1S tate "WHAT COLORS SHALL T'USE? ate Pennsylvania nr. row ing a House or Other Building, ELE ‘CTION D A TES A proper color scheme {8s ¢ tremely fmportant in painting a house, It makes all the difference between a really attractive home and one at which you wouldn't take a second glance. And it makes a big differ- in the price the property will bring on the market. ! As to the exterior a good deal de- pends upon the size and architecture of the house and upon {ts surround- ings. For a good interior effect you must consider the size of the rooms, | the light, ¢ You can avold FIXED. TELLS OF PITISBURG BRIBE CURED IN ONE W. W. Ramsey Says $15,000 Was Given To Friend Of Rilein. Pittsburg. That the $15,000 bribe money paid bythe German Na tional Bank to secure favorable coun eilmanie action on its application to made a city depository was not paid personally to Councilman J. F Klein was testified to by W. W. Ram- gey, former president of the bank, who has been convicted in connection with the case. Ramsey swore the money was paid ¢ ph! by ex-Cashier Vilsack to Henry M. for Spring primaries in cities of Bolger, a saloon keeper and friend class, Saturday, May 15. | of Kle'n. Bolger is now on trial for ing which can be had free by writing Last day to be assessed for Nove m- | his part in the transation. National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity | election, Wednesday, September Klein was convicted of accel Bullding, New York, 2nd asking for | bribe, the prosecution hinging Houseowners' Painting Outfit No. 40, German National case At The outfit also includes specifications vious trial it now develops effor and a simple instrument for testing were made to shield Bolger, the purity of paint materials. Pure fade to PPpear merely ay a BY oe White Lead which will stand the test [1 ueh: aan Ley, woe Rote puss in this outfit will staud the weather i test National Lead Company's fa- Duich Boy Pulinter trademark Re Avo roc MENTS] i taining 215.000 was given to Bolger I (CLASSIFIED DYER SEMEN Last day for on keg is a guarantee of that a1 titions for and that latter placed it in his nous filing pe ns * {| pocket as n roREeNnt whe tt == ream— ayaa A the il Kel was not present when 1 SAL ESMEN WANTED nomination with the Secre tary Of the this was Rind or white jend. Commonwealth, Saturday, May 3. i sent us. Profitable positions. Hustlers Last day for filing peti ions Jor | make big money. Cash weekly adv ances Com- nomination with the ( ounty : lete outfit free. Write immediately for our ' missioners, S Saturday, May 15. beral offer DOMINION NU HSER IES. Last day for filing certification 1 Mention this Paper. "RICI HMOND, nomination with the Secretary of the ag Commonwealth, Tuesday, September 1 ADY AGENTS WANTED. 21. — Ww ANTED~Lady agents in all parts of the 1 United States to advertise and sell . “Black Crow Stockens” to wearers. Good com- | ©TS mission. Address, wealth, Brack Crow Srocxkex Co. Last papers Tuesday, 5 And Nove har 2 Determined o Days For Bailoting. Chief Clerk Thorn, of the State Department, has prepared a pamph- let for the guidance of election offi- cers and politicians during the pre- sent year. The following Informi- tion is given: Spring primary election, Saturday, June 5. November general day, November 2. Last day to June ence he election, Tues- disappointment by | studying the books of color schemes | both exterior and interior paint. | Munyron's Cold "Remedy head, throat and lungs ly. Checks Fevers, Relieves the almost Immediate. stops Discharges of the nose, takes away all aches and pains caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob- stinate Coughs and prevents Pueumonia, Price 20¢, ! ber Have you stiff or swollen joints, no mat- dei ter how chronic? Ask your dr uggist for Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy and sce how quickly yon will be cured. If you have any kidney or blad ble get Munyon's Kidney Re medy Munyon's Vitalizer makes wesk mean strong and restores lost powers. for third be registered ting a on th OcC~ A woman-who is