who suffers with ailment, no matter thes have tried, no ctors they have con w gerd I want every person any form of Kidney how many remedies matter how many d sulted, no matter ive Munyon's fou will be nstor It relleves pil and groins will be st Bix Of A Kind. Former Congressman J. A. Bela. ler was talking in Cleveland to WwW, 8. Hayden, the broker, about Pren- tiss Loomis, his mine superintendent, “He {8s a peculiar chap,” said Mr. Beldler, “but that is due, I presume, to the fact that his father was a min- ister. My father was a minister, and I know I am peculiar, too." “For that matter,” added Mr. Hay- den, “go as far as you like, for my father, too, was a minister." When he went away the first man Mr. Beidler saw was H. BE. Prindle, { of the Star Union Line, and to him he related the curious coincidence, “Huh!™ sald Prindle, “you ain't { 80 much, after all. My father was a | minister, if you want to know.” Along came Dr. G. R. Ehret as | the two were d scussing the matter { They interrupted their speech long { enough to let him in on the story | “Peculiar, isn't it?" commented i the Doctor “The fact is, my i i fath- COMMACIL COLUMN Neekly Review of Trade and Latest Market Reports. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review 2 trade says: “With bank clearings outside New York 15.9 per cent better than last fear and 24.5 per cent. better than in 1906, and in New York 24.1 per ent. larger than in 1908 and 1.3 per cent. larger than In 1906: with rallroad earnings for the month of April showing a gain of 13.9 per tent. over 1908, and only 10.3 per ent. decrease as compared with the janner year of 1907; with immigra- fon 212,000 larger an last year; with imports much eater than in 1908 and nearly equal to 1907: with a distinct gain In iron and steel irade in both orders and prices: with th gr the $100 Reward, 8100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to ease that seience has been able to core in all its stages. and that is Catarrh, Hall'sCarsrrh the medieal fraternity. Catarrh being a con ktitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, Hall's CatarrbCureis taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood snd mn cous surfaces of the system, thereby dest roy mg the foundation of the dine ase, and giving the patient strength by building up the con shitution and ssswling pature in doing ita work. The proprietors have so much {aith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials, Address F.J.Cuexey & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75¢. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation ————— United. Mother—Samuel, where are those green apples that I left in the pan- try? Samuel ginger They're that was Lippincott's ca chest, PR Teduces aawelling In the fe nC jer was a minister as well.” a hardening tendency in copper; Boog x After luncheon Mr. Beidler, in the with works of new construction go- taking a 8 i th eedy, ! Yeieos 2 td \ will be de ted t " » color urn. | Seclusion of his private office, related ing rapidly forward, the trade situa- lon seems to afford ample grounds Ing to you reka and eel the tl i] neident to Jay Galnes, one of er oa Tae a smen, whom he for the prevalling belief that as soon duplicate any similar 18 tariff re g {8 out of , ‘he last obstacle to a full restoration lerful ot sre being a f normal industrial and mercantile activity will be removed A CURE FOR FITS. - The, Treatment ae, te Accomplish hen shown positive and reliable proof th i chee as wer Sirus : 1 gling to Attain for Centuries. remedy h: *inlense mmterest ti at a certain ‘ured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydi: E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. it has been mand wv the won ng accomplished le still continues. It is 5b number of people cured of fits and it everybody may ine, large ire, History of | n exper- he way highly if you sist in toms disappe has cured more seriou is than al Kidney mes the a . A further ecomnlieatinng been comnounided og , n . i escape Iurther complication 1 at the terrible death rate v ir. Beidler took the Heves t) Bright's Disease and otes | . : Ww ive smell you should pe “ . 