a —_— 8 A AD so Ryn CENSORSHIP IN Forging eal RUSSIA. 8 on Letters and Replao- ing Stamps. The modus oper andi of the politieal which has for some usually active In its spondence, has ged since the time anda first postal censorship, time past been um scrutiny of private not materially when COrres i h 1114 "Opag aroused jts relies The boiling kettle and steam vapor vogue, except letter bears a 'o open and re- without leaving of it hav- fi Process re- of manlip- the part of Sym oquisiton h ply edged steel blade o the requisite degree to and remove the seal intact if this Is done clumsily, ssi correspondent of the dard, then, unless the let. priated destroyed, a be made. This Is ef- : 4a mold of the seal chief ingredi- the SLort ap- pliances of the et noir quickly fur. nish from the a new seal of the same kind of wax practically indistin- guishable from the It Is cus- tomary attach the post wafer the postage of the en- point of the join- le traces I with is ta And le deli ey or Ce Ww hos gypsum and old one. to 48 a ye o 4 1 stead of a al—that is, in- 18 place elope, in 2 fl: ip. This ders the aj » id Se Bide almost tle a comparatively it the postage be ed It is readily ag o origin is agal ter may its « iest eign origin the ex rapidly prepare a the obliterating A different » one. 18 em BABE eh Re A he BA eh ee ex vey, at only in Chris coraer.” Lady Bristol w T23, and was world of whist ell,” write oned among oppluion) he sitts at Lindsey” his cards and gnuff. Palgey and gout hb him to this {rable cot May 1 band that the dive Is the puppet with Lady To have promise § after ‘tis over.’ —l« Queries, 1d ith one worse than de 'Y Ba) to hold hin rotught on hus- raion of the evening “Betty Is pg rington. The whiskers ersion Notes and another to give ave | ghee oli iy Informs her > f hj ‘ . x § 1 ne i ae diy mmdon Sweets and the Disposition. Nothing be said in greater praise of a people than that they like It shows a wholesome, vigor ous, healthful condition, an appetite not jaded from excessive Indulgence. The child whose appetite has not be. come polluted or calloused by false relishes, smarting sauces and burning drinks loves sweets; so does the girl of bright eyes and untainted youth, as is evidenced by her fondness for fce ereams and desserts. The young ath- lete gi men Toves sweets nearly as well i's doe g the child. But the bar rood lounger, the “cigarette fiend,” the #dope flend” amd the depraved of all other classes do not lke sweets, Long ago thelr minds and appetites Jost the desire for everything pleasing to the natural palate.—~What to Eat. A AS Notice the Pink Label, he could LOCALS, Wednesday was cold, snow flakes were flying. Books, games, toys, latest C. P, Lona, Bpring Mills, The Centre Hall Bapply Company advertises new prices this week, The United Evangelical church is being rapidly hurried toward com- pletion. Rain all Monday night and Tues- day. Snow is all gone, and the grass is green, A ten weeks old son of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Hettinger, of Farmers Mills, died Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Me. John H. Pufl are visiting Mra, Pufl’s brother, Rev. M. 8. Derstine, near Lock Haven, Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Boozer and son Shannon are attending the funeral of Mrs, John Boozer, at Osceola Mills. rough, ahd novels— was represented at the State Grange by Christ D. Kel- ler, present master of the local organ- ization, “Progress, Grange Messrs, George IL. Goodbart and Daniel Daup are attending the funeral of Mrs, Joseph Gilliland, at New Bloomfield, They were neighbors for many years. The local temperance wave has ap- parently busted. Too many pew hold- ers are too much mixed up in the busi- ness to permit the ministers to take a free hand without danger of treading In the mesn time devil will for leading the sinner into less evils, Has any onea word tosay ? While wheat has tumubled from the dollar price farmers are asked to con- sider the prices paid for butter, eggs, poultry and produce by the Howard Corporation, Remember, that it is a home, institution, and handles your product no matter whether the price is high or low. on toes, be berated Creamery too, this issue is a notice injury received by After suffering Elsewhere in referring to an Berjamin Emerick. great pain for several days, Mr, Emerick called in Dr. P. H, Dale, who npon ation discovered that the bone bad been split near the ankle to placing a plaster paris cast, It even under the most favorable circumstances, before the full use of the injured member will Oe examis gome extent, necessitating the f the linnb in will require some Lime, re stored. leased for e¢ash rent by Hon, L.. Rhone to Cloyd Brookes, who, by pext spring will have finished a two years’ lease on the farm of Prof. H. F. Bitner, located on the Boalsburg road above Earlystown. Mr. Brooks is one of the young and successful farmers who began tilling the soil three years ago, and it is pre- dicted that he will continue this suc cess throughout the five years covered Rboneymede, of prettiest homes in Peons Valley, and also one of the most productive, Rhoneymede hos been by the lease of one tp Marriage Licenses, John