MS EV sep NEWS OF COURT, Sentences Imposed Upon the Guilty— New Cases The latter part of week was taken up by the trial of the negro, De- lige, an account of which appears in another column, A motion was grant. ed for a new trial of the negro. Commonwealth vs, Edgar Lutz, in- dicted, first count, desertion and non support of wife ; tion of child and non support, cutrix Gertrude Lutz This case is from Walker towns! ip, and these two young people were mar- ried October 31, 1901. Terms of settle- ment were agreed upon thie parties whereby the defendant pled guilty, sentence to be suspended until pending Inst second count, deser- Prose between April session, the earrying out of the other terms of the agreement Commonwealth ve, Wm. Colpetzer, indicted first fog fire arms ; concealed deadly weapons, Wm. Wellers. This case ia from Ben. ner twp. Verdict of guilty on the second count. Judge Meat Nittany Valley Railroad Company vs the Nittany Company, which was continued Monday and Court Monday morning, with the Hon. Ellis L. the bench, and the following persons were called for sentence: WwW. Gill, charged with surety of the peace, and heard by the court some time ago, was sentenced to pay the costs and enter into recognizance in the sum of $00 to keep the peace against the prosecutor, Wm. Colpetzer, convicted of ecarry- weapons ; ’ count, wantonly point. second count, carrying prosecutor lure heard the cage of the Iron Tuesday convened Urvis on (igo. sel. Argu- of costs, ing concealed deadly tence suspended until March ment Court upon payment Clyde McGinley, sentenced to pay a fine of §15.00 and costs of prosecution, Bteve Bihara, convicted of sentenced to pay costs of prosecution, $1.00 fine and threes in the county jail. These Commonwealth disposed of as follows during las Wm. A. Wellers and battery, larceny ; months CASES Wer: z last week; Commonwealth vs with asssuit Wm. ( nored and prosecutor Common ~ealth ve. Robert White- head, George I... Whitehead, and C. W. Martin, charged with unlawful re- moval of coal, prosecutor, Jas, R. Som- erville ; Commonwealth vs, John Duck and Andrew Basalla, charged with larceny, prosecutrix, Lizzie Lusnak ; nal. pros Common weaith v Hoover and Jefl Moore, Joseph Barrier ; snd Commonwealth va. Jef! Moore, Hoover and Joseph Gill ; both cases being violation of the game laws Both appeals were j hed The following cases on list were disposed of : Anna Bell Dyke vs, J. settled, Mary Walker v continued o terial Christian Hes and Wu Ve Mrs. (| CA=, execute testament verdict in 704.14 A. BT Catherine Ik. of Wm. P deceased ; verdict in for $635 83, s sion of $25 00. Bame vas trix of ete, of Hi and Catherine KE. Wm. P. Lucas, favor of plaintiff for $675 Monday afternoon the first taken up was that of J. B. Kern Frank Auman, being a trespass case from Penn township. Verdiet in fav- or of the plaintiff for $20 charged prosecutor, ‘olpetzer ; bill t LO pay costs settled, Grant prosecutor, prosecu Richard t¢ We, ge in the charg week's th . Lilis C. Harper, Wilhess Womsr Lu Una of Wm. P. 1a BV O1 of ms Va Lerine Lu iX, FF Lie wil ana decessed ' the plaintift for executors, vs. of ete, , ate of Howard boro, fav WME execulrix ’ or of plaiotif] sttorney’s commis- Rebecea Lucas, administra. 1 Licas, deceased, Lucas, of deceancd in execulrix verdict Cane Ve. Spring Mills. Mrs. Duncan Runkle, with her two children, is visiting her mother, Mra, Mary Stover. This was Mrs. Runkle’s home, up until the last few years dure ing which time they have been living in Shamokin. This being the end of the first se mester at Stale College, Wm. Allison and friend Mr. Foster, and Bruce Gramley, all students at the college, spent several days visiting the folks at home. