| ma a a THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1906. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Lutheran—Gieorges Union Valley, morning ; afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening. Reformed Centre Hall, morning ; Tusseyville, afternoon, Presbyterian —Spring Mills, morning ; Centre Hall, afternoon, Methodist—Sprucetown, Centre Hall, aftern {Appointments not given here have not been reported to this office. | morning ; son ; Spring Mills, evening, SALE REGISTER, BATURDAY, FI Riter, gles, elo, WEDNESDAY, BRUARY 8, 1 o'clock, by John Hall : Household goods, bug Centre FEBRUARY 21, 1 o'clock p. m., yor, by George B. lee: 2 5 shoats, one brood sow, 9 fine will be fresh by time of sale, 8 sr shredder, and a fail line of farm i h ot Co milch cows, calves, fi implements. SATURDAY EBRUARY 4,2 o'clock p. m., at Centre Mary A Colyer aud Calvin 8 3 of Wm. Colyer, deceased : wots of real estate. Bee posters, LOTS m., J, C. Vonada mile west of Centre Hill, horses, 13 cows, 7 young farm implements. in good condition, m., D. K. Keller farm, two miles work horses, 3 colts, 7 ! heifers, 8 calves, 2 new farm im- ine of FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1 a and F n H east of ntre i 4 ick t steers fodon ston il line of —) hursday, March 8, y, March 9, o'clock, Mrs 7, one 1 Farm stock and Hall—Saturday, implements. 3 March 19, 2 arm stock, im J. D. Mur iousenold goods. ne mile north of Penn ws, and farm implements. n,2 14 han Grove 5 2 bulls, 16 head shoals | com miles horses, COWS, o'clock, Adam Farm stock, ete. 1-2 miles east rm, Sydoey I r n C2 mica Cows, 2 Shorin i il 6 youn ie, 6 calves, brood sows, 17 $ line of farm impiet DEATHS, MRS. SUSAN WISE Mrs. Bus at the home of ¥K. of the stomach, seventy-four years, Four daughters and four sons, twenty- four grand children nine great grand children The immedi- ate children are: Thos, F., Madison- burg ; Chas. 8., Clyde, O. ; George E., Rebersburg ; Wm. U., Portland, Ore- gon ; Mrs. J. H. B, Hartman, Mrs. F. P. Duck, Millheim ; Mrs. H. D. Ha- gan, Farmers Mills ; Mrs. Solomon Ho- vy ise died ail Duck, from cancer aged and survive, - man, Williamsport, IN PP. GEFHART, died at his eilefonte, Wednesday even- ing of last week, after a lingering ill- ness of seven fromm paralysis, Deceased ty-nive years of age and was 8 native of Penn town- ship. In bh life ie BKept a store in Milibeim. In 1564 was elected register and recorder of the county and perved three years. In 1870 he was elected a member of the Legislature and served until In politics he was a Democrat and a man of consider- able prominence not only in this county but throughout the state. He was twice married, snd is survived by his second wife and two children, Mrs. L. T. Munson, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. W. B. Dix, of Daytou, Ohio. John Philip Gephart home in I Years Was sevel i8 early he ABB, LOCALS, Joba L. Runkle, of Tusseyville, and Williama Reiber, of Colyer, were in town Monday on business, Roy Shafler will be employed on the farm by D. K. Keller. He and Mrs. Shaffer and baby SBhaffer will have their home with Mr, Keller, on the jd Huston far, seorge B. Lee and Elmer Miller, of Colyer, were callers Saturday. Mr. Lee is baggage master af Milton, and after his sale on February 21st, he will move his family to that place. The Osterburg Press, a sprightly lit- tle paper in its first volume, is desery- ing of the patronage of the good peo- ple of Osterburg and vicinity, The editor and publisher is Miley M, Grifiith, Mr, and Mr, 8B. W. Decker, of near Bpring Mills, who made sale of their personal belongings recently, Monday started for their new home in Mitchell, Bouth Dakota. They will begin farm- ing in the northwest, After suffering three months from the effects of a broken leg, E. Potter Tate, of Yeagertown, is able to be about again, The break occurred through the runaway of a team of horses. ‘The fracture was reduced, but the bones failed to knit satisfactorily, and Mr, Tate was taken to the Ger- man Hospital, Philadelphia, on Thanksgiving day, where he was treated until a few weeks ago when he returned to his home with his son, George Tate, at Yeagertown. Dr, De- ver had the case in charge. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bwint, 1120 Gano Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., are mourning the loss of their little daugh- ter, aged one year, eleven months, Mr. Bwint, when a boy, had his home with the Slabigs near Centre Hall, and will be remembered by many of the Reporter readers, all of whom will re- grt the allligtion of the family, THE BOROUGH CAUCUS, Democrats and Republiosns Nominate f.oonl Tickets, The Democratic caucus was held in the Council Room, Penns Valley Banking Building, Baturday evening. There was a very good attendance, and in most the nominations were made by acclamation, the ceptions being directors instances eX- school and councilmen, D. J. Meyer, the man, called the house to order, and re- ceived the nomination of W, Min- gle, Esq., as chairman, and Messrs, L. L. Smith DD. Barthelo- mew as clerks i motion put | and carried A rule » must receive a cast to become the The ticket ne Judge of Klecti J School Directors local committee i. and CU harles wus ae as made that each candidate mejority of the voles noulines, yminated is as follows: John T. {1 Lee, Inspector hn H. Pa Smith, Councilmen Bradford terling Justice Tax Collector Fran thi. Burgess—M. | Auditor High Co: For the M Wilson and i were aiso nol Measrs. speclively, 5 EE FEBRUARY ELECTION NOMINEES Named in the Various Townships satarday by the Democrats, Were In pursuance to a call by the county and local chairmen, the Democratic caucuses were held Baturday, and nominations made for the local offices, Appended are a list of candidates named on the South side. [ Nore—For the office of supervisor, the first named is for one year, the second for two and the third for three VOArs, | D I; registra Jorth Precinct Judge of election, spector, James Deck rt Bloom, t-Judge of election, P. B, Jordan ; registration assessor, Pr. J. K. registration of election, H. Ripka ; fudge oetor, G ra, Michael supervisors, A. ¥ Keller : OVerseor, tossman, Jackson Heckman, tax collector, David Bartgoes ; : auditor, John Fortney. james A. WwW. A. tion assessor, Fred Blegel The Republicans D. Brisbin, cus Monday chairman, | didate nomi inspector, for which place ler was named. Ap" three PViays members of the Hall, three plays in Grange 10th Ihe League, in Centre Epworth will render Areadia, Batur- day eveniog, instant, These | Young peopne, on prey Ani 1 have entertained audiences in a8 most Wit fi delightful way, which is a guarantee that the plays advertised by them will well worlh be DOW O16] 88 Buy GRriy snd iiss Beals, . sarah : . tt} May iu th FRET day of baptized into the i wes a faithful meml geiical cnurcia. The Sth day of December, was married to » children were born te i on th OL ion, he die uary, 1906 family The about which these fact being the to end her 8001 lovely and lovab which runsthrough then thread, lends them nobility sub- "iil limity. Its were that ur pose s=piration ““ As for in of the Psalmist : jade siied HReliess, me I shall behold thy right- ecusness, I shall Le s when 1 awake the face of God in in thy I'o behold righteousness, and at last to awake in his likeness, con- trolled her life of her devotion and service to her family The simplicity and ifishness Uist have never been surpassed, =he never considered own comfort or life it indi- * re-appesr "’ uel when she could serve her family. i ta + t was her delight to * disappear’ vidually that she might severally snd collectively in the great- er joy of joy that was set before he family succes For t Ee. Le r, she count. nd cost ed the temporary deprivation for naught. The sincere joy of Chris tian self-sacrifice was all the she coveted. Flowers are beaut reward iful and fragrant, but the center-piece gives them than beauty and more than fragrance, From her there shines a purity rival ing the pure white throat of the lily’'s corolla, and a fragrance that'shall only increases with the years ; for she has written for herself a character upon the immortal elements of the world. For two acore years she has been the center of the family and its ambitions, the source of ita inspirations, the re- cipient of its trophies of victory, and now the time has come that the cen- ter has been removed so that the sur. rounding units may assume full place aa subsequent centers, and work out for themselves a like beautiful and in- fluential life. It is an artifice of nature to give much life through death. In this case one has given herself, body and soul, and eight robust