hirns a8, gi ws vo - nc . i, wa —— tidied bier er m—— A DEATHS, Murriage Llceusos Henry 8 Emel, Rellefonte. Annan Meese, Bellefonte, I. RB Robb, I, Brickley, ]- 4 | A “ +1 advanced | Boswell, MRS, MARY BTOVER Mtover, at | { nner she | . Mande siok- Denth comme to Mrs Npring Mills, Sunday had ill for some time, ness being largely due to her { : venrs. Interment will mad. at| 1omJ Centre Hall, Thurs lay morning, Rev, | Harry J. M Renrick, of the Lutheran church or : ; . | to officiate, Services in the chureh, | ton 8, Winters, The i the of | Muude E. William deceased, and Mee Stover for many years lived thie Wilson farm, the Centre Hall She was a worman inclined | Mary : Romola, evening. Romola, Va, , Clearfiald, Mattern, Philipsburg Dunsmore, been her Richmond, Fhompeor M uisa B be Philipsburg Iny Smuliton, widow Mr deceased was Winklellech, Stover, Jumes P, Helen Jodon, Juines HB. Musan I, Carner, Hublersburg, | viv | on | Belleton te, Alb Cobnrn al 3 \ (irevne, OHA” Mixtion ruled | Hnuvely, and her family i lova | Jumes A, WW | Rtella Miller, tor be donrest ie, ze], by great display of parental Rebersburg, I'he children Lizzie, ut! Mrs, Agnes, Jo Runkle, Centre Hall; wife of RB. Dunean Runkle John Ntover, Freeport, Hlinois The surviving brothers are Ja Runkle, Louisa Brackbill, Mins } Smullton, of { T. Willinms, Carrie M, Marshall, FE. Barner, Florence Wian, surviving are Chins, Port Matilda Bellefonte, wife Magpie sShamoking | William | home ; " Wi, ellefonte, fellefonte, Berrysbury ep ty rss and sletern School Directors (drganizs Hugh | Mrs, mes Runkle, Tussey ville ; Pie Potter township school director: Hall Mouday ef- rganization by Ww, | W. McCormick, president ; Kel. | ler, : John ures other members | Neff, Orangeville, [Hinois; in Centre and Belle! M. E. CARVER fonte, ni electing D, Heckman, K. MRS Mrs, W. H funeral of her mother N. Y , Wednesday worning. Mrs, M EK. Carver died the hom of } other daughter, Mrs. Morrill, st ton, N. Y., Monday failure, and Ine ( Thursday Bingh+mton Carver, who completed her second year November Nereis tress. WwW. RB Wenv- tnembers, A, went I'he M. FF. Schuyler fo the | are and A, J, LW belng Fede i+ Binghminton, Rossman | er, the inti | \ | The retired He wer directors are B. Jordan HeCrsRi ve | r wcchion! d P. rye Fer Cline ekmn titel wiil 3 vip nudit + Virw | n fry, eighty. 19405, summer and A f the B. board, ney, und BEN wpent amine The several months last fall | cost o reduced. in Centre Hall, a with her son Rev. husband, James ( ton, died in 1874. Besides Mrs d Deen the { Mileshurg | le Her | ghaw- | d also in A.B arver, of Wviig Arver. Bin her and Rev. one th two | Mrs, | A. there sur- Le Horace, of} James H, and J. | of Binghamton, N. Y ’ of Placerville, Colorado daughters, Rehuyler ation Morrill, Carver, her four Wisconsin ; rolhig Lot Sure, at he n 8 | , 4 ner son, Fhursday of next week is flag day ’ ‘ y Riches 3 . : now of Glen Richey, t Old Glory wave, as May V from H other sons vive Racine, Herman, George E. Mi Hhone was home, over Sunday, Arrist Mrs Visite urg. and =aran Alexander, of { friends in Centre Hall for al days, Mrs, the FORGE W. KAU} Porter Odenkirk is h HEY ame she wk, month, inii Friday moruing at five o'cle after | from an illness of more than a hospital, and re ports is im- George W. Bellefonte, Mr. Kaup March 3, 1849, He w Miss Rebecca Alice November 4, 1875. Four ebildren born to this John Vergie and Edward, the atte r having | 1. sme in Ce died in infancy. After Lhe of | . . ’ Ihe ment exercise 3 his first wife, Mr. Kaup married the | sn Bus Of . . { Bunker Military Ac ad my, at Bunker second time choosing as . his helpmaste | Bill... Rilinois. elossd tafe = | Mrs. Sarah M. Potter. Bhe too pre- | Wlly- Hiinols, closed