LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH nmi os———" Domestic The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce has asked the California the alleged action of Japan in over- riding a treaty between the United States and Korea, and increasing the tariff on American goods entering Korea, A daughter of Gen. Joseph Wheel- er has sued the McLean Arms and Ordnance Company for five and one- half vears’ back salary, alleged to have been due the General as presi- dent of the company. The Eastern Steel Pottsville, Pa., employing has suspended work in bridge shops and open partment. What is said to be a letter by Mrs. F. A. Hartje to the of Tom Madine, the coachman, offered in court in Philadelphia, The Standard Oil Company declar- a quarterly dividend of $10 per share on its stock, payable than usual. Nora May French, snded her life with ony of writers and erey, Cal. Clara Barrow, a Young maid. is accused of the murder of her mistress, Mrs. Bessie Carter, of New Orleans John C. Jeans, a day Ludington, Mich., has 000,000 from an aunt in phia. Twenty-five persons were inj by an explosion of natural gas ing to pleces a dwelling in The wireless station at Sea off Nantucket, Mass by fire William his willingn Democratic if his party availal ble A jury Benjamin minister in conn plication. A ver company, clauses ir main defense, in San Francisco. Con Pe er Rooseve Company, at 1.0060 men, all but the hearth de- written mother was ed and author on in a Mont- poet pol artists at colored | laborer, of jured | toar- Pittsburg conset was gtroy iounced rain the ident most Bryan mo gore cally trial first maga- | woman zine in New York Premier Province of at the meet ference on Two scalded to by the explosion of a 5 0-gall lon co} per kettle in a Cincinnati fac- tory. The kosher butcher shops of erson have decide 1 to cl month in consequer 41 h : Te cent rioting An odd feature of money stringency is the ness done by the pas Chief of Police Charles well, of Atlantic City, is dead N. Lee Towers, one of the band men of E. G. Lewis charged with using the fraud, was found dead at near St. L Ex-State Treasurer ris, of Penusyl for $20,000 and Rinaker, fver for t National Bank. In a paper before Humane Association advocated the use of in killing animals for food. Five men probably were injured at the Hammond Colliery of the Philadelphia and Reading Com- pany, near Girardville A big lotter been running for over 20 vears, exposed by arrests in Chicago other cities, Mrs. Carrie Nation was life member of the Woman's tian Union Abraham Evans, the Duchess of Manchester, Bellefontaine, O. George A. Frost, traveler, died at bridge, Mass. Foreign Campbell-Banne taken sudden i Rutherford, of the Alberta, Canada presided ing of thé Nati Taxation. men were death pd YE for LO1 a the present hain or Deing right- who is i to de- his home Oils Frank G vania, has been sued interest by Thomas rece ho Enterprise the American Henry Bergh the was and made a grandfather of and ‘Cam- the artist his home, in Sir Henry British premier ill with heart disease after at a political meeting at Bristol, Dr. von Muhlberg, under secre of the German Foreign Office, been appointed Prussian minister the Vatican. Ensign Ulimo, of the French Navy, arrested on the charge of being a spy, has confessed bis gulit, Vice Admiral Count von Bondis- gin will be appointed chief of the general staff of the German navy Albrecht & Co. and lL. Goldbarder lumber concerns of Danzig, suspended payment, With elaborate third Russian Parliament wes en in St. Peterburg. John W. Reld, of St was arrested in Paris of swindling. Gov. R. H. sailed for WrInat was peaking earemonial opoen- Louis, Mo., on a charges Post New York. of Porto Rigo, elgn affairs, in reply to ianterpella- tions in the Chamber of Deputigs, de fended the government's policy garding Morocco, To prove his loyalty to the new Persian constitution, the Shah braved threats of assassination by attending | the session of the National Assembly. Altonl, director of the Florence ob- servatory, says the sun gpots are like- ly to lead to violent storms and mag- netic disturbances, The English authorities granted extradition for Charles Miller, wanted (by the Virginia authorities on the i charge of grand larceny, { The Japanese raw silk trust has { been broken after a month's boycott iby the American manufacturers. DWELLING HOUSE TORN TO PIEGES Twenty-Five Persons Hurt in Ex plosien of Gas. THE REAR WALLS COLLAPSED. Man and Woman Blown Frem Beds Through Roof and Neighbors Injured by Plaster Falling From Concussion Gas Had Been Leaking All Night Ignited When a Match Was