rHE CENTRE REPORTE THURS MBER 5, 1807 DAY, BEPTE TRAIN SCHEDULE ¢ Lowisburg and us follows Is In School WA tp me ——— HEeRil, 's report? Sluart them. else, in the meantime, had he od evidence suflicient to con- viel without cost t rht be commissioners mig SOINe eXCus of spending money ut who has scintilla of than what has already legally declared insufficient t warrant trial for life? The Gazette simply trying into lieving untrut needlessly, 1 a evidence other been 0 is to dupe voters bee hs, » - Seed Whent eed above Fultz clean of at ten cents $F ¢) juire he | { hoilce rye, Inq wheat, market price, 8 weporter office, Br Seeds, We have hand choice timo- thy, and alsike\ These seeds are as clean as can be found in the market, - J. H. and B, E. WEBER, Centre Hall and Oak Hall. A— of A ——— How on clover peed, The Grange Encampment and Fair, The committee is leaving nothing undone to make this the best Grange Fair ever held at Centre Hall. New buildings have been erected and many improvements made, The people of Penns and Brush Val- leys ought to take special interest in filling up this fair, as it has become one of the established institutions in this rich agricultural district of Cen- tre county. To make this fair a suc- cess it is only necessary for every one to take sufficient interest to bring something to fill the large and com- modious buildings that have been erected, and in this way do credit not only to our Grange Fair but also to the community and agricultural people. Let every one bring something and you will receive a premium when the article is entered, I ———————— A ———— Chamberidia’s Cough Remedy One of the Best on the Ma: ket For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained in favor and popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and hus an enormous sale, It 18 intended cupecially for acute throat and lun diseases, such as coughs, colds an croup, and can slwaye be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take snd is undoubtedly the best in the market for Lhe purposes for which it is intended, Hold by The Hine Store, Centre Hall; Carson, Potters Mills ; OC, W, Yunseyville, FA. Hwartz, I i { cms sem. THE RE 'ORTER HEADOUARTERS Eunommpment aud wie Will He Upen ta All Comers 4 eporter’s unced the Centre fut will be d open to eviously readquart ante and Fair No. 1 wlll will be ampment usiness * No. 2 No, ay babies dy —everybody's tent, and wxclusively to mothers and the An effort will be made to equip each of the tents to the purposes The mother’s tent, I with omfort of both the Thi at all times, ve sufficiently rt will nds and 4 { suit in- especially, the Lhe bel! 4 a view to mothers and : No. 3, will that The y OES, 8 tent and go located iil font $ Wii private i afford a view gro be e sealing capacity. Flag will indicate the go provid d with The American headquarters of the Centre | of Reporter I around, al vou--the Reporter f readers and their friends, Yearick-Hoy Reunion IATOErIiCK, low } BLYARDREEIICA] Bund lay of the Reforn meeting ured the basement urch in which to hold its W. O. Rearick, of Milroy, vi Hall over Bunday. turn he Was accompsenijed Frank Rearick, i here is no better beater made than the Red C Ihe price is made an ol ross Oak, straight or down draft. 18¢ J. A. Reesman, Byron Garis, who is doing masonry igler Babbath at his home, ¥ $ ¢ ne Lhe having spe returned to his in 8 ville, work on Monday Dr. P. H. Dale way with a number he He is modern means and praciice, and they i# making good head- of chronic CREeu is Lieating, he using most methods in are proving saful, Mrs. W month's of her daughter, Mrs, J. W. Brown, in Milroy, returned on Monday, accompanied by her grand. daughter, Nina Blick, and Mr. Krise, who spent over a week at the same « A. Krise, after a place Ihe story published in the Lewis Hentinel to the effect that an automobiling party had held up by highwaymen was a Bimon pure fake, The paper was imposed on, and gave the perpetrator a good scoring in Saturday's issue, town Daily been Isasc Charles Myers, John Homan and Bert Musser, of Pine Grove Mills, left Tucnday morn. ing for ten days sight