THE OENTRE REPORTER. 8. W. STUTH, . , . Editor ana Proprietor. Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as Becond Class mail matter, Centre Harr, . . . Penna. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1909, TERMS. ~The torms of subseription to the Re- porter are ona dollar ver vear in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS.—20 cents per lines for three insertions, and 5 cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Other rates made known on application, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Lutheran--No services, Reformed-—Centre Hall, Harvest Home BSer- vices, morning; Tasseyville, afternoon. United Evangelical--Egg Hill, morning ; Tus seyville, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening. Presby terian—Centre Hall, morning. Methodist—No services. DIJTOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHAR. FER IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CENTRE COUNTY Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Honorable Eilts L Orvis, judge of sald court, on Monday, the 27th day of Seplem- ber, A. D., 1909, at ten o'clock a. m., ander the Act of Assembly which provides for incorpors ¥ tion of certain corporations, ap » A. D. 1574, and its supple ry. J. B. Wert, D RR, G'as- Neff, H. WW. Franz, . R. Rickert, b SAN, BL 5. C. Wert, for intended corporation to be called i and Lutheran Cemetery Associa { Tasseyviile, Contre county, Penusylva- nia, the charterand o ject of which is to pur chase land r ve the same Ly gift or other wise, to iL and dispose of barial lots, the burial grounds, and to care ial of the dead ; and for , possess, and enjoy all ats benefits, and privileges conferred by the said act and {ts supplements, WM, GRUOH RUNKLE, Solieftor., J FuAL NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that the following accounts will be presented to th tor confirmation on Wed. nesday, Sept > 3, 1000, and unless excep tions are 1 y oir or before the second ie same will be confirmed, to . H. Lichtenthaler, commit- ckman. 1d | sceonnt of Anthony Duesling, guardian of Emma Gross First and final account of the Be Company, guardian of William Decker. First and final account of A. 3. Brown, recely er of the Osceola Foundry & Machine Company A.B, KIMPORT, Prothonotary. First a efcnte Trust August 24 The Heporter's Kegister Dr. and Mrs. H. 8, Alexander C. E McCormick, State Co Pais Creek, Virg Potters Mills lege Wellington, Ohio and daughters, Erma Detrow \ Viola A. Sharer Anna Dunkle, Bell i Nellie W. Lohr, Philadelphia n Gramiey, Rebersburg e, Centre Hall Mrs y Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Houtz and daughters, Yerna E, sod Ethel L., Toledo, Ohio, Mr and Mra Samuel Giogerich, Foil, daughter Isabelle, and son © « A. : Ralph R. 3k Spanogle, Orrls PF Close ". Childs, Joseph A. Sweeney, Harry L Close, Thomas Gallagher, John ¢ ipeland John 8. Hosterman snd son Jack C , Montiose Mrs. Charlies W. Kubn, Boalsburg Ruth and Edith Stover, Altooas Clay 5. and C, Loy Sanders, Miflinburg. A ft —— LOCALS C. E. Royer, of Spring Mills, went to Mercersburg on Friday to spend a few days with his son, Rev, J. V. Royer. Mrs. Lucy Henney is in Philadel. phia at present, having gone there last week, and before returning will go to Atlantic City. W. Gross Mingle sold his driving horse to Boyd Bpicher, of Pleasant Gap, one of the rural mail earriers serving a route from Bellefonte. James Lingle, who had been in Potts Creek, Virginia, for several months, is back, and will remain un. til afte. the Encampment and Fair. During the past week farmers were busy plowing oats staubbles, and get ting the wheat seed bed in shape, the two inches of rain that fell beginning of last week making it possible to proceed with such work. Application has been made through Attorney W. GG. Runkle for a charter, by members of the Reformed and Lutheran congregations at Tusseyville, under which to conduct the business of the cemetery at the point named. If you have a Democratic friend or neighbor who is sick, or away from home, or negligent in such matters, see to it that his name is apon the Registry before the list closes on Wed- nesday, September 1st. This can't be attended to alter that date, Mrs, Maggie Wireback and daugh- ter, Mrs. William Caven, of Pittsburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Keller, in Centre Hall, last week. From here they went to y the old home of the former, she being the daughter of Rev. Peter Fisher, of Boalsburg, deceased, Earle W A Wiring Contract Awarded, The contract for wiring the Court House, as rearranged and remodeled, was awarded to the Bellefonte Electric Company, their bid being $950 upon the court house, aud $397 for the Jalil, Two other bids were submitted, one by