sick, and suffering, and won’t at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretchec condition. Last day to pay tax, Saturday, tober 2. Last | expenses day, June 18. L.ast day for penses of November election, day, December 2. ler trog- statement of Satur- filing primary, day for of Spring who wa -1 filing statement ex- Thurs- There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over reserve | thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. in city the Klein done, FANTED— Active, energetic men to repre. Sees After A Year Of Darkness. John R. Jersey Zinc Saxons have organized to p Bethlehem, Miller, secre older national architecture tary of the New recovered his sight after having totally blind for nearly a year Ir People Talk About Goed Things, cataracts on both eyes, Twelve pa | . . nel » pre STATE ITEMS. Read what these women say: Company, : been om Camden, N. J. — “ It is with pleasure that I send my testimo- nial for Lydia E. Pinkham" Vegetable Compound, hoping it may induce other suffering women to avail themselves of the benefit of this valuable remedy. “ I suffered from pains in my back and side, sick headaches, no appetite, was tired and nervous all the time, and so weak i could hardly stand. Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made me a well woman — dnd this valuable medicine shall always have my praise.” — Mrs. W. P. Valentine, 902 Lincoln Ave, Camden, N. J. Erie, Pa. —% I suffered for five years from female troubles, and at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C om pound, and it has made me well and strong. 1 hope all suffering women will just give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial, for it is worth its weight in gold.” - Mrs. J. P. Endlich, R. F. D. 7, Erie, Pa. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub- lish are genuine, is it not fair tg suppose that if Lydia E. Pi nkham’s vs Fetable Compound had the virtue to help these ill help any other woman who is suffer- ing from the sar ne Ne oubl. VA. VEArs few (eopie Knew paration i a Powder for ast day for filing nomination with Secretary of Common- | Tuesday, September 28. i day for filing nomination with County Commissioners, October 12. Newton. N.C. An iation encouraging athleti organized at Shrewsbt OTrganiz ABSOC On Lookout. Young Wife—Don't you admire 2 man who always says the right thing at the right time? The Spinster—I'm sure 1 could 1 1 ever have the pleasure of meeting such a man.—Skits. STATE OF Otto, CITY OF died Lucas COUNTY, . : : FRANE J. CHENEY makes oath that he is | Trled into senior partner of the firm of F.J.CuExey & 8 J. Tel \ A FATHER OF 19 DROPS DEAD. Indiana Man Dies Of Apoplexy Dur- ing Lawsuit, government has been $183,000 to & school. Ortmann, a farm recently Mr. Ortms: Stricken with apoplexy Isaac Mc- Indiana. while ai Columbia, has peach tre has the lg e0t Lon in court, 8. Mowry after being library by J Prothonotary had listened coal lease st he attracted when he infor: Hill, that he seated 1 i Torepo, } at $9. Henry noon the law ford and McHenry in his attention awrevion = attorn John . Co., doing business in the City of ‘Toledo, Yells. County and State aforesaid, and i arguments firm will pay thesum of ONE HUNDRED DUI~ the only LARS for each and every case of CATAR shortly that cannot be cured by ihe use of HaL ie REE Catarnu CURE. YANK uv. CHENEY his Sworn to before me and subscrit 3 about to fain OH this 6th day of December. He was the 856. A. VW. GLEASON dren [ast Hails Notary : gratulated by {all's Cataivhi reise aken intern vr acts directly on th A faces of the system. free. F. J. Cres ou by al ke Hall mstipation. — ; . p OUR CANARY BIRD DICK ih Perhaps you would like to hear about Dick, the cute little canary bird we have. He is very light low, with a few black feathers. ila WwW 3 ne i organ : Whenever some one comes into the a meeting, seventy-five dealers wei recital 4 oncert. He Was assist of Argentina's immigrants room he sings and sings until the ana u { ula g person says: “How vou do?" to him. Then he