The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 26, 1908, Image 4

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8. W. sfurh, .
Centre Harr, . . . PENNA,
TERMS.—The terms of subscription to the Re-
porter are one dollar per year in advance.
ADVERTISEMENTS.—20 cents per lines for
three insertions, and b cents line for each sub-
sequent insertion. Other rates made known on
Political Announcements.
Delegate to National Convention.
We are authorized to announce N. B, Spangler,
of Bellefonte, as a candidate for delegate to the
Nationa! Democratic convention, subject to the
action of the Democratic voters of this ( Twenty-
first ) Congressional district,
We are authorized to announce the name of W,
Harrison Walker, of the borough of Bellefonte,
as a candidate for Congress in the Twenty-first
Congressional District, subject to the action of
the Democratic primaries, .
We are authorized to announce that J. C.
Meyer, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the
office of Assemblyman, subject to the decision of
the Democratic voters at the spring primaries.
We are authorized to announce the name of J.
C. Snook, of Millheim borough, as a candidate
for the office of Sheriff, subject to the action of
the Democratic primaries. .
We are authorized to announce that Fred F.
Smith, a Rush township farmer, is a candidate
for the office of Sheriff, subject to the action of
the Democratic primaries. .
We are authorized to announce the name of
John IL Dunlap, of Spring township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner, subject to the ac-
tion of the Democratic primaries. bg
We are suthorized to sunounce the name of
Calvin A. Weaver. of Penn township, as a candi-
date for County Commissioner, subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primaries. .
We are authorized to announce Thomas How-
ley, of Bellefonte borough, as a candidate for the
nomination for Recorder, subject to the decision
of the mocratic voters as expressed at the
Spring Primaries. .
We are authogized to announce the name of
F. P. Musser, of the borough of Miliheim, for the
nomination for the office of Recorder, subject to
the decision of the Democratic voters as ex-
pressed at the Aprtl primaries.
We are authorized to announce the name of A.
A. Pletcher, of Howard borough, as a candidate
for the office of Register, subject to the action of
the Democratic primaries. ®
We are authorized to announce the name of
George F. Weaver, of Gregg township, &8 a can
didate for the office of Register, subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primaries.
We are authorized to announce the name of
John D. Miller, of Walker township, as a candi
date for the office of County Treasurer, subject to
the action of the Democratic primaries. .
We are authorized to announce that William J.
Carlin, of Miles township, is a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer, subject to the action
of the Democratic primaries. .
In compliance with the Act of Assembly pro-
viding for the nomination of candidates by direct
vote at the primaries, I have filed my petition io
the office of the Commissioners of Centre county
and my name will appear in the official ballot as
a candidate for the nomination for the office of
County Treasurer on the Democratic ticket to be
voted at the primaries to be held on Saturday,
April 11th, 1908. I sincerely desire the honor of
being the candidate of the party for this office,
I make my appeal for support to the Democrats
of Centre county and wil cheerfully abide by
their decision
February 13, 1908, HAMMON SECHLFR.
The name of Charles A, Barclay, =f the county
of Cameron, is announced ss a candidate for
Congress, subject to the action of the Republican
primaries in the Twenty-first District. .
MARCH 26, THURSDAY, ten o'clock, owe mile
west of Tusseyville, H. A, McClellan : Kleven
horses and coits, 7 cows, 16 youug oaitle, 10
brood sows, 20 shomis, #0 sheep; sso farm
MARCH 77, FRIDAY, one o'clock, in Boalsburg,
FE Wieland, J. M Wielsnd, Clyde PF. Wie
and ; Horse, buggy, harness, chickens, piano,
stoves, other housebold goods,
MARCH 28, SATURDAY, one o'clock, iwo miles
west of Centre Hail, by Csivia od. Horner:
Household goods of all descriptions, as good as
new and in good condition,
MARCH 28 SATURDAY, 1 o'clock, 2 miles
west of Centre Hall, Cuivin BH. Horner: Three
bed room suits, oil beater, stove, ull stove,
lamps, other household
MARCH 30, MONDAY, one p. m., J. O. MeCor-
mick, Penns Cave ; Horse and cow, buggy,
sleigh, snd household goods.