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gramley, of Re bersburg, spent Friday and Saturday at the home of T. M. Gramlicy. Charles Grenoble, accompanied by his sister, Miss Maggie, and Miss Jes sie Beaver, sil of Yeagertown, spent Bunday visiting friends here, Miss Byrd Stover, of Rebersburg, spent several days lsat week at the home of her sister, Mrs, John Meyer, Miss Mabel Allison and brother Frank are spending this week at Cer - tre Hall with their aunt, Mm, J. F. Alexander, Mr. and Mre. T. W. Walker, of Re- bersburg, spent Tuesday st the home of T. M. Gramley, ——————— TA oY ——————— Death at Millhelm, Jacob Alters died at Millhelm, Fri. day of Jast week. He is survived by a widow and the following ehildren : Mrs. Edward Ketner, Bt, Joe, Michi- gan ; Mrs, Wallace Kerstetter, Milroy ; Mrs. Bailie Bellman, Milibeim ; Her- man, Lock Haven; Oliver, Greens san. LOUALS, Tuesday Mra. H. B. Hering, of Spring Milla Bhe doea not improve very rapidly. I'he little son of Mr, and Mrs, Jame Goodhart, at Centre Hill, haa been of bronchitis, but is improving Frank M, Penn Hall, were guests of the latter's father, James A. Keller, Wednesday, The aince last day high winter I'he thermometer from 29 to 50, Mr. and Mrs, Fisher, of temperature has been very for mid- Mrs, Lizzie Jacobs, who for the past few weeks has been quite ill, had im Wednesday was obliged to take her bed again. proved considerably, but John G. Emerick is seriously ill at Wallaceton, Clearfield county, having received a paralytic stroke within the Mrs. went to Wallaceton to wait on her husband. past two weeks Emerick E. Clayton Wagner is the guest of nd Mrs. A. E. Ker- lin, and Saturday will go to Miflip- burg to visit Wag- the family of Mr his brother, James ner, station agent at that place Miss | Duck, « Louis, Mo. ; Mra. Blanche Philips, of New York ; Elcana Duck, of Marshalltow: : ¢ MM Mi. rida n i Mrs. M. B. Duck, at Spring Mills, las Thursday. L Miss Lola Btrohm, of went to Pp Morning LUiladelphia he will take the , Where = a8 a trimmer in wholesale She has had considerable 8s a trimmer, having been in New an UH tablishment in York some Lime, George Black, of Pleasant Westmoreland cot nd stone, is the guest of | of Rev, Daniel Gress, in this g Wiie i Mr. Black does an extensive per | fished grades, reival J. LL is east to, numoer of § but five T= ago he aud engaed in til | Deacamber 3 Pars Lies Lit Ve the g (ini ness un- aul two ago he taught sehio tra samuel 8 Hazel Doad, AI S. Haze lent of Bell years foreman at the Watchman « died Friday ever th ie] lI, » well known , and for eight ing, Javuary 28 home h I he © Ik at . A parents at of h death in t August he oiled i marrisge to Misd OM, # f James A Pwo children, this Oue son died about six years ago, gaughier Lt, ‘ will Fo %s formerly of Centre Hall ( Carrie sud Grace, survive union, Agents Change Looations J. Drecse, railroad of re rvin for a number years signed his position Lemont, Philip Bradford, the present sgent at Linden Hall, snd a good all ‘round railroad man, has been appointed to succeed Mr, Dreese, Mr. Bradford will Linden Hall by Jacob C. Lee, now in the railroad service at Milton. He is a native of the south side of Potter township, and bears an excellent repu- tation in railroad circles, agent st be followed at ——— ry, RA Crystal Bpring Hebekah Lod Crystal Spring Rebekah Lodge, No. 25, was instituted