children, all in the prime of life, are the result of her life. And this was her joy-—to give herself chat they might have life, and have it, more abundantly. Knowing that she now beholds God's face In righteousness and is satisfied on awakening in his likeness, let us en deavor to surrender her to Him who has given so much through her. The following are the surviving members of the family, all of whom were present to pay a last tribute of love to the memory of the mother : The husband and father, Mrs. Lila Hettinger, and Magnus T., of Spring Mills; Mrs. Blanche E. Philips, of New York; Elkanah M., of Mont. ville, N. J. ; Florida R., of 8t. Louis Mo. ; Charles C., of Munson ; Almon more py A POINTER FOR BOYS, Al- fhe iloy Who Tries to do the Least ways Has the Hardest Trot to Uateh Up, ing tip does not have to trot so wir boys ever notice that ? Well it is much the same with boys. A boy y walks right up to and with bis k-— keeps abreast with his duties, has a much more pleasant time thao much. Wil wor rear. A boy must in some shape or other, do his share, and if he persists in poking slong whenever the eye of the instructor is on something else, he must be made to trot to cateh up with the fast, even walker who finds his work easy and pleasant because he never allows it to get ahead of him, Take a lot of boys together and the fellow who tries to do the least has much the hardest time of any. The boy who has the easiest time is the one who peels off his coat and starts rizhit in with the determination of doing well and promptly the work that is assigned to him to do, AA ———— Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Moth o's Favorite, The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, ita pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people every- where. It is especially prized by mothers of small children, for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it al ways affords quick relief, and as it con. tains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale: by C. W. Bwartz, Tussey ville ; F. A, Carson, Potters Mills, I, DRL Engraved OUards, Orders for engraved cards, invita. tions, ete, taken at this office. The highest class work. ns AIM HA ——————— Afraid of Strong Medicines, Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not know fia oat quiek Nuied fom Ran ms simply by a Cham- beriain's Pain Balm a Piha tak i FA L. and Bertha 0, st home, " ing an medicine in . For sale RAIN Sl - While Victime of the Horrible D Fell All About Tt} His Family, Their Only harmed. em, Mr, Hyatt and With Vac Weapon, Lived Health Bamuel following le G. $4 tter Commissione Dixen he from John of Jersey Pa, former Vi gul at Sa telling 's personal rience in fighting si with cine virus: Jersey 18 Ted Lhe Shore, niiago, of expe Vac~ 1906 ioner Shore Pa., Jan. 4, Dixon, Comm Pa Hon, of I Samuel G Health, Harrisburg ar Sir—As at | Of You sOMme ses i mor ATE OK 1’ ” tae morn- 5 vr rey ld my permi ssion to use it, tfully yo & HYATT. resp y ¥ iOHN T. “Greenhorn,” The term “greenborn” originated in this way: The pioneers of the west were much given to bunting deer. Tt was a fact known to early settiers that when the hom of a fawn began to grow there was a riug of green hair around the spot. It was considered a disgraceful thing for a hunter to kill a fawn, a cruel act, and the killing timo was regulated by the growth of the born. ‘There was a sort of unwritten law that no one should kill a male fawn before its horn could be seen. A person who was so unthoughtful as to kill a deer under the proper age was called a “greenhorn.” He was so named because the young horn of the deer and the halr around it were still green. The use of the appeliat] gradually spread until it was applied to all raw or Inexperienced youths or persons easily imposed upon. A The Clerk Was Right, “Well,” sald Wymsat, as he vainly tried to get into a No, 12 shoe with the ald of four shoe horns, “the clerk that sold me these shoes was right. I should have worn the box." Papa, 1s it al damp Wasi mmr. AB Minis fd The Term A ps So SY ad Hr GREY. es ” v HALE OF SURPLUS STOCK. Beilefonte, Are Out Mtock wt Half Frice-Sale Closes Jananry 31st, & Closing Surplus Montgomery Company, Belle- their surplus at half price, Their lines of goods embrace hats, caps, gloves, overs | coats, suits, trousers, rain coats, and an endless variety of