The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 02, 1908, Image 1

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Public Reception Tendered Rg
day Evening of Last Wee
field and Family Egf€ftain
An oasis in the social As Tround
about Boslsburg was surveyed by the
people of that town and Harris town. |
ship Thursday evening of last
1138 epLion tent
the occasion b
Hon. James BR. Garfield, sec
the Interior in the
and Mrs. Garfield.
Secretary, his lovely wife, ai
teresting sons, were the gi
Theodore Davis al during
Roosevelt :
Ihe distinguished
{ fon in.
and Mrs
the Christmas season, an rifer
that the public might have an oppor
tunity to greet the first cabinet officer
to be entertained.dn t t
county, a reception wa
them to be held in the
the time mentioned
Bhortly after the
es had taken their places
and Mrs, Garfield lead Se
field and Mr=. Boal an
sevelt Cabinet Officer Thurs-
3 in Boal Hall, Se€retary Gar-
ed by Mr, and Mrs, Boal,
of opportunity, with no
Hleges commercial or
Sey he
6 hoped the forces of the present
ministration would not die March
ith, 1909, but that whoever would suc-
would enforce
by President
is for eqlinl
ceed to the presidency
the policies inaugurated
he speech making over, each
to Mrs. Gar-
to Mr. Gar-
in his happy
WaY humblest feel the
equality of the American citizen,
next served,
Was 1! troduced
fleld by lack, and
field i y Bosal, who
mad« the
A dainty lunch was
during which time there was the usual
social intercourse
Islas mornings committee
Rev. A. A. Black, Dr. L.
i'rof. H. . Rothrock, E.
nd RK, B. Harrisou went
invite the Hecre
Interior to a public recep-
tion, and on receiving his assurance of
the pleasure of weeting the good peo-
community on such ap
occasion, the aflair was uppermost in
the minds of all
The receiving committee at the Boal
Hall was as follows : Rev, aud Mrs, A.
A. Black, Dr. and Mrs, L.. E. Kidder,
Prof, and Mrs, H. C. Rothrock, Mr.
aod Mrs, EK. W. Bweeney, Mr. and
Mrs. BR. B Harrison, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McFarlane, Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
B. Goheen, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Ca pored
E. Kidder
W. Bweeney
to the Boa nee Lo
tary of HT
ple of that
| Jacobs, Mr, and Mrs. Henry M. Host
Mrs. John M., Wie
I, Mrs. E. E. Brown, Mrs. Emma
Secretary of Interior.
Cecile Delius de
form, where they were jutroduces
Mr. Boal to Rev, A. A. Black, who in
turn iutroduced them to the reception
in his
address of welcome Rev
Black, among otuer things, said the
OUviasion «as u he Of speech INAaK-
ing, out a few reasons were stated why
Mr. Garfleld was welcomed
burg. Ia tie one Lu
the existence of Boalsburg
$ 2
LO Bi Rs
years Of
Lh rent
greel 8 cabloet
nation ; be Was weigoined
because Lhe people ofa: of
Were, geuerally speakiug, iu sympathy
will the policies of
ministration ; WEE was especially wel
comed because a. # member of Lie
Roosevelt cabiiet—composed of he
most distingdished statesmen ;
Lie present ad
Sain, Decalise hie was Lhe
second marty red presiden
the possibility of 8 Ustfleld becoming
of Lhe
y DEC use ul
Loli Luees On natiouss
one of the
ticket to be voted for November,
and the ultimate Hgelinood of him
Bote future Lite beading Lbs LICK
Sud DeCvsiug the cule] wsgisiraie oui
Lhe greniest Bslion io ae Listory
the world,
Mr. Gaifield res pig | by fist ex
pressivg Lis gredt plese in belug
permiited Lo meet Lhe people
burg through the Kiuduess
~Mr. aud Mrs
af Boss
i Lis bos
Boal i
to 8
Aud hostess
a juouinr way referred
ing the Bare yhelows
ent of bitosell Sod gesoviates
§ rid Lhe eXCite
Oulo,”” wae
of amiousirous bear, |
the speaker, ** we are tstugul that
size of peas, bus
from stories 1 have
berries ure Lhe size of
aud grow vir trees ivy and auore
bear we clinsed today is
one of Luese
frees which
Meadows famous,
“Every good citizen believes thst
the locality 1: when ves i8 Lhe
best portion of the world ; |
sympathy for people who sre dissstis
fled with their home town and cow
munity ; these are not cous
structive, but destructive, Hlmselt
fcountryman, he fully realized the
conditions of the community io
which he was belug entertained,
Allusion was msde (0 the happy
time on Christmas Day at the Bos
mansion, wheo several hundred obi
dren were collected from the surround
fog country mud each presented with
8 gift plucked by a Santa Claus from
an elaborately tricmed tree,
To make this republic what it caught
to be these children wast be laugit
the true priveiples of government ss
well as the true religion,
With & statement in advance that
he had no lutentiou of tiki tics,
Mr, Unrtieid said * this ads ioiration
pm pking
Now | is possivie Lu
ity elit
lusde the
Lave Bai
Mies Sara J. Keller,
I’ 8, Isher, proprietor of the Boals-
big Hotel, the caterer, assisted
thy Misses Aunie Myers and Dells
Ihe and walters
Misses Rose Woods, Margaretis
Nan Messrs. Albert
Bsuart, Charles
Mothersbaugh, Harry Bailey.
