My Soul, My Soul stood bared to the srht of men, My Soul stood firm: For the blame of just, mind of stand. it knew no fear, man could not be The man could not My Soul stood bare in the child, It stood condemned: ceived, For the blame of a child is the blame of Truth, the heart of a understand, sight of a for it stood per Tho’ child may not’ My Soul stood the of God, my Soul rejoiced in its helpless. ness, For the blame of God was fo The Mercy of God could understand —Rdward P. Gilchrist, in Harper's Weekly bare in sight And rgivenens, Boesesesesesesesesesesesese sms TiN) BLACK MORGAN | 525 e5es ese Se Sees esen igs esesese ther of hen ther ches Iowa, backwoodsma there in ly wood: to ered A nun were stret years ago Ww Ol North when log take h four-horge ti wag breaking-pl each Dakotas the next Sometimes he Kota other Iowa without m stops While of the he was familiarly a Morgan colt that just fancy. She than a i at that time vet she showed an un- asual aptit for learning. As Dan work kept him at that place for near. ly four weeks, he and the Morgan coils: became quite good friends. Her gentle, playful disposition, toget axtreme beauty, sulted Dan well. so he made up his mind to buy her and take her with him. When Dan was at work for that was the name he gave would roam about the fleld, when and where soon taught her and it was not place her sum breaking-pl job as before times 1 ore working State on summer known, was less ude with her her esp wially grazi sponse Lo 1 also learned him, to lie fegs at trick whi self and much we any one they w Trilby beside the Each outfit, came lack At noat, or had three Years well proporiioned ist mane hung half ground, | arche quivering nearly nicely and refinement, eyes flashed Late one making his homeward tri cessful summer's a fairsized town the rest of the case persons st ding | fre which msement, Trilby's Or while out spirit and afternoon, work to for usually of 1 store at t for an along a word store There the bystanders sick horse ventured an had s Dan .ran neck and he passed into Immediately she laid down. was con opped. Just his hand red the whips two as iderable talk among and even about a wornout Finally one nan go far as to step out amine her. As he touched her head, Trilby gave a low whinny A sharp, short whistle answered from the store and Trilby was upon her feet so quick that the man who had been be over her went sprawling in the tO ox. dust, od him as he got up and watched her trot over to playfully tease the other horses, As Dan was away a tall, twitching eyes, and thin blue lips ac- costed him with “What'll you take fer thet colt, pard?” “Oh, guess 1 won't spare her, you see,” sive reply. “Well, the barn I'll trade for her,” the stranger. preparing to sell her, can't rag a trader, and after a few drove off leaving the an increasing colt, About a mila or so from town Dan pulled up for the night at a sheltered place where there was plenty of grass, After he had had his supper and the horses had finished grazing he fasten. ed the four, two at each end of the wagon, then crawled in and rolled up | in his blankets, stranger dosire to obtain that tacks of the mosquitoes and other in. Dan soen fell asleep In the middle of the night he found himself propped up on one elbow, haif awake listening for something, he knew not what. At length he was up the road. Half suspiciously he crawled to the back end of the wagon and pushed aside the flap of the cover some thirty or forty rods up road silhouetted against the sky, saw the forms of the tall, lank stranger and-—Trilby. He sprang trom wagon, uttering a shrill whistle, Trilby's air and forward. the ears till she rearad up in the gave a tremendous lunge from fright or surprise, the stranger dropped the rope and ran, Dan's only we. was the neckyoke had unconsciously picked up, himself with conject uring as what would have happen he been better armed, tearing down the road, at the curious proceedings urged on by the dangling kept flicking breast chin. As she she ed, blowing loudly, « ering with excitement the halter, and her silky mane had pald mpon so he contented to Trilby came rope, her and Dan paus- muscle quiv- He removed stood stroking she had reached very as he that he concluded him well for the time her on Trilby before Thi the an spent in training From that tim. than iter pat had even more care and 1 even Was fall bought an Hor forced a Ered ¥ rupted, however, when old, 1 shing Dan was she was fi inter outfit were break Trilby Ir ) the power however, “and by ni n not worry ants . PORK a Dan and h Septembe i tarted up for gine ran fine and until noon. up the do.’ med stead Dan ses what sh ily speede i engine, he said hung over dense One the wppil till and the dust like a the fog sought and ms arator her, men panting for breath perspiration an ai