a LUNG HEMORRHAGES (I TOOK PE-RU~-NA. MISS NINETTE PORTER. Miss Ninette Porter, Braintree, Ver mont, writes: “1 have beem cured by Peruna. “1 had several hemorrhages of the lamgs The doctors did not help me much and would never have cured me. - “1 saw a testimonial in a Peruana abmanac of a case similar to mine, and I commenced using it. 1 wrote to Dr. Hartman for ad- vice. He kindly gave me free advice. “1 was not a hE to wait on myself when I began using it. [ gained very slowly at first, but I could see that #t was help ing me, After 1 had taken it a while T com menced to raise up a stringy, sticky, sub stanee from my lungs. This grew less and less In quantity as | continued the treat ment, “I grew more fleshy than 1 had been for a long time, and mow 1 -eall myself well.” A Bad Cough. Mrs. Emma Martin, Odessa, Mo., writes “1 cammot thank you enough for curing me. “For two years | doctored my cough, which cost me many dollars, but stl ( seemed to get worse. My cough was so bad 1 cons "s not sleep. *“¥Fmally I purchased a bottle of Peruna After the use of six bottles 1 feel that | am cured.” People who dbject to liquid can now secure Peruna tablets. For a free illustrated booklet entitled “The Truth About Peruna.” address The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mailed post paid. medicines No state in the commonwealth of Australia has such abundant water power as Tasmania, but as yet, how- ever, there has been no systematic investigation, either by the govera- ment or by private as to the cost of developing most of this powe pe r{sons, Red, We ak, Weary, W atery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. ded by Experienced Physicians rine to Pure Fo wl and Drug Laws Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain in Victoria requires feet of air per minute each worker in a mine A state law that 70 cubic be supplied to Only Ome “Bromo Quinine” That is Laxative Bromo Quinine... [ook for the signature of KE. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 2%. For the last ‘four years Great Brit ain bas led the world in the per cap ita consumption of sugar, with the Imited States a close second. Mrs. W yw's Soothing Syrup for Children Leet hing soft ns the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 2§¢ a bottle. Mesgina fe the scene of one of Shakespeare's merriest comedies, call. ed by an irony of fate, “Much Ado About Nothing.'' Also, the most probable mentioned by Bene- dick. is an earthquake “1 look for an earthquake, too, then” (Act I). Turkey wants American oc and shoe polish. OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham’'s Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. Va. — “I feel that [ owe the ast vu Feats of my life te Lydia ; . E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compenund Eleven years ago | Was shadow, event yilars carebutgotnorelief, My husband per. suaded me to try Vegetable Com wound and it worked kea charm. It re lieved all my pains and misery. 1 advise all suffering women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.” — Mns, Exua Wheaton, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkhamis Vegetable Com. posta made from native goots and rbas, contains no narcotics or harm. ful drugs, and today holds the record for the est number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi. 1 cine in the country, and thousands of Yoluntaey sestinonials are on file fa m laboratory ‘at I. , Mass, om women who have * " cured ost every form eof fomilp Commit nts, inflam on, ul ceration, displacements, fibroi tumors, Jrroguiatities, pe periodic pains, backache, gestion and nervous prostration. pieh suffering woman owes it to ie Eomo Lydia E. Pinkham's table und a trial you wou Iniike special advice about your case write a confiden« letter to Mrs, Finkham, hed Mass. Her advice and alwavs helpful, ve Wholesale Vine tote, New York.—Wheat—8pot strong; No. 2 red, 118% c., nominal, eleva- No. 2 red, 119%, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 123, 1. 0. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, afloat, Spot steady; No. 2, T2%ec., and 70%, f. 0. b. afloat; No. 2 white, nominal, and No. 2 yellow, 70%. 