TIRED BACKS, The kidneys have a great work to do in keeping the blood pure. When they get out of order it causes backache, headaches, dizziness, languor and distress- Bg ing urinary troubles. ft Keep the kidneys well g and all these suffer- ings Will be saved you. Mrs. 8. A. Moore, pro- prietor of a restau- rant at ‘Waterville, Mo., says: “Before using Doan’s Kidney Pills I suf- fered everything from kidney trou- bles for a year and a half. I had pain in the back and head, and al- most continuous in the loins and felt weary all the time. A few doses of Doan’'s Kidney Pills brought great relief, and I kept on taking them un- til in a short time I was cured. 1 think Doan’s Kidney Pills are won- derful.” For sale by all dealers. box. Foster-Milburn Co., N.Y. 60 cents a Buffalo, The School Barber. The latest wrinkle in the school system of Cleveland, says the Spring- field Republican, is an arrangement by which the hair of the bovs ig to be shorn at the city’s expense. The departure begins with the opening of small barber rooms in three school buildings, each supplied with two stools. Pupils from the “bart lege” will do the work, and the and everything els is needed in the operation of the children’s hair. scissors SEND FOR BOOK [(Z[MA a 8 tchings And tations THE SKI Speedily Cured by Warm Baths With uticur. Spe And Gentle Anointings Of | (UTICURA The Great Skin Cure, whenall other remedies andevenphysiciansfail, Guaranteed absolutely pure, sweet,and whole- some, and may be used A Wonderfully Stupid Lad, The coroner of a certain town upon to hold an inquest over the re- nains of a Hungarian laborer. The only witness was a lad of game nationality, who spoke no Eng- lish, ‘Where do you live, first question of the coroner. The boy shook his head. “Do you speak English?” came from the coroner. Again the boy shook his “Do you speak German?” Still another negative lad. “Do you speak next interrogatory. For the third time his head. “How old No reply Then, asked: “Do you speak The lad *It ain“ gr boy?" was the next head. from the French?" was the the boy shook you?" the witness. pause, the coroner are from after a Italian?" remained silent, no observed the coroner, turning to those in the room. “I've questioned this here witness in four languages and ean't get no answer. The court is adjourned. Harper's Weekly. use,’ Colors Of Vegetation, The colors of vegetation are sified by a strong sunlight certain degree of coolness, as in the redness of Northern and the deep tints of Alpine and other condition such as the position of the have ap nce A recent attempt to color iowerg artifically by chemicals added the soil has been recorded by Kraen r Aluminate sul- and pottas sulphate deep the llow roses and als of the and am- aluminum sul- citric acid on Car- were too commer- inten- and a we see apples plants, soil ium ened color of ye tended to streak and however promise mporiance, Supplying The Explanation, yrush- intro- alet or ng was 1 mastor's clothes He into } * ation A Squaw Bank Depositor, leaned and n iman hand. Hydrogen Corpuscles, vie Gi 1d quinn O00 000.006 wr os Wwe leave HH how long from the hour of birth. Verdict for Dr. Pierce AGAINST THE Ladies’ Home Journal. Sending truth after a He. It is an old m m that "a Ne will travel seven Mbagues while truth Is getting its boots on,” and no doubt hundreds of thousands of good people read the unwarranted and malicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce and his" Favorite Preseription * published in the May (1904) number of the Ladies* Home Journal, with its great black dis- play headings, who never saw the hum- ble, groveling retraction, with its incon- spicuous heading, published two months later. It was boldly charged in the sland- erous and libelous article that Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for the cure of woman's weaknesses and ailments, con. tained alcohol and other harmful ingredi- ents, Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit against the publishers of the Ladies’ Home Journal, for $200,000,00 damages, Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr. Bok, the editor, maliciously published the article containing such false and defamatory matter wit the Intent of injuring his urthermore, that no alcohol, or urious, or kabit-forming, drugs ere, contained in his *Fa- m native medicinal roots and were wholly and absolutel | geril fed Lm Cy did bal or any ST Te alleaed a ful drags) s facts were also proven the action in the Supreme Court. yy tha business of or. Plerce was greatly injured b is Babtitation of the libelous article wi Eroat i ¥ headings, while hundreds road the wickedly defamatory viele 1 or saw the humble groveling re lon, set in smal type and made as incon WOUS as a matter was, how gis. a jury In the Buprem ork State which promptl ited a ; s favor. A red wore refuted. ~ COMMERCIAL COLUMN. Weekly Review of Trade and Latest Market Reports. New Dun & Co.'s Weokly York.