bell THE PASSING OF THE FOREST. As long as the forests shall live, The streams shall flow onwi ard, singing Sweet songs of the woodland, » still and bring- ing The bright, New lve But the Hving waters that give to ail mortals who thirst races of men shall be cursed. Yaa, the hour of destruction To the children of men In When the forest s all When the low woodland dumt And 4d a th’ 8 natn Shall i read o'ey shall come, that day pags away. voloes Aare and dearth face of the ion the | i Changed ia | T (== After ten body still is wile. If there road wh surface line and ty minutes late years unable is a tie-up ich necessitat prised te with tears and Peabody’ and this constituti impossible horrors terics. can conjure u deed, in Peabody s¢ victim of a wreck, roke an town for an af out acquainting over the telephone at just what hour Mrs. Peabody nd the went promptly.” it was during proposal was tivities by go suggestion was Mrs. Peabody By this time it Peabody at the office “If he expected me he'd worry so,” Mrs. Peabody But the friends, who knew laughed at this idea heartily that Mrs. Peabody began to think that per- haps she was overparticular. Between the ridicule of one friend and the coax ing of the her scruples lulled to rest. So the threes went to the play Meanwhile Peal himself unexpected the office he ran acre whose wife was out of men dined together to the Peabody fiat, an enjoyable evening Waite, who is oid be Pea body's father, has and wrinkled face, but his spirit of boyish fun belies his appearance. When Pea- body suggested that Waite spend the night there Waite fell in with the plan without demur. Peabody gave up his room, as is the practice of flat dwellers when guests are entertained, and him- self took the folding bed in the par- lor. The silencing of Mrs. Peabody's scruples had been, only temporary. Ali through the play she was haunted by the thought of her husband pacing the floor and listening for steps on the stair. By the end of the second act she was hardly able to answer a question and she seriously deliberated feigning an attack of heart trouble as an excuse to leave. Mrs. Peabody made ber farewells very brief and hastily made her way to the elevated station. A train was fust pull- ing out as she reached the platform and the brief interval of waiting for anoth- er train seemed almost Interminable. Now that there was nothing to distract ker attention, her fancy was at liber- ty to frame all sorts of horrifying conjectures. £he wondered if her hus- band had notified the police of her my- ‘'sterfous absence. She felt sure that ‘she would find him in a state of col lapse, There was an ominous silence about ‘the flat as she climbed the stairs. A consider late tO T } late to react and I didn’t come Peabody 80 other, were women s an old friend Lown. The iw wid then went ou where they sp over their cigar enough t white hair light burned in the hall, but elsewhere darkness reigned. Wavering between doubt and fear, Mrs. Peabody entered her husband's bedroom and turned on the electric light. As it flashed up she saw a slight that struck her dumb. It was even worse than she had thought! The white head on the pil- low, the gaunt, wrinkled face, un- like her husband's almost cherubie chubbiness, told a tale of suffering be- yond words. “John! John!” shrieked Mrs. Pea- body, “What have 1 How you are changed! 1 am an unworthy wife!" Then she fell back in the hall in a genuine attack hysterics So soundly was Pe ovell 80 done? of asleep that realiz- Waite shaken abody to a cOoimne not situation til then he did the ense of nned some clothing and to partial consciousness passed in Strange to sulted from ntment be- wn her sale ago News LIVING IN FRANCE. Temptations That Beset the House- keeper of Economical Ambitions, it began to dawn upon us that not that winter tear ‘om Mentone decided of the our- we we stablish ourselves in one llas and really and from would e eng joy life, » Of house BOV- we got it { francs to re- we d the song degenerates nagging There whout $34 a week It Is usels that heap in France, although it would be 2 perfectly true statement in a way Many things are very cheap and good, but, alas, it is a country of specidiiza- and temptation dogs one's foot One could not eat the food if it were not that the 1 pi ] better and ae superiatively best crop up before Suppiving food art that it arouse the marketer's soul, and al ep is taken purchased for dinner it to the » ne at ti urn France uch an nthusiasm in if once the fat sork of art 1s very hard to go back rdinary mortals Hq flain lapses in ebances, we live + day heap and every in is & fare of ywever, barring to awful gastroco d on from 22 to Fuel we found compar ZAas8 enormously expensive h other