Struck. (Special). — About two fatally, Pittsburg, Pa. persons wore injured, and a dwelling pieces, when an explosion of natural or - house was torn to i gas oceurred in a house located at No. 108 Elm Street, this city In the fire which followed two firemen were severely burned. Fatally injured--—Mrs, man, blown through the roof; Bergerman, blown through Serfously injured Three members of the Crossman family; three members {of the Molde! family, which also cupied the house; Father Bolner, a | guest of the Crossman family. About Sarah Cros 8- Jaco I OC~ recived injuries when the were shattered by and plaster fell uj { their homes cone them | Apparently iin a kitchen | a match was | tion of the there was a house was torn to pieces. | was blown high into the front and rear of the dwelling col- lapsed Mrs. Crossman and Jacob i Bergerman, a boarder, apporently re- . | celved the full force of the explosion, oth being blown from beds the roof. vy fatalls by the sub ussion gas had been all night in the light explosion The air gtove struck house. to lower terrific their were ol wquent fall {through injured fig © iit the both of were members of Moidel families the house, the concoct Other i and which thrown and se- ooccunied | from bed by injured A remarkable feature of that Mr. Crossman, the match, escaped with not fatal, injuries pants in adjoining houses and for a time the was Anic-wir about $5,000, iBRION eraly who | E sion Is ed hborho yd i en loss is i KILLED HIS RIVAL. {But A Half Hour Lapsed Between Tragedy And Wedding. sheville, N. C. of e (Bpecial) Fu the killing klin, at of Frank , Tecaived here, {young William | Roc k, N. C state that { Clarke Norton went to the home of | Geo. Franklin, where Miss Elizabeth .] Gentry lived, for the purpose of mar- { rying her, and that he had with him ia marriage license After killing | William Franklin, his rival, he and { Miss Gentry went to the house of a i minister living nearby and were mar- ried, the ceremony taking place with- | {in half an hour of the tragedy i Norton was not arrested until following morning, when he was len to fall at Marshall, N. C. He accompanied by his bride, who beg- iged to be allowed to go to jail with him, but was refused. The bride is ta pretty and popular 17-year-old girl | i | { ther particulars i | the tak WAS $22,000 STOLEN. i i con 3 i Pay Disappears From Stage Coach In Colorado. | Trinidad, Colo Checks and currency to the amount of $22 .- { 000 intended to pay the wages of the Carbon Coal & Coke Company's min- lers at Cokedale was lost or stolen { while in transit in a stage from the | Longsdale Railroad station to the camp, a distance of only two miles : Charles Macomber, driver of the | stage coach, was arrested on sus | plefon, but he declares he knows inothing about the supposed theft { The money package had been care- sly thrown with other express matter into the stage. Miners’ (Special) los TURKEYS ON THE RISE. Vermont Will Also Be Very Scarce, Vt been Those From The » gounded just be Rutland, alarm bas {8pecial) fore the tur- rieed { which in recent years to Vermont high-p Thanksgiving effeet that the keys would be genuine unusually and scarce iz now being emphasized by the farmers in this vieinity In he city the probable priceof tive 8 is quoted at 25 to Z8 cent a pound. but the price in Boston and outside city markets will like ily be from 30 to cents, or even higher, turkey other aw oo ATTACKED BY “WHITE CAPS." Independent Tobaceo Grower Ordered To Leave Kentucky. Clarksville, Tenn. (Special) ked Attacked J. M. and two sons near Guthrie, ‘ordered them eight hours : Wade raised a crop of tobacco 1hut bad not joined the association i The mon held a revolver over him while one struck him with a stick { Hin sons, Thomas and Claude, were | struck several times, i Wade's wife and daughter were {badly frightened. Four Wade Ky. within forty. mas men and to leave Tillman Out For Bryan. Danville, ll. (Special) —Benator Tillman, of 8outh Carolina, declared that President Roosevelt will not ac- cpt a third term and that Speaker tives, will be the Republican nomi nee. “Bryan,” Mr. Tilman sald, “will be ths Democratic nominees without a do bt. THe is the greatest living Demos «* and the proper man to intrust with the affairs of our government,” RECORD. BREAKING DASH. Pennsylvania Railroad Locomative Makes Mile And A Half A Minute, Clayton, N. J. (Special) What is sald to be the fastest mile ever made by a loocmotive was covered by steam locomotive No, 606, which is belng used in the special tests being conducted here by the Pennsylvania Rallroad, when traveled a mile at a speed of 91.6 per hour. The