EN me THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906, CHURCH APPOINT MEN T8 non, morning, Saturday afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening Reformed ~U communion, pre WMEALOrY service Mills, afternoon ; Lutheran--"Tozsey afternoon ; Spring lle, morning ; Contre Hall, ning. ¢ Hall, 18, eve Proshvterian Mills, afternoon. morning | {Appointments not given here have not boon reported to this office. | tieckman Heckman, son of Jeremiah Heckman, and Miss Anna Long, daughter of Andrew Long, all of Spring Mills, were married 156th inst, Long Nestor 8. M. Rearick. ne Simro pect Keith's Theatre, An unique feature is being presented at Keith’s Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, this week. This is a play, ‘ Under the Third Degree, Yip which the protean, William Court- leigh, appears in eight different roles, Another attraction is Nina Morris and ¢ A Friend's Advice.” ventriloquist ; the three Dumonds, Irving Jones, the Boldens, the Tanakas, Susie Fisher, and Mlle. Chester and dog, are others on the bill. Walter C. Kelly, monolo- gist, is particularly pleasing, as is also Lillian Shaw in travesty and imita- tions. The four Lukens, acrobats, give some wonderful performances. Company in Edward Reynard, Be Arts es - Geary--Rossman, The marriage of Charles Geary, of Altoona, and Miss Blanche V. Ross- man, of Tusseyville, was solemnized at the home of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rossman, Saturday evening, Rev. J. M. Rearick Only a few of the nearest the principals witnessed officiating. relatives of the ceremonies. The groom is a son of D. W. Geary, and is a painter Al- is A of pear Tusseyville, and decorator. He toona for time, young lady community of several years taught has been in I'he bride regarded in the and for Potter sOIne highly her home, school in township I'he Altoona, voung couple will reside —————————— Letter to J. D Marray. Hall, Pa. Thomas J. entre Bannon, Denar Nir: W I., says : a gallon blinas ; such druggist, aterly, R. Westerly of paint to o Devoe thing a8 rubbing this out. { The usual reckoning is for a gallon We sus pees the Westerly wear tl paint until it sinters ex pect of ia 110 var wel 19 sels ae th . 5 + there ad 4 LUTLE covers to cover 16 people don’t Ls very shabby. ome of Hill, Hill, 4 4 Peter Smith, of Centre farm of 137 acres, in Porter township, Clinton county, to Joe Long for $5000. W. M. Grove, T. M. Wm. Pealer appointed by court to view a road in Haines town- ship. The Gentzell-Beezor horse sale Bat. Bellefonte, was a quite The horses averaged al- were urday, in brisk affair, most $192 “ Must have the Centre Reporter to get the Centre county news.”” That is the way Cuoarles F. Loutz, a Mifllin- burg railroad office young man puts it, And he is right. Dr. Laurie, of Bellefonte, the two commissioners who opposed the union of the Cumberland Presby- terian church snd the Presbyterian church in the U. B. A. Even minis- ters labor hard for distinction, J. Newlin Hall, of Howard town ship, was recently thrown from an iron land roller and seriously injured, the roller having passed over the lower part of his body. No bones were crushed, but the attending physician, Dr. W. O, Melntire, found various other injuries, Among the callers from Harris township Monday was Amos Koch, who came to Centre Hall to look after the graves of departed relatives, Mr Koch related that his mother, Mrs Nancy Koch, although eighty-five years of age, was quite active, Bhe is the daughter of Jacob Dunkle, of Farmers Mills, deceased, ard is the only survivor of a family of sixteen or eighteen children, The cigarette fiend is being hit hard upon all sides in the business world, The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad company has sonounced that every employe found smoking cigarettes for the company will no Jonger give him employment, they have asceriained to their satisfaction that the cigarette flend cannot, or does pot, perform his duties In as sat- fafa ory su msnner as does the other fellow. This is poor encouragement for the boys, + was one of THE QRANGERS ASK QUESTIONS, Two-Uant a Mile Passenger Hate, Ke taining of Personal Property Tax May be I'he Realized, legislative committee to candidates for heretofore to submit which been regarded political conditions. What the grangers want is that can- didates for the Legislature shall carry freight ; a bill uniform passenger ate of two cents a to support not to accept free transportation; to favor the enforcement of the Consti- tion companies; retaining all the revenue from the per- also the equalization of taxation, an increase of State aid for roads and more