—r . ‘ te RR ion yep ? ? : ‘ tt i {4318 Edda LOvAL, / daiix MAR LT, : dnd dodo dds dods = bn oll | Camphlr s Sixth Annual tit Sale | WILLIAM B. KELLER. begluning of this week came to Cen- AGF co Corn... Thursday morning of lsst week | tre Hall to visit for a few days with | Wiliam B. Keller, died at his home at | ber sister, Mrs, Mary Dingee, | PRODUCE AT STORYA, Axe Mann, from an abscess of the! At the pext meeting of Progrees | Lard... 09 | BOHOL. cccnsssions liver, and other compli“ations. Tater | Grange which will be held Saturday | | Patatam............... 1 00 | Eft common rare ment was made at Pleasant Gap, SBun-|evening, Prof H. F. Bitner will give a | Ee ATER FOR SALE—Having iustalled a day afternoon. His age was sixty-five | lecture on ips cts that destroy our | * ghosting plant the undersigned offers years, eight months, fruit, : | [sien Bailinni Suanitioe prior Benciog ove, $< o n and good as new ; price, §20 Mrs. Keller, whose maiden name| Mrs. William Forry and graod- |" " R. 1). FOREMAN, Centre Hall. Was Susan Mease, and the following deughter, Miss Grace Miller, of : Truek farm, containing 67 acres children rvive: Mes. C r . OR BALE h ¢ suvvive ira Catharine Hellem, York county, are guests at 50 clear ; running water in the house From and Mrs. Margaret Baum, of the home of the former's sister, Mrs, and at the barn. Good build ings, choice fruit of v3 'l . all kinds, Bell telephone Sidielonie i George B. and David, at|w, Rg, Meyer, in Centre Hail. BG. GINGERIC H, Ceutte Hall ome, re. David Snyde sd 3 ' - - \David Buyder, the eld Mrs. Frank A. Carson, and interest- To : ; OR BALE ~The undersigned offers at pri toft 4 7, die { , ’ : est of the family, died about one year ing little daughter Hadsl, of Potter's | 1 vate sale the following : Bed room ago. Mrs, Margaret Keller, of Boals- suit, 25 yards matting, organ. desk and bookesse : Mills, who are guests in the home of combined, No. 7 range, hard coal heater, rockers ’ ARRGEA( burg, mother of the deceased, also sur- H. B. Spangler, of Chicago, before | table. buggy, sleigh, aod other articles vives, as do the following brothers ' ate ge : 81 3 EDITH BANKEY, Potters M ills and sister : Eobri Kell ¢ Pl returning home will visit friends in Sisley 1 Jupariam eller, 0 hl Jollet, Illinois and Latrobe, this state, For BALE ~Two full blooded Beagle ant Gap; Mrs. Elizabeth Mothers a aM H Hout; 3 hounds, white, black and tan, sixteen baugh, Boalsburg ; George Keller, Mr, an rs. arvey Houtz and | inches high, sixteen months old, guaranteed Houserville: Dr. U B. G. Keller daughters Verna E. and Ethel L., of good hunters, W Hi sell ue or Ly an OY ' . B. . ' ALEX Warren, Illinois, Mrs. Catharine Toledo, Ohio, are guests of the for- iu Potters Miils Dale, of Oak Hall, deceased, was also » i rerrrrrererel I. ddiiiiidiianss YIrerTeT erie ey SALI IIE 228220 “or chamber Suits, bevel plat'd glass, $16.75 Iron Beds, from $2.26 up. Wood Beds, Irom $2.16 up. Wood Rockers, at 76¢. Large Arm Rockers, from $2.16 up. Yelvet Brussels Rugs, 27x04, at $1.46. Smyrna Rugs, 27x64, at $1.98. Wilton Rugs, 27x54, at $1.85. Ingrain Carpets, per yd., Irom 26¢ up. Yelour Covered Couches, from $6.86 up. China Mattings, per yd., Drop-Leal Tables, at $3.50. TTT TTYTYTYSY hh SAIL LAE E22 ER mer’'s sister, Mrs, Samuel Gingherich, near Centre Hall. Mr, Houlz is a gates number of years Mr. Keller railroad man, and took advantage of A / J @ lived on a farm west of Centre Hall, the vacation season to bring his air and is well known throughout Penns family east, Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackenberg, of : Smullton, and Mr. and Mrs. James ressing Weagley, of Bsallef mnte, were guests of MRS. ISABELLA CARNER KUAN. Mr. and Mrs, Shem Hackenberg, west If you wish a high-class hair Mrs. Isabella Carver Kuhn, relic) sr cantre Hall, over Sunday. It was dressing, we are sure A