1. o. b. afloat. Oats—Spot firmer; Ibg., 65 14 wu bec. @W32 lbs, L5@68%; clipped white, J2@490 lbs, 5T@62%. Butter—Steady to firm; creamery specials, 32@32%c. (official, 32); creamery held, common to special, 22a 30. Poultry-——Alive-— Western 13c.; fowls, 13%; 18. Dressed Ready: ens, 12@ 16; fowls, 1 16@ 23. Corn mixed, 26@ 32 patural white, 298 ehick- turkeys, 12@ We stern chick- 1@ 156; turkeys, Philadelphia. contract 115%ec. Corn 69c Oats natural, Butter — rm, creamery, : a4 Eggs—1c. Wheat BErade, -1¢. higher; February, 115@ Firm; February, 68% @ No. 2 white, Western prime, exis do, nearby, lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, at mark; do., current receipts, turnable cases, 32, at mark; West. arn firsts, free cases, 33, at mark; do. surrent receipts, free cases, J1@ 32, at mark. Cheese— Firm; New York creams, choice, 14% @ 15c.; do. to good, 14 @ 14% Poultry Alive, firm; 15e.; old roosters, 10: ens, 154 16; ducks, 11@12% Baltimore. —Wheat-——-No, 2 Western, 116%: contract 11617 No. 2 red, 114%. No. 2 rel, 112% ; steamer Western, 112%. Corn We quote: No. 2 white corn, bu., and yellow or at fY%c. per bu for domestic d¢l TH Le. Outs 56 34 33c., in re- full falr fowls, 14@ spring chick- 146 156; geese, red spot sleamer 2 red 1 NO. 1 : lots of pe Tr afiont com pig 70 @ Graded afloat, at mixed corn, Track wyellow ivery, 8 worth per bu. for car lots on spot, We quote White—-No, 2, do... No. « 4% @ 56; do. B33 hd Mixed NO a do.. No. 2, 52@ 53% No. 2 Western uptown, ag lots, as to quality "and con T2¢. I've ge bales, blocks , lar 11 to location. 11.50 19 £0 La ' 16 { «ss QO good. prints, gobblers ‘hickens old and mixed, pO Chicago. ~-{Cattls Market steady. 15: cows, $36 5.560 bulls, $3.40 8: stocker and Steers, $4.60¢ heifers sy 6.75 1.90; calves, $3.50 fosters, £2 540 Hogs Market weak to O¢ Choiee heavy shipping, $6.60 @ 6,75, butchers’, $6.60@ 6.70; light mixed $6 4046.55: choice light, $6.55 6 £600 packing, 38.6040 6.65;. pig $5 25% 6.40; bulk of siles, $6.40 GS ho lower lower $6 eu Sheep-——Market steady to b6¢ Sheep, $4 lambs, 7.95: yearlings, $06@ 7 Page The market is unset hod We quote, Maryiand, Pennsylvania and nearby, firsts, J0« Western firsts, 30; West Virginia firsts, 30; Southern firsts, 26. guinea eggs, 14@ 15 Ransas City, Mo ~Cattio——M for eteers steady to 10 Tower, steady: choice export and beef eteer:, $5.800690; good. $4. 7596.75; Western Sleers $4.506 6.25; stockers and feeders 2.58@ 5.20: Southern steers, $4.50 5.50 Hoge Market steady. Top, $6.55; bulk of sales, $6@ 6.45; heavy, $6.35 6.55: vackers and butchers’, $6.20 6.4% lights, $5.80@ 6.25; pigs $4.50 @ 5.50 Sheep- Market steady to strong ambs, $7.25@ 7.50; yearlings. $5.60 7: wethers, $4.75@5.00; ewes £4. 25 "as. 10: stockers and feeders L314 Phisbhrg, Pa~~Cattle—-Supply light, steady. Choice, $6.25@ 6.49; prime, $6 @ 6.20. Sheep—Supply light, er Prime wethers, $5.40@ 5.60 ells and common, $32@ 3.56; Iambe, $56 7.90; veal calves, $06 9.50. Hogs Receipts light, active, high er. Prime heavies, $7.18 G0 7.20; me dinums. $7.10@ 7.15: heavy Yorkers, $76 7.05; light Yorkers, $6.70@ 6.85; pigs, $6.45@6.65; roughs, 5.5000 6.35. 25@ 5.50; 1 easier and per dozen: Cows dressed fair to active, high The life of a silver dollar in con- gtant. circulation is only four or five | years, The blackening of incandescent lamps is due to the vaporizing of the carbon. Genuine Morocco’ leather is made of goatskins, tanned with pure su. | mach. Radium is contained in greater or jesg amount in every sort of igneous rock. In each 223 lunpas.wnonths, there are 29 eclipses of the moon and 41 of the sun. ; Caleutta is to have a steel water tank costing $2,300,000. : Sand found on the Des Moines River is deemed suitable for a build. ing glass, | The island of A Avfiesey, where gold | has been discove was the seat of | the Druldieal pontiff. f After ng his hinds over a bul- | ‘'vek at Henley-on-Thames fat stock show, B. Neville, a blind inmate of the local workhouse, “aad the its | weight within a pound, y | ga'ned the first prize t | guessing A ne pion Violated Rules, Crefitor—.8ay 1 sent you bil 4 month ago. Editor Yes, the back of it, my but' you wrote across “Please call sand set- tle." We make it a rule to pay no attention to manuscript written on both sides C le ve and Plaindealer, $100 Reward, 8100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is al least one dreaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and thatis Catarrl, Hall'sCatarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- stitutional disease, requires a coustitutionsl treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Cures taken inter: nally, acting directly upon the blood and wu cous surfaces of the system, therelsyy destroy: ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the