The Telephone Voice, An Iadiana Telephone girl has won a husband because of her sweet voice. Doubtless the husband is to be congratulated, because, as high authority has it, a voice gentle, soft and low is an excellent thing in woman, and is, it may be added, pecially desirable in the case of the woman who presides over the domes- tic hearth, With this example be- fore them, and others of the kind now and then reported, it might be thought that the young women at the telephone exchanges would en- gage in systematic cultivation of sweet and musical intonation. There is, however, a much better oppor- tunity before them for winning popu- larity than is to be gained by mere vocal sweetness, and that is prompt- ness of speech and action. What does it matter to the average tele- phone patron whether thé voice of the operator at the switch-board is melodious of not if it is slow in coming over the wire, or if it is heard, after long delay, only to drawl “number?” and again “number?” after more delay, and then connects with a number quite different from the one the patron calls. What does it profit the telephone girl, matri- monially of otherwise, if she calmly, through in dulcet voice, declares to the anxious caller that the line is “busy now,” and continues so to as- sert, while the impatient man at the other end of the wire with good reason to know it is not busy listens in a frenizied state of mind to her idle chat with her chums? Nev, verily, it is not sweetness for which the telepho subscriber yearns, but for a answer to his calls and prompt and accurate connection with the other telephone. The may be shrill and sharp, or and raucous, or it may be impeded by a wad of gum, but it will win favor if it only responds quickly If the phone girl cannot be both ous and prompt, let her and she will be more likely to get a husband than through alone. Also she will lessen the present seemly wrath and community. She may, in will, become a great Indianapolis Star. Doing The Right Thing By “Bob.’ Miss Jennie Jones and Henry were married at the mansion last night. The bric the daughter of our Const who made a geod officer, doubtedly be re-elected 1 He offers a fine horse for other column. The grocery 1 Main & good patron of our ads umns, and has a good gains this week, All he paid two than any other store happy couple left on rain for Milwaukee bride's uncle, who is re lots of and “Bob certainly hi: ness Coolee one swil voice hoarse 1 tele- mellifiu- be prompt, sweetness do much to sum total of un- profanity in fact, if » sou § Moral she agent. ‘Boh able 1 & saie groom store or Street the cents more money HEALTH IS THE FIRST ESSERTIAL It Helps Women to Win and Hold Men's Admiration, Respect and Love Voman's greatest gift is inspire admi There is a more atiractive tomen t i than mere re gua larity of feature, Mr. Chas. Dr To be a successful wife, to retain the ove and admiration of her husband, phould be a woman's constant study. At the first indication of ill-health, painful or irregular periods, head- che or backache, Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin its use. Mrs. Chas. F. Brown, Vice-Presi Mothers’ Club, 21 Cedar Terrace, Mprings, Ark., writes: secre dent Hot ar Mrs. Pinkham: — “For nine years | dra ble existence, suffering with inflammation nd fornale weakness and wor out with bain and weariness. [one day na iced avtate : ent by a woman suffering as I was, but who ad been cured by Lydia F Pinkharm's Veg. ie Compoun« od, and I detorn ined to try it. At the end of three months | was a different woman. Every one ren irked about it, and my husband fell in love with me all over again. Lyla E Pinkboam's Ve gota) le Com. pound built up my entire system, cured the uble, and I felt like a new wy rE Iam ure it will make every suffering won an rong, well and happy, as it has me.” ged through a miser. Women who are troubled with pain- ul or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displace em: nts, pflammation or ulceration, ‘that bear. ng-down" feeling, dizziness, faintne as, ndigestion, or nervous prostration , be restored to perfect heaith : strength by taking Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable { ompound, You Feel Well when your stomach takes proper care of the food you eat, Parsons’ Pills aid digestion, gently expel all refuse matter from the system-—make new rich blood and insure health, Put up in glass vials, Price 25 Cents, At all dealers, COMMERCIAL COLUMN. Market Reports. York.