trial was made over the spe- cially bullt track between this place and Franklinville, One of the new electric locomo- tives was also given a trial. Two trips were made, the first at the rate of 72 miles an hour and the second at a speed of 79 miles an hour. A portion of the specially built track has been laid with steel ties, and after the locomotive tests have been completed an examination will made to determine which kind of ties bore the heavy tests to the best advantage, MIXER ENTOMBED FOR he | Rescued After He Had Been Mourn For Dead. HAD NOT CHANGED HIS POSITION. Chamber in Which Man Was Working Caved in and Caused a Rush of Culm and Water From the Service Thought He Had Been Imprisoned a Week. | Top of Pottsville, Pa 7 hours several hu {Special Impris- ndred earth, for 8 feet beneath the surface of the under his own hi almost directly his ne, where wife and children mourn- as dead, Michael McCabe, of Giberton, was taken from his tomb in the Draper Mine b after one of the most marvel- rescues in the history of anthra- mining Since Satur Arely when which he 4 ternoon, day al and water working of culm surface, re caved in and from lays of workme to reach him ter midnight the rescuers scratching noise, hich id them McCabe was renewed vigor, put to work At 5 Wednesday morning he was reached McCabe had not changed his and reliefs O'clock po~ an- his been and end he had rush might start He sald he thought imprisoned for a week He was so weak for want of water and food he could scarcely speak He to his home, where the of mourning has changed to one of rejoicing $6000 IN DIAMONDS LOST. Gems Given As Collateral In Bank Be Found. cial) - Diamonds ich Case Cannot Pittsburg valued at trace can now be found, (8pe about $6000, of whi figure { defence of Grafner Drothers, Rinaker National Receiver Thomas wrecked Enterprise of Allegheny, is proceeding in the United Btates Cir¢ recovery of $1500 on a brothers clain they Cashier T. Lee Clark, Enter- prise Bank, who killed himself, the diamonds as collateral which release them from the responsibility of the note note he gave bs the TWO SCALDED TO DEATH. Copper Kettle In A Pickle Factory Explodes, wmtl, O The ex- plosion of a 500-gallon copper kettle at the J. Weller Comp factory, on Spring near Alabama Street, the death of Fred Halter and John Lackman, employes They were ienlded, The explosion occurred a few min- tes after the 250 employes had be- gun work Many of them became panic-setriken and rushed for the siairways to escape All of reached the street unhurt Cincinn (Special) any's pickle (Grove Ave resulted in nue, them I WASHINGTON | BA SAA A SANSA Root denied the the French government posed to secure tariff conce from the United States as a p ¢ for the release of gold by the Bank of France, ! Senator Foraker called President, but after his visit eilned to comment on the {tions or on the statu dacy. It is announced that tiona will be made to {two more biz floating The vacancy on the Court of Appeals of Columbia caused by Indge MceComas was appointment of Josiah ‘pesistant attorney gens i partment of Justice Becretary B. Corteivou before the | Association of New York i publicly the financial problems of the j country. i Burgeon General Rixey, of the Navy, in his annual report declares a scarcity of surgeons due to the lack of inducements for qualified men. President Roorevelt and Postmas- ter General Meyer had a conference gyor the postal savings bank ques- on, Ambassador Jusserand presented tn Secretary Root a formal reply to the proposition for an amendment ty the tariff modus vivendi with France, Judge Advocate General Diehl re- ported an Increase In the number of yreneral and summary court martial, Secretary y that the des on he Taft's candl- x of 5 Of Congress for dry docks bench of the the District of the death filled by the ral in the De- Merchants’ WHY THE MOITO WAS LEFT OFF President Roosevelt Considered It Sacrilegious. LED TO IRREVERENT COMMENTS. Writes Letter Defending His Order Di. recting That the Phrase ‘‘In God We Trust’’ Be Omitted in the Colning of the New Gold Pieces Will Keep It Off Unless Congres Directs Otherwise. God any Washington (Special).