oc Macianery. the age of machinery. directing mind be- more account, while correspondingly in day That eccen- Elbert Hubbard, We live in The thinking, comes dally of mere brawn falls value from day to tric philosopher, says in of his escays, "Where a machine will do better work than the human hand, we prefer to let the ma- chine do the work.’ It has been but a few the cotton gin, the “spinning and the power loom displaced the icker, the spinning wheel and sand loom the reaper and the tedder, the machine the place of old eradle, scythe, pitchfork and rake. since the friction match ded the flint and tinder: since modern paint factory replaced the slab and muller, the paint and paddie In every intr the Ange; one years since jenny" since and took rake mowing the hand Supers the pot case duced laborers where machinery has hand la- resisted the weavers, the been to bor, replace have and as the the farm laborers against new-fangled looms, hines and agricultural in m recent times ositors have protested stresses, and sewing impler comfy mac nents, so ore against tting machines glass blowers lowing machines, and d paints that i em ployed, at bet rier and wages, for she easier work where worked Tr H hours hun- rhorious ence. t weaving machin implements—in every notable Improv multiplication of decade is a direct resyl vention of DOOKS fagt nroc ia8tl p SSF The mixed do n amples tO Our Cruelty To The Guinea-pig. Did vou kn % # 10ld a guinea father Who YOR Oh. Ing you go tf and ¥ humor went ont in a back looking -—well that's been badly The little rascal got ime.” he said friend But 1 Jon't see the point friend “Don’t No." Well, il laugh Well, me up, on'll Just to moment just sold to a he yon?" guine; Ome FADED TO A SHADOW, Worn Down by Five Years of Saffer- ing From Kidney Complaint. Mrs. Remet Tenth 8¢., Ironton. O worked hard in been , of he Myers 150 South I have have again and again to changes of weather It isa no wonder my kidneys save and I went all to pleces at las: For five vears 1 was fading away and finally so weak that for six months I could not get ont of the house. 1 vas nervous, restiess and sleepless at night, and lame and sore in the morning. Sometimes ev- erything wou™ whirl and blur before me. [I bloated so badly I could not wear tight clothing, and had to put on shoes two sizes larger than usual, The urine was disordered and pas- sages were dreadfully frequent. I got help from the first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, however, and by the time 1 had taken four boxes the pain and bloating were gone, 1 have been in good health ever since.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a Jor, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, . YY. , Bay time and exponsd my out RNISHING sewing be fitted up work It glass, and te a chiffonier long per, pieces THE SEWING should, if po the ROOM room gible with all of should contain Opposite it Ong 0 There should manikin, a rack and bas! table, a machine rns sewing and patte A XEW CRAD idi inventi y 4 iOS « form of a rocking lengthways this is the from should be liable Chat rocking is Oyes Hi me TO LAUNDER btst tose and mixture is chicken hicken meat y lon Juice, cup pinch of Ate small Add te kinds pen be mm pineapple, a one of white and one of Mara Boil a pint of wate: of granulated sugar ten minutes; take from the fire, strain and add the fruits When ready to serve turn into a punch bowl, add a large block of ice and two of apollinaris or seltzer water A French Dessert—Heat one cupful of maple syrup In a double boiler, then add the yolks of four well-beaten eggs and stir until thick; when cold. add one quart of whipped cream and #et it in the freezer. Pack with ice and salt, and allow it to stand for three or four hours, Do not turn the freezer, Beef