i gn a THE OENTRE REPORTER. 8. W. sbi Editor and Proprietor, Crnrre Hau, . 5. 1907 THURSDAY, DE CEMBER 12, TERMS. ~The terms of subse eription to the Re- porter are one dollar per year in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS.—20 cents per lines for three tnsertions, and 5 conts per line for each sub- sequent insertion, Other rates made known on upipliention, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Lutheran—Spring Mills, morning ; Centre Hall, afternoon ; Tusseyville, evening. Reformed—Union, morning ; Spring Mills, aft- ernoon ; Centre Hall, evening Presbyterian—Centre Hall, morning ; Spring Mills, alternoon. {Appointments not given here have not been reported to this office. | DEATHS, MRE. JOSEPH GILLILAND. The sad news of the death of Mrs. Joseph Gilliland was received in Cen- tre Hall Monday afternoon, the lady having died the forenoon of that day at her home in New Bloomfield, after an illness of about a month of Bright's Her age was fifty-eight years. Iuterment will be made at Bloomfield this ( Thursday ) morning. Mrs. Gilliland’s maiden name was Anna Stahl, a native of Potter town- ship. She is survived by her husband and three daughters, Margaret, al home, and Bertha and Nellie, in Porto Rico. The following sisters also sur- vive : Catharine Stahl, Mrs. Clara Hyde, Newberry ; Mrs. Hannah Ghliger, Mrs, T. F, Soliday, Mrs. Mary Welshan, Mrs, all of Williamsport. Three sisters are dead, namely, Mrs. Ellie Williams- port ; Mrs. M. J. Decker, Centre Hall ; Mrs. Agnes Ghliger, Williamsport. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Gilli- land lived in Georges Valley, below Potters Mills, but about fifteen ago they moved to New Bloomfield. disease. Margaret Garret, l'asel, years Philip En home of (. W. Duck, at Gilltown, of pneumonia He having ery 149 Penns. 1876 Was a veteran L d A= a } Volunteer Missouri in which state he until when he moved back to Centre He was sged sixty-four years, nine months The deceased death, his Jane KE. oo lens, and the following children, H. and John Emel, Mrs, Calvin Lami ert, Mrs. Geo, D. Keller, all of and Mrs, Charles Mulberger, of State College. Also the following brothers and sisters, Andrew Jonas, Mrs John Martin, Mrs. Samuel Fetters, of Jellefonte ; Mrs. August Neuman, of Milesburg; Mrs. John Craft, of Yarnell ae moved to lived 1889, county. leaves to mourn his Wi fe, nee Jellef inte and Boozer, about Monday evening Mrs. John of Osceola Mills, went to bed at ten o'clock in heslith, some time during the orrhages and died She was aged some thirty years, and was the second wife of Mr. Boozer, having been married about two years ago. Her maiden name was Miss Ef- fie Resides, a native of Osceola Mills, The funeral will be held today day ) two o'clock. her usual and night took bem- before morning. Thurs JOHN ©. HANSOM I'he death of Mrs. John (. occurred at MRS, Hansom her home in Harrisburg, Bunday, 1st instant, due to pneumonia The deceased, Evelyn Benner the daughter of Beth Benner, and born and raised at Potters Mille, She is survive ! by her husband, also John Benner, a brother, of El Paso, Texas, and a sister, Julia, now the wife of John Johnson, of Harrisburg. Her age was fifty-two years, Ap Was Was Georges Valley. The people in this vicinity are about through butchering, Mrs. James Barger, after spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Garret, near Lewisburg, returned Baturday. Revival meetings are in progress at Locust Grove. The meetings began Monday evening, and are being suc cessfully conducted. J. H. Mase, the Evangelist, is sssisting Rev. Whar burton. D. D. Decker and sister, Miss Ellen, visited their brother, Colonel Decker, in Brush Valley, over Sunday. The American Literary society at Decker school will not hold meetings while revival services are in progress, AIA Juge 16 Republican National Convention, The Republican National Conven- tion will be held in Chicago, June 16th. At that time it will be settled as to who is who. New Year Ourds, A besutifal line of New Year Post Cards, colored and embossed, are on sale at this office. Prices: 2 cards, b cents ; Geards, 12 cents; 12 cards, 20 cents. Bent by mail to any address. Smith, the Photographer, W. W. Bmith, the Photographer, will be in Centre Hall Friday, December 13, Clothing, hats and caps—C, Lona, Bpring Mills, P. —— WEEK OF COURT, But Three Clises for Trisl-Remalnder of Report for First Week, The second week convened Monday found ness before it, there being but three cases ready for trial. The case of Bamuels vs. the fonte Furnace Company was on trial for the