4 :« 3 hould i © wot {fo untll all symp keept for was a min- Gaines, father ' sald Mr. that my the Bradstreet's “Improvement some regaining lost i afternoon med ic i1loughby Clevel ground ir Red Banks, Miss, — “ Words are inadequate to express what essary and remedy Go at once to your drureist and pure a bottle of Mur Kidney remedy it falls to gi fact] I will refun your money.~—Munvon For sale by all drucglsts. Price 25e¢. Mother's milk will supply the baby laxative enough, if she takes a candy Cascaret. And the laxative will be natural, gentle, vegetable— just what baby needs. Try one and you'll know why millions of mothers use them. Vest-pocket box, 10 cents—ut drug-stores. People now use a million boses monthly, EX The water under Better Stayed At Home, The m | be compile of the most hooks nden department of Pension Office individ- other in the govern turns up le of cou * COrresy the gover The probably } 1 than any ! service, and it often some pretty good things. The a letter from an old soldier, who, for some technica! rea- son, has been unable to obtain a pen- i In his letter to bu- he inclosed a cartoon represent- ing a very small boy staring with | awe and admiration at a grizzled sail. glorious in the fanciful itogs of the sea. “Did you ever catch any asks the boy of the old sailor. “Ever wrecked on a desert land?" ‘‘No.” “Did the cannibals ever eat you?" “No.” latest is iast the - or, whales?’ "No." is. and a distinctly feeling as to trade {or the * are the leading favor- abile features in this reports to Bradstreet's lobbing and whole- sale trade immediate delivery shows between-scasons ani t, but fall trade is developing a better tone and nlarged demand. “Business failures in the United States for the week were 214, against 268 last week, 24S in the like week of 1508, 154 in 1807, 162 in 1966 and 158 in 1905 “Wheat, including four from the United States and for the week aggreczate bushels, against £86,312 week and 1,956,833 week last year.” nore optimi week 8 ior exports Canada 1,452,969 bushels last bushels this Wholesale Markets New York——Flogr— Receipts, 444 brls.; exports, 4.084. firm. Rye flour quiet 17.~ Dull but Corn meal firm. will be sent by | WUo write to the Pearl Street, ¢ to all Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done O48 tors said was caused by a fit think there was no help for me. i cure is creating great able interest, as well as among Doctors, Students, Hospitals and visiting Physicians, : , x failed. My friends are all asking what has helped me and I gladly recommend Lydia E. pound.” Mrs. Willie Edwards. \ Courting 8 a fellow 1 Calamities, hugged a girl broke her rib.” broken a lot of expen- rs. Herald. THEIR SKIN TROUBLES CURED. Two Little Girls Had Eczema Very Badly—In One Case Child's Hair Came Out and Left Bare Patches —Cuticura Met with Success, “1 have two little girls who bave been troubled very badly with eczema. One of them had it her lower limbs. | did . . everything that I could hear of for her, but | —— Or that either of these women were paid i it cic not in unt: warm weather, when their testimonials, or that the letters are publish it scemingh EG due next winter 1 » . . - » 1 their permission, or that the original letter from each 80 1 aad ot i Washington be on my feet half a day without suffering. FPinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done more for me the doctors, and I hope this Dandy. on rove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthfu 5 3 n any when it became cold the eczema started where it would Rye dull. Barley firm; mait- not come to us entirely unsolicited. 716@78¢c., ¢. i. f. New York: 5 @ . L. f. New York. { 3 69.000 ¥ ox. Du, NO, 2 mated to be one-thir in all the oceans well stayed isruit od Lsgusted tare patclies ing, feeding, Wheat ports, 6.985 bu. Spot firm: red, 141 elevator NO 2 red, . afloat; No 1 Northern uth, 1.361%, nm. b eT —— afloat; No. 2 har inter, 1.36%, ¢ Just As He Said. 0. b., afloat . were working on Corn - firm; No. 2. 