Tea-—-Cut lean beef into small pieces, put them into a jar with tight chver and place jar in kettle of cold water. Bring to a boll, cooking meat until juice ig extracted. and cut #iX lemons and six oranges these fruit 11 arh f of berries f they hap nj, cup of Rgrapes hino ches with a cup two io SOAR up of minced oanana, ar minced {seeded ) ries for quarts Ex-Governor John P. forsaken Kansas for St. Texas, Jolin has | COMMERCIAL COLUMN. Weekly Review of Trade and Latest Market Reports. R. G of Tra Moni eff tim price if ; urities when Scarcit iM labor is a it aunickK! imports wer much mors portant trade influence, re produc and 4 delay: structural jobbing t ping department as rapidly as possible Leading ters crowed by interior bus wno place orders, Quotat tion of ia in harve work 1! making ade i Progr wwding forwi are liberal pecial aring apparel maintained and collect fOr wi wll n long ais me improve ment is note tion onab le ine rade at t tency of INess report mo Work in FLOI spring chicker 1 fow! I ARD Fir 85; refined POTATOES changed; basket, 756 00 aweotls Live Stack. BEEYV Fi and at \ Now York in goovd de pound for ide CAl ri §.00 &@ hi grassers, 3.50 Pros droased pound: waod grass common to calves 4 Mel to i ¥y (tity voals y coun sued, and fed calves, SHEEP AND LAMBS firme; ot ady Shesp, 3.506 5.54 ills, 2.50 iambe, 7.506 9.00; 11s } Dr ed mut : pet ind; diegsed lambs, 11 1 4«¢ HOGS Market cass State Pennsylvania hogs, 8.306 6.90 Chicago CATTLE Market Common to prime steers, 3.756 6.7: @ 7.50; stockers and feeders, 2.604 bulla, 2.256 4.50; calves, 3.00 stockers and feders, 2.606 try dee ors (ood ahi sirong 1 00 Iambs ton po and firm fr 7.50: 4.35 HOGS Choice light, 6 6.006 6 an; choice heavy, 5.604 5.90, SHEEP Market strong 104 higher. Bheep, 4.25 tf 5.76; year lings, 5.606 6.50; lambs, 6.0061 8.00 Market hicshos {OE 6.45; light mixed, butchers’, 6.1960 6.40; 10; packer 5.0061 6 toy WORTH REMEMBERING. New York bakers to mi ke bread, In 1889 in France w 21,624. A plant for cial marble was recently in Catania, Italy. The growing or rice on a lary scale is to be started near Tampleo Mexico, by a company in which Prank J. Baird, of that city, 1s Inlorestod city 2, ite requires ih supply of daily ths aumber of avtomohbil was 1,672; in 16800 it woe manufacturing artin patablishod | Were Naot Rich. under a universsa Francis Bellamy, azine A Bens Men Who Success We have fallen witcheralt, declares In Evervhodyv's Mag of the power and luxury in mone beyond all the wonder tales, ha suddenly come to us It turned onr fas ociety mates has hionabls into a fallsm which longer of its poverty of ideals it and mercile of heart: it tical of unworthy motives: its est religh is the strokes of the times no fon and manipulators of finance In like these, it is good Agassiz, who refused $500 a night bed busy make Sumner io member {to ture at atige he {O00 10 money; who leclined any prise hecause, he all his time belonged Mas gets, Spurgeon, who refused to America to delive; fifty at $1,000 a night, saving do better he and try e fifty son, who eadfast crease his ind cause he wanted Such stories of to lex ald, as achu come to tO lecture he could in London and Eme declined to in ond $1,200 be time to think fine haughtiness did Beem quixotic t the young men in college thirty idealism unashamed coul sta tO say BOL i not Ago arous was Vitug' Dance: Nervons Di ured by Dr. Kline } and treatise st.. Phila., Pa ¥ ITS, ot KBARCR DET # Great ’ Fong nma ttl ETE ducesinf] & wind colic, 25¢a hot Disclaimer, Silence Yeanurre«l. The Crown Of Gold YON crown.’ A lit catching piped My fader wears ‘No!’ aasid the Yes, he little chap ne now poet hig tool.’ said York Trit does on New A Woman a mant past entation som WELL PEOPLE TOO Wise Doctor Gives Postum to Cone valescents, A wise doctor tries to give nature chance by saving the little of the already exhausted and bullding up wasted en- but powerful nou: its best strength patient, ergy with simple fshment “Flve years ago.” writes a doctor “1 commenced use Postum in m) own family instead of coffee I wa: so well pleased with the results thal I had two grocers place it in stock guaranteeing its sale “1 then commenced recommend it to my patients in place of coffee, as a nutritious beverage. The con- sequence fx, every store in town Is now selling it, az it has become a household necessity in many homes “I'm sure 1 prescribe Postum as often as any one remedy in the Ma- teria Medica in almost every case of indigestion and nervousness J treat, and with the best results. “When 1 once introduce it into a family, it is quite sure to remain. | shall continue to use it and prescribe it in families where | practice. “In convalescence from pneumonia, fo io Name in pkee. "There's a reason.” il Wag once told of England that politest subject J ald the king and showed 10 the door for ie did king troubled iO BR cer Lord Blank will 1« Lord roval cari i him You “A less me with cers Al fag to ente so FAM MAAMAGEK WANTED An Independent Income Assured We manag in the Un and women of ale EOIiNg 1i« in e ited cal State chara perseverance to re pi! indeg most gen reward ig complet 4 remuneralion hout HDegt i proposition | most liberal offered wit and able cap amb women, You can steady and assul experience need is We have a maker, It | maker that for. There is that you from every fi confider can Near desires to and are will Nave WORST FORM OF ECZEMA Elack Splotehes All Over Face ATects Farts Now Clear as Foye the 1 re-f"sirved by ticurs Hemedies. CAPUDINE CURES: | INDICESTION and ACIDITY ; My ADACHES ALSO by nasalcatarrh,uterinecatarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflame ¢ eyes by simply ng the sto Can cure PA Frit ww local treatment {os feminine ins ev produ i ou noe testify , to this fact Send Rie Pree Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO... Boston, Masse. yf Wome oni is Bol wi Ky rat what Yours are Write Be HEAL. Box 691. Baltimore ¥ uaw of. PENSIONFOR AGE. 3:75. sion a ~ of blank: and instr a ‘ Peugion. Mo Pay. Address ia pudding Jil Indiana Ava, Patents sud dL Tede Males Wrileme a: ones i Free of charge. No WOH WILLS wu Washington ©. w Bolicied TWILL g xu ONARCH STUMP PULLERS v-" i Feet in Diameies pin - Gasranteed for jimmie a ad re, Monarch rubber Co Lone 1 ree ia a ——— Al VERTISE IM THis rAVER ou & + ine, GALL Rerulting Loom RATNER 20D & WOMEN’S NEGLECT SUFFE RINETHESURE PENALTY Heulth Th E. ug Lon 1 # Restored by Lydia Finkham's Vegetoble Compound. How many women do yon know whe off st Yor i are perfectly and strong? We hear every day the same story over and Ver ag Bn. ‘1do no f 3 t feos {am wo tired : ail the well time |HOLD UP! and consider ine POMMEL FlSH \ 2eanD SLICKER LIKE ALL < OWE RS - oT Tir TRE SIGN OF THE FISH L. DOUGLA: 3.50&°3.00 Shoe- BEST IN THE WORLD Le SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES Men's Bhoes B85 to $1.80 Boye’ ? nee Bho 84.00 t siidren’s Shoes, §R.28 t ug ins Women's, Misses Children’s shots; for sivle, #11 and wear they excel other makes, if | could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass. and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever yom live, you can oblein W. 1 Oouglas shoes, Mis name and price is stamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and Inferfor shoes. Take ne substis tute. Ask vour desler for WW. L. Douglas shaes snd insist upon having them. Faxt Color | goiets weed ; they will met pear bras Write for Hiastrated Catalog of Fall Styles W. LL. DOUGLAS, hy Dept. 18, Brockton, Mase, Bvt Thompson's Eye Water Liver Cc fae