theJ. F. Buchanan Company, of Philadelphia, for $1743 for the two buildings, and the other by the United Flectrio Construction Company, of the same city, for $1643, including both structures. Bids were also sub- mitted for a complete electric equip ment, including an engine, dynamo, #witch-board and maine leading frem the Court House to the Jail. The Commissioners have in view a project to install their own lighting system, a3 well as heating plant, and pre. vision for the same will be made in the new addition, though as yet they have made no definite arrangement and An: Walkiug "Round The Warld, LOCALS, The last Atiantio City excursion Is booked for Saptemaber 3rd, Harvest Home services will be held in the Reformed chureh at Centre Hall Bunday morning. y The vacation season is over, and it is now a question with many what real benefit was derived from it, Commissioner's clerk ££. J. Will isms and Mrs, Williams were among those who joined the Atlantic City e cursion last week, ranges, are said to the stove on the market. be bast all of the excursion to Atlantic City, and made a trip to she will visit a and do a bit of shopping. *hiladelphia C. A. King, the long distance ped. Huntingdon county last week. King is walking around the world Publishing company of London, Eog- land, His long journey began May 1, 1805, and he must cover 56.000 miles before the same date in 1012 averaging about thirty-five of scheduled time, ——————— i —— A s—p Strouse -Brooks, the Methodist parsonage, at Pleasant Gap, Wednesday of last week,’ when Wallace V. Strouse and Miss Eva R Brooks were united in marriage by the bride's pastor, Rev. D. A, Bower, Jr. them success on the voyage of life, *-——— LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs 8B. Paul Dinges, of sister, Mrs. J. C. Rossman, at Centre Hall, Dr. and Mra. E J, Ward aod little daughter, of Bellefonte, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. D Brisbin, Miss Minnie Beaver, of operators in the Commereial telephone exchange in Millheim was the of Miss Bertha McCormick Sunday. Mes W, H. Schuyler, Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs, John Kreamer ous guest over Ww. and who are undergoing treatment at the Bellefonte hospital, are reported to be improving. Mr. and Mre. J. C, F, Motz, sccom- drove from Woodward, the former home of Mr. Motz, to Centre Hall, on Sunday. A car load of western cows and young cattle will be sold at public sale the Grange Encampment aud Fair, at Centre Hall. The sale will take place at the cattle sheds on the park. The young clover in most stubble fields is looking very promising. The recent rain refreshed the young plants, and they are now striving to hide the stabbles that protected them from the ter, Miss Bertha, Mrs, ville; Mra. F. O. Bairfoot, of Centre and Mrs. Lucy Henney, Hall, joined the Atlantic City ex- cursionista, . George E. Meyer, of Boalsburg, has opened a music store at Btate College, He has a thorough knowledge of musical instruments, and his judg ment and word can be relied on by those contemplating to purchase any- thing in his line. The likelihood is that Mr. Meyer will canvas the county, and if he calls on you, give im a chance to quote prices. The Pennsylvania Rsilroad i, | pany is having the frame work con. structed at its shops for an addition to the station house at Centre Hall. . The freight end of the building will be ex. tended. The space now used for an office wiil be added to the waiting room, sod a portion of the freight room will be fitted up for Station Agent Bradford. While this arrang:. ment will be better than the present conditions, a new station house, lo cated farther east from the Main The Reporter waa plessed to have a call from Frank Meyer, now a resident of El Reno, Oklahoma. He left Centre Hall when quite a young man, aud for a t me engaged in the pewspnaper business with Hon. 8, E, Garver, also & native of this place, at Grant City, Missouri, both gentlemen baving pre. viously been compositors ou The Cen. tre Reporter. Bir. Meyer later drifted farther west, and is now engaged in the real estate business, Like most of those who went west on Greeley’s ad- vice to grow up with the country, Mr, Meyer prospered, but his greatest pride is to say that he Is a grandfather, sod, of course, himself Ig #0 their daughter, Missa Dora Catharine {to William Alexander Olenkirk, {the bride's Thuraday September 2 home, id, Messrs, Nicodemus Luse aud W | wurchasing horses, IF | conclusion that good, sound | and sell at public i Bale, 1 | i | plogion followed, burning W. 8 destroying the machine. Hae i i is | Woodward, and is | lower Penns Valley. will koown in ! A A —— —————— i Spring Mills, | Rov, Rhoe, fi Lantz spent Funday in Spe WwW ling the appointments regular minister