money for ized township and high schools central. didates would have cared to The the known sen makes it very dodged. Io fact, Ntale would have are eA8y Now, of the that timent certsin the more the Legislature without the trouble advance, Two-cent railroad fares and the right of trolleys to carry freight, together with some changes in next of counties, Leg further benefit of certain as the daylight. are rislatio if such the at the extra had been included in the call, session subjects i Uurposes tur of The sentiment in favor of back to the ie and township counties more reve increasing the ations to schools aod will probably be no less decisive. equalizatio different but will be possible because the that have wre no le Fhe grapgers good luck with opinions, some intl heretofore stood in the ager able Lo do so therefore, will their questions. They candidate party wii hardl, find a Legislature on any ticket will not tion apswer all of them ; and it be generslly done in good faith. a &— Veterans Dying ON of 2.163 net decresse United Sistes pension The total number 86 of here was a names on the rolls duriog April of pensioners was 987 Bl ClRases lis April 30, There are now War oi of April beiug urvivols of the Civil roils, the number de Class GUNLE by death of pensioued ers and sabiors was 31°74 —— fail in the Bounds Bguiries are being made PF Re I, rie invesimelis, eariog a I¢ Ola Tellrn in Interest Money Kayes his being the would is cheapeniug. Bonds snd mor i ing sought aiter, the local authorities De calling io all the borough bonds, These bouds are bearing five interest, and there scramble for them. By re-issuing the borough bond, at more —- is 8 veri in. cluding those for water, least perhaps one per cent could be paved. This sction-—the calling in and re. issuing of the bonds— is a matter that rests entirely with the wembers of the that far the business transection goes, but the will of the people shouid be and no doubt will be the cause for action. The of the vond-holders cannot be cousidered. It is a case of be saved to the town council, in #0 an personel dollars and ceuls to tax payers. Call in and re-issue the bonds, ——— | —— LOCALS, The engagement of Hon. P. KE. Womelsdorf, of Philipsburg, to Miss Emma D. Warfel, a daughter of for- mer postmaster Harry Warfel, of that place, has been annouced, Edward Everett Hale's optimistic article on ** The Comforts of To-day," and the first ardicle of a serious cam- paign against Child Blavery are the coutrasting features that distinguish the June number of the Woman's Home Companion, The Patroos Exhibition and Fair, at Centre Hall, will be held Beptem- ber 15th to 22nd, inclusive, In the list of fairs published by the Biate Agricultural Department, the dale was incorrectly stated to be Beplember 26 to 28. This year, nud hereafter, at least $50 will be awarded in prizes, to be distributed to all exhibitoss of meri. torious articles, There are (wo kinds of girls in the world, the girl who works and the girl who gads. Work lends dignity to u pretty girl, is an added charm to her, The girl who works combines the use. ful and ornamental, She might gad about, roll on sofas, gossip and read story books, but she prefers to be of some use in the world and goes out us stenographer, teacher, saleslady or housekeeper bravely makes her own way. a ba > Her Clatmns to Patronage, Yhen Mrs, Lombard offered to rec omniend Miss Shinpson to her friends was honest In her woman, but her smnaker she dp the 1 as a dre WW I to hie efforts ttle hore tact I wish you would try Dora Simp she suid earnestly to three of her who were calling upon her one good Her old customers tore than of on,’ friends day “She's such a and so unfortunate! | scarcely a person In the neighborhood | who employs her now, tinued Mrs. Lombard, with i she her 1 haste, S11 of riends, very wel port and that she tried everything else, | took up sewing as a last resort and just hates every stitch always has. Now, She's been king a as patient about it as can thous we've three times." Youth's Companion. Man aie celebrity Dressmaker, { The The firs who First dressn | berg, the son of n Bavari: ood of May r, 17% in peasant Munich, One 30, a beau- g about rd ith an utcheon in the | of a t an 11 nted on liborh jay in the month of i } ’ § seen drivin shape pair of scissors panel of iberg’s coat He and owed his disguls- ring out 18 of his falr the was Ri hon (8 own tale, 1 income of led the rt and plendid An ef upon » acad i Fulminate of Mercury. ingre They Needed the Money, 11%) [Hees ‘from 1 to unloade d a nissing, 88 showed the final custom ew of the «1 of funds, thies for 3 fout Hes for num- alled for