—R., QQ. Review of Trade says: Easter retail trade surpassed ex- pectations, favorable weather bring- ing out a very large volume of busi- ness during the last week, while activity was not confined to speciall ties, but extended to all seasonable lines of staple merchandise, Whole sale and Jobbing houses received many supplementary orders, especial ly for dry goods and millinery, and further fmprovements in collections was reported. Announcement by some rallways that retrenchment must curtail plans for extensions has had no perceptible influence on the iron and steel indus- try, owing to the scarcity of stocks in all positions. Prices were held within season during the season of greatest pressure, when big premiums might have been charged, and the Somuervation of the leading interests Is now bearing fruit. A few quota- tlons of pig iron are slightly lower, but as a rule deliveries cannot be made before July, and domestic fur- nacesg are not able to satisfy require ments during the second quarter. This has revived imports, and one shipment from China is under n sideration Structural steel ig tal lng a prominent position, specifications forward freely as open weather facliliates bulld yperations, much busine from the Central West and Coast despite the possibility strike May 1. seasonahbly coming Wholesale Markets. Baltimore Dull and un- changed; 46 barrels; ox- ports, 3,203 WwW heat- Flour receipts, 13 barrels. Quiet spot, No. 2 red, March, Tn PTT; steamer, No, 2 red, ceipts, 8,621 bushels grade, 74 4 Corn F irm : 60% : LO? May steamer, celpts 942 bus ay ste i 40 2 whi ni PB 1ttot » Western 30¢.; prints, CEES fresh mark Live fowl 10 4% winter @17. New York top grade 10¢ fat cows, steady per 100 choice lower: bull 10¢ COWS Calve Mar) Common to 6.006 16.00; 10.25: eity 10 to 15¢ ed, 9 to 133 c. Hogs Market sales reported Chicago Cattle steers, 10c¢. higher; Common to prime steers, cows, 3.26@ 5.00; heifers, 5.25; bulls, 3.4062 4.60; @7.75; stockerg and feeders, 3 4.90, Hogs-—Market 6 tn 10+ higher: choice heavy shippers, 6.25 @ 6.27%; Hght butchers, 6.256 6.30; light, 6.27% @ 6.32%; @6.22%; bulk of sales, fow choles do., at are seq] veals active at per pound; country dre 15¢ lower no Good to choice others steady §. 006 7 " 3.00 47 Hi: calves, 2.75 0045 cholce packing, 5.50 6.2080 6.25. DDS AND EN DS. The ancient Egyptians used a form of blast furnace 2000 B. C. A man’s hair usually turns gray five years sooner than a woman's The population of London is rapid. ly reaching the seven million mark. Every German soldier's equipment includes a Bible and a half-pound enke of chocolate, ' A man of Witten, had been almost deaf for som yoars, recovered his hearing com- pletely after a terrific explosion, Germany, who As awards their Louis Alaska DPacliers goeciation taken the highest World's Fair where goods were: shown, At Bt World's Fair the Red Salmon took the grand prize, The only grand prize ever given to Salmon at any World's Fair. The Argo Re Balmon fe the best that is packed. The have every \heginthe's secret belonged to a French chemist. He sold it to a distiller for $75. The distil old $50,000, It is now not worth itg original $75, having leaked ler it for out. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F.J.Cnexey & Co, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known ¥ 3. Cheney for the last 15 and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fing ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tru AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledn, O Warping, Kinvax & Manviy, Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucuous sure faces of the system als sent free. Price, 75¢. per bottle, Rald by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. VeLrs Testimon Had For Belief. “You don't mean to say a ¢ feur is worth $2 joutyy “Well, ti last one hi ran HOw Reasons hauf- with my wife, an vou , my wife, old SLEEP BROKEN BY ITCHING. Year — No Relief Until Cuticura Remedies Prove Perfect Success. “For a year I have had what eczema, I had an and when 1 would they itehi 8 avor we i body would i Keep me awake half the more ] uld itch. ould get no rel wura Be ap, one AR AD Pills five two vials of whieh cost wentsy me # and am was completely cured glad I tried them, Walter W cents in all, for 1 Paglush, Oct. 8 and very 1 Tea, the Mild Iaxati is a pure, or od fory tion. i A Garflal practical he and « id 0 1 Bostic Nn, sick-h arising from complexion, usehold remed y Lake winche { ipa and ¥ ] Is i x OO, AU Gears Le ison | Sahel Cleaned One Advantage Of and hink what a to some of us creditors came Berry, 1 want $10 vou owe me,” It wo me in the least Ay dear fellow.’ I would reply, ‘come around day ter tomorrow and I'll pay you,’ then 1 wouldn't hear a him for 12 months bless i Ww hy, if to you one and to pay 1ldn’t me more Her any logton FIND OUT The Kind of Food That Will Keep You Well. The true way is to find out what Is best to eat and drink, and then culti- vate a taste for those things instead of poisoning ourselves with improper, indigestible food, ete. A conservative Mass. woman writes: for the young and for the aged; in sickness and in health; at first follow- ing directions carefully, later in‘*a variety of ways as my taste and judg- ment suggested. “But its most special, personal ben- efit has been a substitute for meat, and served dry with cream when rheumatic troubles made it important for me to give up the ‘coffee habit.’ “Served in this way with the addl- tion of a cup of hot water and a little fruit it has been used at my morning meal for six months, during which time my health has much improved, nerves have grown steadier, and a gradual decrease In my excessive welght adds greatly to my comfort.” Name given by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Battle Creek, Mich, Read«the little book, “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. “There's a reason.” WOMEN IN HOSPITALS MISS MARGARET TIERNEY performed in and our hospitals are women girls for trouble, some organic Why should this be the case ? jecause they have selves, as every one of these pat in the Nosy tal beds had plenty warning in those dragging sensations pains at left or right of abdomen backaches, nervous exhaustion, in flammation, uleeration, di ace- ments, and other organic All of these symptoms tions of an unhealthy female system and penalty has to be paid by a danger operation. When manifest themss aloag until y the hospital and submi Lt tion—but reme in Pinkham's Vegetable ( ompou from native roots and her hundreds of women fro: operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl Ce ympounds has cured feminine ills any remedy. Such letters as thefoll Mrs. neglected them ents K pi WERK DesSses are indica econditic if not } ae these gvmptoms ives, do ou are oblige SuUrgic more CBACH than other one wing suffering from ate HICKS’ CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breaks wp COLDS Ne TO 12 SOURS rial Borde 100 Ar Dregne Argo, Argo, Argo Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo. Argo. Cit Departm a rtm ent arimen that ving r about in 8 Year than oO Vitue' Dance: Nervous Diseases por. FITS St. s and treatise free 931 Arch 8t., Phila, £2 trial bottl « LA. Pa. send friend on a Garfield Tea the ind ensable laxative Take it in the Spring; it J rifies the blood, leanscos the svatem, eradicates disnse. It igs made wholly of wmple Herbs, Guaran- teed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. fiuy & ME] i pay Of A Da iin MRS.CHAS. A.ROCKW J0D ee ing constantly received Pinkham to: prove ou C irs £. A, ‘3 amentary Law, of 68 Free Fredonia, N. Y., writes Mrs Rockwood, Meach Bt., “For vears | suffered with female tronble, decided that an Operation was neces. although I submitted to a serious my sufferings Or until inkham's Vegetable Compound imendead and it proved a marvelous ¥, 80 qui kly did it rest j henlth. nk you sufficiently for the good tinued York, + New years of natural weteed and bLeir try Lydia E und did so roper conditions am well ane Pinkham's V other remedy ndorsemen Pinkham's Vegeta ther remedy in the a record of cures of qualified e Temale : mal e are weakn ess 116 a Understands a Woman's Had Out The Puzzle, Worked LARTER MX Ti Bostor Yort NOTE NE PAXTON CO. a EST In the Laundry Will Sterilize th Clothing, Act as an Antiseptic an Prevent Odor From Perspiration, CERIO arn ple Borax, Book and Souvenis 1 3 : i CR OTE BRING. Fil COART BORAX UO, Mew York, 5 w vals pile TR TENTS ish know ab ' A HC ay wish « Ww 8 VENSIOXE?Y Do t y UXTyY* “rie 3 \ .. A Ais Law tary Put ? i ana Ay we, Wash i Washing Unig llores and Sa ve war 1563.0 ey tench 62 may Le en ited wo $ 4 i 6 BE § od 5 3 2 nie we ris wife she NEW DISCOVERY; DROP S Fiven guied rel of and sir Sorel saver. Book of tenilmoninie snd $60 Bha wu” Lov Free, Pr. HB 0 GREEN'S SO%S, Box RB, fier A PVERTIsE iN THI i { PAY o NU OLD-MONK-CURE 23 AND S30 CENTS W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE ES Men's Shoes, 85 to 81.50. Royse’ hoon, 84 to $1.50, Misses’ & Children AT ANY PRIGE. ALL PRICES: | Women's part of the shos and every detail o and watched over by skilled shoemakers, time or cost, wear 1 iis country. Each without regard to 0 factories at + Le. Douglas 8 ; “they hold their shape, fit bette rig agains 3 “w