Ishler, wallresses
were :
Goheen, Leech,
{ ford Wi
sIDRerIch, yyililiam
The American flag draped over the
relic, the
propeity of the Boal family, Although
well preserved, the flag is over seventy
half a ceu-
fromm the
Fhe lag was made at Cline
front of the stage is an old
years old, and more
tury ago
ve nisier’s.
was purchased
James T.
origiuaily owned by Gen
Pallmoadge, It has a field of
All day Fhursday was spent by Beg
reinry Garfield, wife and sons, Mr. and
Meyers, William
Stuart, Harry Bailey, Robert Bailey
children in
ouly to the foot of Ow
¥irs., foal, Wy es
aud Allred Rapp in the seven
tains, the ladies and the
the partly gotug
miles. To
of the BHec-
Linck was discovered,
tussey, while the remainder
Larough the mountains for
Lie greatest satisfaction
feialy 8 Dear
It became
0 go farther would
the planted
Mr. Garfiela eX press.
apparent that t Le-
for Lhe evening.
Late then recegion
(d great desire Lo Caplure Liulu, which
would etunbie Lim to return 10 Wash
Balu on Monday of this week,
John 8. Hosger man, principal of the
| Montrose seuools, spent his vacation
{ at Lancaster nod Centre Hall,
| Mr. sud Mrs. B. H, Arney spent
| Ulnirisiiuas st Niagara Falls with their
{ son, A. Miles Arney nod family,
| Mr. and A. 8B. Krape, ol
| Lornlue, Olilo, are in Penos Valley,
present ure al the home ol
drs. Kispe's sister, Mrs, C. R. Nell,
near Centie HAL
i stil] at
Ralph and Ward Miller, sons of
| Harry Milier, of Mill Hall, spent part
if the Christings season with their
| cousing, Charley aud Clarence Miller,
| near Centre Hill,
I'he Woman's Home Companion for
| Jauuary begins well with a handsome
aud showy cover design by James
dontgomerg Flagg. It is a notable
aumber from the standpoint of {lus
nau, of Hiate College,
with his friend, F,
jin place. Mr. Burman
n_grancisco having
the time of the
joyed his visit
beet Ih that of
great disaster,
tere very much,
The January number of the Ladies’
World ls out, and if it can be taken as
representative of the year the subscribe
ers will certainly be pleased, for it Is
not only one of the handsomest of the
periodicals, but it is filled with mater
ial that Is Interesting to read and val
uable to know,
| Founa Lying Between Two Pews In Old
Lutheran Church at Jacksonville,
George W. Garbrick, of Bellefonte,
was found cold in death, lying be-
tween two pews in the abandoned
| Lutheran church, at Jacksonviile,
| Friday, December 20th. Mr, Gar-
brick, some time ago, purchased the
old church building, with a view of
razing it and using the material in the
erection of a dwelling house, He had
gone to work on the old building, but
about four o'clock in the afternoon, the
sound of the hammer ceased. It was
first thought the man had quit work
and gone home, but later the structure
was entered by neighbors, who made
the discovery that death had forever
stilled the hard of a promioent resi-
dent of Bellefonte,
Mr. Garbrick was born in Marion
township, February 2ad, 1843, making
his age almost sixty-five years. Dur-
ing the past six years he lived in
Bellefonte. He was a member of the
Lutheran church. Burviviog him is
bis wife, nee Alice Brupgart. Two
c¢hildren—Clarence Garbrick, of Phila-
delphis, and Mrs. SBarah Smetgler, of
Spring township, survive, as do also
the following brothers snd sisters :
Jacob, Emanuel and Henry, Mrs. John
Ishler, of Benner township, and Mrs
Peter Heckman, of Walker township,
Interment was made Tuesday, at
pen—— ep ——————
rd Another Pike Gone
Four hundred and sixty-two dollars
was the value assessed by the viewers
for the Agricultural College and June.
