PW I UTTERLY WORN OUT. Vitality Sapped by Years of Suffering With Kidney Trouble. Capt. J. W. Hogun, former post. master of Indianola, now living at Austin, Texas, writes: *I was afflicted for years with pains across the loins and ip the hips and shoulders. 1 had headache also and neuraigia. My right eye, from pain, was of little use to me for years. The constant flow of urine kept my system depleted, caus- ing nervous chills and night sweats, After trying seven different climates and using all kinds of medicine I had the good fortune to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy has cured me. I am as well to-day as I was twenty years ago, and my eyesight is perfect.” Sold by box. N.Y. all dealers 64 Foster-Milburn Co., cents a Buffalo, Years From Date.” When Hobart Chatfield-Chatfield Taylor, Chicago millionaire, social leader, and author, was in college a good many vears ago he had a room- mate, who, like himself, fond of a chance duriug off- hours from stud) One af- ter they had indulged in throwing dice at cent a throw, young Tay- lor said to his chum: throw “Twenty was gameé the evening “let's have a hundred dollars.” The chum said anywhere near that amount, imated that Taylor didn't Taylor admitted his lack of wealth, but proposed the should give his nots twenty years, without The proposition the dice rattled Tavlo lost made the note and winner When his way ior a fund and in- either. he« had no i08er was accepted, and were placed in the box and He at once handed it to the they into Tavlior be- lottery of life. answered he hundred«lollar out his des turned up It was due a few later He forwarded it to Mr field-Chatfield Taylor, who, day of the note’s maturity, old chum a K the The person who tells the the told him that of us, the idea days Chat- on sent the his amount. story says “neither slightest maker of the note would ever be able to pay it chec for 1 , had } onus Diseases per manentlyc A Kline's Great Nerve Restorer 9 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. H. R. Kli A1..931 Arch St, Phila, Pa 24 4 Cis TR i Mrs. Winslow's Sootl teething, softens they tion, allays pain, curs To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists ref ind money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove'ssignature is on each box. 25c Bewars f the mn whe a8 oF ¥ig of the } Always to Be Depended Upon. When a person gets up in the morning with a dull oR and a tired, stretchy feeling, it 18 an almost certain indication that the liver, or bowels, or both, are de cidedly out of order At such times Nature, the wisest and best of all doctors, takes this means to give warning that she needs the help and gentle assistance which can best be ob tained from that old family remedy, Brand reth’s Pills, which has been in use for over a century. They are the same fine laxstive tonic pill your grandparents used, when doctors were few and far between and when peo ple had to have a remedy that could ab- solutely be depended upon. Brandreth’s Pills can be depended upon and are sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated. Do You Think For Yourself ?7 Or. dq you open your mouth like a young gulp down whatever food or medi be offered you? + Ww + palin and su suu that there rie druggists for the Cure ol woman's iis. + + + +» J scription, for the cure of weak, nervous, run- down, overworked, debilitated, pain-racked women, knowing this medicine to be made up of Ingredients, every one of which has the strongest possible Indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and in fact, are only too glad to print, as they do, the formuls, or list of ingredients, of which it is composed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. + + + The formula of Dr. Plerce's Favorite Pre- scription will bear the most critical examina~ tion of medical experts, for it contains no alcohol, narcotios, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters into it that Is not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and author ities of thelr several schools of practice. re } pcommend the ingredients +* No other medicine for woman's ills has any such professional entlorsement as Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription has received, in the un qualified recommendation of cach of its several Ingredients by scores of leading medi~ cal men of all the schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration ? + w * Ld w» A booklet of ingredients. with numerous suthorative profesional endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, will be malled free to any one sending name and address with request for same. Address Dr. RV, Plerce, Buffalo, N. Y. CONNERCIL COLUM. | Weekly Review of Trade and Latest Market Reports. New York.