in Bellefonte Tues. day, by District Deputy President Miss Roxanna B. Brisbin, under the order of the Grand Master. There were sbout seventy-five charter members The degree stafl of the Lady of the Valley Rebekah Lodge, of this place, assisted in confirming the degree in the evening. About twenty of the local lodge witnessed the ceremony. AA Millheim, Mra. Hattie T, Btover was in Centre Hall for a week visiting Mr. and Mrs, F. P. Geary. The Modern Woodmen held a “smoker” in their ball Friday evening, Mr. Bhelton entaiued them for some time with his new talking machine. Mra. EE. W. Mauck returned from an extended visit to her parents apd many friends al Shamokin and other points, Samuel Ripka Is on tha sick let, having been confined to the house for several days, H. N. Meyer, agent for the Penn Mutual Life [osuranee (Co, was ealled to Lewisburg on business, a few days Clyde Hartman recently purchased some fancy pigeons which he expects to fly from Philadelphia, Savannah and Toronto, * J. Bpligelmyer recently purchased the western half of the Stoner lot, adjoin. ing the Musser house, and intends to enlarge the rooms, and by spring move his eutire stock and the post office to that place. The price paid was $1000, F, O, Hosterman a trip to burg ; Windom, address unknown, Bnow Bhoe last week, in search of a conch horse, —_— os 0. 0 HO SPIO INN Mr. Weber Much Improved, The most encouraging reports are re- ceived from the University of Penn- Hospital, Philad., { last Friday, John H. Weber, of this place, underwent a most serious opera- { thon for of the bowels. Dr. | Martin operating surgeon, | An the left syivania Hider was the incision was made above I i hip, and the nleerat ed { intestines moved i Of f { which indi | Martin requir Dr. condition len its extensiveness. Weber's Monday was remarkably good, and re Mr [ porta since then have been similar. | Mre. Weber and Miss Bessie Weber patient to the | hoepital. The former will remain there | for the present, but the latter expects urn t to rely | saccompsnied the » Centre Hall in a few days, mila Stuart to be He-appoluted, Con Mie winan Dresser has recom- Jolin W, Btuart to be Rppoiu edd Mii r man " ai to af Lie lation of the Congress- a at the main red a FAS TRI re Ha SHIRTINGS PERCALES CALICOES MUSLINS SHEETINGS PILLOW-CASING TOWELING, Curtain Goods, Cootton Goods, Prod nr PHNVOGPOOLTLBIVDEBOEO 10 taken in ex wange for goods, Come and see before buying H F. ROSSMAN SPRING MILLS, PA. CRB ANS EIR PPR OR eel SOOO TOPPT VOPR RPO rc 0090 O0OS ———————— Siok Headache, Phis distressing ailment results from a disordered condi ion of the stomach Ail that is necded to effect a cure js a dose gor two of Chamberiain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets In fact, the attack may ve warded off or greatly lessened in severity, hy taking a dose of these Fates um sori ne the first symptom of in mitack appears, Bald hy °, WwW, dearig, Poweevville: BF. A, Carn, Poiters M ia EVONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD, Wook Duyn WESTWARD 5 B ELL EASTWARD, 6] ¢ | 2 ( STATIONS PM, | P.M | AMIAr, Lv. A 12 50 | 8 60 .....Bellefonte.,...| 12 40 | 8 400... Coleville. 12 87 | 8 871... Morris, ......