— THOS. CALE, OF ALASKA, MEMBER OF U.S. CONGRESS. ‘ell Known on the Paeifie Slope, Washington Address is 1318 9th NW, Washington, D. OC. Tis St. CONGRESSMAN THOS. CALE. Hon. Thos. Cale, who was e i Congress from Alaska, is well k the P > slope, where he has re His W i 1312 N. W. ngton address is Washington, D. C Washington, D, CO. Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio, Gentlemen: I can cheerfully rec- emmend Peruna as a very efficient remedy for coughs and eolds. I'vomas Cale Hon. C. Slemp ginia, writes it remedy, Peruana, and can unhesit remedy As y effective snd pe anent Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative. mgressman from Vi ure for eatarrh.” Crookback’s Equitation. | “My ki d had just cried . ik Ihe bate with a « Hella—W York Sun. is sill Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days, Pazo Ointment is guaran case of Itching, Blin lee Piles in 6 to 14 days or money Castro's Star. In spite of the world Pres manag Own cou walks caused b he was maki: for the pres On a dance wit minister believer bodies over th night in question ti One big star was so tracted the lady's at “Look at th she said. ‘'It seems to | the whole earth “That is true,” replied Castro quently. ‘That star is my st: that star shall fall { shall fall.” There was an arrogance in that left no dou the mis hearer that he was fully convinced as ¢ the accuracy of belief. He this statement five years ago and hi still seems to be in the ases ago Tribune. : Mr Pres wr watching his ident. Harnessing the St. Lawrence. Consul John E forwards a Canad an newspaper state ment which tells of the electric-power development of the St. Lawrence River, the projects being the most active on the American side. A Canadian power com pany is planning to install more 1,00 horsepower dy namos and do more dredg ing, when at least 25, 000-horsepower ean be developed. Tue Canadian paper says it would not be surprising if the electric development on both sides of the river it for making power for the large rail- way lines Hamilton, of Cornwall, PANTRY CLEANED A Way Some People Have, A doctor sald: “Before marriage my wire observed In summer and country homes, com- ing in touch with families of varied means, culture, tastes and diserimi- nating tendencies, that the familied using Portum seemed to average bet. wer than those using coffee. “When we were married two years ago, Postum was among our first order of groceries, We also put in gome coffee and tea for guests, but after both had stood around the pan- try about a year untouched, they were thrown away, and Postum used only. “Up to the age of 28 I had been accustomed to drink coffee as a rou- tine habit and suffered constantly from indigestion and all its relative disorders, Since using Postum all the old complaints have completely left me and I sometimes wonder if I ever had them.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. “There's a rea- son.” ; > 3 — ” y 7 7 i 3 “ay McGavin, ci Chicago, Block of Fifth Avenue is Done McGa in I8ra oi 500 American C $204, pr ir oO 1 and the past few of titled American girls. these cases in wife d not br geparati Po Some mn or of the love matches, a with few wives have boe exe Bn Dapp isu FORTUNES WHICH AMERICAN GIRLS £1.000,000 1.000 000 . ' Duchess of Manchester. . Princess Poniatowski Duchess of Marlborough. .10,6800,000 | Lady Curzon 5,000,000 | Lady Lister-Kave 1,060,000 | *Countess von Pappenheim Princess Colonna : ‘ *Countess Castellane ....17,000.000 Mrs. Geo. Cornwallis West 500.000 Lady William Beresford. . 2,000,000 Duchess of Manchester... 2,000,000 Duchess of Roxburghe.., .25.0006,000 Countess of Strafford. .... 1,000,000 Princess Aunersperg cess 1,000,000] Lady Thomas Hesketh.... 1.000.000 | Mrs. Arthur Paget 2,000,000 Mrs. Vivian ............12.,000,080 Countess of Craven 1,000,000 Countess of Donoughmore BOO,000 Baroness de Vriere 500,000 Mrs. Douglass Campbell. 