today Fhurs- | ceded him to the spirit world, having | tay )- The justitution is 2 most died about one ye AgO. | flurishing condition under Rev, 8, L. Fur twenty-eight years Mr. Kaup | was superintendent and manager of the Humes farm, of Bellefonte, roving slowly D. A. Ilinois horses, Kaup died at his home (trove will make sale ¢ Hall, | arried Aus born at Oak at Centre Hail, BRS Mm to day, at Misa M just fini i Philadelphia, ntre Hall, commence Dorman on | Schuyler, who we : ere she hin term of school | at ga Nar anion, ab, | , ear reived Tuesday. her death in N ar Ph. D., Dr, | Stiver i= a native of Potter township, | siiver, superintendent The members of the Salem Reformed songregation, at Penn Hall, voted | most unanimously to extend a to Dr. Thos Land. On account some misunderstanding the o the : 3 elections souiLn al-| call of her con- MRS MARY DALE Mrs. Mary Dale, an aged citizen of | 8 Lemont, was found dead in Monday morning. failed to spond to a call, investi proved that death had come Her body, when found, was yet warm, | bed in charge until the Rhe re. | KTEgations postponed and gation | tHeir coming her, | Sunday. Mrs, Carl, Rhone and Bankey Hall and Pott hopt is the daug f Newville, £) and guests at Wm. BSlaugenhopt Newville, son the | at Centre | Mrs. Slaugen- ww, Kerr, al- 8 room-mate, of Death was due to heart failure, of are Mrs, Dale a Presbyterian church, will take place in the tery, this ( Thursday The deceased's maiden Mary Mitehell, Mitehell was married died homes ers Mills hier of | the interment member of snd Was tranch CET. of afternoon, #0 and was «311 he * H1erviiie } Misses Rhone and § at i. Mem NAry, dith Sankey. Name was t of the family of her generation Willian Dale, ago. Two John M deceased May V. If] Ww hie and is the las she idged by LE bed ie thousands of people | dled by the! hemes that | American peo- larly easy. seems to be oper es slmost tum. effort to for nothing or fabulous which any- intelligence ought to without being ap- Aside from this the the country is continually the people of the dangerous oF of Liiose swindling operations of the thous. learned by dear exper nature they have in- It serves them right, auded, were it for His in many cases ill siford to this man- to who ) NTE ng daily swii y CRIs gral Dale, many nnmerots get rich (ule RB =e eli children, dren of Esi., of Bellefonte, ti fost otintry, the , BUTrVIVe i lee > fein © A font a fruitful fie particu every community id for the and the poor her aw indler’s Muadisonburg of rac] Wolf of Hix swe was sev. sidenos in After are almowt fifty years, | SL1008, fig died bie ov r each of in their gel son re apoplexy Tuewdny. enty-five years, Interment Friday, Rev. Wetzel Lo The deceased had ill weeks, He was a tailor by upon his marriage, ago, located at Madisonburg The surviving olild wife of Charles Brown, George N., Bpring Mills ; James Creek, Huntingdon eounty; L. F., Madisonbury., A fl daughter died in infancy. wihing will take officiate, for trade, forty-seven turne for a small cutiay, Las piace ane average been two and yenis know was a swindle prised of the f: press of warning ren are 1 Annie, Madisonburg { De LL. 1K, GiiRr and publishing reports ands who have f jestione of he fraudulent of #o won snd mary copneerns in which trusted their ali It mite ht be ond not JACUHR KETNER Jacob Kelner died at home in! Asronsburg Thursday morning of last week, aged [liftywight years, Fog many years he lived slong Pine Creek, ! south of Asronsburg, and later moved to the home of his sister, Mrs, Bnyder, at Wood ward, and last aprivg Le and Mra, David Glasgow, alo a sister, moved to Asronsburg. He was a biscksmith by trade, The deceased had no children of his own, but he and Mr, Ketner, also