rt from Dan shade ng the anot Finally lar moti quitting time After con! an ear went the grass, as a circle the CE Re $ Of Le ohne 8s on the power engine, whi than a mat it ad Kansas Armer CUTTING STEEL WITH YARN. in 18 Hours Hours. Prisoner Cuts One Bar and Another in 5 the dre stone thread of ¥ wp of water does to the is only a cire am umstance can accom: Major McClaughry, warden Federal prison at Fort Leav once found a prisoner who 1D posed to be pounding stone working away at one of the bars to an outside window The man finally admitted was doing and was induced demonstration A grating same description was placed cell, says Popular Mechanics, of the mworth Wag 81 what he to give a of the in his and a the the from statement, limestone dust the stone pile, sock and a little water this the bessemer steel bar in working hours With soma a chalk line and two idhbholds tn save his fing ers he made tho other clean ent of the bar in five hours, proving the matter to the guard's satisfaction With cate and sill the yarn eighteen merry, wooden ha How Some Sips Are , Lok, The loss of many English boats is now sald to be fishing due to the a specially forged fisherman's knife These knives possess strong mag netic properties and will deflect a compass needle two or three points but is in reality much out of the way. | ~Springfield Republican, Speed of Elevators. The fastost elevators run at a speed equal to about 17 miles an hour. < | & % DEFECT IN NEW LAW. It was ‘dis gerious de election de- the or, Washington (Special). covered here that a fect ex ists the primary iaw of Pennsylvania, which prive the State of delegates national presidential conventions, in any nt, ful can didates no end of The law fails certification of in uniform may tO Cause success trouble Lo provide the primary ional districts « comprisés a dist James 1. Brown in the ed that the C riify the ret of the Commonwea Committees, but not tion is made in the that the ni will be vims of deleg copgntias Gove the in for vole CON Eres: xeept a county ty Solicitor sd the Coun jet on law It yunty Com- covers detect urns to ith or to law rmine the cls ate ariou Ounty Commissioners State ome WOOED AGAINST HER WILL. JUDGE DISCREDITS PLEA. AMPAIGN COSTLY, 1.000 Miners Srike, or Loss Of Love. Reading (Special) illiam H Asks 810,000 £3 man £10.000 Smale mation tt plaintiff for Howard ged ali ! STATE OB Im ARY. Harrisburg Mrs Robert grass, wife of the President Pennsylvania State Bar and a former Deputy Attorney Gen- eral of Pennsylvania, died suddenly of heart disease, at the family resi dence here, Lancaster. William Kreuger, of Marietta, a relative of Oom Paul Kreuger, of South African fame, died in a hospital in this city. He served under the French flag in the Crimean War and Union soldier Var * Williamsport of the best this of Wis a Bishop 8. Dunn, known timber esti gection of the State, car here, after hav: a stroke of paralysis, 71 years and is survive daughter, maters in sustained He was aged Gettysburg. Nicholas G. Wilson, of the most prominent Grand Army men in this section of the State, of a fall received at a fire in July jagt. He was for fifteen years su- perintendent of the Gettysburg Na- tional Cemetery, and in 1888, was burg Memorial Assoclation and occu pled that position until the care of the battlefield was turned over to the He served one term in the Stato Legislature, being GIRL JUMPS INTO RIVER. feed by young Lacy Catawissa (Special) .-—Chast her father for entertaining a to they 15-year daughter Phineas Smith, is ! jumped into the Busquehanna River and ended her life. While no one actually saw hes jump into the river, she was seed |a few moments before, walking rapid. tly the river, wearing no hat and the fmprint of her shoes the now led the water's | Several weeks ago when she reprimanded by her father for en [tertaining the same young man, she attempted to end her life by taking i] num man the Mrs objected, of Mr, and believed to whom old toward: Lor | {n cont, 10 edge war lauda PROSPERITY IN PITTSBURG. Pittsburg The Crucible been (Special) Pitts plants the has ime for four week and 1 made put time 2000 idle wo 1 of the C ¥ sUICIDE COST LITTLE Damages For Wrecked Victims, Singular Mania, i: 11.66 was for tax on 65.000. 