—R. QG. Review of New Dun & Co.'s Trade says: “Retall trade expands with the advancing season and other depart- ments are forwarding goods as rap- the shortage of cars and labor will permit. Mer- as prompt would be if more normal prevailed In the money market, there is little embarrassment or complaint. Autumn conditions are most gatisfactory and the outlook for winter is bright because of the large crops that are now almost com- assured. “Manufacturing reports continue and there was a conspie- uous increase in orders for cotton goods that was due to exhausted stocks In the hands of converters and jobbers and the belief that the raw material would decline no fur- ther, Woolens are still the least active of the leading industries, and unless clothiers order liberally there be much idle machinery. facilities are still inadequate, railways report an increase per cent. In earnings thu cOm- will soon Traffic yet the pared with simflar returns last ‘Textile conditions show improv ment, a notably better feeling exist ing in the primary markets for cot- ton goods despite the small decline in raw materials. Buyers are more willing to pay full quotations, and fs now rather a matter of delivery than, price. “Liabilities of commercial thus far reported for September amounted to $4,042,507, of which $1,888 was in $1,968,206 In trading ir commercial this week nur United States, year.’ year. failures 107 manufacturing, $184.504 lines. Failures mnbered 188 in the against 240 last and n other Wholesale Markets, Baltimore FLOUR-—Quiet and teady unchanged: receipts, 7,918 barrels; exports, 99 barrels WHEAT irs . ipOt contract, ~1 3 3 . . ti % 4 dl ern, 76 a 076% 717%: October. and rm Decem- IDX @T6; steamer ). 2 red. i667: ber, 66% 8, els; bus 267; exports s he ern oy 24.000 sample, 38 grade, 668, @ 72 CORN Firmer: spot, 54M 4G 547: Ser Oc- South- W - vy aern ou tember 47% @ steam- ipts, 9, corn, corn Pa, float. CORN-—Recel i 50.000 FD 4 elevator No. bushels Spo t firm. No 58% ff. o0. b No. 2 white and 2 yellow, 59; haw, OATS-—Receipts, 96 Spot steady, Mixed, 3734 natural white, 1@ 40%; clipped white, vunds, 40@ 45. CHEESE-—Firm Receipts, 3 State full eream, colored fancy, 1 do., white faney, 12% do., ek. colored faney, 123: white faner 12% @ 123% EGGS Firm. Receipts, 3,078 Mixed extras, 26 @ 27; Western firsts, 2h Ly a 22. POULTRY - chickens, 14; B00 bushels 26 to 32 pounds, 30 to 33 pounds 36 to 40 do., - Alive quiet: spring fowls, 14; turkeys, 14. Uiressed quiet; Western spring chick- eng, 12@ 16; spring turkeys, 16@G fowls, 106 14. LARD — Steady: Western prime, 3.00 9.10; refined firm. POTATOES-—Irish, quiet and changed; sweets, easy: Jersey, basket, 40@ 90 un- per Live Hlock, BEEVES — Dressed 61% to 914 cents per pound for native sides: Texas beef 6 to 7 cents. CALVES New York. Veals about steady: al- quota- veals, Dressed calves quiet dressed veals, 9 to 13% cents per pound; country dressed, 8 to 12 cents, SHEEP AND LAMBS — Sheep steady; lambs dull and unchanged, Sheep, 3.75 to 5.00; lambs, good to prime, 700@ 7.50; one ear, 7.75: Canada lambs, 7.50. Chicago. —C AT TLE — Market Common to price steers, 4.00@6.95; cows, 2.70@ 4.75: het! erg, 2.60@5.35; bulls, 2.406 4.50; calves, 3.00 @ 8.00; stockers and feedern, 2.60 @ 4.45. BHEEP--Best steady: others slow. Bheep, 4.50@65.75; yearlings, 5.60 6.25; lambs, 6. 00@7. 75 4.50 to 8.75. WORTH REME EMBERING There are 14,600 actors who claim There are no paupers In the Gold Coast Colony, and there is neither asylum, reformatory nor Many of the Boers who migrated to Argentina have returned to South Africa, Most of those still at Are gentina are saving up their money “A Small Do you believe in progress? Do you believe that all the wonderful achievements of the nineteenth cen- tury-—the railroad, the telegraph, the telephone, electric light, kerosene, sewing machine, agricultural machine ery, steamships, trolley cars, ete. — have made life easier and better worth living? Ido. 1 believe that a man who lives forty years under modern conditions has experienced more life and better life than Methu- salem, though he had lived twenty centuries of his time, The triumphs of the nineteenth century were triumphs of human ser- vice—the placing of knowledge and the fruits of knowledge within the reach of the man. Every man's life is better, happier, more se- cure because of them. We live more comfortable, more sociable lives in better and more comfortable houses because of them, Even the hopeles dweller in the slums more comfortable in his physical con- ditions than the middl« citizen of the days of George W In little things as in great, and convenience have been the acy of the “Century of Improve- ment.” Paint, in