eon 400 MAY BE DEAD Simultaneous Explosions in PROBABLY ~ WORST IN IN MINE DISASTER Two of Consolidation Coal s Mines. COUNTRY’S ~~ HISTORY. —Explosion of Dust In One Iline Followed by Opposite WEST VIRGINIA ASTERS OF 1 January 26 I) sion of fire- damp in Lorentz 12 killed. January 28 Explosion in Stew- art ming near Thi ob killed rmont; Explosion in Mine yi killed, in Whipple District; 3 fon in Mines Consolidation h, W. tombet Mar : ’ 1 « 19 nine, in Holden killed losion killed June 18 No. 1 mine, 7 killed Decembie Tr omi mine Hed All nen Trojans at mines corner i I n There { miners working » two 1 Ana » reach- wok time tt are | $13 urns, ley hort ii 3 i 3 0 » wen from remaf : mins 1 Monongah William 8 Monongah Charle of Honaker, men, namel i m Bice and Pa ied with sow : It ( | 11 i pinay i i i Attle Hope For Others. I Who escaped are ort of the di tin how they They state that when the! % a large num- further back was a large: knew nothing tinabhln i give any detailed re aster or to reached th immediately back explosion occurred ber of men, while in the workings number, of whom they It is the opinion the mine of- ficials and others familiar with min- | ing that these men had not penetrat- | ed the mine as far as had the ma- jority of the day shift when the ex- plosion occurred, and that they head- ed for and reached the main entry before the heavy eavein that now blockades the entrace more than a few hundred feet beyond the main opening of Mine No. 6. As to the miners referred to by the injured men, it 1g believed that they were caught back of a neavy cavein of coal and mine roof and that they could not have survived more than a few minutes in the deadly gases with which the entry filled as soon as the vantllating system was interrupted. The mines even expl surface, of them, there of are located on opposite Proposed Central Bank, Washington (Special). — Senator Hansbrough introduced a bill provid- ing for a government bank to be located at Chicago, and to have a capital of not to exceed 10 per cent, of the aggregate capital of all of the national banks, the stock to be held by national banks and the bank to be controlled by a general coun- cil of 21 members, made up from men chosen by districts organized ac- cording to population, and by Treas. ury officials, sides of the West Fork River, but merged in workings by a bv a BE this nder at their u heading reat steel ground and bridge. 1 The ularly 1.000 two nen during the ht, and mines x ole d WOrKin res " in and t infor two o 60 : "fi o U0 an pl the be enti to work and that Within Allg xplosion relief 5 the i one ght, u an how I i compo Q, men, nt John Bran: NO, 8, he Hi had Price, ma Were vork Blown Across River, man wi ven- and the 10 flames #1 ng after JOCLe offic with the the up the mon work, wi know mechanical drive the 181 yr mines, 158 of the pits 1 the aid of obtainable appliances the men the rill 1 Yorn skilled ita KE latest most and abt the ginable to out aftor. dam REGULARS FRE SENT 10 GOLDFIELD, NEVADA in Response to Governor's Request For Federal Aid, i’. yi mn, D C Roosevelt in hingte Pp structed Gens eral Funston to dispatch force of regulars to Goldfield, Nev. to the sifu the This action was taken upon receipt of tele. graphhic request from the Governor fdent en FE8IG a sufficient control ation re The troops will proceed from San Francisco, and the strength of the expedition js left to the judgment of General Funston Goldfield is about | 14 hours by rall from San Francisco. | Goldfield, Ney { Special). — The news that Governor Sparks had call- | od upon the government to have | troops ready for use in Goldfield on a moment's notice to restore order was heard in this community with amazement, On the surface Goldfield is as quiet as on a holiday. It was not supposed that the strike situation had reached such an acute state as to require such a precaution, There fs very little talk on the streets and no agl- tation whatever, Town Marshal Killed. Midville, Ga. (Special) -—Marshal Brinson was killed here by a negro. The negro had done something for which the officer reproved him and summoned him to appear in court. The negro drew a revolver and shot Brinson three times and he died in a few minutes, He fled to the swamp and escaped. A special train with sheriff's posse and bloodhounds has hop left Millan, Ga.. for the sacena. ASIN Domestic Arthur Ireland Shaw, Pittsburg three newspaper men on the charge of usirg States malls for fraud in of a lottery scheme Willlam A leaders, and were arrested the United the opera- and laboy tion Professor Emery, of the department at Yale, criti- recent policy Lo of economics Feverely Cis edd Cortelyou in panic An the who is a the of