tion Turnpike. This pike extends
from State College to Lemont, where
it connects with the pike condemned
a short time ago. The attorneys for
the petitibners were Fortney & Fort
ney ; for the county, Gettig, Bower &
Zarby ; the company, John
The holidays are over, now back to
work with a will,
Jreob Wagner is in MifMlioburg with
his son, James B. Wagner,
The Iolermediate and Primary
schools in Centre Hall will onen Mon-
day, th tescbers having taken two
weeks vacstion instead of one,
A Bell telephone has been installed
in the dwelling bouse on the farm of
Dr. Stuart C. Runkle, of Philadelphia,
now occupied by his brother, John
James Brambaugh, of Mount Union,
who was convicted at Huntingdon of
tHegal liquor selling, was sentenced to
pay $500 floe, the cost of the case aud
«pend nine months io jail,
Arthur Kline sai Wife, of Altoons,
and Miss Miopie Kline, a student in
the Bible College, Philadeliphis, spent
Christmes week with their parents,
Mr and Mra J. A. Kline, st Centre
Engineers are agsin surveying in
the vicipity of Bandy Ridge on what
i# #upposed vwabash trunk
fine to the east. This proposed road
asses along the southern portion of
entre county, through Penns Valley,
Mra Ciyde U. Wieland, of Boals
burg, sccompsuvisd by her sons,
Hobert and Daniel, during the Christ.
mas season was the gust of her friends,
rofl. aud Mrs. Charles Howard, super.
intendent of schools in Mahanoy City,
“chuylikiil county.
Ex-Hquire W. M. Grove and Will
mm H. swith, of Spring Mille, were
in town beginning of last week. Mr.
Grove just returned from a surveying
tip in the vicinity of Livonia, where
had runvivg lines borderiog
tate lands purchased by the state
orestry department,
to be the
he teacher's local institute for Hare
ris, Ferguson, College and Potter town.
abips sud Centre Hall borough will be
neld in Boal Hall, Boalsburg, 10. h and
th inet. Rev. Fehmidt, of Relle.
toute, will deliver a lecture Friday
“Vepiog, subject : '* Across the Atlan
tie and through the Mediterranean."
During the Cbristmas season Mrs,
Mary Ellen Borkholder was one of the
mavy mothers in Penns Valley who
had the pleasure incident to a family,
reanion. On Christmas day her sons
~Mortis A., of Altoona; Wilbur, of
Bellefonte, Harry and Ammon, to
gether with the eldest son's wife and
Httle daughter, Mary Ellen, surround.
ed the family board,
Like all other towns Boslsburg hse
its quoto of young men and women
who sre getting up in the world but
do not fall to show their appreciation
of the old home. "Among these are
Prof. and Mrs, Edward H. Meyer, of
Hazelton, accompanied by their two
children, who are the guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Meyer. Prof, Meyer Is one of the in.
structors in the Hazelton High
Behool, and is fully «quipped for the
position, belog a graduate of Pennayl.
Assures the Heporter Headers That His
Committees Has Been Unreful to Recog-
nize Only the Fittest,
The following letter from
Jonas KE. Wagner, chairman of
committee delegated the power
examine school teachers applying for
teachers permanent certificates, needs
no explanation, The editor of the
Reporter, however, wishes to set him-
self right in the minds of the readers
by frankly admitting that the * past’
referred to in the article under the
beading * Permaneut Certificates,’
was nol meant to apply to the im-
mediate past, In writing the article
the writer had in mind particular
permanent certificate holders whose
fitness for school work was question.
able + hen certificates were Issued, and
since conditions in these instances
have not changed. Generally speak.
ing there can be no denial that perma.
vent certificates have not been dol d
Last Yeur's Agricultural Product Worth
Beven and a Half Biillon Dollars.
