The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 05, 1906, Image 7

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Severe Congestion of the Kidneys Soon
Cured by Doan’s Kidney ills,
Richard M. Pearce, a prominent busle
ness man of 231 Orange St, News
ark, N. J., says: “Working nights
3 during ad weather
brought ou a heavy
cold, aching of
Hibs and pain in
back and kidneys,
vere congestion of the
kidneys followed, Be-
sides the terrific anche
ing there were whirl
8 ing aud 1
’ N became exceedingly
weak. My doctor could help me,
and I turned to Doan’s Kidney Pills,
with the resuit that the kidney conges-
tion disappeared, and, with it, all the
other symptoms. What is more,
cure has lasted for 8 years.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co.,, Buffalo, N, Y.
And Still It Is Doubtful if Telephone
Girl Is Satisfied.
She has bright eves,
and an awful estimate of the proper
confines of propriety. It is an invarl
able rule of hers to observe that sub-
tle barrier of modesty which all well
ordered young women should observe,
and, better still, she prides herself on
making the sterner sex observe this
barrier in all its invisible but nice dis
Then how
shocked her.
Being a telephone girl, it is
noxious duty to hold converse with
the “mean things” of the world—oth-
erwise known as men. The other aft
ernoon a& subscriber called for a cer
taln number in Germantown
“What number did
“1 can’t
“Blank, blankety, blank,
“Well, if you don't say what num
ber you want I can't give it t
I'm 10t going to fool here al
“Mow, keep your shirt on
keer your shirt on—"
faut the subseriber got
she slammed up ha
the oversees wifu flaming ch
ported the s T
s «ghtly i that su
right to comm
apologize or
seriber was
girl with the
“Are 3
Just told to keep
“Yes,” was the
“We il poOsgil 13
It may be i
rosy cheeks,
this incident must have
her ob
you say?’ she
aannn winle
oddod-Z, QUIK k
understand; please repeat
5 *$
narry that
the en
O make
ad 2; 16'1l hye ¢ 1
mad s thi el ak jt In
suing for
that way she'll have a chance
ting his money an
breach of promise
The Rock of Refuge.
In Hawaii, one of the Sandwich Is
lands, there {3 a spot called the Rock
of Refuge. If a criminal reaches this
rock uncaptured he is safe as long as
he remains there. Usually his family
supply him with food until he is able
to make his escape, but he is neve:
allowed to return to his own tribe.
FITS permanentiy cured. No fits or nervous-
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer, #1 trialbottisandtreatisefres
Dr.R.H. Kriwz, Ltd. 91 Areh St. Phila, Pa.
As trade now stands, inere is not
enough gold out of the earth
Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Eyrup for Children
teething softens thegums reducesinflamma-
tion, allays pain cures wind collie, 25¢.a bottle
The Vieuna police are about to experi
ment - “ith a phonograph.
Catarfh Cannot Be Cured
With rocar arrLicATIONS, as they eannot
reach the seat of the disease, Catarrhisa
blood or constitutional disease, and in order
to cure it you must take internal remedies,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
actsdireotly on the blood and mucoussurfnee
Hall's Catarrh Cure snot a quack medieine,
It was prescribed by one of the best physi-
clans in this country for years, and is a reg-
ular prescription. It is composed of the
best tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the mu-
cous surfaces. Tha perfect combination of
the two ingredients 18 what produces such
wonderful results in curing ecatarrh. «Send
jor testimonials, free,
F.J. Cuzxey & Co., Props., Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggists, price, 75¢.
dake Hall's Family Pills for constipation
False teeth will not be in demand i»
With Irritating Skin Humor Halr Began
to Fall Out-Wonderful Result
From Cutiours Remedies.
“About the latter part of July my whole
body began to itch. I did not take much
notice of it at first, but it began to get
worse all the time, and then I began to
get uneasy and tried all kinda of baths and
other remedies that were recommended
for skin humors, but I became worse all
the time. My hair began to fall out and
my scalp itched all the time. Especially
at night, just as soom as I would get in
bed and get warm, my whole body would
begin to itch, and my finger nails would
keep it irritated, and it was sot long be-
fore I could not rest night or day. A
friend asked me to try the Cuticura Reme-
dies, and I did, and the first application
helped me wonderfully. For about four
weeks I would take a hot bath every night
and then apply the Cuticura Ointment to
my whole body, and I Sept getting better,
and by the time I used four boxes of Cu
ticura I was entirely cured and my hair
d falling cat. D. E. Blankenship,
819 N. Del, Bt., Indianapolis, Ind. Oct.
, A, 1908.”
Friends of Jon Mack declare the
Philadelphia & Western is built for steam
{ road oroposition.