Secretary relation the financial nite aflini Yig~ le to dvn effort grocery wa mac fore of Charles Gi of the Italian {lance ¢ in New Orl omniitiee an John R a harbor ot the in North Sea, to of Austrians from rious t Austria-Hungary mm of the tubemalk« inrush roturniae returning The trian Poles threatening # rouble labor market of The combinati the United Great Britain has being advanced 30s. a A strated of Germany and 1ited mn of State in Tes prices been to prohibi- laborers sirong movem in Japan emigr ont tion ation of the United States The of James T member fury in the case, Dublin, Farrell, Irish parliament with taki Oo ly t in other in an ry a ri of and 40 ng part case cha r god assemt unlawful has disagreed The dritish battleship Renown. with the King and Queen of Spain and their baby on board. was to put into Brest on account storm. Fifty thousand rifles and revolvers and several pieces of artillery have recently been shipped to Portugal foreed a of The Japanese Foreign Minister has firmly told the emigration agencies that all emigration to the United States and Canada would be limited. The Cunard liner Mauretaina es- tablished a new eastern transatlantic record, beating the best time of the Lusitania by 21 minutes. Mayor Burchell, of Glace Bay, N. 8., was arrested on_the charge of embezzling $8,000 from the Dominion Coal Company. The woman who attempted to kill the governor general of Moscow Is connected with a military revolution ary organization, ITEMS OF INTEREST. The first velope ever made is kept in the British Museum. London uses 50,000 tons of sugar annually for jam-making. Colleges are now regarded as rath- er undesirable insurance risks, and It is probable that the rate will be generally increased. In 15 years 784 fires have occurred in college build- ings, entailing a loss of $10,600,000 in jonay, and a heavy loss of life, This makes the average money loss over £13.000. KING OSCAR Il OF SWEDEN 15 DEAD Passing of the Most Democratic of Monarchs, AGED RULER WAS HEART-BROKEN When the Flag on the Palace Drops to Halfmast the Swedes Cry ‘Our Dear Old King Is Dead!” —A Few Hours Later Oscar's Eldest Son Takes Oath as Gustav V. DARING BJNK ROBBERY. Men Terrorize An Oklahoma Town And Escape. Five Carney, Okla (8; succeeded, after shots, in the ( } Bitro- cerine to the j and gly » coin uring two charged the aafe, guard ng and n every itizen araince Thoroug alarm was rung safe of ar £4,000 men time the other robbers of steady shooting who made sen X*% £3 ville after on the "outside kept n direction. the town itood yuildl 1 rifle fir i up at of 1ly aroused ger sounded Church and the citizens were prepared to mg charg¢ robbers calmly ied down the main street of the {and vanizshed in the darkness | All efforts ‘trail the man t falled A | posse with blood- hounds is scouring the district for some clue, but have utterly failed It is thought the gang ia the same {that robbed the bank two weeks ago, and as a result of | these robberies bankers In the small- ler towns are in bank buildings. a *3 oe 1 Ww when the walk. to have ore arge Thirteen Hurt In Crash. Pittsburg, Pa.— Reading has risen 27 from the recent low price. The Fourth Street Bank and the Philadelphia Bank are the Philadel hia correspondents of the suspended ansas City Bank of Commerce. urning per cent, Neither of the local banks Mest any- thing, GOVERNOR GUILD HELPS SEIZE ASSASSIN John A, Eteele, Who Was Pecently 5 Released From Insane vsvium and Imagined He Had a Grievance Against Governor Guild — The Governor Grap- ples With the .nsane Mar. TRUST GUILTY. Convicts he Cone 42 i Spec) Counts, £1) i'n Afte; jury in the cas {of the the International Harveat ompany reached a verdiet against the company on 42 counts This verdict charges ihe compan: with being a trust and entering unlawful combination price harvesting for dealers | produclis ex iusively suit was on counts | Immediately following the decision {of the jury the attorneys for the com- {pany filed a motion for a new trial Judge Dana has not yet passed on the motion The maximum penalty which may be tmposed is $1,000 on each count, making a total of $42,000 which may be assessed by the court against the company, ing out © i int control machinery handle The origina! an to {the ‘and of t i ¥ $44 {Oo { {0 it =p Ie LOCOMOTIVE STILL KING. Electricity Is Not Yet Shown To Be Better Than Steam. Clayton, N. J. (Special) .—~1t way demonstrated bere by the speed tess for locomotives made by the Pennayl. vania Railroad Company that steam- driven engines are still king and that they can run as fast on a curved track as on a straight track. One of the big steam locomotives in the test made a fraction More than 69 miles an hour.