WHAT FATHER DOES. SEVEN YEARS ACO, KIDNEY TROUBLE] COMMERCIAL i — Years— Relieved in Months, Eufered Two Three HP RE \ R. C. B. FIZER, Mt. > writes: ““2have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past, Last March | commenced us ng 'eruna 8 of Peruna. Pe-ru-na Fer Kidney Troubles, Mrs Grant, Untario, Can., writ ad “een well for about four years. {A had kianey irvouble, and, in jact, felt badly nearly all the time, “This summer 1 got so very bad | try Peruna, so | 1 began at ounce to take Perun not ties of Peruna and T me and made a different woman me together. 1 bless the d 1 little book and read of your Peruna. It is the business of the Kidneys to remove [rom the blood all poisonous materials. They must be active all the else the system suffers. 8 when they need a little assistance. y this sort of a remedy, It has saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys service at a time N hen ¥ were not able to bear their own burdens. A Sausage Story. “What do you think $. 1 little wan.'” A literally tru Housekeeping There Is scarcely a gem kne lapidary which has not been America. There several gems that are : : this coun try and should be betler known for their intrinsic beauty. A mong these are the golden beryl of Connecticut (it is a brilliant yellow, full of life and gparkle) and the ecurlovs chlorastro- lites and thomsonites of Lake Superior, which are useful as a green and mot tied background in desizns. are About ten species of “vegetable fponges” are now cultivated in warmer parts of Africa and Asia es pecially In Algeria. The fruit is edible before maturity, but on ripening the pulp separates from the fibrous mate rial, which then becomes an excellent substitute for real sponge for the tollet, bathroom and many other purposes, The Algerian sponges are in large de mand in Paris. +h ae Not 80 Now, “The trouble with most people.” sald the lecturer, “is that they have never learned to say ‘no.'” “Evidently,” sald a sad-looking map who bad succeeded in getting in on a pass, “you haven't been soliciting lite insurance since these graft exposures were begun.” Chicago Record-Herald, Adolescent insanity, defined in the Dictionary of Medicine as Hebephrenia, i form of insanity characterized by freat mental depression, deterioration i moral qualities and of mental power, ind self-centred, selfish delusions, It osvally terminates in dementia, In a recently invented acetyrens blowpipe Oxygen is used with acety- lene, ana very high temperatures are vhtained, owing to the absence of inert bitrogen from the flame. It is claimed that with this blowpipe a roa of pure Iron serves as a soldering stick, and the heat 1s go great that a little of the tarbon In the flame unites with the Iron, converting it into mild steel, Con. siderable use is predicted for the new blowpipe In making repairs at sea. It Is believed that a ship's frame could be soldered with its aid, R. G. Dun & Co's “Weekly Review 3 Trade” says: Buiness maintain wholesome pro- gress and merc e collections improve, The week's aggregate transactions show the effect of the holiday and seasonzble in certain lines, but a good gain *d in comparison with the corres- ¢ period of any year. inty regarding the crops caused mservatism at the Northwest the outlook be- {0 restore lines there quiet previous WHOLESALE MARKETS. 0OIa55CS refined firm. VIA Pree % POTATOES Irn l, 3.30@7.00: Western Eastern, 23(@s0c. low- yearlings, t 6.80.00; i — Market best ; other il. Common to prime 300 @ 4.50, 3.25 @ 4.25; steady steers, heifers, weak. Choice to prime ; medium to good heavy, 6.45@6.50; butchers’ weights, 6 471 @ 6.55; good to choice heavy mixed, 6.45 @0.50; packing, 6.00006.47%%. SHEEP--Market steady. @0.25 ; yearlings, 5.00¢ 16.35 ; 5.250.060, ———— IN THE HELD OF LABOR. Hm sat— The Brotherhood of Railroad Traine men has now over 80,000 members. The chief labor unions of Germany collect over $4.000000 a year in dues, International Typographical Union has obtained the eight-hour day in 445 cities Cleveland (0.) machinists will form a union of tooimakers, diemakers and di