MARCH 30, MONDAY, ¢ o'clock, on the Van
Tries farm, oue mile esst of Linden Hall, A.J.
CUMMINGS: 8 head horses, 2 brood mares,
both with foal, yearling coll, 2-year oid coils, »
cows, wil! be fresh by time gf sale, 11 ont
tie, bull, 2 brood sows, 21 hoats wesghiog, from
50 to 150 1bs., 2 top buggies, 2 four. w
Conklin Shot gun, aed,
west of Usntre Hall, Jolin
Farin implements, catile ; rauge
Ad Fon unos pROpeLty. of Joh
¥ n
decensed, H. Emerick, administrator
H horses~two are mares in foul, one is a stallion
and a tine sire | two colts, tL milk 2
heifers, 3 calves, Gurnsey bull, 2 sows and
iot of (mun implements, w N
oan s parstor; aio, 8 10t Ofpousehold §OOdS.
as a
A A So
‘The residence Centre
: +2 the heirs of . Stiver, deceas
ings whe ye
Easter Post Caras, sent by mall,
PONS 4 al this end | Thirty cents
per. Dj two dozen, fifty cents
Every card is a beauty, and no two
slike, Bt. Patrick's Day oards at same
it Jambled, Whose Fault.
1f the County Auditor's statement is
jumbled, incomplete, and unsatisfec-
tory, whose fault is it ? 3
The County Commissioners
The County Auditors ?
The County statement, as it is usual.
ly called, looks like a crazy quilt; there
is no information in it that the ordin-
ary tax payer can gather from it. It is
a jumbled mass of figures, and that is
The statement was compiled by a
Republican board of county suditors.
Bo there you have it, and further that
board assumed the authority to say in
which of the newspapers and in how
many of them it was to be published.
There you have it.
nants I AAAI
Arney Baker Prices,
On and after the 1st of April the fol-
lowing prices will be strictly adhered
to by this bakery :
Single loaf of bread Y¢; 2 loaves, 17¢;
8 loaves, 25¢.
Persons purchasing 25 cents worth of
tickets, can buy single loaves at the
rate of three for 25 cents,
Rolls, 6¢ per dozen. No vread tick-
eta accepted for rolls unless 6c per doz-
en is realized,
Sweet cakes, 10c per dozen, snd will
be baked every Baturday,
All special orders for funerals, bau-
quets, sales, etc., will be promptly fill-
ed. Mrs F. E ARNEY, 24
Local Upticn Meeting.
Arrangements are beiug made by the
ministers and others to hold fu « entre
Hall some time next week a grand ral
ly in the interest of the movement now
in progress throughout the state to
elect a legislature that will epsct a
Local Option law. The Centre county
Local Option Committee, D. F. Fort
ney, Esq , chairman, has promised to
send an able representative of the An-
ti-Baloon League to present the real
jssue at this time io its lime light.
Further particulars will be given later.
Peounsion Increases,
John Bwisher, Philipsburg, to $12
Davis Middleton, Philipsburg to $15.
Lewis F. Welzler, Milesburg to $15.
_ James Wyble, Howard, to $20.
John Hook, Boalsburg, to $15.
Wm. Rimert, Howard, to $20.
John Anderson, Bellefonte, to $20.
Wm. A. Tobias, Millheim, to $20.
John Gunsallus, Snow Bhoe, to $15.
Nelson Flack, Bellefonte, to $20.
Wm. C. Patterson, State College,
to $15.
ansa—— AIA TOAST
* Arbor Days,
Guvernor Stuart has named wo
April Arbor days—Friday, April 3,
and Friday, April 24. This gives to
the children both in the highlands
and the lowlands of the State a cholee
of deys. If both days are obeerved in
both localities so much the better,
There cannot be too many trees plant-
ed in any part of Pennsylvania. Ad.
ults as well as infants should keep Ar.
bor days at every opportunity.
Bell Line to Penns Cave,
Branch Co. No. 22. The Patrons
Rural Telephone company, has decid-
en to extend its line from a point at
Gardner Grove’s to Penns Cave.
The Cave will be a scene of activity
this spring, as numerous and extensive
improvements will be made on the
the property, and in order to be con-
pected wilh the outside world, a Bell
telephone will be installed as soon as
the rural line is constructed.
