ne-rein, ¢ rae of a team w Even then, if the hame-rein are driving is not needed, ta onl use being to keep the animas grazing while at work. Bul fuppose the rein lg used, there is still no need for it to be so short as to annoy “the horse. He ought to be ables to put his nose quite down to h™ knees, and certainly should be able to pull his load uphill without the constant checking at the bit, caused by the hame-rein as commonly used. Ia no case should the rein be sewn Into the bit: it should only be put on when absolutely necessary, and It should be so made that the carter cannot shorten it. The hame-rein is not used In Scotland In either town or country, so that if the Englishman pleads in excuse that he cannot man- age without it, he shows that he is both helpless and ignorant.” thera oo {mn (ERs Jy ie = | V2 IDLE, N nmin special mm LINDE iw been held ¢ Horticul Baston, where t wag given suitable for gardening The were the narrow blade hoe and rake and weeder and the lines All the speakers emphasized the need of kill ing the weeds as soon as they come up and not allowing become hard, The young gardeners were recommended to plant common things that were fairly sure to grow, For gardens to be carried on only the first part of the summer were suy gested early beans, beets, radishes, Premium Cem peas and lettuce, For flowers, sweet allysum or candytuft, but if the gardens were to be contin ged all summer, as they should be, plant early cabbages, potatoes, toma toes, sweet corn, and for flowers, the corn flower, verbena, zinna, stocks, petunia phlox and marigold. have fastruction beginners ia tools recommended the Social Unre.t. Its Origin Found in Human Greed, Not in © Intolerable Conditions,” By a Conservative, OMMEN “ Fraternalism Will Drive Out By Dr. Lyman Abbott VANT Right Thinking ano Self-Control By O.S. Marden. # OCRATES Hints To Nervous Women. By Dr. Graeme Ham mn onc. must be do imi : 00] herself rec] } $ jes and ne snndings i remo i SUrrounaing y restore the ¢ we harassed Peace of mind iil do more t The next thing is to make “a under the existing circumaiances and d essential to recovery, and the suf ferer should do all she van to secure both, Narcotics, to produce sleep, are nol to be thought of. They Jo not care anvthing, and thelr eontinual use can only be productive of harm. *ranquilize the mind, banish by force of will unpieas- ant thoughts, and sleep aione rather than with some one else whose restless. ness or deep breathing, to say nothing of snoring, might well banish gleep from the eyes of even MorplLeus himseif. Sometimes a warm foot-bath before bed, or eating a slice of bread and butter, or drinking a glass of milk wil bring sleep to the tired eyes. If, however, these means are inadequate it is better to consult a physician, Normal sleep, and plenty of it, must be secured before recovery becomes possible Harper's Bazar, where her mind shattered bodily surron health as goo. t can be made % 4 - ¥ Tags 14 Sleep ag Are abDROIUIEN) i fost ndings ——————— A ——— —————— much Jdike telling a person With a cold to gneeze or cough, or talk husk. ily. It is precisely because one thinks ferer should simply clear his or her thot one lies awake, and because one mind of everything, and then per-} thinks so hard. As to performing form a series of gymnastic exercises ¢ymnastic exercizes in the dead vast which, so it Is alleged, never fall to und middle of the night, there are not produce the desired effect, Now, (fl a few of as who would infinitely pre. one could stop thinking there would fog insomnia to the remedy, bo little difficulty about getting io Fiyiug fish of two distinct kinds are sleep, and to suggest emptying the | known to man namely the fiying gure mind as a eure for Insomnia Is very nards snd the fiying-herrings, Cure For Insomnia. As a cure for sleeplessness, a medi cal journal suggests that the suf i Lov Looking fering And madam per and in Sor slap or si too you are, And you either! just wont Think are going evil qualities that him You anger, ~yOou beat him in making open confession that your mean, petty nature has not enough i force by which to rule him. shame! Give the baby a chance to have a thereby Shame! you realize that hig brain grows more year than in all his other years combined? That means don't ever play with him during his “Kitcheecoo!” cries the visitor, “Oh, oc sweet, precious little dear!” Very bad. Baby baby may crow; but come the inevitable wall and sleepless hours to tell of the ovenstimulated brain and the gevere tax on the nervous system. Frank Barkley Copley in the Outing Magazine. may laugh and band coats bands of contrasting for trimming are ways In good style and launder sat gfactorily two very good reasons for helr figuring largely In the summer wardrobe Full panels alternating with plain ones set below a fitted yoke (also made in panels or gores) are an at ined by a narrow Linen suits and with Calor a i ' gown. Stitched bands cover the join ing of the panels with the yoke. The narrow knife plaitings have Jost none of their prestige as a bodice or bolero decoration, whether held flat on both sides or allowed to flare at one edge, Plain gold engagement bracelets having a permanent lock are a new fancy of the engaged girl which are sold by some of the most exclusive New York jewelers.