stops. He is so tame that we allow him to fly all around the house. He likes the mahogany table in the parlor best, One day last week 1 was walking through the hall with a pitcher of water. Dick saw me, flew up to the pitcher, sat on the rim and th in and took a bath, which surprised hoes ads Bridx me very much, because he will not came thm MOE 3 : ‘asa §4 pulled over t ashbos n some ny Ci take his bath unless it is in frying panner he beca ntangl in the near pan. lines and as dragg y the hors For 4 Dick loves to play with a spool of } month For HEADACHE Ticks CAPUDINE | £ y 3 $e gud ye erates Fant Stoaniarh y thread, which he untwists until he bleeding of the Reading Raliway al hamburg . : a hether f ry Co ". “wil ove 3 o. | has enough in his mouth and then he time ait- They secured & number of J i quit L evor Ia % dic onk t's lguid-pleasant to ta 4s ims will fly his cage. If he sees any erwards aken o of boxes ine ign ¢ alse * . sted y Try 1 « Ete BE hE one eating something, he flies on his shoulder and with his head ¢n one side sings until he gets some- thing to eat. The other day while my friends and I were in the dining room he flew from one shoulder to the other or flew on to the table to ¢at the erumbe. —Hildegarde Grisch, Ia the New York Tribune, thal sai VOINe! € "J f father of nineteen January he President Koc For 30 vears Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. . Milk Vamsher, of | ng, on t sharge | aaney Ciseases, Ala) On t slopes, Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and . Toledo. OQ. M1 : . 4 hat he held up Mr. and M win Sa Rea si . has thousands of cures to its credit. eading 160 Total m © Ta "ne . ko kd 2 \ . Fe i } in us mn i 03 5k R ad] £- Tue retail 1 i ers he ang iheiy sister, 2 Maggl biting tt gerous parts of ma- ay If the slightest trouble appears which teparing for a fz] : ths J st atny ymabis. tO socLTe hinery. A you do not understand, write to Mrs. ill follow the first arrest f tHE T Lal =a mar lodged tn tal) : Pinkham at Lynn, Mass, for her advice — it is siation Pro a nthe A Domestic Ese Remedy free and always helpful. nspection and license law passed DY town, w has n the pnist ownpounded by Experienced Physicians pect} bh) yn, who has been ani { I wr Td pe rug was goevel US sur testimonials Dealers To Fight Fee, ’ far ius for of ti Lie Colum? aia ing cems at. Farin Forsale 250 ig Fa ims in 14 Sta toon Sor. : s—— Bulletin of Real Caveoixn ia the best remody=1 - (nas 77 | Bargaing, profasely | wailed free; we pay APNE I a | you RR. fare. E. A. STROUT CO., Book C 1. we hing v Ares i Words I — Farm Dealers, Land Title Budg., § " +100 fs EE ramal oof i . , aw ; aa HW am | hina ll ; i Es ody. Try Murino do For COLDS and GRIP. Hestrate » bo Your Feet Ache and Burn? r soos Allen's Fool-Hase, a feet it takes light or | Cures Corns, Bunions, | rting and Sweating Feet | owing Nails, Sold by all Isle , % " and Shoe stores, 25 ¢ 8. Sample sent ¥ REX ddress Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. XY. to your al for the fel Caxy ‘Ww water Swollen, Hot, bt Mail Carrier Dragged To Death, York ge H old, the n en flow meistown dragged LHe0T % £1 i 4 f pyoe ai Miles AWaj im the ad over a When profusely an fe ghort was ew ile drug | to ad State Fire Chiefs’ Meeting. [ke Lancast Loaf Tobacco Boat Tipliing Experiences, cocked ¢ Teale hag 1 : ems ‘ . ‘a A 8 had Reading v 17 ia the date de- Oi LTA4e RAS dop CHO ions that } I had $ & Om Ad cided upon thi 4 Pal In : Kevstons { ot of 5 i n bacco SC ii an ‘ two, Once | was judge In Penn:vivanis held here. ‘The ian Another time, I inter- : : E 4 @ » o% # . “8d rai 1d woes Fr § wil # ve wk aa py ¥ o> ABBOC Str composed of all fire! passage E- § neast O11 id VOTK fel VILE J an who was beating chiefs of Pennsyvivania, and about untold injury t tke many thou U.8 Wi Cleve Leader, forty or fifty visd are expected who George W. Miller, chief of the local department entertain the visi any hair- C8 1H cath? of § 318 "$300 SHOES $350 The Besson | Hake snd Sell Nore Men's $3.00 aud £3.50 Shoes Than Any Ober Manolo