RR. CG. “Weekly Review of
Trade” 3 Total distribution of
Spring merchandise received a check be-
cause of the heavy snowfall and severe
storms in many sections of the country,
but some offset is noted in renewed in-
quiry for Winter goods, and there is no
interruption to the activity of shipping
departments. Confidence in the future 1s
remar } the outlook
would be better than ever before at
this fuel uncertainty were
‘turing plants operate
capacity in the lead-
ing industries, and it 1s an evidence of
no little significance that many mills
cannot undertake deliveries before 1007.
While those are extreme cases, it is a
common thing to find production engaged
for several months in advance.
One of the best features of the iron
and steel indusiry is the steady demand
for steel rails,
No decrease is
of textile mills, producers
confidence in the
if the
- '
in the activity
are 2,203,012 bushels, against
last year, 1,044,595 this week
in 1903.
Corn exports for the week are 3,173,820
inst 2,335,282 last week, 2,-
year ago, 1,527,670 in 1904,
and 3,618,210 In 1903.
Baltimore,~FILLOUR—Firm and
changed. Receipts, 3,783 barrels;
ports, 22,729 barrels
8314 @83%; March, 83!
bushels, ag
3 contract,
33%4; April,
i; steamer
Receipts, 14,970
360,505. ern
1 [@49% ; Southern yel-
wile ¢
2 white, 37@
Waj30%; No. 2
t 10,340 busih-
Western, 05@
B Receipts,
ir refining,
31-16; centrif ; molas-
ses sugar, 234; refined quiet.
Live Stock
New York, ~BEEVES- 3
) and hight steers,
and 10@1sc off; 4
firm. Medium and
ly; fat cows, strong.
@s5.067%4; oxen, 450; bulls,
1.25(@4.00; cows, 2.10(M4.20
CALVES—Market steady, and prime
heavy, firm. Common to prime veals,
400@o.00; few choice, 9.50. Dressed
calves, strong; city dressed veal, o@
13%4c per pound; country dressed, 8
SHEEP AND LAMBS~-Sheep, nom-
inal; very little inquiry for lambs: B cars
held over. Medium to good lambs, 7.00
@7.40; choice natives would sell at 7.50
or upward, but none here,
HOGS—~Market steady;
hogs sold at 7.00
Chicago,~CATTLE —~Market
common to prime steers,
cows, 3.65@460; heifers, 275@s5.35;
bulls, 260@4.25; calves, 3.000607.00;
stockers and feeders, 2.75@4.75.
HOGS—Market sc higher. Choice to
prime heavy, 6.50@6.52%4; medium to
good heavy, 6.45@6.50; butcher weights,
6.45@6.5214 ; good to choice heavy mix-
ed. 6.45@0.47% ; packing, 6.10@6.45.
SHEE P-—Market, sheep steady;
lambs, best, 1oc higher; others steady.
Sheep, 4.50@6.25; yearlings, 5.75@06.40;
lambs, 4.75@6.8s,
good State
steady ;
The adverse vote of Bath, England, on
Carnegie’s offer of $65,000 for a public
library was taken by means of postal
cards sent out by the city council.
Queen Wihelmna of Folland is bear.
ing the cost of concerts given by well
known singers in the slum quarters of
The Hague. Only the poorest people are
allowed to attend.
Vice Consul General Westacott, of
London, reports that, with its extensive
tramway lines as feeders, the Under.
round Electric Railway Company of
ondon, when ils present schemes are
perfected, offer new accomodation for
600,000,000 passengers annually over
more than 100 miles of trackage.
A woman who appeared in a London
police court the other day was described
as a "pawning agent” She makes her
living pawning things for her neigh-
bors, who pay her a commission because
they believe she can secure larger lo ns
thay they could.
Only a few years ago William Wal
dorf Astor landed in England an ob-
scure multimillionaire, the
Kansas City Star. Now His Gracious
Majesty, Edward VII, has conde
scended to appoint Mr. Astor's son
a second lieutenant There is no-
where in the wide world where sturdy
American pluck cannot succeed,
Lecturing before a London audi
ence on the importance of house
cleaning, an English scientist
ed that as much dust as can be placed
on a pin point yields no fewer than
3,000 of living germs. The
majority of these germs are represen.
tative of disease.
acs Pi
Notwithstanding the anxious inquiry
as to what is to become of the edu-
cated woman, the women of America
seem to be pursuing the
paths that leads to the higher edu
cation. The degree of doctor of juris.
prudence has just been conferred on
a woman for the first time by the
University of Chicago, Miss T. Breck.