At a time of financial readjustment
an examination of working assets is
general. Among the most important
of the public documents as Congress
assembles is the report of the secretary
of agriculture, whose department has
grown steadily, and is conducted with
energy and enterprise. Becretary
Wilson's statement is fulldf feassuring
facts. Bo comprehensivel this true
that the bank disturbant of the
moment is entirely ont of keeping
with the state of the country and its
general industries. The crops of 1907
are not the largest that have been
raised, but will sell for more money
and represent a larger foreign credit.
American farm products for 1007 are
valued by the secretary at $7,412,000.
000, which exceeds the high record of
1906 by $657,000,000, figures that be-
speak a remarkable prosperity. The
Has the holiday season proven s
Monday evening the regular week of
Did you do anything during the
A. B. Lee offers for sale the house
Hon, Wm. M. Allison advertises the
William K. Stover, long a resident
Btore, oth Mr. Blover and
John A. Kline, of near dillheim,
out with too liberal 8 hand. Mr
recently made a trip to western Pennp-
1907 corn crop Is valued at $1,850,000, -
000, or twenty-six per cent. above the
average value" of the previous five
crops. Cotton holds its high valua-
tion and the wheat crop is more valu-
able by 5! per cent. Taking farm
cereals as a whole, their value in 1807
18 twenty-three per cent. above the
average of the lust five years. In 1907 |%
dairy products reached $500,000,000,
poultry snd eggs $600,000,000 and ani-
mals sold and slaughtered on the
farms, §127,000,000 Agriculturally the
United States is a many-billion
oo ———————— \
> Advance for Mr, lahier \ \ Pe
The Pennsylvania Rallroad Compa- | H
ny sent Frank T. Ishler, assistant
agent at Centre Hall, credentials ad-
vancing him from that position to sa
full fledged station agent, and trans
Wagner's letter follows :
Referring to your editorial of Decem-
ber 10th, reiative to the activities of
the permanent certificate committee of
Centre county, I feel that a wrong im-
pression may be gained of the work
this committee bas done during its
term of service. The present members
are all serving by resppointment after
conducting the work for the last tree
During that time eighteen
applicants presented themese ves for
exsmination for this grade of certifi
cate, five of whom were recommended
to the Stale Superintendent and who
Iater received their certifioates, With
such a percentage faiiing, we feel that
we have, st lesst, not erred iu giving
out these credi#ntiale promiscuously,
Furthermore, the members of the
commitiee have been a unit in de-
years, De
termining the standard to be reached
He is now
before a candidate is recommended
Ibis standard is set up arbitrarily by
them but is based on legisiative re-
quirements, tests of a similar nature in
other sections, and on what is BU pe
posed 10 represent a conservative, yet
progressive, degree of educational sd-
vancemeut. And in order to encour-
age further study on the part of teach-
ers Lhe committee has outlined sll its
requirements —in some cases mention.
log specific books to be covered—and
through private and public instruc
tion has given Its service in every way
I assure you, Mr. Editor, that if the
committee has given evidence that it
lacks the truly professional spirit, sod
has been disloyal to the educational
interests of the county, ils motives
have been right aud the failures are
due to errors of judgment.
Thanking you most sincerely for
your interest, not only as a citizen but
as a director, and trusting thst our
work shall measure up to a healthy
public epiuion.
Farmers Change Locations
As is usually the case at the begin-
niog of the yea, annouscements of
farmers changing loditions are made.
A few in this viciuity are noted :
Johu H. Williams has leased a farm
near Pine Grove Mills, sod will be
succeeded as tensnt ou the Furst farm
by Jerry Luiz. The « urtin farm, near
Gatesbuirg Mines, vacated by Mr, Luiz
will bave for a new tenant Wes Fore
mau, of Potter township. The latter
Cool, who is the owner of the farm he
will begin to till next April.
A change of method of farming by
John Q. A. Kenuedy, west of Centre
Hall, necessitates a regulation tenant
on that farm, snd the want will be
holding that position and hss moved
his family to the Green Irvin howe, at
Mr. Ishler is an
be able and willing to serve the people
io that community in the best pos.