sinkera, Carpenters of Memphis, Tenn, have been granted an increase of five cents ag hour. heavy, 6.5006 Sheep, 3.00 shorn lambs Baby thinks a good deal of his dad, but it takes to cure a hurt finger, opher of the mamma's kiss gavs the domestie philos. Indianapolis Star. Rallroad President Cassatt father the disclosures making believe evervhody are that coal Sun, worked the Baltimore but mines, observes Says the Nev good deal ) write it to print it! harm in pr it. an ambitious nev way in Africa Mediterranean near Coast, transpo hope, Spain erica. from Am- Too cisco, mans Too ma P dad Was rascals fully as ond-story Already tl adulterers beginning to and regpecta walk abrog old smile, and to fa nn rates is A DreiLy Boo good world.” There can ! suggestis tures V broadcast % iay ed eyes of disp os aan the meet thrust have are but demoralizi uence, remarks no par would such whether before the Indianapolis News. There is ent of whatever condition that not shield his girl or from things. We have had in recent times awful led astray. been bad any boy the th 3 the d young have splay of feit in examples of How much down by may be ey helped i pictures reckoning easily It seems especially incredible to the editor of the Success, that a strong, sturdy, self-made man, who hag had to fight his way up from poverty, and who feels the backache in every dol lar he has earned, should let his sav. ings slip through his fingers in the most foolish investments, with scarcely any Investigation, often send. ing his money thousands of miles away to people he has never geen and about whom he knows practically nothing, except through an advertise. ment which has attracted his atten: tion, or through the wiles of some smooth, unprincipled promoter, There was a touch of humor in the bloodless duel between M., Millevoys, the French editor, and Comte de Noailles, After the shots were fired the editor hustled away, perhaps to get out a special edition. The Comte Mathieu de Noallles scurried across the fleld with an ugly looking knife in his hand, uglier than the pistol, and hacked away at a wooden fence at the end of the ground. “I have It!” he shouted, after a minute, the “it” be. ing M. Millevoye's bullet, which the count put in his pocket. He has evi dence that something was fired in his direction. Of course, it is bad form to hit A Rochester Chemist Found a Singularly Effective Medicine, William A. Franklin, of the Franklin & Palmer Chemical Co., Rochester, N, [., Writes: “Beven years ago I was suffering very much through the fallure of kid neys to eliminate the urle acid from system, My back was very lame pe ma and ached If 1 over. exerted myself he least de times I was weighed down with a fee ing of languor and depression and suf- fered continually from annoying irreg ularities of the kidney sceretions, procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pill and began using them. I found pron relief from the nchin nd in my back, and by the time | taken three boxes I was cured o irregularities.” Sold by all dealers Foster-Milburn Co., the are mi . lameness BUILDING FOOD Bring the Babies Around, 7’ — When a little human machine for a large one) goes wrong, nothing Is eo important as the selection of food to bring it-around again. “My little baby boy fifteen months old had pneumonia, then came brain fever, and no sooner had it got over these than be began to cut teeth and being so weak, be was frequently thrown into convulsions,” says a Colo rado mother, “1 decided a change might help, so took him to Kansas City for a visit When we go: there he was so very weak when he would ery he would sink away and seemed like he would die. “When 1 reached my sister's home che said immediately that we must feed him Grape-Nuts and, although 1 had never used the food, we got some and for a few days gave him just the Juice of Grape-Nuts and milk. He got stronger so quickly we were soon feed. Ing him the Grape-Nuts itself and in a wonderfully short time he fattened right up and became strong and well, “That showed me something worth she is a strong, healthy baby and bas been. You will see from the little pho- tograph 1 send you what a strong. Grape-Nuts nourished %ir back to strength when he was #0 weak he couldn't keep any other food on his ftomach.