en! of Kentucky, the suc-
cessful candidate
dre, being
The Chinese boycott upon the trade
of thi «
it has been represented
Monthly Summary
» the
1 in the sven mol
is not =o serious as
According te
of Commerce
exports of the
dust that Whe
a pin was sufficient
a 600 colonies of gerne, mm
Our hard
of Mary
nocuous to human be
forefathers of the
Elizabeth and
face, hands,
was unknown. James
fined his personal ablutions to
the tips of his fingers with a damp
horrors of life in the Mid
It was almost inconceivably
and a
napkin. Only students of
knew the
die Agen
Macninery is the cornerstone of
modern soclety, the foundation
on which law, science, ethics, the
arts. even the State itself rests de
clares the Reader. It is so new that
we do not yet know its poetry We
do not yet understand. Only two gen.
erations have lived beside the high-
way of steam, only one has seen the
Bessemer converter transform the
blacksmith into the master builder
of ships and towers. The sewing ma-
chine, the far speaker, the typewriter,
are common things of today, accepted
as a matter of dally convenience, and
yet are thoy teachers of the people,
Machines that come close to our lives
and homes insensibly teach truth, pre
cision, the adjustment of universal
laws to human needs, respect for that
wise American {dea that labor saved
is labor released for higher and nob
ler toil. The maghine is the head
master in the high school of the race,
A world’s famine In iron within the
next eentury ls the prediction of
United States Consul General Mason
of Paris, in a report in which he dls
cusses the subject exhaustively, Mr.
Mason says it Is well known that the
high-class ores of the lake district of
America will, at the present rate of
consumption, become exhausted with.
in less than fifty years. The Mesaba
deposits, with the present annual out
put of 12,000,000 tons, or thereabouts,
will not outlast twenty-five years, It
requires only a simple calculation to
demonstrate that a continued yearly
consumption of 35,000,000 tons of ore
by the fron and steel industries of
the United States, will, within the
lifetime of persons now living, eat
away entirely the 1,100000,000 tons
which, according to the report of
Swedish experts, constitute this coun.
try's entire workable supply as at
present known, Mr. Mason holds that
there is but one remedy, and that is
for American iron masters to secure
by all practical means the largest
possible supply of ore from other
in the
ten per cent.
highest quality.
planta, wrown Inthe o
thouana acres truck farm
ed Celery ready inst of Des
i tiene or earlier 7
i] will give us 5 per orn
E 81.50 per thousand, lar
gotte, 8 The
of vegetabios especial!
give you at any time. ~
eyes, ae
Must Have Been a Sight,
A magazine editor was sadly prals
ing Willlam Sharp, recently
in Sicily, who achieved no little
as a poet under the pen
Fiona Mcleod.
“Sharp,” he
sonally a
was one da)
talent that humbie,
often show in conversation.
“He said that in londonderry one
afternoon he was seated In a
shop when a farmer entered to get his
hair cut. The farmer's locks had ap
ragged look and the barber, after
regarding 1
“*Who cut your
name of
cheery, TOUS
“wrote melan
it he was per
soul He
» real literary
Aros fit
uneducated people
them =
My wife’ the
with an awkward
“The barber sn
do it with? he ask«
Matter of Relative Risk.
The published statements of on non
Briers ng roasiers
ber of coffee tug
feeling towards us
dicate a “waspy”’
for daring to say that coftee is harm
to a percentage of the people
A frank public discussion of the sub
us and ean
on the contrary
ject 4s quite agreeable io
certainly do no harm
when all the facts on both sides of any
question are spread before the people
they can thereupon decide and act In-
will take care of themselves,
We demand facts in this coffee die
cussion and propose to see that the
facts are brought clearly before the
A number of coffee importers and
roasters have joined a movement fo
boom coffee and stop the use of Pos
tum Food Coffee and in their news
paper statements undertake to deceive
by false assertions.
Their first is that coffee is not harm
We assert that
coffee users has some form of incipient
or chronic disease; realize for one mo-
ment what a terrible menace to & na-
tion of civilized people, ‘when one kind
of beverage cripples the energies and
health of one-thirll the people who
use it,
We make the assertion advisedly and
suggest that the reader secure his own
proof by persosal inquiry among coffee
Ask your coffee drinking friends if
they keep free from any sort of aches
and alle. You will be startied at the
percentage and will very naturally seek
to place the cause of disorder on some-
thing aside from coffee, whether food,
fuherited tendencies or somothing else.
Go deeper In your search for facts,
It your friend admits occasional neu
ralgia, rheumatism, heart weakness,
stomach or bowel trouble, kidney com-
plaint, weak eyes. or approaching ner-
vous prostration induce him or to
make the experiment of leaving off
coffee for 10 days and using Postum
Food Coffee, and observe the result. It
will startle you aud give our friend
something to think of. Of course, if
the person is one of the weak oues and
Kinds of cabting
wil stand grest wid r
Me use the sume plants on OO
oUr farms 40 test al
pirased t«
Few Australians
in America.
are only a few Australia:
mit” ron wil
the siavoes ¢
pow eriess to
£ th
porter ireat such
seen Bg usoinie.s
gradual bhnl sure
and health.
has 8 way of des!
the people to make ro
It is the old law of
fhe fittest” at work,
victims are many.