natient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in dong its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer Une Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials: Address ” F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by 3 Drugguts 1 i5¢. Take H amily v ills for constipation A sc fentific Yabor of the utmost im- portance and interest is about to be commenced from Shanghai. This is a magnetic survey of hina, and Dr Edwards, of the Carnegie Institute, Washington, who is to carry it through, is at present in Shanghal preparing for the work. Always Keeps a Bottle in the House. “About ten days got my hand hurt so badly to stop work right in the the vear,” says Mr. Milton Wheeler 2100 Morris Ave, Birmingham, Ala “At first { thought | would have Uu have my hand n off, but some told me to get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and that would do the work The Linlment cured my hand and | gladly recommend iL to everyone.” Mr. J. E. Matthews, proprietor of St. James Hotel, Corning, Ark., says “My finger was greatly inflameds from a fish sting and doviors pro nounced it blood polsoning. 1 used several applications of Sloan's Lind ment me all I will bottle af Christmas | that | had time of before busy taken One and it cured right always keep a Sloan's Lind ment in my Mr. J. P “Aftey houses” Evans of Mt being afflicted rhen Alry, for three Gu Saye years with I used Bl Liniment, well, been My deg was hip to m3 knee né-half a bottle took the pain and swelling out mutism WAL § and was cured sound say 1 BATISmM Since ana ' am glad to troubled wit) and haven't badly swollen from i Spauils are smooihed ruffine Working il 8 TENVOIVIDE oyiLingQe For COLDS and GRIP, Fick's CAPUDINE Is the best remedy relieves the sobbing 4 wet wd id and y “a Langunge AENnOA The y those musica 1 mn of Music, y cs who de ve those of teelf ant mah i f i: expre E Hed fen Mason reply in the Atlanti But there 8 another side to Lhe ture What wa the Second rise in his pl 1 he g the "Hall¥lualah™ chorus, ereby sett an example Which is followed to day? What was H n the finale of the Fifth Symphony hat drew the Napoleonic veteran to feet with the exclamation, The Emperor”? What sanctity in the Ambrosian hyinus moved St. Augus tine to tears? Daring wars of the French revolution it was fore bidden, on pain of death, to play the “Ranz des Vache: in the hearing of Swiss soldiers, for so acute a Jong ing for home 4¥d it bring upon them that they deserted in hundreds Are we to think there ‘was neo virtue in music teelf., and that the effect produced was the outcome of purely gecidental circumstances? The Aus trian government forbade Berlitoz to play the “Rackoezy” march at Buda Pesth, fearful of its effect on the in- flammable Hungarians Was the fire of patriotism kindled by the mere knowledge that the melody symbol- ized Hungary, or did the notes speak with tongues of flame? Modest As To Her Charms, He (rhapsodically)-—1I adore every. thing that is grand, exquisite, super- eminent I love the peerless, the serene, the perfect in life, She (blushing coyly) Oh, George, how can | refuse you when you pul it so beautifully. Boston Transcript. — " —— — PRIZE FOOD Palatable, Economical, Nourishing. pic. # it that made George* ace when ®an the the A Nebr. woman has outlined the prize food in a few words, and that from personal experience. She writes: | “After our long experience with | Grape-Nuts, 1 cannot say enough in | its favor. We have used this food al. most continually for seven years. “We sometimes tried other adver. } tised breakfast foods, but we invaria- | bly returned to Grape-Nutz as the | most palatable, economical and sour. “When | quit tea and coffee and! began to use Postum and Grape-Nuts, | | was a nervous wreck. | was so i ritable [ could not sleep nights, had! no interest in life, “After using Grape-Nuts a short time 1 began to improve and all these aliments have disappeared, and now | am a well woman. My two children have been almost raised on Grape day. “They are pletures of health and have never had the least symptom of stomach trouble, even through the most severe siege of whooping cough they could retain Grape-Nutas when all else failed, “Grape-Nuts food has saved doctor bills, and has been, therefore, a mos! economical food for us.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read, “The Road te ; Weilville,"” io pkgs. "There's ' son. "” Ever read the above letter? from Yt 10 1} are oui, trun and interest, * As ils pure vame of - PUT oan dye any wile brighter and faster warugenl without rippdag apart 1 A Pass, soon, blamed |! 