ers of the late Jona Kuhn, died ut iver a sort of family reunion, the couples Hair Vigor. ph improv i d for- t > = . t home at Bhiogletown, Sunday sfter being the parents of Mr. and Mrs mula, will greatly please you | i noon, after many months suffering Hackenberg, It k i with diseases incident to her advanced t keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and] age, being almost eighty-four yesrs will be better knowr to the readers | uxuriant, prevents splirti ng at} Her long and usefal life was spent in : > : 9149 : when her maiden name—Kate Bar- . from 17¢ up. Square Extension Tables, 42x the vicinity of where she died. Rhe er—is mentioned is the guest of her the ends. And it keeps theg p Ad ALA TEL Y Mrs, Bachman, of Lebanon, who dedi dododode ABD BBA D ILIA BIID BD youngest son, John, a bright lad of Formuls with sseh bottle eleven years, : $ Show it to your LAR RAR EE RE A RRR ARR RRR R RE R RE RR RRS Se, bod ddd ’ Wades x eee 1 LW : 3 a a A i Tie t A 2 2 & 33 Mpg Hyg iy dh Hii En Li t 3 TITTY . i fine appearance, ia substantial and inexpensive, When desired raised initial letters are placed on the posts, or they may be otherwise ornamented, he, £3 a ¥ 1 from $5.85 up. nas 1 ki wile avi Ber, and = unt, Mrs. Annie Spavgler, in Centre | §5¢2Ip free from dandruff, Rag Carpets, per yd. from $5.85 up ber of the Reformed church, and 1a] 8/1 She is uccompsnied by her §_ Doo nofchange the color of the hair. J | trom 33¢ up. | Folding Spiral Springs, trom $2.85 up. Mrs. Martha Krumbine, of Vinton. Cte . Woven Wire Springs, from $2.16 up. dale; Annas and William, at home Deputy Sheriff James B. Btrohm The funeral was held Tuesday morn. | Wes brought to bis home in Centre Hull the day following the accident | At the same time the new Aver's Hai: Prices here noted give 45 1b. Felt Mattress, at $6.87. side of her husband, who preceded i q her to the grave only one week. Rey, | 8ccount of which appears elsewhere in the growth, of the A 1ealthy ps » Parlor Tables, rd, at $1.80. A. A. Black c Meiated. this issue. He is getting slong splen- | =. The hair stops falling, dan 3 you but d faint idea Drop-End Solas, fine coverings MRS. ELIZABETH HENNEY aroucd with the aid of crutches wil sde by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell 2 Boa Et aia tom er Posts for marking barial lots in Wood Seq Di . mos., Mrs. Elizabeth Henney died at|™ be} anfactured 2 We are Offering -o¢l Diners, per Six, her home in Millbeim, from compli. |P3® sre being many selutey Aon ' from $4.65 up. catiovs due to age. loterment took |°*™e0t by H. H. Rachau, of Spring = : : Mills The finished product has » BE : ” Kitchen (Cabinets, from $0.35 up. Union cemetery, Millheim services ; : being beld previously in the Evangel- ical church. Stamm, and she was a naive of Sugar The evening entertainments during el + Valley, where one sister, Mrs. Fran z | the week of the Grange Eancampmen . - COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, now lives. Prior to the death of her |80d Fair, at Centre Hall, according to = 3 3: family lived on a farm, east of Old [charge promises to be of a bette: ETL —— S M CAMPBELL Millnim Pa Fort, waich properly is yet that of | character than heretofore. This wi own heme -sitting semfortably in yous t 0 y 3 s Grrr rrr TTT TT rrr TTT TTT I ITT TTY Tr TTT YT TYTYYTY rT TT TTT TITTY TY Te Fre TTT reel C survived by three children, namely, Solt-Top Mattresses, at $2.80. ing when interment was made by the which resulted in a broken limb, av | Vigor is a strong hs didly, and will soon be able to move | 4ru® disappears. [ the Bargains it §14.98 Attheageof seveuty-nine yre., three : : A Re y Fits cemeteries as well as fence and hitehing place Wednesday morning, in the Mrs. Henney's maiden pame was husband, William R Henney, the|8 #latement of the committee jn be good news to the hundreds of tent onny