countries. ympared wit Our actual living cost us about $150 month, inding the rent, but one 188 to allow a goodly margin for ex- as, It is little fun to be in Riviera and not of it, and this means a constant expenditure~From the Travel Magazine, ine ine the Use Yor Macaroni, Mrs. Dubois, wife of a Westarn sena- tor, hired a new cook the other day. In he past Mrs. Dubols has had more than her share of woe with domestie servants and at last decided to try the xperimen: of having a colored woman ‘or autocrat of ths kitchen. This new ook came, claiming that she could do inything, and Mrs. Dubols intimated on the first day that they would have some macaroni for dinner, “What's hat?’ asked the cook. Mrs. Dubois ook her to the pantry and showed her the macaroni. “Do you mean to say that you don't know what that is?” Mrs. Dubois asked. “Oh, yes, "deed 1 do, missus,” the cook replied. “Only in the las’ place 1 worked they lighted the gas with them things,” At latest accounts Mrs. Jubois was wearily look. ing for still another cook Kansas City Star, Sharp Practice. Lady Commercial, to her 1 usband, who Is rather cold to her--John, the kisses you give me now are not up to the sample you gave me when you ask. od me to be yours. It isn't business. Uncle Sam~——"Hey! If you want blowiz —- Tisrels “ay 51 : J : Pimely Cart n. from Jucg to put out that fire quit To Be Settled With Corps Corps, an ternational America suited gpeakers, ernment Ge drome, Signal Corps an aerodre the Pacifi the aeropl The liquid General Allen sal gress for $20f adopted askin & of the new bra a UL times with yut a deci If we could utilize ws font 1 killing any one it woul develop (information which it serves Agr for obtaining Inform able the the histor v was evident 5 war. “Commercially very fiving machines,” he said wo see that the conquest was imagined when It wa but it may develop new mankind.” Life, jor OC 1U ires. Poston —A story was in circulation to the effect that Thomas W. Lawson had been sttacked In Young's Hote! by a woman. Mr. Lawson issued gtatement in which he said: “The attack consists solely of the hysterical woman, feal, coming to my table in Young's dining room and conveying to me the alleged information that I had been the cause of her losing $42.000 I had never sean the woman be i noticed that she and two others had a table next { occupy I don’t empty hi igh ball to the one T um know whether the giasses on their table | had anvihing to do with the attack 1 don’t know whether they had been e laying in wait for me all day or a week of dave Wouldn't know the { lady again if 1 saw her “1 simply rose from the tab! to the lady, ‘If you have i much as $342.000, yon must have bee: gambling,’ and thanking her {or attention sat down.” i { the Supply New York City.—There is great uncertainty about the prices consum- ers will have to pay for thelr Thanks ving turkeys. While there is a rge supply of Western birds, raisers say prices will be higher than last ear. An important factor will be he weather. If the present high temperature continues for a forinight | prices will be no higher than they wore a year ago, but a cold snap! would mean that from two to three econts a pound would be added. Turkeys are selling wholesale at the same figures as during the week preceding last Thankegiving Day, eighteen cents, which is the same Uncle Bam Loses $30,000 by a Fire in Washington, Washington, D. C.--The seed di- «ision building of the Department of Agriculture, located on C street, Southwest, was partially destroyed by fire early in the morning a few days ago. The origin of tho fire is unknown, but it is supposed to ha aye been spon taneous combustion. eo loss on the building will be $30,600. Some valuable seeds were destroyed that it will be difficult to replace. | price they were in 1904 and two con's less than they were in 1905. In 1903 they were twenty and one-half cents, and seventeen cents in 1902. The cheapest turkeys now in the market are twelve cents wholesale, and there ia ttle demand for them, while there is only a fair demand for , the best stock, the sales made being | above seventeen cents. There are few shipments coming from near | home, most of the supplies coming | from the West. Retail shops are selling the best turkeys for twenty-seven cents, but intimate that the price will be higher | betore many weeks roll around, Deal in Kentucky For 10,000,000 Pounds of Burley Tobacco, At Henderson, Ky., by a deal just completed, the Imperial Tobacco Company bought the entire 1907 to- bacco erop pledged to the American Society of Equity in Henderson, Union, Webster, Hopkins and Crit. tendon Counties. The deal invoives 16,000,000 pounds of tobacco and will bring $600,000 in English money to the