in Lippin- be but one cott’'s M rod SN The Philosophy of Thunder, Thunder caused by the spark heating the air lightning path, caus- and compression all und, followed by as sudden a rush of air into the partial vacuum thus produce If the sp » straight short 1 short and gharp; If its path be a long and crook one aft iracteristic rat. by the The echoes sas ita Ing sudden expansion Aare rk bx and will “be ed one a su er the other, tle, will heard, echoes from other « have a rolling a ession of sounds, a ch with followed louds nd rumbling sound. The Tendon Achilles, Anatomisis fully call tendon of 16 ye t after the Gre the big Achilles,” The ny thologie- al story goes that mother, Thetis, holding him by the heel, dipped him In the river Styx to make him invulnera ble. Put Paris inflicted a wound that proved fatal on the heel that had not been immersed. ancl endon TR hero his A Dungerods Practice, A.Is dying the hair as dangerous as the doctors would make it appear? B.~Certainly! You take my word for It. Only last spring an vacle of mine dyed his halr, and in three weeks he was married to a widow with four children, —Fllegende Blatter, Overdid It. “So sorry not to have heard your lecture last night,” sald the loquacious lady. “I know I missed a treat. Every. body says It was good.” “How did they find out?” asked Mr. Frockcoat, “The lecture, you know, was postponed.” The Clever Girl, Daughter 1 don't want to marry Just yet. I'd rather stay at school, Mother — You must rémember, dear, men do not wish clever Pives. Daugh- ter—But all men are not like papa. Taming a Hat, A trapped rat may easily be tamed by allowing no water but that offered in a spoon, for the creature soon learns to recognize the hand which supplies this all Important necessary. Making Bread With At Hae Sean Water, fer places one thine sea Euglish bread Wis when mak villages along the France utilize it. Fresh wuter is only used for sen water being exclu for the making und dough, By this method table salt requires to be sult water giving sary degree of sa- But, though sea water does ad- mirably for breadmaking, when ap- plied to other culinary purposes the result is a disagreeable fallure, The wheaten bread produced by It, how- is excellent and of great hyglenie The chloride of the aerld taste decomposed in the does not Convey to side LAV HOW ol pring Hig coust line rain or pure dy employed of the no mineral or added, the natural bread the neg HeCeS linity ayer, value magnesium, to sea heating its orig! bread, , Of course, per nll ts characteristic The mineral baked bread be of the nature of I | idon imparts fore greeable taste the non kal sub t in the are con very mild Mall Tallor Bird. «1 birds of wed to m the any gifted tincts they ir ene Feo int Labor In Old Times various Brisson's Capaieanm. : ft. fre which the re pro » tropical re Africa and lid almost as these by the Its 1% suggested to wught that It natural tonle feal countries 1s £1 Mi iN ad in used for food Mermaids, ver there are legends tell nit the gea f southern Man. kind is tanght on the most excellent evidence tha 1 mermaid was captured at Bangor, on of the Bel fast lough, In the sixth century, while another caught at Edam in 1403 was carried to Haarlem and kept there for many years about gtories Chinese ers nlx woman song the shores Wanted Al That Was In Jt. Father (whose has presented him with ty Tommy, you may stay from school today and to tell the teacher that you have two new brothers, Tommy Wouldn't it be better to say that I have only one new brother? Then | can stay home a day next week for the other one Fliegende Blatter, wife Vins hottie morrow Menlth Cranes, The pursuit of health, like phia habit or drunkenness, grows on people till it really becomes a vice, Continuous thought and anxiety about one's health is extremely bad for the constitution and undermines it quicker than port wine. London Queen, the mor fare Thing. Teacher—A miracle ls golng against the natural order of things, Are mir cles performed today? Bright Boy-- Yes'm. Teacher-Name one. Bright Boy Well, mamma says that papa is always turning night into day.