SEMT Lp wi RE REPORTER. SMITH Pro prietor Penna. Philadel A Yankee pro- Hippo- d week Opera or OF ILS § 2 1d Hous Philadelphia vB au M has taken The big ght - opera » i Ha pe un- tically and World Iiake ail the sideshow, V' (2) A 1 as at of the \ 5 $ I up of Cl t prox , . P ££ Yankes for, stage the biggest in the] presg¢ id Grand Ops ¥ Ha is ww playi theater universe, w sxeception of its snccessor, ing presented at the New rome Adolph, the clown, has repeated in Philadelphia the b hit scored by Marceline, lilo r in New York, and his antics ral of delight from the thousands who the % Of Lit youngsiers iy matinee atl are attending the dai Grand Opera Hous Claire Heliot and have made a sens circus and specia tion, her twelve lions ation, and the other ity acta are a revels afr mare——— Smullton. Mra. Robert Hackenburg 13, is visiting her gon Shem in at present, A. E. Strayer who had a sale here a and who intended to move to Altoona has given up that jdea and will sl in old * Brush” because of the lack of work at present in Altoona. WwW. E. SBmull moved into the house vacated by A. E. Birayer, Miss Mayme Wolf, who had been teaching school near Bellefonte, is home at present. Jay, son of G. A. Wate, sprained his ankle by stepping on a loose stone, Irvin Harry, of Mill Hall, spent a ‘ few brief hours here with his parents, HSunday. Jacob Walzer added to the appear ance of his house by the addition of a new roof. Clyde Waite left a few days ago for [lellevue, Ohlo, where he expects to spend the summer, He has a brother al the same place J. B, Emerick iv making his calls as Hefonte week or two ago ay ABHOBBOT, Mary M | rid Mary M omg Seriously Ihjured itheim, was en Alexander, of seriously injured Friday rencon, and ught the wounds § at one time it was th fatal, bu im present » unfortun man is avi v tO recovery cident happe was hauling i reaching th to unload the heavy load split, speaking in the parlance mbermen, and fell on the tea He was taken to his | 4 Mis condition, ana ¢ was | hat ound that injuries were ab —— loalsburg Normal and Preparatory School, h hool will open gern of Lis ¢ spring #4 in the High School April 16th, weeks, Mone TOO, day, and continue eight be formed Classes will pecially the needs teachers and those preparing to teachi. The higher branches will also be taught. Boarding may be procured al very reasonable rates, For further information, address H. C. RoTHROCK, Principal. a ———— tirange Hall in June 8 June 15th a Grange Rally will be held in Centre Hall, at which time the Fifth and Sixth Degrees of the order will be conferred in full form, and the riale officers attend- ance, This rally will be open to all Fourth Degree members. — A Sb o—— lower degrees exemplified. Master W. F, Hill other of the Btate Grange will be in and Eggs Again, Another small lot of hens that have worked themselves into the good graces of their owner, are twenty-two biddies cared for by J. W. Bweetwood, in Georges Valley, and their product for December, January and February are 278, 531, 4156 eggs, reapectively, total of 1024 for three months, i ——— Letter tod. A, Heessman Centre Hall, Pa. Dear Bir: Shuflert. Hardware Co, Hickory, N. U., bought a car-load of paint ; after selling it a few months, found out it measured seven pints a “ gallon, ”’ Returned it to the maker and credited customers with what they had lost from short measure, What do you think of a short measure paint ? Don't you think it half white-wash ? Half the paints are part white-wash, Gio by the name : Devoe lead-and- zine, No whiting or clay in that ; full. mensure besides, A gallon Devoe is worth two of white-wash paint, Yours truly F. W. Devos & Co, 14 New York. Kreamer & Bon sell our paint, ss IM So. Visiting cards printed at this office ni Fra } MILES LOCALS inets are neariy ri Weber Brothers advertise all of fertilizers Breon, grip Mayes and of Millhe liesday. Mrs, John west Hall, i Fred i111 uf 188 843 Miss Net im, Were Wagner has recovered om a recent illne Mrs. John G wi te or : is seriously ill. Hoss, of Linde: It appears she h. fering from a tumorous growt Mrs of Millheim, suflered severe attack of paralysie, Her condition was considered serious at first, but at