farmers of that section. Tho price is the highest ever pald, with the exception of the war pricy. i dnc F.Gray &Son (Sutcdspors y is ) GRANT HOOVER totenl Sixteen of the Li et Fire and Life Tasurance Companies in the World. . . . . THE BEST IS THE fi CHEAPEST . v No Mutuals No Assessments Before insuring your life see the contact of Tri% HOME which in esse of death between the tenth and twentieth years re- turns all premiums pee 2 ad. dition to the face of the pol FHT | bd S32 TFT SRT to Loan om First Mortgage Office in Crider’s Stone Bullding BELLEFORTE, PA. Telephone Connection TTT Tr rr rr rer rrr iddd] Money B80 YEARS / EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DesiGns CoryriGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qui ckly ascertain our opinion free whether an fuvention is probably patentable. Communics- tions strictly confidential, Handbook on Patents sent free, Oldest agency Tor securing patenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the “Scientific American, A hands: , ely (llustrated weekly, Largest a ecalation of any scientific journal, Terms, f _ months, $L Sold by all newsdeal MUNN & Co,2e15rwe. New York. _ “iran hh Office. 65 ¥ Washirogn, WAS Eusapia Neapolitan medi IT a fallure when the Peychical ad been the though to transmit } hands to a distance In one of of Eu fron rings fixed that held her and yet a bottle of and a seat on : : the cords knotted the anc under valer was se conditions carried about human hands ir Gale ie distinct her place a ing Eusapia by gaw a doubie arms, which, in diffe: Boti rimenis, fons the leader touched the fi*gers of Eusapia. and an electric the tap of which had been fixed but out of her were held Profes the expe posit £OY of onee her cabinet, and as many times Bottazzi extinguished also had a large natural human hand laid upon his neck, his head and his ar®n. Each time he was able to touch it, and, when on his arm, to see it by suddenly turning on the electric lights, when it was not dragged away, held it In these and other similar experi- ments the sclentific men present are possible. They all, however, exclude any supernatural or spiritual explana- son, and can only suggest that Ea. sapia Palladino’'s manifestations are biological phenomena, dependent on the organism of the medium, who at will can double or increase the range of her psychic personality, and even her physiological personality —Phila- welphingl.edger. NIA AI 5 A, Generous Act Rewarded, An undertaker named Roberts, at Walthamstow, England, several years ago buried, at his own expense, the bodies of a friendless woman and child who had been murdered, rather than see them laid In a pauper's grave. He has just received $25. 000, bequeathed him by an old gentleman who had admired his act. Trier | | { ATTORNEYS. — D. ¥ roarney ATTORNEY -AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, PA Office North of Cours House. a Ww HARRISON WALKER ATTORNEY-ATLAW BELLEFONTE PA Ko. 19 W. High Btreet. All profsmans! business promysy stiended to mm ee Se Iwo. 5 Bowza W.D. Zeas¥ To 1G, BOWER & ZERBY ATTORNEYB AT LAW Faorx Brook BELLEFONTE, PA Bowzr & Oxvis Consultation in Englah and German ni w ATTORREY-AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, FA. corner Dismend, two doors from Natioual Bank. ms Offre NW, Fire: TAT G. RU dgdJ NKLE ATTORNEY AT-LAW BELLZFORTR, Pau All kinds of legal business allended Wo prompily Fpecial attention given to collections. Ofce, Sour Crider's Exchange ros HR B. BPANGLER ATTOREEY-AT-LAW BELLEFONTREPA Practices in =i] the courts. Cousplistion I English spd German, Office, Crider's Exchange Busudiog fyts i Fort Hotel EDWARD ROYER, Proprietor. Loostion : One mile South of Centre Hall Aceommedations first-class. Good bar. Partie wishing to enjoy an evening given spogisd attention. Meals for such ocooasions pared on short notice. Alwsps for the transient trade. RATES : $1.00 PER DAY. Te The Nelional Hotel MILLHEIM, PA 1. A. BHAWYER, Prop. First clam socommodations for the travels @o0d table board snd sleeping apartments The eholosst liquors at the bar. Hable as sommodations for horses is the best 0 be Bad. Bus toand from all traloe on the Lewisburg and Tyrone Ralirosd, at Coburg CEERI SIE - 1 VCICT Seen Hall, Pa. Penna RRR | Penn's Valley Banking Company CENTRE HALL, PA W. B. MINGLE, Cashie¢/ Receives Deposits . . Centre Discounts Notes . . « MARBLE wo GRANITE, bg H. d. STRC HIEIER, CENTRE HALL, eo ow PER Manufacturer of and Dealer In HIGH GRADE . 4. MONUMENTAL WORK in ai! kinds of Marble am Granite, Don’t fall to get my prio. IN CENTRE COUNTY H. E. FENLON Agent Bellefonte, Penn’ a. The Largest and Best Accident Ins. Companies Bonds of Every Descrip~ : tion. Plate G n= surance at low rates.