INMY FAMILY “I Have Used Pe-ru-na at Various Times for Several Years.” ra RR 38 3 MA. EOWARD M. BURT : Sha nal UTE I Recommend Pe-ru-na, . EDWARD M. BURT, 5 rson Ave., St. Louis, Mo J Catarrh of He Charles | vy, SU Allen ad, Nose, Throat. Pe-ru-na Tablets: Son ablets, rather than med! inal! ingredient Ask Your Druggist For Free Peruuo Almanae For 1908 Scientific Explanation. Captain Chandl I : aeronaut, sald at did, let nomenon, wraps 5 a blanket,” and i and it catches cold ton Star. The Modern Country Store, “The country er bad accounts on his be carried some A. Chambers, i8 because he and many years ag accounts for farmer for “The reason dition is large prices and lar and eggs i for poultry and eggs every month to bills and many ses, Another farmer much as $50 a month from me for chickens and eggs. The farmers are raising more chickens now than ever before, and they are getting the high- est prices for them. The poultry products of the ordinary farm now amount to about as much in value as the live or any other kind of farm product Washington Post. The “Well,” said Citiman, “I guess vou fellows in the surburbs are pleased to have the chance to run around in the fresh air these mornings?” “Run around?” snorted Subbubs “Huh! most of our running is right storekeeper has fe wks than said Mo years aga,” of Coffey. James selia a on a cash basis » that we Fome preily months this ly due to » demand for poultry out farmer money grocery expen- receives as 8ix for tha } ! to one enough pay 211 his other current pay stock Hustlers, station." Philadelphia Preas, NEW STRENGTH FOR OLD BACKS, No Need to Saffer Every Day From Backache, Mrs. Joannah Straw, Broadway, Canton, 8. D., says: “For ar, threes years [| suf- fered everything with rheumatism in my limba and a dull, ceaseless aching in my back, 1 was weak, languid, 526 North spells and the kid ney secretions were thick with solids. I was really in a erit- feal condition when I began with Doan's Kidney Pills, and they certain. Iy did wonders for me. Though I am 81 years old, I am as well as the aver age woman of 650. 1 work well, eat well and sleep well.” Sold by all dealers. 00 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. * rem——— ER JUST OPEN And Several Bills Will Soon Be in Evidence, About 4000 Having Been Introduced on the Opening Day of the Sixtieth Congress, Lt | 4 1 - Y¥ CER'B CleVerest cartoon by Jamieson, in the Pittsburg D a THOUSANDS GO BACK TO WORK, GENERAL REVIVAL OF CONFIDENCE Industries Shut Down During Financial Flurry Resume—Railroads Are Re-employing Men They Discharged and Mills Are Reopening. New York City According to dispatches from countrs reds mer off in panic i most 3 1 all curtailed & Hutchins Company, on half-time fo: weeks, of = at work also resum full time Me., the Apsley Fairbanks Company a The cotton mills a Mass., Anthony, R. 1., P days, have opened River also resume tuxet, R. I., Mass, and plants Shad al 3 had almost three son, Manville, R. been up. The New Er work. In many s¢ New England, notably and in the Blackstone Valley section, Worces- Pawtuxet, there has been curtailment of output what- atives at th places, numbering between and 20,- working at full time, and it is said any sibility o which has ireat been remon of New nfidence have Cotton Con which and tions of and Fail at Paw ter, ever 000 Ng » all b » wo eh heer a ¥ and ze il 1 fl i * +1 A general resum ce take » and Ro : { y, at Dayton i, will resume w» piriking and $ ¥ ¢ tO be fo . Involving Lane Cutoff, Portlant Angeles 1 equipment motives the Uni notner mire reviving Association postponed indefinitely, ace but will now » resumed and rushed to a spe« The | 8 Traction system is also continuing Louis, involving an expenditure of $5,500,000 The general revival of confidence seems to have commenced bevon question. The disappearing premium on currency is one factor which ad¢ naterially in the improvement of the outlook It seems safe to sg view of the dispatches, that with a promise of conservative action by n- gress, the business of the country will gradually return to the prosperous condition in which it waa prior to the late financial flurry. In this connection it has been declared that cancellations of orders to factories by some jobbers and wholesalers of dry goods. particularly in Ne York City, gave false appearance to the general situation. Certain cane lations, it is said, were due to a desire to get lowes prices Orders factories had been given in the height of prosperity when prices were high. Then the jobbers saw a chance to beat their contracts by re calling orders and givi new ones at bottom figures. But some of them, ashamed at taking this advantage, have changed their minds and wiil accept goods at the prices promised, The facts of the general situation, anyway, 80 many workmen laid off as was believed. entering Chicago, the greatest railway centre in the country, dismissed 30,000 men. They employ, probably, forty times that many. All the other railroads of the country, as far as can be learned, dismissed only 14,000, and that figure includes the $000 let out by the Union Pacific. But there is the strongest indication that these men must go beek to work soon. Sirange to