10.060, anon CIRAars corred Physician Injured. {8p the driving Delta's critical away York inj iries ecial) As result of received in a dent r. ‘A physician, is now in a dition His horse ran wag returning and the buggy | phone pole Dr out, striking his head against | pole, sustaining serious injuries STATE ITEMS The P. O. 8 of A. Home font will be dedicated June | The farm property contains {two acres acci- Stewart, con- collided with a tele of Chal 13 next seventy. +1 | Kahn, of was committed await trial, Samuel Grant, Southampton to the county io a miner, employed Conl near Company, Dubois, while at work in the mine. He i» dren, brain, the result of a fall, Mrs. Susan Bache, of Hamburg. home of H. H. Nissley, at Elizabeth town, and secured a diamond ring valued at $100. At the residence of A. CG. Brandt they secured $12 in cash, Carrying a lighted kerosene lamp into the cellar of her home, Mrs. La- vinia Walbert, of Allentown, had a narrow escape from death when the lamp fell, setting fire to the stairs and her clothes, By voting to annex ouflying ter- ritory Freemansburg Town Council has made it possible for that town to almost double its population. i TG Yin Jno. F. Gray & Son Succdssors to, . . URANT HOOVER Control! Sixteen of the Largest ice and Life lusurance Companies in the World, . . .. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST . . . . No Mutuals No Assessments Before insuring our life see the contract of THER HOME which in case of death the tenth and twentieth years re- turns all premiums paid in ed- dition to the face of the policy. 3 1 between to Loan om Fired Mortgage Office in Crider's Stone Building BELLEFONTE, PA. Telephone Connection Money 50 YEARS’ EXP ERENCE ‘“Tndeed wheeled hi Sure enough, the s were made off and as scooped out,” filled seed planted in them like the potatoes Then he had bored little holes in the carrois each side, about half the top, and tied a each hole, long enough so that the carrots could be tied to the curtain of the window and yet swing fr in the air. “I think I like my all,” said Joe, “but other things, too. If some other afternoon more.” “Indeed I will,” I promised, we said good-bye at the door. as I walked down the street I could not help thinking that if poor little crippled Joe took so much pleasure from his home-made flower pots, maybe some of you sturdy, healthy little people might pass away a rainy afternoon by trying to make some for yourself —Washington Star. were winging of carrots Joo with water and just two one on an inch string through rom $0 cely plants beat of I have lots You come over I'll show you of as And Foreign Mining at Harbin, According to the Manila American | (Manila, P. 1.), a circular has been issued by the Board of Foreign Af. fairs at Harbin to the effect that no foreigners shall henceforth be allowed to engage in mining enterprise with in thirty li——or, say, within a distance cial license. Mines which are already being worked will be examined to as- certain their daily output, and as soon as the proper agreements have been drawn up with the foreign countries interested a scale of taxation will be arrafiged for all mining enterprises Engineer, AHAB BIA SHAAN. In Massachusetts the illegal sale of ishable by a fine not exceeding 350 or imprisonment for not mote than thirty days. AA SAIN ATTORNEYS. D, ¥. vorTuEY ATTORNEY -AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, PA Ofies North of Court House. i. BR — YY. BARRISON WALKER ATTORMEY-AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, PA CITI Ko. 19 W. High Brest. All } priasiona) business promptly sttendod 8. D. ame SE ———— APE ATTORNEYS AT-LAW EsoLz Brook BELLEFONTE, PAs Buoccessors to Onvis, Bower & Orvis Consultation in English and German, CLEMENT DALE ATTORNEY AT LAW EBLLEFONTR, PA, Ofoe NH, W, corper Dismend, two doors from First National Bank. ree YW 4G. RUNKLE sT70288}. AT LAW ELLEFORTR, Ph All kinds of legal business sttended to promptly 6 given to collections. Office, # yo on Epecial stleniio Boor Crider's Kxcharge NH B. BPARGLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BELLEFORTR.PA Practices in =!l the courts, Consultation Is English and German. Office, Crider's Exchange Buiiding jyok sm e— EDWARD ROYER, Location : One mile Bouth of Centre Hall. Assommodations first-class, Good bar. Partisg wishing to enjoy an evening given spegiti attention. Meals for such occasion) pared on short notice. Alwsys for the transient trade. RATES : $1.00 PER DAY. a Proprietor [be Nalional Hotel MILLHEIM, PA. L A BHAWYER, Prop. Fuet clam socommodsations for the travels @00d table board and tlecping apartments The choloest liquors at the bar. Biable ap sommodations for horses is the best 30 bg bad. Bus wand from all trainee on the Lewisburg and Tyrone Rafiroad, st Cobum jl] v yuRy 8 | Effort made to Cor. clersaeee A. BOOZER Centre Hall, Pa. Penn’a R, R = er -xy avy Penn's Valley Basking Company CENTRE HALL, PA W. B. MINGLE, Ceshi¢ Receives Deposits Discounts Notes . . . MARBLE ao GRANITE. [VIONUMENTS. <> Er CENTRE HALL, . . . . Manufacturer of and Dealer In | HIGH GRADE MONUMENTAL WORE in ail kinds of | Marble AND i | Granite, Don’ fall to got my prion Lanes | WSURANCE LHegency IN CENTRE COUNTY H, E. FENLON Agent Bellefonte, Penn’a. = — The Largest and Best Accident Ins, Companies Bonds of Every Descrip- tion. Plate Glass in- surance at low rales.