tarer 3x beceuse 1 give the wearer the benefit of @ mort compiets orgasisstion of traisef ex. Pperte and sXilied shosrsakers in the country The selertion of the leathers for sack part of thosbhos, and detail of the making in every Geparimant, ts after by the best rhoetsakers in the show industry if 1 eonld show you bow carefully W. 5. CURED ITCHING HUMOR Big, Painful Swellings Droke and Did Not HealeSuffered 3 Years Tortures Yield to Caticura. bene- | “Little black swellings $4.00 snd $s 00 hoes $2.00 ad 12.50 Fhoes Bere’ and tora tobacco A La Padercewski. R. L. Chittenden, lof any “is music of any practical GR es I'he princi] countries lignite are ermany, a stria and ingary, which, 1806, produced 55.51 tons, 23,779,000 tons and 6,263,000 tons respectively, while the provisional figures many in 1907 show a production of 61,642,000 tons, and in Austria 25,- $40,000 tons. 3.000 FOCD FACULS What an M. D. Learned. A prominent Georgia physician went through a food experience which he makes public: “It was my own experience that first led me to advocate Grape-Nuts food and I also know, from having preseribed it to convalescents and other weak patients, that the food is a wonderful rebullder and restorer of nerve and brain tissue, as well as muscle. It improves the digestion and sick patients always gain just as 1 did In strength and weight very rap- idly. “1 was in such a low state that | had to give up my work entirely, and went to the mountains of this state, but two months there Jdid not improve me; in fact, | was not quite as well as when [1 left home. “My food did not sustain me and ft became plain that | must change Then 1 began to use Grape-Nuts food and In two weeks | could walk a mile without fatigue, and in returned to my home taking up hard work again. that time 1 have felt as strong as Lever did in my life, make these facts publie.” the reguiar food does not seem to sus tain the body, will work miracles, “There's a Reason.” Look in pkgs. for the famous littl book, “The Road to Wellville.” Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time, They are genuine, true, and full of bumas interest. tors James axier, Jr., of Phila- delphia, is sident of the as. gociation Duncannon Plant Not Solid. Duncannon.—The receivers of the Duncannon iron Company offered the plant at public sale at the office of the company here. There was one bid of $58,080, which was not enter- tained, as by a decree of the Court a price less than $62,000 subject to a mortgage of $37.000, only could be conbidered and the tale was called off. Killed By Train At Glendon. Easton. — Frederick White, aged 76 years, long a resident of Glendon, the tracks in front of a Lehigh Val- ley express shortly before noon. He was road supervisor of Glendon for a considerable term. Husband Bars Male Boarders, Media. Bion Herkins, wife, Amanda C. Herkins, alleging | that she harbored male boarders against his wishes, treated him dis- respectfully, refused to wait on him when he was sick, struck him, choked him and in various ways abuted him. Would Not Wed, Must Pay $2,500. Sunbury.—Miss Bessie Hummel, the young music teacher of Crowl, Northumberland County, who sued | yeard rector of All Church at Par ad reason of the inf resignantion Bishop Darlington. tenden is a member of a distinguisa- ed family of Columbus, Ohio. Out of seven thousand quarterly buttons received at the district head- quarters in Hazeleton, only seven were left. The officers say the union is stronger than it has been since 1802 Shamokin Council has awarded $100,000 in brick and asphalt street paving and curbing contracts The bricks will be shipped from Watson. town, Northamberiand County, and Auburn, Schuylkill County. When completed the town will have four. teen miles of paved streets, York County has 24.032 There are 15.838 In the townships and 8.234 in the boroughs. Penn Township leads all others in the coun 764, and York Towhship is a clote second with 725. Levi Flinchbaugh, 50 years old, dropped dead at his home in Red Lion, from heart trouble, Samuel, the 16-year old son of Mr, and Mrs. David Miller, of Cedar Hill, North Codorus Township, was thrown | from & wagon while the horses were running away. The lad struck upon his head and received probably fatal Yolers he did not marry her, was awarded $2,600 by a jury. Altoona.