present proved, Lydia a Musser, Ve ry has ime The Garman House, Bellefonte, derwent numerous repairs recently, I'he house, contrary to the belief of some, is yet in the hands of 1 Gar mans, C, B. Garman being the present proprietor. te Le SBeuator J. ieury Cochran has authorized snnouncement of his candidacy for State Benator in the [wenty fourth Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Columbia, Montour, Sullivan and Lycoming. thie Branch Company No. 7, The Patrons Rural Telepnone Company, lines run from Centre Hall Hall construction of this wilh its loops, eleven wiles whose Linden with ihis length of to , Are progressing nicely the line, line, Lins a total s—————— Keith's Theatre, The patrous of Keith's Chestnut | Street Theatre, Poiladelphia, will be delighted with Will Cressy and Blanche Dayne in that study of New England life, “ Bill Biffin's Baby.” For the chiidren there are the Hawa | das, Japanese acrobats, and Genaro & | Balley, in ** A Cigarette Case.” Les lie, Dailey & Company, in the comedy skit “* A Bit of Tomfoolery,’ are an. | other attraction. Trovollo, the Euro | pean ventriloquist, will be a pleasing (addition, while Emma Carus will be | sure to charm with her songs. Others | appearing there this week are: Nat | Haines, monologist ; Beymour & Hill, acrobats, and Carlotta, the woman | cyclist, the only woman who loops the { loop on a theatre stage. AA | Colyer. | Adam Krumrine moved his house. | hold goods to his home in Boalsburg, {and F. W. Frazier into the house va. feated by Mr. Krumrine; Samuel | Klinefelter into the house vacated by | Mr. Frazier ; Tom Boal moved to the | Brooket hoff farm, near Centre Hall, | and Howard Confer now occupies the | house where Boal's lived. | 8B. KE. Breon, of Bmullton, who | taught school at Flelsher's Gap, this winter, will tench a select school of six | weeks, beginning April 16, at the | Loop school house, iP HATiCL., Te i Isanc Fre LP Hieronlme: Win Johngonhau Theodore Yelle I'wp, iy Lin u 0 (r- JON oe H. KUOWIesns.. FOOT “ y J don Joh Mi Oak Hall, Irvin yd in town James of Altoo Al samuel i fn, were their over Hrday to visit mother, Mrs Hi for several days, P. 8, Dale bert Evey last week. Ym. Ferree purchased a horse from ¥ and daughter, Lavon, Col tat ive ats Z ng i pny ' Boalsburg, assistio several » Hyer Pa to move to their: iyde Wieland, of Boalsbur rin town sund ew hone £, was ou ay. John Close and family spent Sunday friend misburg. Miss Nel 81 Arey with i ie Holter, of Howard, is in WAH Ri In eX precise 4 this vicinity. town on Haturday, and in spend some time sewing Miss Altus Howan is visiting in the vicinity of Centre Hall. Mrs. B, E. and Mrs. Newton Stamm and daughter Miller, of Altoona, who had been visiting friends in town, returned their homes on Friday. Mrs. Miller was called home by the news that her husband had met with a serious accident. LO Ira Benner, of Rock, spent Banday with Lis parents. Mra E. K. Smith and son returned Friday after a two f A. J. Home of Andrew weeks’ #lay al the atl Shiloh, Lutter Dale and family, of Pleasant Gap, sand Clement Dale and wife, of Houser ville, a day at Bunny Hillside recently. Miss Beulah Fortney, of Boalsburg, was the guest of Miss Claudia Wie land on ®unday. Tate, spent pasos fin eos sn — Linden Hall Joshua 1. Potter Bellwood this week, attending Presbytery as a delegate from the Centre Hall church. Mr. and Mra. H, GG, Miller, of Re. bersburg, visited the former's mother is in inst Miss spent Ww = Mabel Wolfe, sunday with Tammie Keller. Mrs. Harah Miller and Miss Lena Bressler visited Harry Miller of Woodward, her aunt, Mrs over ®unday, but at this in some better, Mra. John Dienl attended the neral of Miss Emma Swartz, at seyville, on Tuesday. Clyde Bradford and wife, of Centre Hall, spent Sunday with his brother, Philip Bradford, and family. Samuel Brooks, of Bellefonte, spent several days last week with his broth. er’s family, at Hideaway farm, Mise Annie Long is a guest at the J, L.. Tressler home, Mra. Keller had the telephone taken writing fu. I ns 'phouve placed in her residence soon, AS 1 —— | ] It is just aa bad luck to fall off a Indder as to walk under it, DEATHS ¢ Mrs. John Fron f iilERe 0] » 