Forrest Bible, who for almost six
years has been sgent at Oak Hall, has
been transferred to Georgetown, on
the Philadelphia and Erde R. R.,
under the Penney system. Mr. Bible
has, many warm friends sbout Oak
Hall and Boalsburg who regret to see
hid gO elsewhere,
ls pp
Do It Touday—-Now,
Order the Philadelphia Press daily,
Safety Razor with it. The value of
thie dally Press one year and the Safe-
ty Razor is $500] The Press makes
the uoheard offer of both for $3.50,
Esch is a gift in iwell. The Press
will mail the paper one year to one
Fhe offer is good
- a
Milihelmn K. 6 KE Officers
Past Chief —C, G. Weaver
Noble Chief-l. W. Stover
Vice Chief—R. H. Breonu
High Priest—J. W, Reifsnyder
Master of Recorde—Samuel Weiser
Venerable Hermit—H. R. Auman
Clerk of Exchequer—M. H. Smith
Keeper of Exchequer—J, H. B.
Sir Herald —M. L. Breon
Trustee—T. K. dank
Representa i. H. Bmith vi
————————— A
The marriage of William B Krape,
filled by Howard &sigler, who will
move there from Lhe Hg
owned by Prof } ;
nant bas been selected for the
rock farm.
the farm of Henry Potter, will mo
owned by William H. Btiver. He will
be succeeded on the Potter farm by
Elmer Harshbarger, of Buflalo Run,
who a short time ago was tenant on
the Bartholomew farm, west of Centre
Arber oF, |
whether or not §
ing as an ‘
is undecided
Il continue farm.
jon, but has sor
Tada to the large Van
Tries far Linden Hall, gand
will be su as tenant there by
Charles W. Weaver, of near Spring
Ezra Harter, of Altoona, formerly of
Gregg township, will succeed J. Cloyd
Brooks as tenant on the farm of Dr.
H. F. Bitner, west of Centre Hall
Mr. Brooks, as mentione i tounly
in these columns, will occupy Rhoney-
Fetteroll Property Sold,
pS ashe Bt
rol Was
WORE BY the Pavonten Rael phiitla; tas
rol to iy CX and
his new bine after April
rsburg, Christmas eve,
xler, of Rebirsburg, of} is
Theeouple returned to Cen-
L Hall Thun following, where
Pwiil live for the present, Con
Mn Mf A AIA,
May Oslebrate Centenniat,
Boalsburg citizens are seriously con-
sidering the celebration of the centen-
nial anniversary of that town, The
dore Davis Boal is the leading spirit in
the movement, and backed by the
people of Boalsburg and Harris town-
ship the anticipation now entertained
will undoubtedly bégome a realization.
Bome week in June of the present year
is likely to be the time selected,
Institute at Miliheim,
“The teachers local institute, at Mille
heim, Friday and Saturday ought to
be productive of much good, Judging
from the character of suljects to be
discussed. Friday evening Rev, Ame
brose M. Bobmidt will lecture on
"Across the Atlsatic and Throigh
the Mediterranean.’
Glngery Mereantile Appraiser, 4
The board of county commissioners
appointed David J Gingery, of Mar |
tha, mercantile appraiser. Mi. Glog
& man saturated from hes
He is proprietor of the Cen-
mills and made the
A whole hog was from the
Bellefonte. No doubt the
end the time dividing up the carcas,
Everybody's for January sets a pace
Foremost in importance is the
Edwin Le-
recent panic--
Sine , Got Them by
A Plymouth Rock pullet
agession of Barber Geary, in
in the
all, is distinguishiog itself by laying
measure 6x8
The young
The butchers in Centre county had a
Le next call Will, no
of an official nature,
frovisions of ihe
impressed the mest
Phe new officers elected by the
Ae 8s
Hows : Worshipful master, Henry C.
lgley ; senior warden,
Robert KE.
» SMLILRE | seClelary
As long ae the claim of
heirs, think Own
built, remains unseliled they will
bring. Aller the
~ that’s another
John H., Williams was iu town re-
Caled sl the neporier
He is baviog a sale BOE ithe
BOL giviug up the
ra. He Wiki, BoWever, move ls sE8G
Le, Lo Lhe
farm, BLOV
Lite Urowe
aver wo
{ind Ww jovk aller,
Fired Melasughlio, who sowe years
Was 8a ULrakewmistt ou the oC ad
WWeled Dis
Boou hells, Hest disc
Uger engiueer. He was 8 uatl.e of
by bis
The following ie repriuied row the
iflwburg lelegrapt ©: Miss
days plens-
Bue 1 .mployed in
which she proficient apd
is Very
well liked by 10s patrons,
A Best gasoline lamp hss been puar-
bee ni
Properly cared 4
License court is over but no licenses
; last year.
D: Koob, of Phil
has been
Prof, C.