shady! You can make a better selection Wetewtnat fa dn ¥ the Henney estate. The couple were childless. ers on the ground who are always 8 Tr San 2 Rusliing a stares Sevigna—the anxious to spend the eveniogs iu th. large auditorium ha Apacs, intuging Sinaried peta Leroy Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs, CN. Krder. of Covioaton. Viral . yaer, of wington i fe Bosch Hane. Preston Siegler, of Millheim, died st « ~ ryder ® ' 2 r—— av he west " ii————————— nis, was in Centre Hall the beginning Wow Me Jeu the sge of almost three years, of drop. ' ; : L-Qoicage 5 Semple ey. Interment was made st Wolf's o bila week, = a weil Juows Ra Look : i 1. 0 OW @ 1@ Chapel, Wednesday afternoon, RIBYEF MAT, 8 gs a” [= Ns \ | \/ ANI the point psmed. During the past CRT thirty days, Mr. Kryder says, inquir- Mrs. Eliza Walker died in Belle |joq for umber have been more fre- OLED S P E C I A L E X C U R S I 0 N TO fonte, aged sixty-two years. Two quent than for some time past. Mrs children, William, of Beliefonte, and | Kryder did not come to Penns Valley, JOHN 1. NOLL, Mrs. Jack Houtz, of Philadel] hia, | put is staying sbout Lamar with PLEASANT GAP. PA survive. relatives, : e bt gee Spriog Mills will be well represent- 4 49 ERMINE 1 A ie Ring o Liehtlig-Rearick, . . all kinds, Paints, Window & eq, 4 Mrs. Fi 8. Rearisk ed at Atlantic City this week he. % re. Florence 8B, Rearizk announces . : tc, kept ir tock. Estimate Among those who joined the ex- : the marriage of her daughter, Verna cursionists last Tharsdsy were Miss furnished. ANGLESEA WILDWOOD HOLLY BEACH Viols, to Berard Lichtig. The young |; ,jiq Rishell, operator iu the Spring OCEAN CITY SEA ISLE CITY AVALON couple will be at home September 21,|yi1y Bell telephone exchange ; Miss ALL WORK DONE : at 5043 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Ells Condo, one of Gregg township's PIRST-CLASS WORK- NEW JERSEY The bride is the daughter of the late school teachers ; Charles Bariges and MANSHIP MANNER J. Frank Rearick, and is well known two nephews, Ralph snd Charles MANS P MANNER. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1909 in Penns Valley, where she was born Bartges ; Tibben Zabler, David Hen- and raised. igh, and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Harvey D, ‘ The groom, during the time that Digs nie : . $5.50 Round Trip $5.25 Round Trip President Taft was Governor General At the lastameeting of the W. C. T of the Philippine Islands, was appoint. U. beid at the oy of Mra. G. Ww. i Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Whar! ed secretary-treasurer of the combined Hosters 1t wap. decided io open . vinees of Lepanto-Bont hich | FO%e 0 y TRE Pov a_i. From CEN HALL provinces are the homes of the Igor. quarters on Grange Park, daring the The J we. | Orange Eocampment snd Fair, : Fults, aud Jater was Made acting gov.) x 'will te uf thi Suposy ot ool | i Tickets Good Returning Within Ten Days Stop-over Allowed et Philadeiphia ernor of the provinces. During 1907.8, : : Mr. Lichtig became secretary-treasurey | ¥ -21Y, 8180 & meeting place for the members of the soclety, and where hina Investment Corporation, of the Ch pote lon temperance literature will be jadicious- an American company, with head. 's Ww | COVERS LABOR DAY AT THE SEASHORE oars ot hanghal Gh. ©" every wile min aor et, 1 | SUMIMIEP \V ear Best Bathing in the Season As Mr. and Mrs. Lichtig and Mrs. Rearick sre coming esst from Seattle, | M™™ J. H. Weber, Saturday evening. Washington, and Beptember 20th| A number of young people from { Golden Brown Russet For full information concerning leaving time of trains, consult small hand bills, or nearest Ticket Agent, they will sail from New York for|State College beld a house party st Calf Gibson Tie. Buenos Ayre, 8>uth America, from | Penns Cave from Friday until Sunday ’ One-stra Gold Brown J. R. WOOD