fre ne stm pap—————" mmr » A : - mp antn— ————— ————————————— AN SEAN I “ ER eI — i conn pom a toy ’ AA INI tsoois i THE CENTRE REPORTER. | Harris Township. | Pald Subsoription. ! LOCALS, The D, L, Kerr Farm Sold Marriage Licenses $.W. SIITH, . . . Editor and Proprietor. Daniel Keller and sisters, Mary and The Reporter is indebted to many of] Frank Goodhart is in Altoona, on a The well known Kerr farm, south of Kdward C. Ishler, Btate College. == : | Roxie, were visitors from Houserville, | ite patrons for subscription paid re- | visit to his brother, R. H. Goodhart. Centre Hill, owned by David 1. Kerr, Catharine Figher, Pleasant Gap. Ce» {TRE Haver, . . PENNA. | Miss Dora Meyer, of Bellefonte, | cently. It is dollars that make the! (earfield business men are working Was sold to James H. McCool, of | John F. Krape, Aaronsburg. — 5 . eee. | BPD 8 few days in Boalsburg | mare go, but the kindly expression of | (, secure a silk will for that town, to Bebersburg. The purchase includes Mamie Esther Crouse, Aaron sburg. THU RSDAY, FE BRU ARY 1 1906. The sympathy of the entire com-| many of the Reporter readers, makes employ 500 girls the home of Mr, Kerr, as well as the Win. P. Grease, Johpstown. | munity is extended to the family of | the editor feel that his efforts to fur-| AMS. The te y / N av NY reavement. nish the local news of the county are TEE M8. The te rms of subscription to to the Re- W. A. Murray in their bereavement . 1 unty | the Pennsylvania railroad company st porter are one dollar per year in advance. A large number of persons were in at. | Appre ciated, Those who responded re- | rumor gays the price paid was $5000 Pomons Grange ADVERTISEMENTS.—20 cents per line for : pra . { Conemaugh, is home for a short stay. 4 y Rana range, three insertions, and 5 cents per line for each sub- | tendance at the funeral, All the pub-|cently are: M. L. Bmith, E. H. Mey- | Miss M t Bolend § 3 Mr. McCool will not take possession " 3 i f i 4 1 3 3 i oJ OTIHR~ t x : ’ Application. Other rates made known on | 11. «ohools in the township were closed, | er, Hiram Lee, Wm. 8, Martz, J. lL. " 88 } gat : olen: or = X Ona | until the spring of 10907 He has | held its regular quarterly meeting , A Tron a ' ' ian Gelnett, o Middleburg, were . : : : ’ 3 i ' Pr . 4. : | both teachers and scholars being in at- I'ressler, James H. McCool, J. C. |; WD ry Wego re rented the Mitterling home, nedY by | Tyesdds At the noon hour, about : : AT v ' y 1 ed o 1e athh uit. 1¢ bride r ‘ ” ’ 3 “a APE y & x v a ” { AW ie £ M ¥ lara shies 4 i Hh x + 5 A Aaronsburg, tendance, thereby showing their re Bi wn, Ne wion U, Yarnell, J. A. frequently visits Miss Laurs Runkle he Kerr place, which he will occupy sixty members were served with re- spect for one who had during the past | Grove, Rev. 8B. G. Bhannon, A. J. Mus- | | a: lew} : : So y "7 by the first of Aj freshments in the dining hsll. The r6 eo f their ‘bar av. | Be ? Zeigle , | lu this place, Sy SE 4 years been one of their number. Rev. r, W. F, Zeigler, Jasper R. Brungart, | A spread was elaborate, A full account W. K. Harnish, the young lady's pas- Joseph Emmett, Ira Girossman, Mrs. | D. A. Boo 61, the liveryman and Smith, the Photographer, of the business transacted will appear tor, chose for his text words spoken by | Sarah Foreman, George Felding, R. D. | suddler, has been ill for the past ; two W. W. Smith, the Photographer, in the next issue of the Reporter. the prophet Isaish, “The flower | Foreman, L. IL. Bmith, Mrs. G. W,| Wee ks, and for the greater part of the | ill be in Centre Hall Friday —— a fadeth, because the spirit of the Lord | Dunkle, J. C. Vonada, Mrs, Anna lime was confined to bed. His con- bloweth over it.’ Rev. D. P. Hepler, | Bartges, C. H, Meyer, Hon. Henry | dition is not regarded as serious, of Ansonville, a former pastor, also! Meyer, B. Paul Dinges, James P, Mr. and Mrs. Willis G. Davidson, spoke some comforting words to the Frank, W. E. Detwiler, Isaac Bpicher, | arrived in Centre Hall Bautrday, and E. R. Wolf and Tom Stover were family. Mrs. Charles Hower, of Henry Rossman, GG. M. Harter, Joel | were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahanoy City, an intimate friend of | Dubbs, Isaac Bmith, Mrs. Hoover | Bwabb. Mr, Davidson is employed by nests of Oliver Wolf, at Wolf's Btore : Tad 21453 i r. a rams fu mind ’ "the Murray family, with her two little | Dalby, W. 8B. Musser, Fred BStiflier, | the Pennsylvania railroad company # ari Murray and Helen Ere { ‘aid ' a ¥ i . Miss Blanche Weaver returned from girls, Marion Murray and Helen, were John Lucas, H. C. Roberts, John N. | George Tate, of Yeagertown, sand a » , AGE 3 Oy : % ring ies ? . a few month’s stay with friends at also present. . Boal, G. R. Me ise, Richard Brooks, Frank Hackenberg, of Reedsville, Btate College C. D. Moore, L.. Mothersbaugh, John | Perry Breon, Wilbur Bland, Benjamin | t ege. a | srtney and son George Meye itive ill Coller. E Mrs. Caroline Mayes has gone to Fortney and Li treorge, J. H. Meyer, aver, Dr. William Keller, Elmer | topped at C entre Hall long enough to visit her dauiht in New York cit E. Weber, Edward Williams, J. N. | Miller, F. P. Auman, George B. Lee, | call on the Re porter. The latter is a 18 or (8 iter, in New Rk C . : y . . ; ! ! : : r is 1 WE : in : y Dinges and Jacob Meyer transacted B, E Hpaagler, O. M. Lonberger. J Harry Sauers, of State College, was business at t unly seat last week. | L. Runkie. G : Tate. I nae ' \ 2 siness at the co y seat las eek. ' L.. Runkie, George Tate, Levi SBtump, | and builder. Mr. Tate 8 building the guest of Miss Hettie Smull, over . ' v i Wey { . Mr. Tate says building B day : N. W. Meyer and W. G. Mothers Mrs, Anna Bell Hettinger, Mrs. Dan’l IA Uy. Misses Carrie Weaver, Lila Acker baugh are att ing court this week Keller, Mrs. John Orbison, A. W.|demand for houses. He has several and Miriam Keister spent part of the 88 jurors. Dale, Luther K. Dale, A. J. Bhook. h . . . Ira Hess and 2on were visitors fre semi il — | Sabbath at the Keister home, at} . ‘+ . the Mountain City, LOCALS fall. for the adv wr Woodward. 3 Bl t raed ' = Ry . hall, Tor the Ad VAD m Po beet ‘ Mrs, Joseph Hettinger, who Las wv, G. W, Mellinay, of the Metho- | esent would be Tom Meyer and family, of Coburn, Ste tres 3) ’ nt 1 t] . t Cl St been critically ill, ix now recovering st church, is conducting a re were the guests « Jer Stover, on A . . i i ~E hy y , An infant child of Mr. an r=, unday. " 5 . 5 B . ; . : E., Bnyder was interred in the Boal Ww” 1 Charles Smull and family, of Bmull- burg cemetery, Tuesday : « ! . ce nery, uf BY 3 y i + Mr. an Mrs. /m. 1( iad * : oOck Haven, will sail in a ton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bare and} ,, 0 11d of Mr. and Mrs, Fulmer, of Rebersbirg, werels =" S vioday sncnoon. | 07 Jaga with bis wile, for u few W. D. Strunk & Son, Centre Hall, Pa. : . : . " . / 0 journ in Caba, { g ; guests at the home of Jesse Wert, on Charles Mothersbatgh departs Ww J RSMo: Eom AGENTS FOR : ay ‘ " ev. J. M. Rearick bee olding n ? _ - butt en Thursday for an indefinite stay at) oV-: M. Rearisk bas been Lolding |] Huber Manufacturing Co. | ee Williamsport ER WSs UL IG cee 1 L HARRISBURG, PA Linden Hall. . . - i OF Lie Ul BETVICES here will a “s ; 2 » Mrs E. E. Brow wnt few wee ; : James M. Ross is in Altoona this ) eaching to-night ( Thursday week, visiting Dr. and Mrs. Smith. Miss Effie farm, which containg