00,000 Marchioness de Brereuil.. 2,000,000 | Princess Vicovaro sass +s 1,000,000 Marchioness de San Mar ZANO Countess de Rohan-Cha- DOE viii vinnie * R00.000 1,000,000 1,600,000 | Church Will Offer Compelling Attractions. Cleveland. —In keeping with the! : apirit of modern times, the new Win | dermere Methodist Episcopal Church | . will have many innovations. ! One of the features will be a social room, thirty-eight by sixty-eight feot. | i There will be spacious rooms for the | trustees, the choir and the pastor, | while the women of the congregation will have a parlor and work room. | | The church also will contain a gym- | ; nasjum, kitchen and kindergarten, The pastor is the Rev. N. W, Stroup | WED FOR FOREIGN TITLES Ribbon or a Pound of Flesh t $ rid iiave Wed Tilies wrevalent n for a young to fake up the lion and to plunge on the races marry a title. The general fo be that with such a she ig sure to lose her her happiness, and gets off with her life. opinio Ame; a io geome age money and lucky if she HAVE HANDED OVER CENTURY 1.060.000 2,000,000 1.000.000 500.000 1.000.000 2.000.000 2,000,000 500,000 ‘rincess Hatzfeld ........ Baroness Bocklinson .... Marquis de Cholsene..... **Princess Engalitcheff .. Duchess de Dino . *Countess Festitics...... Baroness de Zedlitz..... Lady Gilbert Thomas Car- ter ' noon Counters von Larisch.... 4,000,000 Mrs. Michael Henry Herbert 5,000,000 0.000.000 Mrs. Burke Roche....... 1,000,000 Duchess de Valenecay...... 1,000,000 1,000,000 2.000, Counters Yarmonth 1,000,000 One hundred lesser Ameri- can heiresses evs 64,500.000 5,000,000 Countess of SBuffolk...... 5.000.000 AS AI Total. ...........$204,000,000 *8ince divorced. **Lives in Chi CARO. A A es IS Painless, Says French Savant, Paris.—~Dr. Ledue, a professor at the School of Medicine, in Nantes, who has been etperimenting in the slaughter houses of that eity on the electrocution of animals by intermite tent low tension currents, claims that the system is painless, the contral functions of perception being firat de- stroyed and then those of respiration and ecireulation, and that there is con- sequently neither suffering nor reac. tion from the animals thus killed, making it better thun other methods, i Got What He Called For. A tall, sallow individual entered a Girard avenue resinurant a day or two go, nid his broad rimmed sombrero on tie chair beside him, and in snawer to the waiter’s qu ry us to what he would have, sald fiercely: “Fried rattlesnuke The waiter, not at all abushed, we the hole in the wall nod roared: rattlesnake!” Hack from cane the answer Fried The man with the sombrero le prised, but waited Ibe evideatly alive t ituatic fried it it al “Feed rattle ake! waiter responded in the sams took the dish from the dumb wal er When the viand was set be 0 ¢ him the tall person his wnlked to the cashier's paid h bill and went out wit! touching the dish “One on him," the walter “I'll eat dis snake mes Philadel phia Record. Fried lepths the Lh rattlesnake! wked sar below BRinne NY It, ro COOK y Lig un cel, nnd sent Out nr thie as hie iin Words, arose, put on @ br } desk, Out said ) il Gum and Thought. thing is certain gum and tuink at the any degree of succe m and work with gu not mis you cannot Bint chew One n with chew time INRYy Yiu 1 3 Ou i ny, $ oo nica n it read haps trate and whic! 1 1 Are q A Remedy For Neur the Nerves algia or Pain in ECZEMA SEEMED INCURABLE. Body was harged Hospitals as Hopeless—uticura Hemedies Cured Him, Hawe]iis thr © regimentia wopeless, W and % pup d rs i noel e had hos. uneed nid 3 amt ted, inses he w ne of the w CARPE © ach We kept trying 5 i as mrurable fter remedy, but ping for bemapned Hased he was discharge remecy . 