- on 5 _— Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. 3 ® : : ! : 1 : : ' : LOUALY. Jd Wheat, 95 cents Mr. and Mrs, F. P. from York mnt mim— I'reapass noticas, suitad fre aii put Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. this office Ctanry raturned | SHOES SHIRTS The Great NNN NN NNN Centre County NNN NN NNN Nee ND FAIR! NNN BN BY BN VN All the blood in your body passes through the | your kidneys once every three minutes, The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil- ter out the waste or impurities in the blood, If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work, Pains, achesandrheu- m come from ex- cess of uric acid in the your blood, due to neglected read | kidney trouble, Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady i kes one feel as though e, because the heart is ping thick, kidney- ns and arteries, d that only urinary 0 be traced to the kidneys, cience proves that nearly ases have their begin- pores, are offered for sale at =unshine is wanted to ripen up corn, dry hay, make the fairs go, ete, | New Wercester doubla barrel han merless ehotegun for sale, this office We have on hand a large num- ber of the celebrated Keith's Konqueror Shoes for Men. Price $2.50 & $3.00 A full line of Men’s and Boys’ Shirts at 50 cents and $1.00. Apply The hanter of stifle ent sii mtue will have a bard propositi tos Keep within the game laws member of family get the Reporte r? If uot, the adv. * To Reporter Bubseribers biove the absent Carioad { Wed. | sy. Hogs ure briagiog six cents George Bradford shipped a Of hows Lo the eastern markets nn AT Bellefonte, Pa. October 8, 9, 10, 11 tal i} friend in| a way that will please him fifty If you wish to remember a times | HB YOur, re ndv Ke no mistakes . The mild « : i and the extraor ry effe or. Kilmer's | SNUL JH HORDY YEAS LAS Ww A i y dney remedy is | it stands the highest for its | 25 of the most distressing cases | A ad Lhe Sed Kreamer & Son. Centre Hall Ing been retarded as much ss this Ets vsvsrsvesvsaccscseccscseas wn October 3ed finds consid yet to be sown. Goddndi ddd dodo dod do do BBB 23 el Ihe venerable Puilip Barnhart, Bellefonte, suffered sis Wedneaday of last a stroke of paraiy- | es. You y have a a As y mail Home of Swamp Roc t. telling you how to find ou idney or bladder trouble, COI- nt r when writing Dr, Kilmer urt Q., DiN 3, N.Y week, and since | has been lying at death’s door. There were a great number of monwealth Many of them were of a trivial nature but they mean cost 1 A Clean, Moral, Educational Exhibit of Agriculture, Horticulture, Home Industries, Poultry, Jd Stock. cases before the co » Lhe ¢gounty. SALLI LIAIILIA ALS 2 Lend Us Your Ear, Mr. Farmer ! You will never regret it, The famous Hepasz band, of iamsport, one of the best musics ganizations in stellar attractio week, L. R. Kype, accompanied J. F. Bhultz, both of Bellwo« in town I'he gentleman was through the valley in TELEPHONE SERVICE IN YOUR HOME + A Protection i A Convenience A Necessity, and Live » WALL Rev. were Afllicted With Yore Eyes for 33 Years Wednesday. former I have been afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three yesrs. Thirteen years wo 1 became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were bad- v inflamed. Ouoe of my neighbors in- frying Chamberlain's half a box of it 'o my surprise it nealed my eyes and my «igh back to me.—P. C. Earls, Cynthisps, Ky. Chamberlain's ~“alve : he search of potatoes and grain Many and Varied Amusements, Spirited Racing, The Famous Repasz Band of W’ms'p't, In Daily Concerts, Other High-Class Attractions Miss Bessie Grove, of near Centre Hill, her sister, Rates very reasonable, ative plan to you, DEOOEOEE Nw ECE NEN ENR REN EEOEEE - OXEOEEEEEDE ENENENE EEENEE EE SALA ALAAILILLLL LL 2 222 Let us explain our Telephone, write or call Co-oper- pon & Manager, $ Pies i "We 1 sted ur 1 today 1 HUrsdsy ACCOmpan ied Iniea ug Hy Vera Zottle, to her iy,