. Ben's natural eaemies are
the sparrows. When he ean creeg
up on one of them and make its
feathers fly he is delighted
Some time ago a lot of the little
chatterers settled on the limb of a
in Ben's back yard Ben saw
them and crept foot by foot to the
Up the trunk he cautiously
At this point the sparrows saw him
and flew to the ground where the)
chatiered vigorously, Bean in the
meantime walching them from
limb with hatred in his yellow eves
Then without warning the sparrows
suddenly flew up and started a con
while with pain and rage.
Bim with vicious bills.
sprang into her arms-——the triumph
fine in goed order,
- emits s—
Tommy The doctor hrought
Freddy--It looks just like ma had
Harper's Bazar,
Health and Natural Conditions Come
Man, physically, should be like a
perfectly regulated machine, each
part working easily in ils appropriate
place. A slight derangement causes
undue friciion and wear, and fre.
quentlv rains the entire system.
A well known educator of Boston
found a way to keep the braln and
the body In that harmonions co-oper-
ation which makes a joy of living.
“Two years ago,” she writes, "be
ing in a condition of mervous exhaus-
tion, 1 resigned my position as teach.
er, which 1 had held for over forty
years. Since then the entire rest has,
of course, been a benefit, but the use
of Grape-Nuts has removed one great
cause of fliness In the past, namely,
constipation, and its attendant evils,
*{ generally make my entire break-
fast ¢3 a raw egg beaten into four
spoontuis of Grape-Nuts, with a little
Women's Secrets
There is one mun in the United Tiates who hos perhaps heerd
more women’s secrets than any other man or woman in the
country. These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame, but
the secrets of sufiering, and they have boen confided to Dr,
R. V. Pierce in the hope and expectation of advice and help,
That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex.
pectations is proved by the fact thet nidety-cight per cent. of
sll women treated by Dr, Pierce have been absolutely and
altogether cured, Such o record would be remarkable if the
cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when
that record applies to the treatment of more than half-s- mil-
lien women, in a practice of ever 40 years, it is phenomenal,
and entitles Dr, Pierce to the gratitude secorded him by women, ss the fmt of
specialists in the treatment of women’s diseases,
Every sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without
charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without
any printing or advertising whatever, upon them, Write without fear ss with
out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pieseo, Prest.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Siolx WW omen. Wr elle
The automatically-locking Smokeless Device is an exclusive
feature of the Perfection Oil Heater. This
» *
Automatic Smokeless Device
tr =n doesn’t allow the wick to rise to 2
point where it CAN smoke, yet
permits a strong flame that sheds a
steady, glowing heat without a whiff
of smoke. .
No other heater in the world com-
pares with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Turn the wick high or low
no smel Burns for 9 hours with one
Instantly removed for cleaning.
font holds 4 quarts of oil-—
no smuke,
out a glowing
ick carrer
heat for
Every Deals:
Agency eof the
Wear W, L. Douglas comfortableg
sasywalking shoes. They are
gE made upon honor, of the best feath-
ers, by the most skilled workmen,
in ail the Iatest fashions. Shoes in
every style and shape tO suit men
in all walks of (Ife,
It | could take you Into my large
factories at Drockton, Mass, and
show you how carefully W. L. Doug~
ias shoes are made, yOu would
fF then understand why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer
and are of greater value than any
other make,
CAUTION — Sea that W, L. Douglas
name and the retail price is steamy on
the bottom, Take No Substitute.
4 $2008 5250
Wherever you live, W. L. Douglas shoes are within
your reach. If your dealer cannot {if you, write for
Mail Order Catalog. W. L Douglas, Brockton, Mass.
Sure cure and pamitive preventive, no matter how horses i any are
tnfertad ar “exposed Liquid. given on the enine; help on the Biood ané
Giamie, sxpels the polesaous gers from the body. Cures Distemper ‘u Doge
and Sheep wed Cholers in Poultry. Largest selling Ure stock rumed) Cutres
La Grippe Burnes beings and is & Soe Kidaey retnedy. Se and 81 »
eiaie % and $15 a dosen Cut this ove. K fn Show te your drusgin
wha wil get i for you. Froese Bookies, rr. Aimer EE a
Bpecial sgerus wanted
hamists d
Chemists and GOSHEN, IND. 1.5.4,
SI 2 ite
Once a Rayo user
always one
1m King thet ootuld 0
ight giving Hatt
botuse .
pod cas 8 82
The Atlantic Refining Company
{incorpo ated)
Golden Seal, Ydllow Font), May Apple,
Wid Ginger, ote. We sn dealers;
onsblabod jo 18%" Owe ball» ervamy in
Lowieville” and can do batter bor you than
aoe or oomudesion merchant. Plelorenon,
soy Bank in Lovieville,. Wri for waekly
Due W Pelinre We mabe svn 80 ,
i Potties Dee oor ¥en al