say, while the roads were dropping their men their business was growing it is an actual fact that the gross earnings last week of the railroads entering Chicago showed a large increase. It is the belief of the traffic men that a like increase will be shown this week. Though the two great trunk lines of the East-—the New York Central and the Pennsylvania—have laid off thousands of men. the Chicago situa- tion makes it evident that these men must go back to work. Increased gross earnings of the roads entering Chicago must later mean like in- creases for the lines east from the lakes: for traffic is continuous, and Chicago Is not the terminal for all the goods hauled there The business men of all the smaller cities of the Rast surrounding the metropolis are convinced that the threatened hard times will not materialize, and they have gone back or are preparing to go back to a normal basis GLUT EUROPE'S LABOR Mo., wh improvemer < Louis, $08 S000) irding has ent decision dy comple & $4 * its con fo a re cers, nounced work a L st. prove that there were not For instance, all the railroads MARKET. Disastrous Results of Return of Thousands From America—Germany May Adopt the American Plan of Excluding Undesirables, Berlin.—There is some alarm lest the hordes of returning emigrants without money will critically glut the already overcrowded labor market in Germany, It has been unofficially suggested that the Sovernment imitate the American plan of excluding undesirables. Labor organizations are greatly troubled over the prospect of an influx at a time when the question of employment is acutely difficult, Commod!- ties, even the barest necessities, are rising to almost famine prices. ; It was stated at a meeting of the Municipal Council of Schoencberg a suburb of Berlin, that there were 30,000 skilled and 35,000 unskilled workmen idle in Berlin alone. A proportionate number are idle in other industrial centres and in the farming regions. : i The trades unions have already been compelled to eut in half thelr doles to the unemployed. Similar conditions prevail in Austria, to which country more American emigrants have returned in a fortnight than departed. The prices of food are rising and troubles are feared, Clubwomen Start Crusade on Evils of Christmas Gifts and Customs, Chieago-~A denatured Christmas ~-a holiday with the “evil” of gift giving eliminated—will be the order of things within a few years, if the Chicago Woman's Club be successful in a crusade, The movement was suggested to the clubwomen by Mrs. I. 8. Black- welder, President, and Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin. Both declared that Christmas as it is celebrated now and its attendant evil, the shopping Dog Cleans Sewers by Dragging Brush Through Tube. Paris.—Yet another vocation been found for dogs at Nice. The new sewerage system now being cone structed is sald to be one of the best in the world. Among the sewers is one narrow for a man to traverse. In order to clean it a small fox terrier Is used. The dog is fitted with harness and trots through the passage, pulling a cord after him, to which a large brush is attached, The workmen pull the eord through, and thus perform the cleaninz On Reading Books, Within certain limite spontaneity is the best of all principle; in read- ing. Provided that the proper super- vision has been exercised to eliminate the unfit and trivial, boys and girls might as well be left to ‘shift for themselves” in libraries and cata- logues The thing that particularly attracts them is the thing they should read. Girls are often forced to waste time on insipid and colorless stories, whereas it 18 books of healthy adventure, travel, description and biography that they crave for, envy ing the happier brothers and boy friends who have access to such stimulating works In the matter of elassi greater discrimination should be exercised. Some standard books should be cluded from school reading they are 100 pri vital to be “sacrificed” in ilture, They can i with yulsion when the red rg arc fit to enjoy them The fear ti might nev er be read at al ground. les perhap as things are, but the college profe ‘5, the ¢ g and the friends of eX because ty # 1 wound and name of « Com ofther nuch to a ey th of hay to a and we can of the bushels You simply a shape of off to the sl vnios 3 in his es and 30 rm to fatten a hog 20 busi into make it walk Ket s ele § ace of humor { in an instant he was 3 he cried, » Corn ac- OTH GAINED Man and Wife Fatten on Grape-Nuts. that meat is pecessary for real .trength and the foundation of solid flesh is now nJ longer as prevalent as formerly. Excessive meat eaters are usually sluggish a part of the time because they are not able to fully digest their food, and the undigested portion is changed into what is practically a kind of poison that acts upon tha blood and nerves, thus getting all through the system. “1 was a heavy meat eater,” an Ile. man, “and up to two years Ago, was in very poor health. 