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle “reek, Mich. All children crn be built to a more sturdy and healthy condition upon tains the elements nature demands. from which to make the soft gray fill. ing in the nerve centres and brain. A well fed brain and strong, sturdy nerves absolutely insure a healthy book, “The Road to Wellville. may talk, struggie, 1i« 1 hich to } § TAPE BE! CHING STOPS BELCHING, Bal Bresth Positive and Instant Care Cures FreemNo Drugs—Cures by Absorption, VO Denfrneose Cannnt Re Cored LTT a will wive One Hund I W : are f by eatarrh that sCatarrh Cur Hexey & ( "e tar SRT « Rend for ) rage of Deafness sagsnd not be eurad by Ha eire ars fro p34 ute tes with nted in fort mil four mii the Jan twenty arlier. FITTER BL. Vitus’ Danse: Narvors Disonsss nar. manontiy eured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. #2 trial bottle and treatise fres Da H. BR. Evixz, L4., 881 Areh 8¢, Phila. Pa. Great quantities of textile mach being exported Mra. Winslow's Boothing Syrup ! teething softens thegume reduces inflam mas tion, allays pain, cures wind colic 25¢ a bottle inery are r Children The Russian Czar is fully a bead shorter than the Czarina. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Sanitary Lotion: never fails sis Ma | orders promntiy filled E Detchon, Crawfordeville. Ind 81 Germany has 20.20 phy sicians, one to every 1700 inhabitants. FACE ALL BROKEN OUT. Troabled Almost & Year « Complexion Now Perfect and Skin Soft, White and Velvety. “1 bad been troubled with a break ing out on my face and arms for almost a year and had the services of several physicians, but they didn't seem to do any good. Some time ago one of my friends recommended Cuticura to we. | secured some, and after using it several months I was completely cured 1 can highly recommend Cuticura Soap «8 be- ing the very best complexion soap made. It creates a perfect complexion, leaving the skin soft, white, and velvety. 1 now use Cuticura Soap all the time and ree ommend ite use to my friends. Maud Log gine, R. F. D. No. 1, Sylvia, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1903.” Folly and failure roost on the same perch. ~Chirago News. Dr. Riggers Huckleberry Cordial Cures All Stomach Troubles, Teething Children, Diarrhoos, Dysentery, eto. At DU ruggists 250 and 80s per bottle. AAA ' ling shi yet blunder upon ‘the Bort Pow by aovident: a LOMIDENCE, Women Obtain Mrs. Pinkham’s Advice and Help, Ehe Has Guided Thousands to Health, - How Lydia EE, Plakhiar's Vegetables Com. pound Cured Mrs. Alice Derryhin, IO Operatio tham's Vege fluence me rine HICKS" CAPUDINE HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS i ¢ I HOURS « Products enabie you to ero your meals without having to spend half your time between thers over a hot cook-gtove. All the cooking is dose in Libby's kitchen — a katchen as clean and nest as your own, and there's nothing for you to do but enjoy the result, Libby's Products are selected meats, cooked by cocks who know how. end only the good parts packed. "of a quick and deliciows lunch any tme, in dooms or out, try Libby's Mel rose Pate—with Libby's Camp Sauce. Booklet free. “How 10 Make Good Thrg to Ear” Wee Libby, McNeill ® Libby, Chicago ou CANNOT U % ulcerated and catarrhal con. the mucous membrane such as nasalcatarrh, uterine catarrh caused ' § aitions ol But you surely can cure these stubborn 1 x atiections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs. checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness, Paxtin® represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify Send for Free Trial Box FHE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston, Mass. THE DAISY FLY KILLER 2.2 STOras rommior ww peers faeng Die we, hax Javte 0s oh Taree PENSIONFOR AGE. 5: a Iree of charge. welt wii mathingion u Bolici WINTER Sisoetansss AVVERTISE IN THIS FAPER. IT WILL P. x EXO samt Thompson's Eye Water