We repeat the assertion that coffee
army large enough to appall the inves
tigator and searcher for facts,
The next prevarication of the coffee
importers and roasters is their state-
ment that Postom Food Coffee is made
of roasted peas, beaus or corn, and
mixed with a low grade of coffee and
that it contains no nourishment.
We have previously offered to wager
$100,000.00 with then that their state
ments are absolutely false.
They have not accepted our wager
and they will not,
“We will giadiy make a present of
that wager.
Free inspection of our factories and
methods is made by thousands of peo-
ple each month and the coffee impor.
ters themselves are cordially invited.
Both Postum and Grape-Nvig are ab
solutely pure and made exactly as
The formula of Postum and the an:
alysis made by one of the foremost
chemists of Boston Las been printed on
every package for many years and is
absolutely accurate.
Now as to the food value of Postum.
it contains the parts of the wheat berry
which carry the elemental saits such
as lime, fron, potash, silica, ete, ete,
used by the life forces to rebuild the
cellular tissue, and this Is particularly
true of the phosphate of potash, also
found in Grape-Nuts, which combines
in the human body with albumen and
this combination, together with water,
rebuilds the worn out gray matter in
the delicate nerve centres all over the
body, Jad throughout the brain and so.
lar ploxus,
Ordiuary coffee stimulates in an un.
natural way, but with many people it
slowly and surely destroys aud does
not rebulld this gray substance so vi-
tally important to the well-being of
every human being.
These are eternal facts, proven, well
authenticated and known to every prop:
W.L. DoucLAS
$3505 32° SHOES SH
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line
cannot be equalled atany price.
i nol
al WADE,
$l! - SHOES
i * Al
$10 000 REWARD to anyone whe ome
§ Cisprove this statement.
HI could take you into my three large factories
at Brockton, Mass. and show you the infinite
care with which every pair of shoes is sesde, you
would realize why W. LL. Douglas $3 50 shoes
cost mere to make, why they hold thelr »
fit beller, wear longer, and sre of
intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shee.
W. L. Pouvgline Strong Made Shoes for
Men, $2.50, $2.00. Boys’ £
Dress Shoes, $2.50,62,.81.75, $1.80
CAUTION, —lnsst upon having Wl. Doug.
Ins show i one gesuine
# pod on beaten,
rt Eyelets used
nol wesr brassy.
ite for Tliustras
W. L. DOUG LAS, Brockton, Bass.
¥ » tit te ¥
nging Retort Dessrved.
Yam es nnmander
appear to regard
a disgrace
LE DOn-Oom-
iors in the
¢ i 1 or
£2. A. RH.
the weleran,
ruling ser
in Rich
ginning of
man's soa
on the Ri
Carlo It is
town. Iu
ore of the
and the
£ o tld the
ined of
2 that he
ng lishiman
taro ch a
EY 1
Page, “but
ber we never say ordi
use it rerularly and
thstard its
ig misery amd disense
! wien or woman whe
£ use whe saiure pho
Leart wenkness, stomach sod
mibles, kidney disease. weak
ii nervous prostration.
yvlonge. The drog eaf-
in all ordinary coffee,
seontinued absolutely or the
enough to
ks. but there
3 $
ne and will grow worse.
It ix easy to leave off the old fash-
joned coffee by adopting Postom Food
for in it oue finds a plesving
has the dep seal brown color, rhang-
ing to a rich golden brown when goed
cream i= added. Wien bolled long
enough (15 minutes) the flavor is not
that of rank Rio coffee hut very like
the milder. smooth and high grade
Java, but entirely lacking the drug ef-
fect of ordinary coffee,
Anyone suffering from disorders set
can abeo utely de
pend upon some measure of relief hy
quitting coffee and using Postums Fees!
If the disease has not become 90
strongly rooted, ane can with good rem
gon expec! it to disappear entirely in a
reasonable time after the active cause
of the trouble j= removed and the relly
lar tissue Las time to naturally rebmild
with the elements furnished hy Pos
tum and good food.
It's only just plain old common sense.
Now, with the exact facts before the
reader, he or she can decide the wise
course, looking to health and the pow
er to do things,
If you have any doubt as te the
cause of any ache or all you may have,
remembes the far reaching telegrams
of a burt pervons system travel from
heel to Lead, and it may be well worth
our while 10 make the experiment of
aving off coffer eutirely for 10 days
and using Postvum In is place.
You will probably gather some pool
solid facts, worth nore thas =» pol
mine, for healtli can make gold and
sickness lose It. Hesides there's all
the fun, for it's like a continnous Sater
nal frolic to be perfectly well,
There's a reason for
Postum Cereal Co, Ltd. Battie Ureck. Mish.