3 ficKel AD Haspor's Sag axis A LAVE SAVED. A Case of hidoey Trouble Pretty Far Advanced, Mrs «ite Ht €8% E Lafay Pa. “8 “Doan’s Kidney Pills eaved my life. Head- ache, dizzy spells and biurring eyesight / came on / CY ears ago, and began { to be so bad 1 would ! fall to the floor Piercing pains caught me in the hack lost weight stead- iy My bair actually turned gray from my suffering. After practically giving up hope, I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and began to mend very soon. | put on weight, gained strength, and after using three boxes was entirely cured.” : Sold by all dealers Foster-Milburn Co Sausage Made Over 1,000 Years Ago, The sausage dates back to the year £87. It has been asserted tha! the Greeks, in the days of Homer, manu. factured sausages, bu! this prehistior. ic mixture had nothing in common | with our modern product The an- | elent so-called sausage was composed | of the same materiale which enter | into the makeup of the boudin of ihe | { Fréveh market and the blood pudding | fof the French-Canadian The an-| cient sausage was enveloped in the | stomachs of goats Not until the tenth century did the | sausage made of hashed pork become | known. It was in or pear the year | 1500 that, thanks to the introduc. tion into Germany of cinnamon and saffron, the sausages of Frankfort and Strasburg acquired a univerial reputation. Henry Rapine, Norristown, me four # $F : a. 50 cents a box. . Buffalo, N. Y. : i T 5 1 Mexico Bought. more than 500.000 bushels of wheat from Canada in the period December 15-20. HAD SEVERE WEEPING ECZEMA | Face and Neck Were Raw——Terrible Itching, Inflammation and Sores ness All Treatments Failed Cuaticura a Great Success, rt erncked yh - Dn — oy a n # had three different doctors - tried sev. ¢ fis ol i HH i i ENTE ane i and to get its benehcial when purchasing the full California Fig Syrup every package, ~ Syrup of Figs ~ot by the full name—Syrup of Figs and Elxir of Senna. U.S.A. LONDON, ENGLAND. Package te fot free bo: eHow 0 Uy de ty od ME 1 Piles Cured In 6 to Vera UO came ol lew inn 4 Days, Military Title Women only nine per Lerman y Brown's Te Cems irown & Son, During GCenlop ick) square miles in OTe 1508 Tich cored in ® ro make brides In offices the Yea In ai Troches are o sig ni remedy for Bron- nd in bozos John L ughs ied free Mass topographers of the mapped 26,994 22 states and terri- minutes by Won Hord's The British 81 vonpif, funcinde: 26 knots in 16 noarmored B NU BO Navy | Colonel i Were federate 3 : “No. Bal i “On the Unio i “No. sah; n« i jelong to No, sah; “Ah, } Yer was wah the angers?’ i do not i mmand one of militia regiments.” ! “No, sah: 1 don't-——gdon't nothing about soldiering” ‘Where, then, did vou get the Texa foe: You § know rang | “I'se & kunnel by marriage, sah “By marriage How's that?" “1 married the widow of a kunnel sabh—Kunnel Thompson, of Waco Fuel To Break in New Shoes, Always shake ip Allen's Foot Ease, » it cures bot, sweating, aching, corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All druggists and shoe stores, 20x Don’t accept any substitute ample mailer Allen 8, Olmsted, Je Roy, Forest fires last year “depleted the foreste of the country to a greater extent than lumber operations, Par HEADACHE HWirks CAPUDIYR Whether from Colds Heat. Stomach or Nervons Troubles, Capudine will relieve you, It's liquid pleasant to take acts immedi- Tey 8. 6c. Zc. and 0c. st drug A French chemist has figured hI out that the oceans of the world carry 20,000 tons of radium in solution Try the Nataral Jaxative, Gartiaid Tea! It overcomes constipation and regulates liver and kidneys ples sent upon re quest. Garfield Tea Co. Brookiyn, N. Y. fom, WASTED Footed a. #8% weekly nde are Mention this Pager Toasters make Crwaniste out Tres MURSERIES KI HREOUND, Rt oF COMER OD poor ha wad dupeneg werchente. Rederepoe, Wiese bar weekly wx 227 €. Market SL. C—O LOUISVILLE, XY. A A AMY rani re Desbien. Cut 1 teday and in 1 aah for ERE ree quick relied pnd hog’ ols ma “ Pilosgn, MU Tom { ly with that of the mountain uplifts. | Le I Ra w hm ua BS wut srestion, In All Cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC, Of All Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, Stallions, is to “SPOHN THEM Of their Wangues of In the fend putt Spohn AA AE » he wards the or how pete Special Agents Wanted.