1 aad gotten aim Nix Culicura wt past hu months we pur Remedies, The marvelous and to-day he is perfectly cured. Mre. Lily Hedge, Camblewell Green, Eng land, Jan. 12, 1907.” a cure age set of a was truly result about her hue- politics is any better woman likes his it hat a explaining understand > as she Lest We Forget. In the good old kaflir corn days of Blaine county, when Uacle John Dillon, | the Geary 'anker. and County Clerk { Tyler hauled cedar posts to Ei Reno and | Ok'ahoma City and scld them to buy | bresd for 1heir families, they would go | to hear a good old preacher, who was a | post hauler with them. This good old | brother in his prayers would thank God i for his goodness to them, and one season | when he was especially thankful for a { good er p raised, but not forgetful of ! the past, he said: "Dear Lord, lest in | davs to come we forget, we thank thee, | O God, for the cedar in the canons.’ — : Watonga Horald. i THIRTY YEARS OF IT. 1 —————— — A Fearfully Long Siege of Daily Pain and Misery. Charles Von Soehnen, of 201 A Sy Colfax, Wash., says: “For at leaf thirty years I suf. fered with kidney troubles, and the at- tacks laid me up for days at a time with pain in the back and rheumatism. When I was up and around sharp twinges caught me, and for fifteen years the frequent passages of kidney secretions ane noyed me. But Doan's Kidney Pills have given me almost entire freedom from this trouble and I cannot speak too highly in their praise.” Bold by all dealers, 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. ¥ H | | $100 Reward, $100, Manufacturing Rubies. The readers of this paper will be pleased to | learn that there 1s 6t least one dreaded dig case that science has been able to cure in all tages and thatisCatarrh, Hall'sCata ure is the only positive cure now known t« he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con onal disesse, reaguires Cris gitict BL, Yrolesso {if 5, bY Lhe ie { i wills aing liscovery of the process of convert worth # cents a Kary valued at 100 to #150 4 French scien fact that Hn iN 3 3 beautifu ERT Lite Air -sae (UI BDAY Ling directly upon of the # on of t devices ¥y the i in Britl YCAr ¥ WAR The coal benefit mine duced percentage during mine War the VORrs ago deat 1.000 of y emplos Only One “Bromo Quinine™ is la ve Brom» Qui 4 : § ‘ y TOVE the si ! ’ Look {sad the for Worid ov More proof {ha Compound saves cal operations, Mrs, 8. A. Williams, of Yepetable ii ham’ woman froin Gardiner, 3 { COMER FACTS FOR SICK WC P . } 's Vegetable ( Mrs. Pinkham | wornen to write | fhe i ¥ One of the Fssentials +3 Cdl ©" v . 3 FAT §'« ¥ ¥ 1 by phy m Well-Inf Wo lax: ¢ ive Second Wand are and Mariap Any Lind any quant iy. say. We pay freight HitHMMonND BEAGLO. 1109 FE. Cary St JMiehmeond Va. Thompson's Eve Water { Fier | WANTED and Elixir of na. To get its benefic elects ie California Fig Syrup Co, | 1 amicted A . of with wenn all leading druggists, TES Wee SR —— at NO MORE MUSTAR THE SCIENTIFIC ANI AAA TO BLISTER UNTER-IRRITANT D PLASTERS DERN EXTERNA Capsicum-Vaseline. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES -HEEP A TUBE HANDY A QUICK, SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN =~iIN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN~AT ALL UGCASTS AND DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF i15¢c IN P AGE STANPS. A substitute for and superior 10 mustard or any other plaster. and will not blister the most delicate skin, The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stup the toothache at once, and relieve Head- ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counters irritant known. also as an egternal remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say “His the best of all your preparations.” Accept no preparation of vaseline wnless the same carries our label, as 6therwise it is not genuine, Send your address and we will mail our Vessilne Booklet cescribing our preparations which will interest you. 17sutest. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. tiew York city ® ro. 4 a PRICE 15%¢.