SS J ——
Quarterly Conference,
The first quarterly confereuce of the
Centre Hall charge of the United
Evaugelical church will be Leld Ratur-
day 2:80 p. m.
Communion services Bunday even-
ing; sermon by Presiding Eider, J. L.
Communion at Tussyville, Sundesy
morning, Rev. Reeser presiding.
——————— A A—————
Fertilizers and Seeds,
We are vow taking orders for all
grades of fertilizers for spring crops.
We can furnish all grades, and prices
We are also taking orders for all
kinds of grass seed—common red clov-
er, Waumsult clover, alsike clover,
timothy alfalfa.
Change of Address,
If you have changed your address,
please notify tne Reporter of the fact,
80 that the paper may reach you regu-
larly. Do pot wait until after April lat,
but do so now. Always give the old as
well as the vew address, and if on a
rural! line, mention the number and
the village near which you will live,
Nittany Mountain,
Eimer White and wife, of Hum-
melstown, are now stayiog with Mrs,
White's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. G.
Noll, Mm. Noll tssuffering a great
deal with neursigia,
William Houser attended the funeral
of John Frasier last week,
Heury Houser, of Hecls Park, Is
moving his goods to his farm, now
tenanted by Lee Brooks.
Duty Noll, while snowballing,
osme in contact with the chimb of
a barrel, the result being » flue peir of
oye for Duffy; pute
Mrs. Ella Ivey, of Rochester, is here
helping Dr..C. 8. Musser to move in-
to his new home formerly owned by
Mrs. Rogers.
Mr, and Mrs, E. G, Mingle trausact-
ed business in Bellefonte Friday.
Walter Orwig spent a few days with
his parents at Hartelton,
Miss Alpha Bmull and brother
Clarence, of Bmullton, and Mrs,
Katharine SBmull Meckly, of Milton,
spent the Babbath with friends ip this
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kurtz, of Mif-
flinburg, visited friends in town a few
days last week.
Thomas Stover and wife visited the
latter's parents at Penn Hall Bunday.
Mrs, Chestie Wert, of Rebersburg,
was in town to help move Dr. Mus
ser’s household goods.
Miss Jennie Rupp spent a few days
at the home of her brother John, at
Btate College.
Mr. and Mrs, George Wolfe and son
Walter, of Bpring Mills, visited at the
home of Mrs, Wolfe's mother, Mrs,
Maria Btambach.
W. C. Mingle left on Tuesday on a
business trip to Altooca,
Bimon King sand family, of Mill.
heim, spent part of the SBabbath at the
home of Thomas Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. William Guisewite
were guests at the home of Mr. Breas.
ler, near Madisonburg, on Sunday.
Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Grenoble, of
Spring Mills, visited at the home of
George Weaver, the beginoing of the
Misses Bars and Dora Guise site
were iu Hebersb arg for a few hours cn
W, C. Mingle, sccompanied by Miss
Flossie Btovei, speut part of the Sab-
bath with his sister, Mra
Hostermsn, at Woodward,
Nathaniel Boob and dsughter, of
Millhelm, were seen at the home of
John Haines on Bunday.
Mrs. Jennie Wyle, who had a large
tumor removed at the Bellefonte hos
pital ou Friday, is doing nicely at this
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Btover spent s
few hours with the latter's sister, Mrs.
Carrie Harter, at Millhelim.
Spring Millis.
Mrs G. W, Wolfe went to Philadel
phis on Monday to buy her stock of
spring millinery goods.
Miss Cstharine Meyer, who is al-
tending school at Millersville, is home
on a visit, and spent Saturday in town.
The schools all close this week :
Wm. Haney, Monday ; Pol. W: P.
Hosterman and Theresa Rachau, Tues
aay ; Charles Royer, Bertha Duck,
Cora Brungsrt and Mable Long, Wed.
pesday ; Rev. E. E Haney, Thursday,
and Grover Walker, Friday.
Lizzie Stover's sale was well attend
ed on Saturday, and everyibiog
brought good prices.
Monday Charles McCool went lo
work for Daniel Corman.
Miss Grace Johnson, of Union coun
ty, who has been sewing with Mrs, G.
W. Wolfe, Monday went to New Ber.
lin, where she will aitend school this
Harvey Brain has moved into the
building formerly used by Magnus
Duck as a tin shop, sud will conduct a
bicycle repair shop.