-—R. G, view of trade says: “The new year opens bright with promise in business circles, no ex- cessive stocks being carried over, and results of inventories fully equal san- guine anticipations. It is especially noticeable in dispatches from the West that there less than the customary lull in business during the holiday season, while bargain sales are rapidly disposing of the moder- ate supplies remaining on hand. In the leading industries contracts on the books are very large and plants operate full time, except when ma- terials or fuel cannot be secured or finished products cannot be forward- ed to consumers, “There is much Northwestern our point, and export trade Is also re- iiricted because grain and other merchandise fail to reach the sea- board promptly. To this delay may be attributed part of the decrease of $1,749,665 in exports from this port for the last k, as compared with Dun & Co.'s re- Was complaint from mills on this week, the movement a year ago, while im- ports exceeded the very heavy total for the previous year by $1,681,580. “Many new contracts for a large tonnage of steel appeared during the ast week, notably structural mater- al for San Francisco “Wheat was depressed by accumu- lated Northwest and weather conditions are favorable for winter weat in this while the Argentine harvest is progressing rapidly. Shipments to Europe thus far this season from all surplus na- tions have not reached dimen~ fons promised by large crops, and the smaller vield in Russia is a sue- taining factor in the eo for listant oj But trad- y _— rr thao speculators the stocks at the country, the markets tion domestic ng lacks West vigor, taking dteady absorption ar of pressure weeount in the option higher quotations brought «fr Yeér- g of outstanding con Wholesale Markets, Flour—Dull and un- 2 barrels; Baltimore anged; red exports, Wheat Janu- P79%.; CePis, grade, JANuAary, ATH @47%; steamer mixed, 134,684 bushels; rn white corn, 453% @ 48; uthern vellow corn, 45 @ 47% No 2 white, 40 white, 20@ 39%: No 4.365 Western do receipts, Ste No bushels 188 busb- fancy creamery store exports, 76.7 000 bushels anot » nil S0i ana pi 2 vellow, ! E01; 2 . Oate—Recelr bushels; exports, 14,955 bushels: spot firm; mixed oats, 3 pounds, 39@ 241 36@ 40 pounds, white, 30@33 clipped wi ipping, 85 @ 90. unchanged steady: Cabbages Philadelphi tract grade, Corn firm, £7} 4 5 14 Gi ti ro con- T4@ T4%ec. 1% higher; December, Oats vady: No. 2 white patural, 41c. Butter tra We 3214. . 4 wer fat n . - gteady: fair dems Ex- sian} if official price, vf vs b & fo prints, 36 gtern creamery, extra nearby Eggs changed: nearby 29¢. at mark; Western fresh, 20 mark. Live poultry firm; fowls, 1314¢.; old roosters, 8@ 93%; chickens, 11@ 13; geese, 13@ 14; Cheese York full New York fall New York full 12% @ 14. fresh, a 11% @ spring ducks, 3@ 14, turkeys, 16@ 17. quiet, but steady; New creams, fancy, 1l43%ec.; creams, choice, 14%; creams, fair to good, Live Stock. New York.—--Beeves— Dressed beef in moderate demand at 63c. to Sec. per pound, with fancy beef bringing 9%ec. Calves—Veanls steady at 5.50 to 9.50: eulle, 4.50" barnyard and West- ern calves nominal; dressed calves steady to strong; city-dressed veals, 8¢. to 14c. per pound, country- dressed Te, to 12%¢, Sheep and Lambs—sheep slow; prime lambs steady; medium grades slow; sheep, 3.50@ 4.50; no prime sheep sold; lambs, 8.70@ 8.10, Chicago. — Cattle — Common {to prime steers, 4.00@ 7.40; cows, 2.76 Gr 4.75; heifers, 2.60@ 5.00; bulls, 2.406 4.50; calves, 2.75 @ 8.50; stock ers and feeders, 2.40@ 4.50. The cigarette and pipe are rapidly superseding the cigar in the estima- tion of French consumers of tobaceo, Less than 5 per cent, of the ex- penses of the 24 slaughtering and meat-packing establishments of Chi- cago is for wages, The candle still holds its own, not. withstanding petroleum, gas and electricity. The production of can- dles in the United States during the fiscal year of 1966 amounted to $3, 889,362, NEW YORK DAY BY DAY, Some of the Things Done Daily in the Metropolis. Of Sunshine," Yorkville Police case of Nauman Thursday “Promotion The clerk in Court called the Faulhaber morn- hundred men them in sombre and elbowed each other scramble to get reserved front. The clerk whis- Thereupon a Fosse mad teats far up members of the Widows' and the promotion of sunshine in bereav- d households, “It vas a cloob for forgetting der leparted wifes und husbands,” der promote- memory of whis- There were tall thin widowers and stout widows, long, lanky and little fat widowers, handsome, dressed widowers, homely widows with bank ac- short, poorly were their only the court at- them: and figures fortune, “Jimmy,” tendant, thus described First in line Was Widow Then came With Widow And Mr. Spark, Of him they Widow With pointed chi Klein Widow Clark Reilly T nen Sat Win While lose to Widow Cook, knows her | down laining witn nan, and as sband “1 thought arked the For Her Darling. ed Begged 11 freeze terrier,’ eloped : i * doesn't will fol- German Wife Hides His Wooden Ieog. Accordin Patrick Lahey, it is bad enougu to lose d leg and hobble but to bt» with that same gtump is a hardship and an injustice, Lahey is 560 years old He hig trouhles to Clerk Eil perin of the Adams-Street Police Court. “1 have been weeks time ago 1 what little money rainy day 1 bought and from that moment has been nothing but trouble in household “Yon see, it is this way Every time 1 take off my wooden leg and we have a disagreement, she hides it Then 1 am compelled to hobble around on one foot On several oc- casiong 1 had important business to around on a wooden one, compelled to gleep wooden toid against it for said Lahey my left leg I had saved a wooden there the up past,” jost * 8 OF a decided to my wooden leg. While this was sensible it was painful It was only last Sunday that my wife told me that if she ever got hold of that wooden leg again she would with it. In fact, there “A weak ago 1 Italian Stabbed 60 Times. Lured to ambush by a man he believed to be his friend, Pasquale