-—Charles Nenorman, Em- ery Snidecker and Max Roman, three young members of the United States Kearsarge, were arrested here for stealing a ride on the Pennsylvania Railroad. They had been around the world on the cruise, oblained a fur. lough and went to their homes at Pittsburg. Spending all their money ‘they tried to beat their way to Phila delphia. The furlough expired last ni i John PF. Todd, of Collingdale, waz awarded $500 damages against the { Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company in a suit for recovery for injuries sus- tained when a team driven by Todd wag struck by a trolley car at Col: lingdale. A Robin, which Albert Schubert, of Rehrersburg, has identified by a single white feather, has returned for | the third year to build its nest on the game branch of one tree, where 1 reared her young twice before. | Alleging that the Borough of Bati has cut off the water supply from hia | i mill, Jacob D. Achenbath Is suing | that borough. Casually picking up a newspaper printed in Wales, Griffith W. Priteh- | ard, a merchant at Bangor, dincaver. | ‘brothef, whom he had not seen oe ad he first time that his only | years, was d question asked by one useing the subject, ‘ed the cynic. “Jud ¢ photographs © HT rians it keeps the hair Bor fal ~The Pink 'Un. dea. i g 2 v 3 from t eminen’ i i 1 i VILGINIA MERCHANT RID OF A VERY BIG GRAVEL STONE. Kidney Trouble, C. lL. some months with frequent fering ago ia the back, kidneys kidney were scanty, Medical treatment failed to cure him. al j=8t.” says Mr. Wood, "'} began ging Doan’'s Kidney Pills, and before one box was gone, | went through four days of intense pain, finally pass- ing a stone, one-half by five-sixteenths of an neh in diameter. | haven't had a sign of kidney trouble since.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents & box. Fuster. Mithnrn Co Rn fala. N.Y. Fellow Sufferers, “Yes, 1 was at the play last night. { eould hear well enough, but I couldn't see.’ “Hat?” “No.” “Post?” “No. Broken eyeglasses.’ hat's nothing. I wa: at the play myself. 1 could see well enough, but 1 couldn't hear any- thing.” “Too far away?” “No,” “Cold in your head?” “No. Box party.”’--Chieago Trib. ane, fa e ang ne ICR scars 1 couldn't keep | Larger cle thes would stick to the sores. | a doctor, but the trouble only got Jy this time it was all over my arms and body in swellings It was so painful that I could not bear to lie on my back. The second doctor stopped the swellings, but over ms eave little 1 swell + would appear n went 0 worse lemedies and in Jess than a week some of the Places were nearly well, | continued until 1 had used three sets, ‘and now | am sound and The disease lasted three years . La. oh » Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props Navy. wn li This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of aint materials, 1 is an absolute guaran tee of per ity and quality For your own protection, see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. NATIONAL LEAD COWPINY 1802 Trinlly Boilging. Wow York i ————— Parent yous PATENES == BOUNTIES Teada-Marsy Copyright your Sat ook ah ha ru Taree, sta as bo Bounty ther Wo a toi ia od ao er nL Have secuced over Aims” - and Hsteaetions Address, Law, (Noisy Pa Washington, Bb J a siding, 341 * te be b thelr shape, St Detter Longer w ty y hol r as , and west than other make Ay Enos, $100 to $3 08 Shoes Men, 1 Advi hod anwing fhe Seles woke: for; and Lovprr Wears o_o hers or We Member of the In ily Poy Misses and CO ren. For rh NS or "deniers everywhere, CAUTION 1 Nene gennine withedt W had and 4 Dein 2 wail Catal ly 367 ErARE Te «BE iti ee NOTHING LIKE IT FOR —— yr Phan TOF, LASS, FOR SALE AY DRUG STORES BOC. OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. 1 i PUTNAM FADELE SS DYES