dead, kindly eared for two iam CGluisewite and Mra Harter, the [wl that the Vit his RIB onr |w ple Wier Osi lome their daily earnings in I @r, RO P000OBPL0V ROBO OOBOPOLND Horse Sale § git O'elck © fon who 5 ALL-PURPOSE HORSES will be sold at the ahove place and especially seleeted by the unde. eastern market, pe” The above was telegraphs Llinois, Will William in FRED J. FOUTE Fred J. Foote died at the home of his brother, in Millheim, of pousunp tion, He was aged twenty-nine §ears and was » #on of John I, snd Amelia | Foote. For some time past he made his home with his sister in Williams port and only u few days befdgre his’ death had returned to Miliheim to the home of his brother, ——— MABEL CONFER Mabel, the thirteen-year-old dunghe ter of Mr, and Mrs. George Coufer, of Yarnell, died of diphtheria. Owing to the contagious character of the disease aaa tee SoedessveEouS STIS at Centre Hall, Pa, The animals are [Hinois stock, signed, and are just sulted for the Lemont, Pa, ed by Mr. Grove from Chicago, Commencement st State, exercises will in The commencement Pennsylvanian held June 10 13 pended : Hiate ihe College program SUNDAY, JUNE 10, Baeealaureate Sermon, PD. D . in the by Rey Philadelplhiis Auditorinm nm Patterson, Aaronsbureg, Erwin Barner, of Flemington, came over Baturday to take home his { and children g frie nds here, I nters RILon if F¥ Mills Winkleblech, ’ 3] Sunday Percy twiler Wir Re be rst ury, spent ATES and Miss WW Winkleblech, Frank Livonia Lydia Stover, of Woll's Btore, town home of A arren 8. Stover and wife, Were to E. R. Wolf, vile 10 spen t EE —— Engraved Cards, Orders for « pgraved cards, office, eal ls When a of woman wants to get rid for an hour, she him up stairs to get something the pocket of her dress. GHAIN MARKET, PRODUCE AT STORES, ter 50 Butte — Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. e or Cor Fill water and jet It a hat a DOL dicates an unhealthy condi- on of kid- if it stains the juent desire to pass it or pain the back also roof th 1at the kidneys and blad- is in the knowledge so expressed, that Dr. Ki the great kidney remedy fulfills every rheumatism, pain In the adder and every part inary passage. It corrects inability yy waler and scalding pain in passing effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra- ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon ed. It stands the highest for its won. derful cures of the most distressing cases, If you need a medicine you should have the st. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. : Address Dr. Kilmer & flome of Swamp Root. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men- tion reading this generous offer in this paper, Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmgi'e swamp and the address, Binghamton, N. Y , on every botile, imer's Swamp- or bad 0000000000000000000ttete, Unquestionably The Best . . MORNING NEWSPAPER § : : : In Pittsburg is The Post All Newsdealers Sell it, SATURDAY, JUNE A } date D. A. GROVE, 0000000400000000 ——— a A———— burial was made the following day. | | El cecoocee i i | : i i | GET THE BEST Recent]; Enlarg ad 25, 000 Ne ww Vv SH SR New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles, based ont} latest census rot New Biographical Dictionary contain ng tu person Edited by yw.a Unite 1 Stat sit 2380 Quar to JA) > Pago: 3 New Pi i Neodedic Eve ry Hot 1 Ads » Webster’ 8 Collegiate Moth nary 1118 Pages, Regular Edition 73 De Luxe Ex sane plates, om} FREE, “DMetic G. Cc. MERRIAM co. Publishers, Springfield, » all sizes, at Tablets, ce tp A ——— , a OES 7 7 ... | he Index... Bellefonte, Pa. LAGS ! FLAGS ! vr gay this be them during Let the town with week, We can supply them in all sizes and from the printed muslin to the silk {| flags. il ‘he Index... PENNSYLVANIA... RAILROAD | Schedule in Effect January 1st, 1006 Trains Leave Centre Hall {OM w ASHI NGTON, E LMIRA tions, 2.35 p. m. week FOR BELLE! ONTE, p. m, AL Tous A day AJ LOCK HAVE) tations, 8.16 a. 1 ock W. W. ATTERBI General J. R. WOOD, Passenger Trafh GEO. WW, BOYD, General Pass week day RY, Mar Man ger ROAD RAIL i Ta ped Tims Co, Of ‘Read Down Xo 1 Noa AM PM 102 45 21 2% § U1 i O08 H3 10 147 33 3 187 3% FELLE FONTE Nigh Ziom Heola Park mnkles HUBLERSBURG Enydertown 3 207 40]. Nittany .. 