GEO. W. BOYD a » ' " . » . . which point they will proceed to|evening. They were: Mises Kate ; . Harvey, Sue, Nannie and Mary Bai-{§ pump leather, bow, Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Ag, nt Paraguay, where Mr. Lichtig and his partner, H J. Black, have a railroad | ley, Isabel Harvey, Alice Eby, Aneta One-strap Russian Calf ———————————————— “—— concession envering four handred | Imboden, Mary M- Mahon, all of State | | bow and all the nice —-— miles north and svuth out of Aspncion | College ; Kate Gleun, Cleveland, (), : Mary Shoneberger, Johnstown | Rath | § Shoes for Ladies and AN APPEAL FOR EXHIBITS. \ ee N whieh ls in the gourse of development, fof emai (Goheen, Tyrone | Mess's. John Meek, Gentlemen, a ———— : ndersigned Stork Leaves Two at Thomas Home, | David Gower, Frank Holmes, Charles ‘with power machinery is The stork has been partial to Harris | Musser, John Miller, William Glenn, | § Al roads lead to Spring Mills, CENTRE HALL, PA, AUGUST 25th, 1909, able on dant gioe » mugu- facture all the township, and ite latest donation waa | Frank Daugherty, all of State College, | § ©!8 to have you call, MC Eat TO THE PEOPLE OF CENTRE COUNTY : P Fla ol two babies at the hom# of D. B. (end Mr Eider, Tyrone, HE managers of the Grange Encampment and Fair, at Grange 1%ark, pular Vi Thomas, at Boalsburg, The one isthe] As was briefly mentioned Inst week C. A. Krape Len 11, September a hte to 1 inclusive, are poe forth ° Ors nephew of the other, and is six days [Mr and Mrs J W. Mot'ormick, of Eviy sSjort 0 make this the beat and most profitable guthering ever held ee vo | Oo: ‘ - especially is an effort being made to have exhibits excel the most credita n older than his uncle. Mr. and Mrs Uo'umbia, South Carolios, arrived in ! Spring Mills - - Pee | years gone by, and an appeal is made to you to assist in leveloping this is fe sare. Ice Cream Lee Markle are the parents of the|Centre Hall Thursday. They wil ., There are many things that can be put on exhibition, 'd among them midedt babe, apd Mr. and Mrs. D. B.|stay north but very short time, | Tem: me a Wheat, Rye, Oats (threshed and in the straw), corn of al anes, ney : ’ y . ya 3 ya racy yess 1, kd, 0 nose, MADE FROM PURE CREAM im the nger. th fact M — toes, garden tables, pumpkins, ete. ; fruit Fhowas alaim the younge owing to wot Mr. McCormick now His Limit pota J ep pn ped { i s pole pwper of the large undertaking Operator What do you think of thw ip tree Sova Sor nan and pment aap | mow foreman, Jimmie? Printers Dev | tay, cued man, ag ok pleasent the Indie sn cotebute que, cove William Bhauck, Kansas City part owner, and cons quently must be ~8ay, dat feller could print all he | eral interest of the di lay. Rosle Mauver, Bouth Philipsburg |in his ofMice to oversee his busivess. | knows In display type on a postage Walter E. Driblebls, “tate College | Columbia has been growlug rapidly, | stamp without canceling the stamp. n ey bp tines hertofore hive been highly fly © ats . Lizz'e K Shuey, Houserville snd property values bave advanced | Exchange, ibition should be superior a can be made superior to any in the past if if yom | Frank 8, Shuokweiler, Philipsburg |Proportionately, which gave him an | ncomplimeniety, will assist in a A : le, Philipst opportunity to realizs bandeomely on J A premium of five cents will be paid id for each meritorious arficle Atala’. Rowels, Philips U8 leeveral dwelling houses erected by | JBovel-T'm a man of parts. Pow on exhibition and this premium will be paid when the exhibits are broaght to rile ut 1 # them seem to be missing him within the past few years, as well % non of the : exhi Hall a pred on & ou —— ipa \b vacant lota, ik LEONARD RHONE, Chairmam, Dr. H , who, as a Next to acquiring good friends the a — mma——— Resstusry sigan 's widing up +| otic Subscribe for the Reporter, One Dold? P Year, A AE Le Me