—Life. None can tell where the diamond goes to in combustion. When burned it leaves no ash and not a trace of the once brilliant stone, AI SR Visiting cards printed at this office 1 aS A SS “Swented ” Then Died, Anna Weaver entered a trespass suit city of Altoona, dumuges, to recover $30,000 Bhe charged the city police depnriment with maintaining in ite lock-up a sweat-box seven feet high, | cannot lie down nor turn around, Mrs. Weaver alleges 1 hat her husband, while sick, was imprisoned in this sweat-box, physical pain as to cause his death the following day. This suit will test box process on criminals, atin Mayer's Successor, Who ? The successor to Judge Mayer in the Clinton-Elk-Cameron district is being looked for. a number of aspirants, Republicans are Capt. W. C. Kress, of Lock Haven, and Hon. B. W. Green, of Emporium, In the Democratic column are C. Hipple and George A. Brown, of Lock Haven, and Msjor Harry Alvin Hall, of Ridgeway secking recognition. It is surmised that Governor Penny- packer will appoint a judge after the Republicans have placed a candidate in the fleld, and that he will select ss his appointee the Republican candi- date. The the ber election will be for nn full Novem- of selection made at term ten years, A Mp ntl iin Fire st Jacksonville farm of known place ) caught fire on Monday night of last week and burned down with all contents, Mr. Pifer wife, eight children narrowly escaped with their lives Mr. and Mrs. Pifer Howard returning about The dwelling house on the A. J. Pifer, pear Jacksonville { as the old MeCalmont its snd had gone to ten o'clock an hour later they were awakened by breaking glass the COR pe hey went to ned and about snd leaving all caused by their belongings behind Lieat, they made their After the evening meal the to go out, was cooked fire in the cook stove was allowed atid al the time the building there of fire caught tnt in the Wns How The loss is estimated at about a “park house it caught nobody Kuows, $1. AX} AM ———— New Industry For Farmers Loong ago the country was dotted thickly with distilleries, The (ax spirits was low and whisky was cheap Every “till These have now vanished on had its largely fore 8 hesvy internal revenue other farm be lax, al though the moonshiner exists in some Pennsyl- drive a load of the equivalent remote regions, As a result, vania farmers no longer of rye to the owner and carry away whisky. The passage of the free alcohol bill will tend to kind of distillery. distillery mil in establish a brand new This later crop will convert and other vegetables into denatured sicohol, which possesses all the needed proper ties of a good fuel and a first-rate illu- minant, without any of the elements of an intoxicant, To turn a potato iuto cheap snd easy task. It expensive thao the cid turning rye ioto whisky. For this reason there likely spring up on the farms of the United Slates a tremaendous number of little distiller. ies which will do a more or less local business This provided the free al- bill which passed the Benale, iaw, which now seems beets, potatoes alcohol will be less method of Is =u in to cohol becomes a likely. ii—r——— — United States Benator Burton would not be the only Senator debarred from ever holding office if all the guilty — — TR Ara on sss sone To un Smart Property. Owner, work. Bkill wins, IVs the sume with paint making. You know 4 gallons I. & M, mixed with 3 gallons Linseed Oil makes {enough paint for a moderate sized house—the best paint money can buy because the I. & M. Zine hardens the I. & M, White Lead and makes the I. & M. Paint wear like iron, Buy L. &M. and don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil, a8 you do in ready-for-use paint, but buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents, and mix with the L.. & M, Actual cost 1. & gallon, | Bold by Rearick Bros. , ————— — A curate is not always accurste, Most fellows would rather look bored than pay board, M. about $1.20 per Centre Hall, Even after he is broke the pitcher may make good. Bome people run into debt and then claim they are pushed in, buseball The astronomer studies the stars, the actor understudies them. ANTED=Travelling salesman, furnish refereneess and $1000 00 ; Dollars ary and expenses rind We W H EEL] Mast invest One in our © per cent. paid. Experience leach business al our mills NG ROOFIRG & CORNICE CO. TH} OK BALE —Egge from standard bred : Wyandoties of a carefully selected #irain ; pure while and the true , $1.05 per setting of 156 J. MEYER, Centre Hall, Pa ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ki BELLEFONTE, PA pera House Blox ¢ Court Ho sasiness altended SUMMER DRESS 6000S § ALS E WO OXFORDS H. F. ROSSMAN SPRING MILLS, PA. EEN rn TEEN TT sm ees Shoes! Shoes! Good Resolution : For Health, Wealth and Prosperity buy your Shoes from Krape. My price is saving, good health and prosperity assured. * Douglass, Dayton A. A. Cutler Radcliffe Seeing is convincing in Price and Quality, Come one and all. The only diflerence is Barton proven guilty. A Read the Reporter. C. A. KRAPE Spring Mills, Pa. Men's Suits $7.50 to $25 Youth's Suits Montgomery ofoRofogofofogofofogofofofofofofoRol : B % Montgomery's & Company a?