C. Rowe, Bellefonte, Mary E. Armstrong, Altoona, G. W. Biatt, Philipsburg. Nellie Moriarty, Hawk Run, Peter Boyer, Tylettown, Louisa Bhearer, Tylertown, John L. Houlz, Bpring Mills, Carrie Weaver, Asronsourg. William B. Krape, Spring Mills, Margaret Stiver, Centre Hall, nhacribe for the Reporter, DO NOT KNOW This question is becom-| discussed since L. T. organ alone? ing widely Cooper the omach is the true and all health dependent upon it, Mr. Cooper, who has met with re. markable success in the sale new medicine, believes that the stom- ach ia responsible for most sickness, and that this organ is weak in the present generation. While discussing this theory recently, he said: *"I am asked time and again to tell why my medicine has made such a record wherever I have introduced it. My answer always is, ‘because It restores the stomach to a normal condition.’ No one will deny that today there are more half-sick men and women than ever before. Nothing critical seems to be the matter with them. They are Just halfsick most of the time. They don't know really what is the matter with them. 1 have talked with thou- sands during the past two yéars, and few knew indeed what their trouble was. One eald nervousness, another sald kidney trouble, another liver com. plaint, some constipation, or heart trouble, or lung trouble. Many had treated, as they called it, for most of these diseases at different times. A very common complaint is ‘all ran down,’ or ‘tired all the time,’ or ‘no appetite.” “I know positively that every bit of this chronic ll health is caused by stomach trouble, and nothing else. My New Discovery puts the stomach ls sound condition in about six en rE FORREST THEATRE: George Faller Golden the Bias Ribbon Hendiinor Week of December J06 Another bill even more attractive than lust week's great offering will be introduced at the Forrest Theatre, Philadelphia, Monday, December 16, and wlll be headed by George Fuller Golden, who has attained more meri. torious mention than any monologuist on the American stage today on ac- count of his brillinney of speech, great conception of comedy and unequalled method of entertaining great audien- ces, He ranks highest amongst the vaudeville stars of the Klaw & Er- langer Branch, and this year his con- versation on the happenings of the day are said to excel anything be has heretofore attempted. Liane D'Eve, pronounced hy the Parisian press to be the most beautiful and best dressed singer in the land of the Fleur de Leis, makes her first appearance in Phila. delphia in a complete and pew trans formation act of exceptional excel. lence. Winston's seals, the wonderful circus act with their famous riding seal, is another headliner. Hill and Bylvani are sensational bi. cyclists who introduce new feats. Fro- sini is styled the wizard of the accor. dion and he has made the playing of this peculiar instrument an art. Ricoa. bont’s horses will the spectacular offering. Cinqguevalll, the great jug- gler, and the famous blackface come- dian, George Evang, the resl *' Honey Boy" of comedy, remain another week Lo add to the strength of this re markable vaudeville bill, Btn Epring Mills. Robert Kennelly and lady drove to be vw. | he Index... | Beliclonte, Pa. Our Big Toy Room Is Now Open With The Finest Line of Good Toys We Have Ever Shown, Don’t be deceived by buying cheap Toys. They are expensive at any price. A toy is cheap if it gives you good service for the money. Our Toys will serve you well in this line, They look good and are good. A Big Room full. Be sure to see them. Our other lines for Holiday Gifts are on display too. Pay a visit to the ‘‘Holiday Gift Store’ as mazy people choose to call The Index . | he Index... —— PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS ON THE RAILS At no other period of the year does home-hunger grip the human heart with such an eager yearning as at Christmas time, The lasting memories of the old homestead, the tender welcome of the older and the merry greetings of the younger dear ones, the happy reunion about the festa! board, the pungent odor of tne ce dar, the witchery of the holly, the lurking sentiment of the mistle- toe, all combine tofmake a lure well nigh irre«istible, It is the season of reunions and foregatherings and parting. of meeting The z2st of travel is rife, for apart from the home-goings and social exchanges it is a holiday time for many and there are pleas- ant excursions to be made, where sightseeing has an added relish from the prevalent galety and good cheer. The Pennsylvania Railroad is always popular at holiday times, Its system is so far-reaching, and at the same time 80 close. ly interwoven with the needs of the traveler ; its trains are 80 nu. merous and so well equipped for the accommodation of every class of travel, and its ticketing arrangements so satisfying that it might be termed the Banta Claus route, [ts Limited trains carrying the highest grade of travelers, completely appointed in every detail, offer exceptional advantages to the children going home from school for the Christmas vacation. The boys naturally gravitate to such trains: girls find the will Xmas Gifts... Christmas Time Means Christmas Gifts Tussey ville