Mrs. Hazel is visiting st Madison-
Pierce Harshbarger and daughter, of
Altoona, spent Bunday with the forme
e's aged mother, Mre. Hanna.
Miss Kate Frederick, of Potters
Mills, spent a week with ber aged
mother, who is very ill
A son was born to Mr. and Mr O,
T. Corman,
Kathryn Meyer enteriaiped the A.
B. C. Club and their friends, Fridsy
evening, ast her home esst of town.
Tue evening was spent in social iuter.
course. The refreshments served were
choice. On returning to their homes
the guests all declared Miss Meyer an
ideal hosiess,
A Ah
Mrs. Fannie Meyer, of Coburn, spent
last week with her parents and nurs
ing her mother who had been Ili,
J. Li. Kreamer and C., D. Mots at-
tended to business in Millheim HSatar-
services will be held ln both churche
es on Bunday. The United Evangel
ical church will have services in ihe
morpiog snd toe Evangelical church
in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Jones and
little son Thomas, after spendiog
a few months with reistives aod
friduds in this piace, started for their
home in BSootiand, Houth Dakotas,
Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. Herbet Condo sad daughter,
Miss Bessie, of Aaronsburg, speut the
Sabbath with ber father, Mr, Kitoer.
Rev. Reeser, of Lewisburg, sud Rev.
@Gharet, were io town Monday.
The Sunday School of the Evangel
men Food aod Ohicks Feed,
Hen Food and Chicks Feed Is a
: stop! Consider !
Do not go it blindly !' Look before
you leap ! I have without question
the largest and best assortment of
furniture and carpets to be found in
Penns or Brush Valleys, and at pricea
to meet all competition. All goods
positively us represented. I do not
say ope thing and mean another. Our
motto, ‘ Honest goods at honest
you tn my store and be
Georges Valley.
Quite un number of persons from this
place attended the sale of Elias mith,
at Farmers Mills on Monday.
Frederick Zettle purchased three
young cattle at the Bmitn sale Mc ndsy.
Clarence Rishel, of pear Ccburn,
visited his mother, Mrs. W, H. Mat-
ter, in this place, for a few days.
Revival meetings at Locust Grove
closed on Bunday evening.
There was a purty held at the home
of P. A. Aumaup last Friday evening.
Rev. H. A. Bnook will preach Ris
first sermon at Locust Grove Bunday
Mrs. Fred Ntover visited her
Mrs. Cone, over Sunday.
The Waguer sale was well attended
Friday of lust week,
H. J. Foust will move next Thurs
day on the Allison farm st Farmers
Mrs. James Barger and son visited
at the home of the former's mother,
Mr~. (Garret, at Asropsburg, who is iil
Frauk Hermsn, who formerly lived
in Altoona, moved bis household
goods to this place sod is now occupy-
ig Lhe house owned by George bireon,
Sumer School
Fie Boalsburg Normal sod Prepara-
tory school will open lis sprig session
Monday, April 18th, sud inne
eight wevks, Classes will be formed
to meet the beeds of teachers. Auy
desiring to pursue Lhe higher breaches
enn do so, For further loformation
apply to prioeipal,
H. C.
March 19, 3t.
Reformed — Centre Hall,
ville, allernoon
moruing Tausey -
Proaby terian—Centre Hall, afternoon
Mills, morning.
i nf
leruoon | Georges
| Appoiuiments DOL given here have 101 been
sported to this olioe. |
Rye cone . HW |
BRET corr orissnnne 0 | ORS os .
i Corn
tard... . 8 0 ———
Potatoes... an Fae .
3-Year Old Colt for Sale
A good, blockey bay mare colt, good
size. well-boned, clean, for sale
WwW »
S SMITH, Centre Hall
We are now ready fo
supply your needs ir
Footwear for sclios
gents and ladies, Ix:
and girls, and for
little ones, TY eo
will also be some lef!
for the older ones
make you comforts
and happy.
C. A. Krape
Spring Mills = - - Pa.
‘ee Ne W “ee
Spring Goods
Men's and Boys’ Working Shirts,
Men's and Boys’ Corduroy Panta
Boys’ Knee Pants in Corduroy.
jes’ Ready-made Shirt Waists,
a ne. aad in Black, trim.
med in lace and embroidery
Ladies' Heatherbloom Skirts in
black, navy and grey.