men’s wear, chil- ’ men’s and boys’ shirts, Remember it is Montgomery & Co. Bellefonte. m— a —— Love is blind, and it may also be a case of dumb luck. The beauty about castles in the air that they require no bills We nat acm Bturtlong But Trae, go theater in which dred people lost. thelr than five times this 1 died from Chicego during the BCARICEIY 8 Dasellg of thi from nearly Hiv La umber nix vet or more 3.00%) pre ple ERIE Vear, notice, se cases of pneumonia a cold and could have vented by the ti ly use of lain's Cough ; y who had every reason to fear pneu- monia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The fol- lowing is ap of this sort: “TY te raid In favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and especially for colds and influenza, 1 Kuo cured my daughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threaten ed with pueumonis.” W. D. WiLoox, Logan, New York. id by C. WwW. Swariz, Tusseyvilie; F. A, Carson, Potters Mills heen Chamber. great nanny i ~emedy. A Inslance y IBUCH catnol that it . E0FPS 0909000000000 000000O0O® SPECIAL OFFER PHOTOGRAPHS ON W. W. SMITH Centre Hall Gallery (Clothing, DEMOCRATIC CO. COMMITTER« 1906. Bellefonte, NX. W_ 1. C, Harper '" HK. W., Patrick Gherrity WwW. W., George RB. Mosk ist W., James H. Munson nd W., Jacob Bwires rd W., EK G. Jones Centre Hall, D, J. Meyer Howard, Howard Moore Millheim, Pierce Musser Milesturg, James Noll south rhliptanti Joseph Gates Unionville, ¥. J. McDounel, Fleming Philipsburg, “ Benner, N, P., John F. Grove, Bellefonte #. P., John Grove, Bellefonte Bogs, N. P., Ira Conler, Yarnell “ EK. P,bJ C Barnhart, Roland W. F., Lewis Wallace, Milesburyg urnside, William Hippie, Pine Glenn +, 1. J. Droese, Lemont un, RB. A. Poorman, Romola Ferguson, E. P,, W. H. Fry, Pine Grove Mills 4 W. P., Bumner Miller, Penna. Furnace gx, N, P., Josiah C. Rossman, Spring Mills * KE. P,H P Herring, Penn Hall WwW. P., John Bmith, Spring Mills nes, EF. LD. Ormdorf, Woodward “ W. P,, Balph KE, Blover, Asronsturg moon, Emory McAfee, Blormstown Jolin Welland, Boalsburg Howard, A. M. Butler, Howard wton, Henry Hale, Julian Liberty, wD. B h, Eagleville * ? srgner, Monument Orr, Walker H. F. McManaway, Wolls Btore *. George B. Ww 13 Fdward i Waddle Coburn Care MAT: Miles, E on, J ’ Le Huey, Atnan . P., George H, Emerick, Centre Hall PF. F. A Carson, Potters Mills ., James B. Spangler, Tusseyville nk, Philipsburg i inson Blation cker, Retort noe Redding, Ssow hoe *., dames Culver, Moshannon 1. Carson, Bellefonte 3 ger, Vicasant Gep yr, Bellefonte ck, Nittany ch, Hubiersburg B. TAYLOR, Chairman —— ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' Bl k| BELLEFONTE, PA. business stiended to JCE~LETTERS TESTA- ihe estate of Bussnus Hoster- Miles township, deceased, havi ¥ granted Ww the undersigned he woul f PequUest ANY persons ins them » the esiale Lo make immediate nd those having claims sgainst the € Ww present them duly authenticated for set- W. HOBTERMAN, Executor, Centre Hall, Pa. 8 NOT I'y an tiement ta DMINISTRATORS NOTICE LETTERS of Administration on the estate of isle of Gregg township, ig been duly granted to the Sader he would respectfully request all persons knowing themselves indobued 0 the estate 0 make mme- diate payment, and those having cisizms he same 10 present them duly suthenticated for settlement. JAE, P. GROVE, Administrator W. Harrison Valker, Spring Mills, Pa Atorney, Bellefonte. INT OT E TO CREDITORS] have been ap- polaied agent for the helrs of Sarah Durst, deooased All persons baving claims against sald estate will please present them Ww me lor payment. W. B. MINGLE, Centre Hali, Pa. UMP REPAIRING- The undersigned is prepared Ww repalr all styles of pumps, ele, Prompt sttention will be given this work, Windmills and Pumps and repairs for same, can be furnished atl any time, at lowest cost. Also. a full line of plumbers supplies. If in need of water pipes, Do matier what size or quan. tity, get prices from me. Also, Gasoline Engines Dec, 12, 1805, Bt J. 8B. ROWE, Centre Hall, Pa Neckwear, THE NEW HATTAN SHIRT THE NOB NON THE LATEST HATCH AND $e ox CO. OTHER ALL MERCHANT TAILORING FROM J. CO. GO0000000PORROOIVPBPBIDEDOOR PBS FROM SIMONS- LINES FROM FIRST SPECIALTY. SUITS MADR 09000000000000000 3902000000000 00000000PFPC0RPRNP Pan. 009 SHCEBLPVBVPBROBBROVPPRD0D qualities and the lowest prices possible to make, 25¢ 25¢