Mazeti was set upon by four men stabbed and hacked almost $5 death. Surgeons in the City Hospital, where the man was taken, counted 60 wounds on his body made by butcher knives, razors, stillettos and an axe He will die. Whether Mazeti is the victim of an Italian vendetta, or his assailants were bent upon robbery, the police do not know. ——————— S——————————————————————" ga [HE LAXATIVE or 8 KNOWN QUALITY There are two classes of remedies: those of known quale ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance: and another class, eomposed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo- rarily, but injurionsly, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily, One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active priuveiplcs of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue fige are used to con- tributo their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the gystem gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming ef nsti- pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active prine- ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known gnality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classeR of purchasers; those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack conrage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imit of any well Known article: but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the eredit of the druggists of the United States be it sal that nearly all of them value their reputation for pr fessional integrity and the good will of their customers 00 highly to oiler imitations of the eo ® Genuine—Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its be has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.~plainly printed on the front of every package. Price, 50¢. per bottle. One size only. + i + k cannot expect neficial effects, one No Wonder, SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. Doctors and Remedies Froitless—5Suf- fered 10 Years—Completely Cured “ - by Three Boxes of Caticura. Dollars Raward for . annot be cured Vhen | z ¢ Easily Cured TER SPpOB I ! : if you use regularly CONSTIPATION How's This? is so distressing, yet so We offer One Hund i ADY case of Calarrd that Hall's Catarrh Cure, F.J. Curxey & Co We, the undersi A parte sonreabie tu posoras ramen | cue," tre hat 1 cou wcrcey wie | § Parsons’ Pills Mild but sure in effect. Put up in glass vials, 28 cents. Sold by all dealers. L 8. JUHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass. red med, ba ppdirectiva; ncaa vithesrsieam., rice Tho par bott 21,797 Die Of Snake bites, ” Hogless Lard Xa gusad None anywhere ncar so good, so pure, eco- nomical, so satisfactory. U. 8. Covernment Inspected. FREE SAMPLE - MULE-TEAM BORAX ving a rece Mm IE SO EE 5 bie With 32-page Nustrated bh klet ¥ pees for Borax in the Hom bei. SOUVENIR PICTU trea for n dress Pacific Coast Borax Co. ATENTS [3+ Do ren wish 10 koe ih to kn The official eopards, 1 wolves, 2 , and hyenas, Well-known man-eating tigers were killed in several districts A lar crusade against es has been carried on In parts of the Provinces, where these bhi most numerous sone N. XY e I : and RE, xis in i lors 8 TIN Ad New York and your o regu- ———————— wis Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of [tohing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding | 3" "(00 | Pilesin6to 14 days or money refunded. 80c. Cotary Prbil woly Central abou utes are and most trouble Sun ————— i Mixed, | Reme: ¥ forget muelves Teacher —What is a coal magnate; | 11 per ' f half hy Tommie? + . . 3 Ct . ‘ay 4 cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's ——— — Tommie-1 don't know, ma'am: Tich cured in 30 minu i Ings come DROPSY I, peor; gives quirk roflef mad sures Canitary Lotion: never fails. Sold by Drug- ; Y " ra me jn P ) I only thought those things come in | vista. Mail orders promptly filled by ™ Yonkers Statesman { worst eases. Bonk of testimonial and $0 Bra pa’ treatment Free. Pr. BR GREENS BOBS, Bex 8B, stheete, Sa, ue. Warhing Union 5 never | tot fiers and Sal ore rniitle 10 pension rN 8g afier they reach €3 mer dese rig wife she may be vniited 10 s pension the poor the rich EE. Detchon Med Co. ( raw fordsville, Ind. $1 COSTLY PRESSURE. Heart and Nerves Fail on Coffee. operators do business on | VERiish iN Andes FACEA i A Telegraph ig on tick | a sound basis even if it WILL PAY * w —————————— 5 a A resident of a great Western State puts the case regarding stimu- | lants with a comprehensive brevity | that is admirable. He says: i “I am 56 years old and have had considerable experience with stimu- | laats. They are all alike—a mortgage | on reserved energy at ruinous inter- ott. As the whip stimulates but does not strengthen the horse, zo do stim- nlantg act upon the human system, Feeling this way, I gave up coffee and all other stimulants and began the use of Postum Food coffee some months ago. The beneficial results have been anparent from the first The rheumatism that I used to suffer from has left me, I sleep sounder, my nerves are steadier and my brain clearer. And I bear testimony also to the food value of Postum-—some- thing that is lacking in coffee.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read "The Road to Wellville,” the quaint little book in pkge. STIFFNESS, STITCHES, LAMENESS, CRAMP, TWISTS AND TWITCHES, ALL DECAMP WHEN YOU APPLY SAM