A full line of Ladies’ Underwear,
in Nainsook and muslin,
Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Cov
ers and Drawers,
All nicely trimmed in lace or ews
A new line of white goods and
dress goods.
Few Winter Goods at a BARGAIN
Spring Mills « - » Penn,
terest which has been
with his theories and medicines fg
Cooper was introducing his ideas
the people of that city.
gays: “The beginning of Mr,
gecond week in Cinein
indication that he is to enjo)
astonishing success Lere as
“From the first day of his visit th
erowds that call to see him have stead
fly increased, until now it has reas
a point where several thousand
with him each day. The entire
seems to have become interested
theory that the huma #1 !
degenerate, and he already hag ar
army of followers in Cincinnati who
seem positive that his clalms are cor-
“A number of Cincinnatiang
interviewed at Cooper's headq
on Friday, and several interest
statements, showing their intense faith
in Cooper's preparations, were
The following are selected from these
glatements and are gharasteristis of
them all: Mrs, M. E./Emerson of 630
West Court street, said: ‘I have suf-
fered with stomach trouble and con-
stipation for a year or so. When
ate I would have bloated spells,
stomach, fermentation,
my mouth. In the morning 1 was 2
Fhe article
nati give
I had a
my back,
ave taken almost one bottle of the
y Discovery and am so wonderfully
improved that 1 have come down here
to thank Mr. Cooper in person and ob
tain more of the medicine.’
_ A nother indivi : al interviewed was
| ir. J. H. Brooks, living at 527
| d
went to bed.
! dull pain in the lower part of
, Who had the folloy
he past eighteen months
a constant sufferer frou
the head and stomach. 3 a
reg ould inflarced and
eoome 1
re headaches
and great
i n f AL
tril fh
PAH il
yen I would
the world.’
The Cooper preparations have been
| wonderful r successful throughout tho
United Bta + congider them re-
nes and would
43000 &
i ature
«0 L4C nalure
t marks
pleased to ex
led. D. Murray.
of them,
THE 1908
A Size for Every Dairy,
» Rubber Goods
Men's and Boys
Walker Goods—
where. Also a
9 9% % 9% BN
W. S. WHITE, Agent, Bellelonte,
Nn Vee
Brooks, late of § ting
nest all
, he would
knowing them.
10 the to make immediate
ea theater wt
0 them duly authen .
$ promt WM 8 BROOKS,
Administrator, Linden Hall, Pa,
been do
of sdministration an the estate John
late of Potter Township, deceased,
jFianted 4 jo joe undersigned, he
ves 1% the Ale make imme:
diate payment, and those haviag claims agains
the same to present them duly authenticated for
having been du
Eg ousk AND LUT FOR SALE -A house
and lot owned
oated at fie, is offered for sale by the
house 1s two stots high, #na
here in Aso on the pre isos + able aud al neces
sary outbuildings, ete. torthed rt
apply Ww A B LEE,
PL Rooks and 8, C White Leg.
Bs for
J Centre Hall, Pa.
wind ootnplete outfic. This
machine is as good as new. EK. AGN ER
op , Pa.
Cones har
Ten New Capacities
Ten New Prices
from the Smallest to the
- HW
' Felts and Overs.
Best Found Any-
complete Line of
The Advance Gas and Gas-
oline Engine has a Throt-
tle Governor. As steady in
motion7as a Steam Engine... ..
| The ben food and chick feed pres
pared by Weber Brothers is made from
| grain that is free from smut aod
motild. If je te Lent nn the market,
Rol 1 fu 10 1b. packages and ap.
A GENTS WANTED! —16x® crayon portraits
| 40 cents, frames 10 cents aod up, sheet plotures
{one cent cach. You oan make 300 per cent profit
of $36 00 per week. Osisiogue and samples fee,
Tayior St, Chioago, Li.
| The undersigned offers for sale a com-
| plete Threshing Outfit, comprising =
Frick Traction Engine, 12 H.
P., Geiser Separator, size 30x
in running order, Size of bales 14x18 in,
WATER TANK, tank pump dy hose,
all in good condition,