a certain sense, | a minor matt healthfulne dwe was a se for the owner who could afford quent renewals paint is 89 cheap, versal that no hou excuse for not } well painted. A small hundred large Thing.” common worst city = lass 0 Hinges, thing, tt) neands HJOUSanas workmen, the year {« ! and wholesom this clean A small ready mixed pain buy from any bodies the study skilled chemists, sand workmen in 1 factory, and of paint and Vari fety of tints, It was nineteenth of ou its wond same commonplace RB wonder least of Plea For Mi ! Women At Filosofic Father, hild and wee Sug ar on bread nt old lead, vexed glutton, 11 ge ar of i death said, "It's Wind.” on the and so forth WRC T ETrocer LOOSE TEETH Made rr food dy, because nourighies every Natu rent materials from the to build teeth, par. selects food bone, nerve, brain, ete eed {3 to eat the right g it wal take it into ries it d slowly, chewin ive organs up od and the blood ea: through the body, and corner If some to every little no one would ask Grape-Nutgs good for loove you'd probably say, "No, 1 how it could he.” But wit “io writes: “For the past two vears | have used Grape-Nutz Food with callent results, It sesms to take the place o° medicine in many wavs, bulids vp the nerves and restores the health generally “A little Grape-Nu‘s taken he.ore retiring soothes my nerves and sound ' (Becanse it irritability of the stomach nerves, ing a predigested nod.) “Before I used Grape-Nuts my teeth were lose in the gums. They were 80 bad I was afraid they would some day all fall out. Since I have used Grape-Nuts 1 have not basen bothered any more with loose teeth, "All desire for pagiry has Cleap- peared and I bave gals welght and happiness since | hega t use Grape-Nuts.” Postum Co., Batlle Creek, Mich. the famous little book, “The Road to don't most ox- sleep.’ To Se fous as with joyous hearts how conducive to health the eas outdoor life they ela A smi eAdind Siiiii enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to forn 1 the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health she uld 1 be preserved, not by con medication, but by careful avoidance very medicine of an injuri- ous or objectionable 1 if 2 lial agent ired, to assis nature, only those 1; remedies s which are pure and wholesom axative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come Into general favor in many millions of ell | formed families, whose esti cf its qual ll Cur 2 Yyrup they know ble physic original method, from certai ctant wiadiil tal Aap srt je ida knowle dge and F hysicia iiv¥Yw 5 generally, becaus form all reputa- rrecah eo € y ff fey gt pres ented ad Ais BRE eae used $n TET 2 » fa ow wield WV i iiaVe US Wwe are ree (0 rele oartiines £ ine idll pa rents and the "child en, : 3 ~ mri sive ~ requis ec Makes the Load Lighter difference between You know you can’t afford Axle Grease 1s the » Grease is the most Sr . Hence, { your outfit is to be had By when A 3 p= AXIEe Tease. An ounce of grease is sometimes the only profit and loss on a day’s teaming. a dry on’ y lubricant you i : : Leirvn 25 wall thas Miss axle—do you know as well that Mica can afford? Mica Axle economical lubricant, bec ause it alone possesses high lu send lamers a 4 het 4s aliQ 10Ng- all shy Wes reer alaid i "4 ql ua DO wer, i This forms a on, while a effective cushioning Axle Grease wears best and —one greasing does for week’s teaming. Mica Axle srease saves horse power—con- sequently saves feed. Mica Axle Grease is the best lubri- cant i). the world—use it and draw a double load. If your dealer does not keep Mica Axle Grease we will tell you one who does. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . 3 ‘ ns pow lered mica. Sp y Assrme fos rQuces inctio ia specially prepared mineral grease forms an > .s ~ «len Co Ad, ~ body between yrs Oat Wiig Lat ? hg Pad 4 Lo py Ps sw es Ck Ely S DYES OR ox DEC Tou Vania Busy booklet~ilow to Liye, Bloash and Mix Oplors, NoXkos A STONES, KIDNEY STONES, GRAVEL OR STONES IN ‘GALL THE BLADDER AND BILIOUSNESS Or Ant Liver Compt Givin WA CRAEMERTZIST RUE NSARNER'S CALCUL AAMOF More goods Deg iter and faster colors than any other ae o, oe Any garment without ripping apart. Weite for free HICKS’ CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breatis wp COLDS Ute 100, pac iage colors all fibers, hay 43 I. 8. JONNSON & C0. Boston, Mass, fof the pnrchase of homeward tick. Wollville,” {n pkgs. “There's a rea ON 0 . son. IN 8 10 13 HOURS DROPSY Y JEW, Discovany ADVERTISE in TIS PAPER, IF WILL PAY ridge tod gr a B00 . | Ge. Wr 11. HERTS 308% ber By “avian Gn | axu Ql