seeing at James. town Exposition. They will also vis it the Queen City of the South snd the National Capitol, Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Homan, of Al toona, and Charles CC, Homan, of Cleveland, Ohio, accompanied by Mies Lucy Wise, of Williamsport, for a week were guests of Mrs, Emma Homan, in Centre Hall, The former, for several years, has been located in Altoonus, where be has become an ex- perienced boller-maker in the Penney shops, and is making top wages. The younger Mr. Homan is advertising manager and assistant sales agent for the Standard Welding Company, a concern of considerable importance in the beautiful Ohlo city, How long Miss Wise will remain wise, in name, Mr. Homan would not say, but the “day of days,” it Is surmised, is not #0 far off, Campbell, ation his nember Ler is survived by his wif and two daughters, as follow £ 1s inte hommns, Of I} am, George, James I). ar toons § DA Ww d Mrs. (HOA, 4% fonte, ' 4 Tal and and two so hus! the igh member 3 Company him are t} Mrs, f Rev, Riche- Edwin GG. desth of {annah T. The ardson, mother o Richardson, pas Episcopal Bellefor at her home in Alexandria The canee of her was church, te, op Bay, death fever, ———————— etterto J. W, Rankie Hall, Pa, They're glad they fo (entre Dear Sir ¢ ind out Devoe, Corpus Christi, Texas, is the Gulf of the climates for paint; hot sun, and strong winds, The Sidbury right and one salt air, Building, as if painted last week, We should like every property- owner from Maine to Mexico that white, white, white, Experience teaches who wants to learn as well as who waite to kicked, 10 sep Le Yours truly, F. W. Devor & Co,, New York Kreameor & Hon sell our paint a————————————— ¥iek Heachs, This disease is caused by 8 dernnge- ment of the stomach, Take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct this disorder and the sick headache will disappear. For sale by The ttar Store, Centre Hall ; ¥. A, Carson, Potters Milla; OO, W. Bwartz, Tussey ville. IIA Advertise in the Reporter, 34 PE0000000000000000080030000200000008 y N. ud Aha wth TY . The Index... IER ® “edo Oo9ee 10 TIANC and Ad and ORGA NS > Sess - WS S000000000000000000000000000600000000000000 eee The “Stevens” Reed-Pipe Piano Organ is the new- est thing on the market, We are also headquarters for the “White” Sewing Machine. Tor catalogue and prices ms to suit the buyer. C. BE. ZEIGLER SPRING MILLS, - - PA. DOOOGHBI nm PeRITE00000OPOD find Totter I bave yeara and have for Thirty Years sit fered with teller tried hited for thirty glminst conntiess remedies with if any, lief, Three boxes of Chamberisin’sa Salve cured me. It was a torture. Lt out a little sometimes, but nothing what it used to do--D, H. Bench, Midland City, Als Chamberiain’s Halve is for sale by The Star Store, Cenths Tall ; Carson, Potters M yville, i F. A. i | PERFECT” ECTRICITY. wer | WwW you are. electricity now welds the * necessary these wraps rd-like, become one. wr pew 1215 HE. WIELAND, TR OL RL . ® = o s - Shoes ices CA. Spring ills «= = - Krape Pa. Lard, Sid Onions, Fresh Eggs. Highest Cash prices paid for same deliver- ed to Creamery. Howard Greamery Corp. CENTRE HALL, PA. | i i "ES[OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. firick | dwelling house and Jot of Kline Feller olf, de ‘A, in Eprine Mille, Pa. opposite C, P| Long'sstore This is a rare opportunity 0 se cure a good hone on private terms, IL consiss of brick dwelling house, summer house with wood and coal collar, smoke house, joe house, latge barn, good frail, excellent garden, unfail ing well of excellent water, a cistern, sud two iote back of stable. Inguire of R. F, FRTTEROLY, Belinsgrove, Pa. IH. * i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW { | Office | : Opera House Block | BELLEFONTE, PA 0) te Court House All branches of legal noses attended to prompily. TAYLOR A I BS REE FOR SALE—TH 1CE-~Notios is hereby given that from TL O4SE furs for sale a 36 Kay x Dorse, a, this date the undersigned will discon. (sl Jom: old, old, Settle, will ve ay single or double, tino ih d0ing ail kinds of repair work. 4 ne GL Pa, Ceutre p Lo MeCLENAMAN, Centre Hall,