first few days of the session Commonwealth va, T. Lloyd Rimert, W—— SECOND of court which cutrix, Emma T. Rimert. Verdict guilty in manner and form as the de- fendant stands indicted, Col. D. F, Fortney was appointed | an auditor to settle the accounts of | Register Tuten, Recorder Rowe and The jury commissioners were di- rected to meet Monday of this week and place in the jury wheel dred and fifty names of electors. The grand jury in making its spection of the buildings reported that the walk leading trom the court house to the jail was in bad condition, that the closets in the jail were for use and should be supplied new Goes, A number of tax payers in asking the privilege to vote for a cash road tax J. C. Meyer, tion proceedings of the Boalsburg and Bellefonte Turnpike, reported that the viewers had condemned the road, awarded the damages at $350 Howard Tomlinson, ship, being teen years of age, prosecuted by Tomlinson for the money, called master of condemns and of Haines tow n- a young man about F. 8B. taking of sone before the Co Was uri larceny, tenced him to pay the costs of prosecu- tion, $1.00 fine, prisoument in Huntingdon. T. Loyd Rimert and battery upon Rimert, whereupon and undergo an im- the Reformatory convict his wife, Emma 1 was sentenced to nay Lhe e # fine of $25 00 of prosecution, aud Visit Ap ont from ap’ timer kk. i Lis sappesrance of officer in a community is garded with more or less suspicion and this is due to the fact that of all laws the health laws are The who probably ost grossly violated of Capt James M. force in the health department under Chief Baunitary Eogineer F, Nuow, was one altogether agreeable the citizens and to © B. Mingle, on his tour of inspection. visit Clark, especially Usptain Clark's chief Penns Valley was to make the Penns (ave Creek walters hed was visited and the interest Tuesday, averns proved to wonderfully the gentleman, who had no idea the a wealth of pataral suppl; ir was also The Hall snd Deauly. reservoir g Lhe Centre borough, inspected, brought forth the expression that Cen- tre Hall was truly supplied with pure spring $ Cap , walter, Clark, now a resident of earned his title in nion New service ii during the sixties, He ary to Fenalor Quay, and is a man of pleasing per- sonality. Castle, the U antness in army, unpleas the early also al one lime waa secret Farmers’ lostitute All persons having an interest in the Farmers’ Institute to be held in Cen: tre Hall are invited to rueet at the Centre Reporter office, Friday evening December 13, ut 7.30 o'clock, to make a program, appoint committees and perform any preliminary work sary to make the stitute a sucess G. L t—— a ———— Wishes that Count, for the Christmas and business success for 1908." is a sentence in a letter to the Reporter from Harry C. Bailey, of Boalsburg, To make expressions emphatie, Mr. Bailey enclosed two one dollar bills, which paid his subscription to the Reporter up to July, 1909, That's the way to help along a wish. C—O A ———————— Fo to the Pen Taesday, \» scob From was taken to e Western Penitentiary Tuesday more. ing by Sheriff Kline apd ex-commise gloner A V. Miller, From is said 10 have been all smiles on leaving Belle fonte, ap neces approaching in- GooDpHART, Chairman, “ Beat wishes SEASON, his ———————— Draying. The undersigned is prepared to do alkkinds of draying, and kindly asks a share of public patronage in that line of work. Close attention will be given to the work--rain or shine. Prices reasonable. Peren Baines, Centre Hall, Thricea Week world, 08e, The Thrice-s=Week New York World will be mailed all Centre Reporter sub. scribers for sixty-five cents, paid in ad- vance. The World will be discon tinued every year upon gxpiration of baeription, . -— Dishes of all kinds for Christmas C, P. Loxu, Spring Mills, LOUALS, Rain Monday. The third month of the publie Come in and see our Xmas goods C. P. Lona, Bpring Mills, Constable W, H. Runkle, serious illness was mentioned week's issue, better, whose in last is no Handkerchiefs, neckties, for Xmas presents—(C, Bpring Mills mu filers, P. LoxNdag, It was worth watch the price of a circus the passers-by read {i the tulletin the Reporter office Peter Hhires Hess H» posted ut Tuesday morning. is in the draying busi- ans old hand at the work, had nine Years experience draying from Coburn to Millheéim, Mrsi Flora OQ Bairfoot is in Phila- Hatur- decided whether or until after the She has not not she will day. remain holidays Elias Illinois, associates in Heckman, of Orangeville, was clreulating amopg old Hall the begin- He was entertain- Mrs, John