Bunday evening to attend | the revival meeting held in Zion] church. | Owing to the ministers of town be-| ing away holding revival meetings, | the Y. M. UC. A had a very interesting | meeting on the topic ** Adoption.” Mrs. Lizzie Houser, wife of Howard | Houser, is obliged to remain in bed, | as suffering from s compliea’icn of direases. The Sunday schools of town are pre. | is «he is | parieg for Christmas, | citizens awake to | the necessity of street lights and pave. | ments. Some of the side walks are equal to the middie of the street, The merchants are ep deavoring to | make this Christmas exceed all « thers | in the display of goods Merchant J, R. Rishel a new heater in his store, The school bell purchased from sub- scription solicited by Rev. Haney bas not been as there seem to be po carpenters to perform the work. Rev. Havey was the first one of our town to mske use of the snow, going two evenings last week to Tusseyville I'he people here are almost through butchering Wm. Haney was howe on a visit to his parents, Baturdsy. Trappivg l= very profitable this year. The trappers bere have caught a few muskrats, Owing to the wreck at Penn Cave station, Biation Agent Campbell was kept at work very late last Wednes day eveniug. Miss Annie Renninger called at Evangelical parsonage week Preschiog in the Evangelical church Sunday, 2.30 p. m —— A — A —— Pink Label this week. WHAT It is time that our has irstalled put up, the one day last icine is selling at such a trethendous rate. 1 have convinced many thou sands of people that these things are so, and the number is growing by leaps and bounds.” Among more recent converts to Mr, Cooper's beliefs is Mr, Edgar L. Hinds, living at 6 Tappan Street, Everett, Mass, Mr. Hinds has this to say on the subject: “1 have suffered with stomach trouble for eight years. I was not sick enough to be in bed, but just felt bad all the time. My greatest trouble was that I always felt tired, would get up in the morning feeling 2s tired as when I went to bed, “I had a very irregular appetite, and was troubled with dizzy spells. If I stood for any length of time, I would the time as though something Kind going lo Jopen. t Lied nds e, bu helped me, “I had about given up all hope of over being In good health again, when I heard so much of Cooper and de cided to try his medicine. I took one bottle of his New Discovery and was greatly surprised at the result gained 12 pounds in a few weeks, I ean now eat anything I and feel like a new man, I mend this medicine to all from stomach trouble” 1t 1a worth anyone's to tearm of Hi. enjoying good health, m Cooper's wonderful 0000000000 8000 Y000000000000000000000000000000000000000 The saying is '‘Nature fits all our wants, but when it to Christmas Gifts we can comes every comfort and safeguard, as well as a maid at their command. No matter whither bound it is wise to consult a Pennsylva- nia Railroad Ticket Agent as to trains and rates. you right ; He can start the rest will be easy 19990000 BOW VUYBUeDw NNN WH SHOES SHIRTS help you out with a better and more complete line of Christ. mas Gifts than ever before, A special show of Hemstitched Table Linen, Napkins, and plain Liven Towels. We think our China Display is a treat to all Lovers of Fine China, nen Fancy H. F. ROSSMAN Spring Mills - Penn, PRO OPPO IEP ROOENOEC0O0 oe BBO . SERRE We are now ready supply your needs Footwear for school gents and ladies, boys to in and girls, and for the little ones. There will also be some left for the older ones to make you comfortable and happy. i hr C. A. Krape Spring Mills « - - Pa. Wanted Lard, Side Meat, Onions, Chickens, Fresh Eggs. Highest Cash prices paid for same deliver- A besutiful and varied collection of embossed and colored Christmas cards are pow on hand at this office. Price five cents ench, when sold singly, Bix garda, no two oh G_ tBonty Gat ot cents, Thome oars wil bn 0 a a. i ar ia re ound Co EE Tv We have on hand a large num- ber of the celebrated Keith's Konqueror Shoes for Men. Price $2.50 & $3.00 A {ull line of Men's and Boys’ Shirts at 50 cents and $1.00. Wee DYDD DYDD Kreamer & Son. Centre Hall NN NN NNN DVN NNN eV ————— $343 3-344353533433833.3.352 hdodododdididndinddi dnd didi db dB Bs ted i ' Ahi a rrYeTTYe § 1 Lend Us Your Ear, Mr. Farmer! You will never regret it. % twp 15s alibi FEET? 5 wp t TELEPHONE SERVICE IN YOUR HOME A Protection A Convenience A Necessity, Ted whe : Rates very reasonable, Let us explain our Co-oper- ative plan to you. Telephone, write or call upon the manager. PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE CO Contract Dept., Bellefonte, Pa. FT TTT Try 29D DVDR DVN VN DVD VV VD We can suit you in Rubber Goods Men’ s and Boys’ Felts and Overs. The Ball Brad and the W. H. Walker Goods—Best Found Any- where. Also a complete Line of Men’s and Women’s Storm Overs F. E. WIELAND, Linden Hall BNR DNV Dd The CENTRE HALL SuppLy Co. | WM. F. COLYER, Manager WANTEO-WANTED-WANTED. Christinas market is near at hand. the produce line to offer ? When we pay the highest cash prices, as APPLES, per bu. POTATO WALNUTS HICKORY NUTS, bu. ONIONS, bu. LARD, per 1b. LASH PRICES AT CENTRE HALL Have an Jou are are tendy Sail Livy 1)