1 suf- fered with indigestion so that 1 only weighed 95 pounds “Then 1 heard about Grape-Nuts and decided to try It. My wife laughed at me at first but when 1 gained to 125 pounds and felt so fine, she thought she would eat Grape- Nuts too. “Now she {3 fat and well and bas gained 40 pounds. We never have in- digestion any more and seldom feel the desird jor meat. A neighbor of ours, 68 years old, was troubled with indigestion for years; was a heavy ment eater, and now since he has been eating Grape-Nuts regularly, he says he is well and never has indi gestion, 1 could name a lot of pes sons who have really been cured of indigestion by changing from a heavy meat diet to Grape-Nuts.” “There's a Reason.” Name given by Postum Co., Battie Creek, Mich. Read the little book, “The Road wo The notion writes Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, reach the seat of the disease blood or constitutional disease, nnd 1n ore fo cure iL you must take internal remedies ns they canna Catarrh int acts directly on the blood and mucous sur face. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quacl medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous va The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh Bend for testimonials, free F.J.Cuesey & Co., P'rops., Toledo, O, Bold by druggists 5c, Take Hall's Family aces price, Pills for constipation Experiments made by scientists show that butter keeps best when preserved with from 3 to 5 pe: cent. of salt If the salt is higher than are less German proportion of that the result gatisfaciory The milk pans are quickly cleanéd and rid of all “feel” washed in Borax and water in the fol greasy when lowing proportions—1 tablespoonful of Borax to a quart of water, csa———— Giving him credit | started a man on the road to the alms Constipation personal ef forts wath the assistance al laxative remedy, Syrup Ah and Flisir of Sena, Wy vich ena tes one Fo form vet ular habits daily 50 that agsislo ee fo nae ture may be fradually dispensed with when no lonpor needed ag the best of remedies, when vegquired, arelo assist nature and not te supp! nl the netur. al fun lions, which must depend ultis mately upon proper nourishment, proper e¢ forls,and night living generally. To gel us beneficial effects, always buy the Sesuule SyrupdFigs=" Elixir Sean moniufeclured by the CALIFORNIA Fic Syrup Co. ony SOLD BY ALL LEADINC DRUGCISTS cue size only, vefalar price 50% per Bottle A ———— A I CW ST A AO SSE 5 SA 5 OY STERS TO BLISTER SIERS ! , PEPPER DON'T WAIT COMES -HEEP Send your CAYENNE | TAKEN | ds ie “ EE THE PAIN York City are easily distinguished which goods. appears on over. wo. Than any of Be™ worid, mo because (hey he world to-day. EF” CAUTION, Ww. 1 stitute. Sold by the best ah of the world, 1ilaste Douglas ated catalog free In 1831 Eros, a plas proach the earth etoid, will ap- within one the fault will rest with the mers of that day if they do not suc- a ———— which ty nor reputation, by the big L ’s - " a 1 - from other makes, ® nmunition verware the world “ to sil Pe " K,* “8 “8 Earl tamped on bdtom. Take No Sub. o& mailed from factory to any part « L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mase. . w——— he makes i trust use of the words me, dear?” it is tim not en Only One “Bromo Quinine Loo} {lax within one of its amount ten-thousandth manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 82 trial bottle and treation free, vr. H R Kline, 14.881 Arch 8t, Phils , Pa. Consumers of meat in New York Cily are paying about 11 per cent more for their food than they did one year ago. Face and Neck Covered With Ine flamed Skin—Doctors No Availe Cared by Caticura Remedies. with itching skin similar to eczema, and the suffered terribly for over a year. | took her to a number of doctors, and aleo to different colleges, to no avail. Then Cuticura Remedies were recommended to me by Miss G--. I did not nee it st first, ar 1 bad tried so many other remedies without any favorable results. At last I tried Cuticora Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Resolvent Pills, and to my surprise noticed an improvement. After using three boxes of the Cuticura Oint- ment, together with the Soap and Pills, I am pleased to say she is altogether a dif ferent child and the picture of health. Mrs. A. C. Brestlin, 171 N. Lincoln St. Chicago, 111, Oct. 20 and 30, 1628." Self-deninl Ix not a virtue; it is mere. ly the effect of prudence upon ras eality, Iteh cured in 30 minntes by Woolford's Lotion. Never fails. Al druggists, a ying” pro Obted” always thar eve n a oredih e. y Plies Cured 1a © to 14 Days, caeof Tiching. Bind, Biecdimgor Protywding of Itch Welliville,” in pkgs. is in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 80c. over to Cure a Cold in One Day, 5 ix the art of + is more acceptable knowing wi than th ruth Mra, Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Childreg teething, softens theguma redoeesinlamma tion, alinys pain, cures wind colic, 25¢ca bottle Jealousy is a vine which produces 8 crop of sour grapes. — — 97 Years is a long time for an article to remain on the market and retin its rep utation for reliability. Jatablished in 1810, halds this reoord, ken internally on sugar # has wo equal In coring on " oolde, eroup, cole, ote, he. three times un monck She. All dealers. L 8 JORKSON & 00, Boston, Mass. ¥ know abou’ ah ‘AY and S00 if, Cp v Ar Heist AER. IT WI 50 LL PAY at Thompson's Eye Water