—"In Trust” will not be upon future, if the President can prevent He has subject, use of that motto. a vigorous letter on the of which are now being all correspondents who sent him protests against the absence of the words on the new gold pleces fon on the all, the Presi posit perfectly plain to following letter written by the ' . v $ giv out of the we Jooked int WAS no war tting ‘In God i! As the « tion new are though TOWN up al liberty tO I approved of its ng age But as I did not I did not direct that it be put on. Of course * ma the law is absolutely Congreas and tho ghouid agai 1167 of fmnas of any direction of Con gress in matter ] | j obe there ately ald i ription own my rence which from every regretted Aves ww 11 118 8 1geed well Lo Lis buildings Annapolis tend to y emotion thereon But nentiy unwise will loft poems cheapen motto by 1) fee would be to postage stamps As re EAT have actual ) BO 1 have never heard an bei: speak reverentl de its use we $ experi b 8, OF its having ealed emotion hundreds an occas neering ridicy all things undesir: and exalied a For example contest iecades on the app on extending fran colina i 1 the for God trust do not pay.” . well within bounds a use of the phr constant jevity of th s {8 most undesirable 1f Cong: ess alters law and directs me to replace on the sentence in tion. direction will be immediately But | very religious for trust wo we when coins ques the to effect that the country, the the country, action being (Signed) THEODORE ROOSEVELT. BUSINESS IS ALL RIGHT. Matthew COC. D. Borden Sees Xo Rea- son For Apprehension. The carne atly trust reverence in any such spirit of will taken prevent {Bpecial) dry is not only has shown a healthy two weeks.” was the statement of Matthew D. Borden, one of the leading cot- na nufacturers of Fall River People have got to wear some- and there iz not hing cheaper cotton,” he said “1 fall to de- any material Indications of weakness, Consumption has not fal- len off, and [| do not expect it to do go. The financial end of the busi- ness will right itself before long “The dry goods interests are come situated as to funds. Com- fortnight ago, one detect a much better feeling in all lines of the dry goods business. | see no ground whatever. for appre- hension. gain ton thing, than foot pared with a May Buy Ships, London (By Cable), Shipping Gazelle there is a own several trans-Atlantic The steamers will hip used in connection with the army's scheme for promoting Canadian im- migration. will goon Army Insane From Philippines. Ban Francisco (8pecial).—SBeven- teen insane patients belonging to the United States Army, who were brought from the Philippine Islands to the Presidio General Hospital, will be taken to the Army Hospital for the Insane at Washington. Col. George H. Torney, deputy surgeon general, will have charge of them. He will take an escort of nine guards. A car has been especially arranged for the convenience of the patients. ad ATTEMPT TO Ww REC ch SOHOOL. Big Holes Torn In The Walls By The Explosion, Philadelphia (Special) supposed to mite bombs Charles W. Henry der construction in Germ suburb, and exploded by long fuses, (Great holes were torn ridor walls of the build large that a horse and cz driven through it. The of the bullding were One of the supposed bombs ed near the entrance, a three wed In have been were pli Public 8chool, antown, means the ane Cor art could be« outer wall algo damaged WHE pia talrway at the fron second was placed in an i=box In the first floor corridor, and a third laid gill only WHS on a The he police theory 1} tractor have the bombs is wreck the build either an insane 5 UNEARTHED Other Cities, BEEN RUNRING TWENTY With Headquarters in Chicago, Where Luxuriously Furnished Offices and a Large Printing Establishment Were Maintained Tickets and Other Para. phernalia Seized by Police. YEARS we Ef *s a3 "re vr 5 IT esd / fat mn & raigned belore It Slates CABOR sRioner sre continued Jones waived leased for ’ ’ rand ederal grand VAR IY is more than » sufferer from was allowed sum EDWARD'S GREAT DIAMOND. 8750,000 Stone Given Him By The Transvaal, Satur King }§ November 8, 1841 it who wa is 8 cus- times been somewhat but there js a genuine. the English sentiment tod highly complimentary to saward Vii He is very nearly ideal English monarch one who igns, but does not govern, save by the beneficent influence he exerts has at i refun etory, the hopes of friends the forebodings of really has any. The the event at Sand- where the King and Queen and the Queen of Norway fon to many other members of the British royal family, are stay ing The surpassed ited and discoun he cham, Spair ring morning was occupied in re- an immense number of con- gratulatory telegrams, letters and presents from almost all parts of the world, one of the most notable events being the presentation to the King of the Cullinan diamond, the largest known, estimated to be worth $350 600, and donated to him by the leg- islative assembly of the Transvaal ple of that colony and in commemo- WANT MOTTO RETAINED. Henry Spoke Sends Protest, Richmond, Va. (Special). —