83 ————— . — . mith w house?” sald the house. elevator and 81, f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 A Domestic Eye temedy friend white and No. 2 yellow, 81, f. 0. b The Compounded by Experienced [Ih “l was going afloat 000 square m Conforms to Pure Food and Dr housepaianter, “but I had a Onts Wins Friends Wherever Used, with him and he said he'd strong; mixed, gists for Murine Eye Remedy. paint on himself." 61c.: natural white, 26 @ 35 = “And did he do @ 63%: clipped white, 34@ “Yes, that is where he put 614 67%. of it."—Christian Advocate. Butter Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children - J pkgs teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma. A German estimates that the 30c. (of cial 29% ); extras, 29: held tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25ca bottle. | world will support 5,204,000,000 hu- creamery, pn — Cheese A — man beings. ed; receipts, ~.626 boxes. Eggs—Barely steady, unchanged pa : ——— at he Com men 5 the vor ? 40Te the What more proof can any one ask ? DACHE-MHicks's APUDINR YOUungster 18, Sugges 16 vel. from lds. Heat. Swomact ran o \ 8 OI Js country, in For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women 5 af t) Pa of ie £0 OOO - | to write her for advice. She has area o the Pacific is 50,000,- guided thousands to health free of charge. *H B.N U. 21. Address Are. Pinkham, Lynn, Mag — NN 3 thought you Spot 1% eo ainter s to,"”" replied the quarrel put the te i TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS. ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. Receipts. 38.125 wit 429 3 26@32 ) bu, Spot 60% @ l 61 Ask Drug Try Marine India has sent 100 : : most abroad for industrial education. ~Easier: Creamery receipls, specials, 6.245 29% WISE WORDS. CAUSE FOR ALARM. wo eT amp pal receipts, 27,763 4 man who has lost Seemed to Be Breaking Down With ory -—A Kidney Trouble, 173 1 a Mrs. J. N. Smith, Chicago St., Bu- chanan, Mich., says: "While lifting, everything seemed Crates, : live steady; chickens & 35¢.; fowls, fowls, 15G 161%, Philadelphin—Wheat—1¢ contract grade May, Corn—Firm, ge. S06 80 We Oats A skeptic is faith in himself. The chire shoeg—for others. 17@ podist higher: 3 “1 2 The loafer is willing to work—if he h 3 dy $e. . MEner,; ay fan work a loan, : y fig g . to give way and 1 And 3 who does th ast ol 1 fell gasping to the .: 5 : 4 ine After hoe fh wo “ ¥ ite ural “Fi ' 3 talking ofte n has the m From that Re natural, P62 aC . utter i ¥ "xtra bave faith I wag In 1M ‘emg o : ala ’ roa : Creamery, : do., nearby be a failure pain in my ! all the time, and with sharp ania and other nearby firsts frequent ree cases, 2213 at mark: do.. cur their epi not’ always trouble returnable casey Heved . : with my eyes, ner- Western firsts, fre ing vousness, irregular action of the kid- 4 nark: do. current re at +4 2 fo 3 ye Steal neys, and I seemed to be going all to | © pa, Tee cases, 21@22 tr 3 ‘hocan 4 Wow way to pleces. I began to improve with the heese—Fitm: New - ee A °s to every story | mse of Doan's Kidney Pills and grad- to good oie, 4 some have four and + 1its 1 t ina 11 ¢ y rns Fn . ~—and some have four and a ceiling. | ually the pains all Jeft After Live Poultry—Firm; fowls, 17@ The wind frequently turns an um. | USING a few boxes I was all well again 18¢.: old roosters, 1112: gpring brella, but a borrower seldom returns | 20d will never cease praising Doan's chickens, 28@ 32: ducks, 14@ 15, C aw » ” it. Kidney Pills. Balthnore—\W heat The marke The Sold by all dealers. £0 cents a box. for Western opened strong; spot to spend half Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. XY. 1.49; July, 1.17 fob : a" — Setiling prices Wh ith Mastery. Western, 1.50: contract spot, 1. en a man refuses to argue w , ‘ camer No. 2 red 47: ne t } refuses argu ba Year after year an old farmer