| 12 85 : ma 12 3 au 12 20 12 7 sn——-— » —— 38838 ENEEEX = zl =x ra — Es83E sass CONG 0000020000000090200000000EPLOPEPHRSCHND ¢ ¢ ¢ Bellefonte, Pa. ICTURES FRAMED at The Index, Re ti P On and after February shall be prepared to frame i y . tively 4 pictures entirely to taste Your Our sto “Tt ding SLOAN Linings, It date, our price fair, so we tronage. ‘he Index... L —- - Cn A ORIN This is the Lest way in which we cau express the enormity of owr f firat Yas LL sy Of first class in abundance [eath- Mufflets wk We have : wr littene, W sty Shira 1 oolen Shirts, aps, Hose, Toboggans Storm Goods, Dress Goods in on, Boots, Shoe: ything that will hel; » keep you 1 1n cold weather, at the very es, 5S "LEFT-OVERS AT RARE BARGAINS. nd what you don’t s No trouble to show our Kreamer and Son CENTRE HALL, PA. WD VV VV DDVVYDV WUD @P VOY Pe == i PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Philad, & Erie R, R. Division and Northern Central Ry, ‘ripe wh Al Trev evey 1 FEAR TL # dens J ry 5 5 wh i ri THE BELL i > es nes TELEPHONE Reaches 27,000 Cities and Villages. rie rt whe THT rrr rrr rrr Tre 4,000,000,000 Messages Ann ually, 2,000,000 Telephones in use. PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE CO Contract Dept., Bell efonte, Pa. ath oad spa FX EYEE ETTE 1 L 2 FW pbb bbdbddiidii dda ® sy peti dnd Bil oe in didn Bindi Bnd dpi. BBB he Centre Hall | Rolkr F louring Mills. J. H. & S. E. WEBER, Proprietors WHITE LILLY FLOUR sod Mil.l. FEEDS 1e Highest Market Prices will bz paid for all kinds of 1 om, d Hay and Straw will be bought at all times, at the best prices the market will afford. Q AL All sizes of Coal, the best Grades of Coal to be } had, always hand, We invite school § is belore placing orders for fuel. f TTTTTTTreeee on ~~ id wp rege wy hn _ ti a ol nity patie i / ¢ ¢ ¢ / / / ¢ ¢ 7 $ ¢ ¢ 68 351 00 wishurg for Montan 2458, m, 1.15 and eave Montandon for Ba m, 45% and on 9.16 and ring leave Lewis dds pm J. R. WOOD, Lass. Traffic Mgr ral Pass'ger Agt $2 a un { ¥ r burg 9.25 i a. if nid W. W, ATTERBURY (denerml Manage GEO WW, BOYD. Geng nD OF ‘ENTRAL RAJLROA! ¢ Tabi Condensed Ti PENNSYLVAN] Week Days Read Down Read { Nod Nod} 0 'M 405 2 i 7 40] 7 43) 7 4% 50 Hntondaie Mi Krider's Spring. WM . Mackeyville . LOodur Springs 07. Salona 120. MILL HALL..........|8 33 (« Central and Hodson River BR. R. POL ....Jdemey Bhore....... 83 8 PE Arr. | we hve 2 50 11 80 Lve. | Wi msport { Arr, 2 30 (Philad, & Reading Ry.) 50 PHILA NEW YORK... (Vis Phila, ) i 2 # 3 3 9 3 A 3 vo! 9 w iB 0 » # ® A 8 08 OF 08 I «3 AF nl ad ol of af wd wd wf od — $X 538 9u2 a = P02... AN wind 0 90 Ar New York Vie Tamaqua) J. W. GEPHART, Goneral Superintendent Pes 00000OeRsv saan ¢ i { ; ¢ ; ‘ ¢ ; } / ¢ ‘ / ! At reduced Prices. Tablets, 5¢ to 20¢ 10c to 35c¢, Lead Pencils, Pens, Crayons, etc. WIELAND, Linden Hall . E. 9999 DDRVWBVUBDOAD / / / ( / ¢ / / ’ ¢ / ( : # 0 ® * % ® ® ® » ® ® ® ¥ ® ® ® ® * * % * a t * a i 2 * % 4 ® ® & ® ® ® ® ® : * % ® a ® : THE CENTRE HALL SuppLy Co. WM. F. COLYER, Manager. WANTED-WANTED-WANTED You want the highest market prices for your poultry, apples, potatoes, onions, do you not ? We are paying the following prices APPLES, per bu. POTATOES ONIONS CHICKENS, per 1b DUCKS, 75 cents 52 * 50 g i GEESE, per 1b, VEAL, live ** HIDES, per Ib, 10 cents 6 9 ‘ “© we “ “ “ | These are Cush Priors at Oentre Hall Pills for crossness ? Certainly. They remove the cause -~the crossness vanishes. A sluggish liver poisons the blood, spoils the temper. Keep your liver active and your bowels regular, Have a clear brain, a brave iaeart, a Jopetul outlook. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. v . al | vegetab e ' Sugar-coated. Sold for 60 years JAYNE'’S EBA DDL BOD BEBENSZREESEE BPS AUER BE RRR BESSTEERESES 75 years now comes also in a Convenient to carry with you. Don't be without it. Ask your druggist, 1900 ALMANAC FREE. Write to lw, D0, Jayne &