in the Mr. and Mrs | are visiting at the | Mrs. David i A first class of home of Burrell, concrete Small, BI aunt, walk being H Frank Me Water Sireet at Why i not let the good work continope ip in laid slong the premises of Dr, =, N. Wolfe and This puta i { Braueht, OG | Clellan., i the head of the jist for walks, { other parts of town * {i BL. Condo made sn business trip to | points in Nittavy Valley this week, i The festival by the United Evangelical church last Saturday eve. given ping was well attended. Mre.and Mrs, A. P. Lute, of Centre | Hall, and Mrs. Rutter and daughter { of Ohio, visited at of Mrs J. W. Bhook, 1 GO. Ww. | daugliter Lucille, home on Bunday, wife spent the sad little Bunday Grsmiey, fl home, | Mrs. H. F. Rossman snd son Pealer, | spent several days in MiMinburg last week. | Mrs Frail Snyder ana two children, of Rutherfordy wisited relatives and | frienda here on Bunday snd Monday. | the former's parental ! a short time, Last Monday evening a number of | ries Raching in honor of his birthday } The party was planned by hie sister aa All had a delightful time i Miss Nona Corman, of sealp Level, | in paying a visit to her aunts, the | Misses Alice and Elvins Neeser, | Mr.and Mrs, Newton Weaver and Ia rurprise H. Bmith, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fye, aud little Gramley, trip to the sea shore this week, are C. Bartges and two nephews, Ralph aud: Charles Bartges, Messrs, Zuabler sud Haney and the Misses Lodie Rishei and Ella Condo, Linden Hall. Dr. Fry drove to Milton Batarday to take a horse to his son Hugh, who re. cently graduated from the veterinary department of the University of Peun- sylvania, at Phlladelphis, and is now located in that city, Rev, snd Mrs, Dubbz and ehildren came over from Milesburg Monday for a few days’ visit at the home of Mrs, John Diehl. Members of the Houtz family eo joy- ed a picnic at the Big Rock on Satur. day, Those present were William Houser and family, James I. Ross and family, Harvey Hou'z and family, of Obie, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingerich, Mra. Rebeeca Houtz, and Edward Cunningham and family. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bamuel Gingerich and their brother and family evjoyed a drive to Sate College. Mrs. Lydia High and nicoe, Miss Mary Runkle, of Williamsport, spent Bunday with Mrs. Chris Meyer. Miss Nora Thomas and Miss Carter left for Buflalo inst week where they will spend the rest of the summer with friends. Mem. J. H. Ross and son Lynn are visiting relatives in Altoona, Mre Sarah Miller in seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Cisudin Bressler, Mrs. Bue R. Wolfe is at the home of Mrs. Keller, helping care for her a mother, whose Lesith bas been failing youthful, Harris Township, Mrs, Emeline Hess, of Bellefonte, is | visiting here this week. | . George Keller, of Houservilie, #pent { Monday at the Hillside farm. Miss Helen Coxey erjoyed a week | with her cousing in Bellefonte, | Mies Ruth Hiover, of Altoous, Is | visiting relatives in this place. | Ira Hess, of Altoona, spent a short ime in this community. } Miss Bophie Weber, of State College, | spent a few days in Boslsburg, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Bryson returned { to their home at Derry, after spending | [ part of their vacation fo Boalsburg, Frank Myer, of Alexandria, visited | relatives in Boalsburg the early part { of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrow, of | Arch Bpringe, were visitors at the J M. Wieland home last week, Mr. sud Mrs, Charles Bateman and | { [t | some time with friends in this place, i is visiting her mother, M's, Hannah Woomer Miss Roxanna Brisbin, of Centre | Hall, was the guest of Miss Rose Woods last Friday evening. Lohr. Robert iam CUrsmer and Misses Nora M | Business Men's Pienle Tuesday, i Mr. Mrs. Daniel | their little son, of near Perne Cave Ww will Rishiel, the Leech, Kile uitended George {and Miller wad testy with spent Funday at the home of N | Mayer, i Mrs Albert Carvin, who { eral months with Mr, and spent sev J. N. Dinges, departed inst week for a visit A ra, with her sister at Jersey Bhore, Walter 3 lege, and Dreibelblies, +f State (nls | igs Elizabeth Katharine | married by Rev, A. A. f the bride st! Mhiey were thie uservilie D port, was also one Bisck at H (Ae K. Mothersbsugh, of Willlams- i intives who | of William | a short time with his | of the re | was present at the funeral Keller, He spent parents sat Ralph and Qasr Rishel ed Boslsburg i visited for | 8 week with friends in Brush and Nit. | up with Heels rising the | i The | tany Valleys, fi Busi nr. ‘a Pi ness Men nic at made on bie tris iri LY] VOien Clesrance sales are now going on Boalshurg stores. Riagart & Wiel- | nd Harrlean where | il be Zisigler, sold at twenty per cent i Cirant Koller, of Warren | the 0 fi ineral of} her William, tarried = i=, who attendad for a mother, IL. M fo wo Mra thers. ! Hila hiro! with his sged (ave Margaret Koller. and the baogh family The foneral of | William Keller at Axe Mann Sunday | afternoon fr we who saliended the in this place were his mother, Mrs Margaret Keller, hie! sister, Mre. Elizabeth Mothersbaugh, | with her husband sr ad Mr i and Mrs, Mot? and and snd Clyde Wieland Meyer opened children, (ienrge ierebaugh t'alvin ve FE © gy 8 musie | ‘nllege Harry | Are now story at Nisls College on Aveeno Bowers in the building with several panos on | and in frw weeks | musical it m | band, a smaller | nu supply of | usic will be added. All are ip- | i vitew! to pall | { Mr. { toona, struments and sheet and see the pianos } and M Frank Fisher, of Al | and and Mrs. Charles | Fisher, of Danville, were ¥ sitors in| Boalsburg over Sunday, | Baturday Mrs E. A. | brated her sixty-first r= Mr Fisher cele. | birthday. Al le surprise party was planned by Among the of her schoolmates, Mrs | Bophie Hall, Mra, Bara Rweoansy, M jes | Margaret Lytle and Mrs. J. H. Moyer, also visitors from Pittsburg, Mrs. Maggie Wireback and daughter, Mrs William Caven. The ladies are visit. ing the families in Centre county, The Boclety of the Seven Sisters had a lawn party at the Rothrock home Friday evening. They had invited seven brothers and er jywyed the even ing with music and smusements of different kinda, Harvest Home services will be held in the Reformed church Bunday morning and evening, The remisnins of Mrs. Teabella Kuhn were laid to rest in the cemetery at Boalsburg Tuesday morning, haviog passed away only eight days after her husband. Her pastor, Rev. A. A. Black, conduoted the services, Prof. H. C. Rothrock and deugh- ters, Misses Lida snd Marjorie atd Miss Leona Wieland erjoyed the picnic at Heola on Tuesday and tarried for the night with friends in Belle fonte, Miss Mildred Black, daughter of Frank Black, of Eat Altoona, is #pending this week with her uncle and aunt at the Reformed parsonage Forester Alfred Rupp has been ape pointed to take oare of the state lands iu the Bear Meadows district, where the state owns a large section. Mr, Rupp just completed a fall course In the Mont Alto school of forestry, and Is well equipped for the position. The state Is just beginning to take a lively Interest in the neglected forest, and has salaried men in many portions of the stale «hose d uty it fs to guard the state's luterest, and ln some instances many thousands of trees are planted on waste lands, ————— oy ——— Advertise in the Reporter. riumber i were four Fisher rapidly for some time, 4 ———————— A ———————————————— WX TTTHRL ATL TIT CIV TS a ie ” a Rind A. A PAZ ATI T IIIT TION SALE! STUART & WIELAND BOALSBURG, PENN’A A ————— ISSOLU This Means a 20 per ct. Discount On a Large Assortment of Goods. On October Ist, next, the mercantile firm of Stuart & Wieland, Boalsburg, Pa., will be dissolved by mutual consent, Mr, Wieland withdrawing from the business. With a view of reducing the large and varied stock of merchandise before taking invoice, this Dissolution Sale was conceived, and in order to induce our regular cus- tomers and all" others in Penns and Nittany Valleys needing goods, to buy largely at this time, 2a DISCOUNT OF TWENTY PER CT.,, or One-Fifth, will be made. This 20 per cent, cut will prevail on all DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES ‘ { assortment of goods to select from Come early and come oft ¥ Terms of this Dissolution Sale are Strictly Cash Stuart & Wieland, Boalsburg, Pa » NZ: ABB BEBBBDBDEDDBEEDIE BEB BEE EDEDED BEDE BBEEEDEEE N MN N N a N N 5 5 N MN N A N No N \ » Q ; / ’ / ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ 4 ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ 4 - x — Tops and Gums At KREATIER'S At Prices as Cheap as Any Place in Town, ANYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE AT ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. BANANAS On Hand Every Week, Kreamer & Son. Centre Hall § ORANGES MELONS TODOROV DVD DD DUD BD TONDO OND BDA DND ¢ THE 19009 IMPROVE De Laval Cream Separators Are Now Ready for Your Inspection. Ten New Styles A Size for Every Dairy, from the Smallest to the est. Sang _ Aga. D. W. Bradford, sai CENTRE HALL, PA. D Ten New Capacities Ten New Prices 1 —— ' aw WN NNN BT NW WN SHOES Women's Oxfords in Tan § Calf Skin, Patent Colt Skin, ¢ Men's Douglas at $1.25, $1.65, $2.50, $3.00. Shoes, $2 to $3.50 § The Freed Bros, Working Shoes for Men & Boys ¢ Just In-a New Line Dried Fruits Oregon Prunes, Californii Peaches and Apricots, F. E. WIELAND, Linden: Hall TENN NNN NN eh The Centre Reporter Q'ne Dollar Per Year,