1: rom Lhis iife § y ¢ ibizlatintia arid y and i Wwibaiations and at Wriumpus Mr. the residence of her home and Mrs. W. B. Conger, in yn in 1546 iikdren YW residing Oxf early been Louisa, of died Sarah Albert in x iad the Lutheran chi who he deceased | irch since *hildhood. She was aged eighty-four four days. Oxford and I'he above is taken from years, eight months { the standard Mr. From, whosurvives, isa brother of Jacob From Br, of Potter township, deceased, uncle of John H. Bare, of near Spring Mills, At the time of his wife's death, Mr. From was in very delicate health, and feared i and an it was that he could not live any length of time, AVID B, REESE. “ This well Known and highly es teemed veleran of the civil war passed from earthly scenes st Charleroi, near Pittsburg, Apri Li, aged eighty-one years, six mouths and viveteen days. Nearly his whole life was spent Centre county. He resided for many years at Milesburg, from whence he moved away about four years ago, He was & member of Company G, 200th Regiment, Penna Volunteers, and served his country faithfully. Early’ in life he united with the Methodist | Episcopal church. [ne body was brought to Milesburg where services conducted by Rev. A. CU, Lathrop were held at the residence of Joseph Sellers, | Monday morning. Mr. Keene is survived by his wife ‘and the foliowiog children ; Mrs. | Annie Stevenson, Philadelphia ; Miss- es Josephine and Sarah Reese, Char- !leroi ; Mrs, Joseph Bellers and Mrs | Andrew Hugg, Milesburg, JESSE WERT | Jesse Wert, aged about seventy-five years, died at his home in Aarons burg, Tuesday morning, 8 o'clock a mi. Mr. Wert had been in delicate health for several years, due to age and several strokes of paralysis, the Inst of which was experienced Friday previous to bis death. Interment will take place this ( Thursday ) forenoon, Bervices will be conducted Ly Rev, Garrett, of the United Evangelical church. Mr. Wert was twice married-—first to Miss Mollie Weaver, to whom three children were born: James Wert, of Tuseey ville ; Luther Wert, of Aarons. burg, sud Mrs, Daniel Hartman, the latter deceased. The second wife, who survives, was mull, nee Chestie daughter of Jose ph Gramley. young woman of beautiful ‘er was called from this d M to in Emma Swarlz f, { the the he ir several Was being Interment ville Tuesday fore. other worl Friday evening, of Miss BR in delicate health ir the last five weeks al $3 Ded, Lh e¢ disease f the Bowels. tuberculosis « i id KR. Sechnist officiating, Henney, of Bpring W. Rishel, of E Ve I't ‘ Mrs brother a Swartz, a was the daughter of who with survive : Fhomas and Ada, wife of Ys NM itwo # and one sister Charles W D.G. F Miss Nwartz winey, al Tussey ville. Was a young woman character, of quiet, Uti= and spent time in the parental ree irrep Resslingg roachable ag disposition almost her entire nome Her age was thirty-four years, two + monihs, {wenty-three days. MES CHRISTIANA NOLL Mrs, ¢ Jol of iristiana Noll, widow of the in 8. Noli, of Spring township, died at the home of her son, W. J. Noll, of Jeaunette, on Monday. She was aged cighty-three years, and her aiden name was Christiana Koecoht. Nhe was the mother of five children ;: Wm. C, Noll, of Madisonburg ; A. G. Noll, of near Centre Hall : W. J Noll, of Jeanvette ; Reuben O. and George H., both dead. Deceased was a life long member of the Reformed church. is————— Harris Township. D K. Mothersbaugh and family are visitors from Williamsport, late Mra. Higgins, of near Pitlsburg, is visiting here, Avia Meyers Mouutain « burg. The public schools have all closed. Mabel Myers, Leona Wieland and Naomi Myers, pupils of the Bonlsbarg grammar school, did not miss a day during the entire term, An Easter service was rendered by the Lutheran Bunday school on the evening of Palm Sunday, Music Was a special feature, Mrs. Edward Burchfield, of Altoona, spent a week with friends here, Oliver Gibony, of Sulsburg, visited his sister, Mrs, L. E. Kidder, Miss Beulah Fortney spent a day with Miss Claudia Wieland, st Pleas- ant View, : and family, of the ity, are visiting in Boale- » Even a collar on a glass of beer is apt to wilt in hot weather, er ers ca TIC K--Notice $111.50, ceived for