had st amer No. 2 red, 1 $7; steamer ® woman she considers it as a sort of listened in grim silence to the trains = vod Western, 1.47, “ey + ¥ rp $e » Be ’ 9 LY a. : ' " AO a ’ i acknowledge me nt of her meatal su- | (yh yundering by his land. Finally, one weit pntract, 803e.; periority. — From ‘Pointed Para | day. his patience at an end, he drop- W ite, 1 I : steamer mixed, | graphs,” in the Chicago News. ped his plow and shook his fist at aly We quote: White—No. 2 arn the passing express 1%. sales; No. 3, 60@61; No. 4 : . $s oe . BTV G5; — s rg 4 Through trains between Seattle ye Hke, | 20% G58. Mixed—No. 2, 584 @ ind Galveston, Tex., 2,960 miles gol! durn ye,” I'm go “Ye can puff and blow all : _— a . "" he eried. "bat 59: No. 3, 67% @58; No. 4, 56@ apart, will make the longest run in ing to ride Ye Saturday'!”-—Every- . . . ay United States hg body's, Rye—-No. 2 Western, export, 88: si r———————— ena MLAS, bag lots, as t¢ the man Firm, higher; No. 1} floor, rn iiLNE health brand of popularity you ! Ot? back : T varied twinges, headaches, Westerre prints Unless you The buy isn’t worth the price Dead taleg—and y ie lower York ful creams, cl do., fai me, right kind of man doesn’t have his time looking for a g — - - were: No. 2 rec 50 No IT CLEANSES THE SYSTEM GENTLY YET PROMPTLY: ACTS NATURALLY AND BENEFICIALLY ON THE KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS: ASSISTS IN OVERCOMING CONSTIPATION PERMAMENTLY DISPELS COLDS AND HEADACHES REMEDY APPROVED BY PHYSICIANS BECAUSE OF KNOWN COMPONENT PARTS AND KNOWN BENEFICIAL EFFECTS. R SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS Y,REGULAR PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTL No. } 76%. do., uptown, R84 89: quality and condition, 756 84, Hay-—We quote per ton: No. 1 timothy, large bales, $15.50G 16; do., small blocks. $15.50@16;: No For Fe 2 timothy, as to location, $14@ > 14.50; No. 3 timothy, $12.50@13.50; Croup choice clover mixed, $13.50614 T ita and Asthma Live Stock Chicago-—Cattle—Receipts, 6,00¢ head. Market steady. Steers, $5@ : 7.256; cows, $4@ 6; heifers, $3.604 A quick and powerful remedy is needed to break up an attack of croup, Sloan's Liniment has cured many cases of croup. It acts instantly — when applied both insite and outside of the throat it breaks up the p egm, re duces the inflammation, and relieves the difficulty of breathing. Sloan's Liniment 76: FO fies quick relief in all cases of asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, tonsilitis, In making a sliver dollar, the die Is given a pressure of 160 tong to the square inch. For COLDS and GRIP, fek's CAPUDINE 1s the best remedy Ee Te Sore >) Ores fia “ede Immo: Joly. 100, 20. and « Bt drug stores The library of the British museum containe 39 miles of books. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, ove for vert acts winter pports in Northern Sweden automobiles were used to tow ice yachts to the starting point. light mixed, 87.056 7.15: choles | light, $7.16@ 7.20; packing, $7.25 @ 7.30; pigs, $5.25@6.75;: bulk of sales, $7.156@ 17.25. Sheep--Receipts, Market strong to 10c. $3.795@6.50; lambs, yearlings, $6.50@ 7. New York—Boeves——Receipts, 1, 636 head; nothing doing in live cat- tle; feeling steady. Dressed beef in fair demand at 9 to 10%, Calves—Receipts, 284 head; mar- ket firm. Veals, $5.50 to $8.50; culls, $5. Dressed strong; city dressed veals, 9 to 13c. per Ib,; country dressed, 8 to 11 %e. hoad ; Ho 000 . $7.30 11,000 head. higher. Sheep, $6.50@9.35; 7; stockers and feeders, $3.306 5.60. | Hogs—Receipts (estimated), 17-! in the chest, Price, 28s., 80c., sad $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. gs—Recedpis, 14, market 5@ 10c. lower: $6.75 @ 7.20; heavy, 000 head. Market strong to be. | TVG WIZARD OIL "FOR bulk of salew, are and butchers’, $6.750 7; pigs, higher, Choice hoavy shipping, [THE OIL THAT PENETRAY PAIN 7.200 1.95; ’ 6.86 @ 7.25; 6.28 65. “IF YOU ONLY WiLL", $7.35@ 7.45; butchers, $7.30@ 7.45; [ES Joba Frankiic Music Ou. Astor