3274 Huston ...... 267 8 LAMAR . A 7 0 Clintondale 8 327 Ml Krider's Bpring. 3 367 8. Mac keyvilie 342 ! Codar Springs. 4 8 071. Salona 404 15 8 508 120. MILL HALL... 8 854 10 . XN ental and Hudson River R, R. 904 Jersey Bhore i 2% 95 Arr. } Live 2 11 3 Lve 3 Wimsport | Lu 2 (Fhilad, he Roading a NEW ORI (Via Philad.) AM PP wh¥od 00 5. RT, hot Superintendent 7 16 3 A " i258 5 1 I54 5 134 52 09 4 48 064 44 04 4 41 024 38 M4 45 Oh 4 32 524 8 44 0 $2.4 17 Cee - 00 08 08 G0 md ~E nt ad nt ad abot nd pt P REE PEPOVOLLECLCLCLEYT { 11 46 i2 20 ne de B EERE EROCDOD mw Wr So «8 36 11 3 43 9 M AY New York. {Via Tamim i ————] i i PA a Sm A —————— - in —— 999 NWN NRT RUVWVNDRWY Are You Well Shod? / ’ ¢ ¢ if you not, you ¢ / are heath and comfort vou Are prepares KONOUEROR 14 it matters n uit 3 ot wh yO! Farmer ity for Ps but through and You Kreamiler and Son CENTRE HALL, PA. i # / ¢ ¢ ¢ ‘ ¢ / / ¢ ¢ ¢ f ¢ ¢ SPECIAL FARMERS TELEPHONE CO. T delights of the country, th and city added to The Informati he convenience of the ge farme r market in touch. on irom near- est railway station available. Doctor al- ways within speedy call with ; FARMERS’ TELEPHONE SERVICE AA AA SAARERS ZS £ 4 48 gis dri PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE CO Contract Dept., oh Spratt upapada dost rr rrr Bellefonte, Pa. attach po tomy bgt pnb gt pont gon op ahh poh gns | FAR FTF} rrr rr rrr rrr rr rrr ry rer Ire TI YY IY ITITM POV VV VV WD VD WD BOBBY [0 THE NEW BEGINNERS We will save you money if you buy any- thing of us from A COOK STOVE to A PIANO, or that in Line. Give us a trial, the Furniture Smith Bros., Spring Mills, Pa. NNN NN VDDD DVDRW Wd DONO HDD ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ‘ ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / NN NON DNB DTD BWW A New Line of Shoes FOR SPRING Freed Bros. Plow Shoes Kangaroo Calf Congress The W. L. Douglass Dress Shoe for Men and Boys ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINI { F. E. WIELAND, Linden Hall 4 SEER ORR W. D. Strunk & Son, Centre Hall, Pa, B™**"o** AGENTS FOR | wm Huber Manufacturing Co. lot | i . HARRISBURG, PA. “DDO DUN i A SHOES E CENTRAL RAILROA Week Daves WESTWARD wx | i ix ‘Bellelonte . Coileville Morris Sievens.. Hunter Fillmore Briariy Waddle Krumrine State College Struble i... Bloomedor! W Pine Grove Cro 7 § 46 OF G0 OP OF OF OF OF Ghee “CRN ANTED By Chicago wholesale mail order house, assistant manager man or woman } for this county and adjoining territory. Salary 820 and expenses paid weekly expense money advanced. Work pleasant po sition permanent, No investmeni or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write si once for full perticnlars and enclose self-addressed uyvelape UPERINTENDENT., o, May 17 and 1532 Lake Bt, Chicago, 1. Why not sdvertise in the Reporter] Unless you are 70 or 80! Then keep it! But why look old at 35 or 407 Why have an early old yg Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair newer always restores color to gray hats. Stops falling hair, also. he whiskers and moustache we ako FCRI dHANT Pun Jr Solon a rich Cut off that cough with 'S Expectorant and prevent pneumoni ’ bronchitis and consumption. The world’s Standard Throat and Lung