Lucas. Nefl, of Mills, his hands full these days stocking to sold a small Centre of this week nieces ed by his W.R near Potters | and bhaulin He timber land to ined for Lhe A BAW 2 Lie lumber mark recently Lumberman and reta I'reaster, himself the privilege Of doing Wil Was 1 hauling ism H. Btover, of {'etitre Yengertown, Hall Tuesday and Wed here th visit Lis Mr. Btoy e firemen at the =i nesday, having come brother James who is ill is oue of th Works, er alidarg mnfident of have work Mteel and is ¢ ing continuous during tie nter, sabbath reguiation mber of yonug men opened a semi-private ing room, With such ‘ in p vif s Unfortunate lady main io bed for somes Wp Fhe Heporter's Hegister 8 ry A arora Alf or and P. Losa, shoes rubbers Xn Spring Mil 1 persons are hereby cautioned gainst sellliug goods, ole, fo. Car er As I will not be resp @ for any de t a ine ured by hee, the having left my bed ! v Lt cause, November 12th, 197 C, H. HORNER, Centre-dia’l GRAIN MARKET. 7 | Wheat ...... Onta Corn coon PRODUCE AT STORES, a Butter. .... J '"Outeof-doors’’ with a STEVENS Hf best thing for a growing boy | Learning to shoot well and soquiring qualities of SELF-CONTROL, DECISION, | "AND MANLINESS o 1a STEVENS FIREARMS EDUCATION. | #1 your Dealor for Stevens Riflose i} ae Pistols, Insiat on our time. ‘ make, If you cannot obtain, 1 direct, Lge prepald, upon {of Catalor Prue, i — i —————— 3 Sang know atm AS the STEN § i Ma: HH arvall dn for your Ha Tan f YS conts In seoane A ATMS & TOOL CO. Lox 4007 ast. U.S A an avy Hm wife or great line Overcoats. Since D5 > Per Cent. SHOES SHOES Our line of Shoes and Rub- bers is the most complete ever shown in this store and prices aré lower than ever belore. For Lung Troubles \ver's Cherry Pectoral cer- nly cures coughs, colds, chitis, consumption. And rtainly strengthens weak ats and weak lungs. re can be no mistake about You know itistrue. And wr own doctor will say so. best kind of a testimonial for over sixty years." Sod Wade by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowsll, Mess. Also Taya ef yei e rs SARSAPARILLA PILLS, BAIR VIGOR. rete! We publish PO, TS Keep the Pills and howels regular with Ayer's thus hasten recovery. sin tiv fruit on the pres TERMS OF niy-f own when property ie « and alance on April 1st, 1908, whet ‘ delivered and prouseasion given ¢ will ¢ place al one ock p.m of said day R . FETTEROLY, xed FARMERS ! Look to Your In- terests. Use the W. P. S. Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powder. © Sold by W. H, Meyer, Centre Hall; Mrs, J. W. Keller, Linden Hall; Wm, H. Blauser, Potters Mills; J. H. Rishel, Spring Mills ; J. Copenhaver, Col- yer; Elmer Hettinger, Centre Hill; W. H, Lee, Colyer, ior Birthday, Btork, Art, Poses, Comic Cards, eto, oto ,—more than ons hun dred kinds, | hay «.omith’s New Studio... AT STATE COLLEGE SECOND HAND. If you are interested, get in touch with Head- quarter Prices. We are agent for the best cameras on the market to-day, viz: The Century Grand, the Premo, Eastman Kodak, the Graflex, the Blair Hawk Eye, etc. We can easily show that the Century Grand is superior to any plate camera on the field to- day. The Eastman Kodak for roll film has a world-wide reputation, The Premo film pack and plate camera is highly endorsed by the U, S. Government. Uncle Sam says it’s good enough for him, The Graflex camera is unique, in that it shows the picture on the ground it's the camera fur the sres and Press Reporters use it almost glass d non-reversed, most rapid motion pic full sized an ex- clusively. All these firms are the Eastman Kodak f Eastman stands as a synonim Yor all thimgs good in Photography. We are sole agent for all their goods at State College and you will find the goods right and prices ditto, controlled by Co., and the name « We are prepared with a first-class equipment for copy- ing and enlarging interior and outside work. a family group at your home? Do you want your residence photographed? Have you any blooded stock of which you would like a picture? Just call us up by phone, and we can make you anything you want in this line. We make a specialty of all kinds of Photographic work at your home. In short, we can give you all that's newest and best in Pho- tography. We solicit your patronage, and guarantee you a square deal and full value for every dollar of your money. Do you want VW. SMITH PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADQUARTERS STATE COLLEGE, PA. AY, ton eh Mi by FA , owing to the ire did, of wb and oh, = ao oonmedoently ty on and after 10 and 156 dents. Jon mh URSD Ih Bete A, Eras