about one Nellie va Gruver. Howard, Asher Btahl, who is employed by hundred and thirty acres. Common Br ———— re County Pomona Grange Miss Kathryn Bower has returned home after an absence of nearly a year with friends in Williamsport. Mies Lizzie Condo has gone to visit her brother Harry at York. Messrs. Wm. B. Mingle, of Centre Hall, and Albert Mingle, of Bellefonte, made a business trip to this town one day last week. February 2, from 8 to 2:30 o'clock. X Bherifl Bpangler has been cone fiouse on account of Visiting cards ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ # ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ y ¢ 4 § ( 10 THE REW BEGIRNERS . . . We will save you money if you buy any- thing of us from A COOK STOVE to A PIANO, or that in the Furniture Line, Give us a trial, made a trip overland to Bellefonte, and ' Pe VWd { liveryman, a1 nd the former a contractor | operations cannot keep puce with the oures under way now, and regrets that he parted with seve vival at Smith Bros., Spring Mills, Pa. i i i Sl a We en fee N90 NDR ND $99 DVDRY Peale, former at Tussey ville, Lon : ntre Jesse R. Zigler, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Mays visited their sis- Hall. Great Island Presbyterian chureh, ter, Mrs. J. L. Tressler, the latter part Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane at- Dock Haven, has resigued. He will of last week. tended the funei f the latter's moth- | 4€Y iis time to study and travel Mrs. Henry Homan and Mrs, Frank er. Mrs. Barba: lankin. at Bell cotland and Germany Homan spent Saturday with their fonte, last ; i ¥olv un few day? H are hompson, editor of The Avyer’s Cherry Pectoral ¢ sunt, Mrs. Mollie Miller. previous rid i {his : § : ef us placed bimeelf in |B tainly cures coughs, colds, The meetings which have been held | merrime eighty o tL fr lasictotion “ at Bow g 2 h in the U. E. church the past three |®¢0U 1 a a ; sf im ¢ ant himaeif 1 1 ; 4 nis, consumption. Al ”, doth ; 2 pt t i, &nd it brings Joy was cha ; esa a ertainly strengthens weak a : 3 Ligher price much interest is shown. Bervices tended Woh iversary at the d Fal. i { Ef throats and weak lungs. will continue this week. lows’ orphar r | an affection of the nerve} 8 10cre can be no mistake about There have also been services in the | favorabl port of the same at th ) wiry : YT ’ 2e 3 And r wting of the I lody iat re t was necessary Monday for Rev this. You know itistrue. And Reformed church since Wednesday | ™** A a AEE, spd Nd . ss sting evening. 1d weeks have been well attended, and evening. Mra. Wielanc and sons Lo Rearick to take his eldest daugh-JM vour own doctor will say so. : B. F : . ert and Daniel aiso visiled Irie s 1 ter, isz Jodie, to a specialis > J Irvin Burris Monday returned from | Sunbury. TAY 333 tt. Bho} = » : . ho best kind of a testimonial 3. F. HOMAN ’ Agent \ . . . + HHIRIe IH She is sfilic wit 5 Bald for ov ixty yeu : ™ i a trip to Pittsburg, where he visited Dr. J. | hy i ya ed with id ver sixty years Oak Hall Station, Pa eouiiar twitching of the his brother. Mr. aod Mrs. Joh t f Bat . ao : e Mado by J ©. Ayer Co. 1 peli College, sree |i Boaisburg nds roiling the eyes ‘eo ra ulsoturers of i ess loge, 3 Eo mai oh a GRAIN MAKKE DR. SMITH’S SALVE il, Mass. § mild and gentle, easy to take and cer- | formed ¢ vr HabDEE ' aw d8y. The pastor, Dr. W. H. Schuyler . : : Felons, C Flesh Wounds, tigers, tain to act, always use Chamberlain’s | }P8 With the J upped i AF a hela . Mil g : a " sipeins, af bunsies Bolla. ry. : ’ y . f 1 ¢ AL v q r ' ' (1 Mrs, Sehuyier were | jlesburg 2 ' ed ; Spel SCE ! 2 . Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale Miss Jane icprariane returneq | yler were in Ee ITE ; FRODUOE AT STORE Swelling, Skin Eraptions, Fever Sores, g by C. W. Bwartz, Tusseyville; F. A. week from a 3 kt 8 nd Mili that day, the guess of the latter's K ep the bowels regular with Ayer's " Piles, Burns, Scalds, Chilbleins, Corns, Carson, Potters Mills. county. other, Rev. Andrew Carver, ills and thus hasten recovery. Fou 0 | Kees ¢ al ois Capped Shinds, Bit. Ei2, DR. SMITH CO... Centre Hall 29¢ ——— rs, B® XE 48¢ TELE EINTYLLEREE SWOlIR. OF oo: | Boots, Shoes ana Rubbers es fine spring heel Dongola Kid 98¢ es at Doomed Price ) i - dies’ warm lined Slippers, Doomed 79¢ oes me YEAGER AND DAVIS Doomed rice : y . 5] 48 a Sarin me At si HIGH STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., is now in the nye Eo bw ss = = i $1 98 hands of the World's Greatest Bargain Givers Big lot Men's very fine Shoes in latest styles , y - - i, Celebrated $3.50 Walk-Over make, Doomed $2.39 ( xX . \\ . ( x I ( J) \ ES c 1 11 ( | 7 ). “BN 0 N. B. Merchants from the city or country wishing They are forced to close their doors. Stock is doomed and must go. The WANTED—25 Salespeople, Women and fo pe Base portions of this stock must call betwee n the backward season and being overstocked have placed Yeager & Davis in this con- Men. Sale Positively Closes ours of g and 10 a. m., as all other hours will be reser dition with $25, 000.00 worth of up-to-date Shoes, Etc., on hand. The stock is ed for our retail trade. doomed and must go. The most tremendous sale of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Slippers, in Ten Days. Etc., will start at NINE O'CLOCK. A, M. lL — y, FHebruary 1st 1906 9 Shoes A RR RIE LI -_ ten NN Goods will go for far less than raw cost of production, Nothing reserved, The Rubber Boots and Felt Boots stock must be turned into money, Their loss is your gain, $1 00 will go as far as Ladies’ and Men's . $3.00, This will be the greatest Shoe Sale that ever occured in this city or country, } with Heavy Overs Yeager & Davis, after years Bellefonte’s most reliable Shoe Merchants, bid good-bye Oxfords and S lippers . . Big lot Men's nobby styles Vici Kid and Big lot Men's heavy Felt Boots with Gum s 31. O8 fo all of their doomed stock forever, : Lo : : Calf Of fe hires oe a pt $1.48 Overs, will go at Doomed Price , . . ’ = A mighty movement of all goods. Winter and Summer, weights all must]go. , On account of being over Big lot Men's extra fine Calf, Patent $2 48 stocked and the backward season, Yeager & Davis, Bellefonte's most reliable Shoe House, find themselves right Leather, Vici and Velour, worth $4, at now at the end of the season with $25,000 worth of Fine Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for Men, Women, Boys and One big lot of Men's Slippers will go at » Big lot Men's hand made Chicago Kip tap v $1. a8 Children, All have been combined by the great conductors and will be sold for less than the cost of production. Doomed Price . 19¢ sole Boots worth $3.50, Doomed Price . G. W, GROVES & CO., Conductors, It will pay you to come 100 miles to visit this great sale of enormous stock Big lot Men’s extra heavy high cut Box cg 48 Vades one roo, Ths gigantic sale begins Tauiglay, February 1st, at 9 m. and closes in 10 days. Opening Patent Leather, trimmed very stylish, worth double sole lace Shoes worth $3.00 . ir Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday, February 1,2, 3aad 5. Watch for the large sign and Yeager & $2.00, will go at Doomed Price , . oo O8c avis name over the door if you value money. Positively no goods sold and no one allowed into the building un- EE EY til Thursday at 9 O'cloek. One big lot of Ladies’ fine Vici Kid Opens eo EE ee Slippers, go at Doomed Price. . . , , , IC NNN Nw Big lot of Ladies’ and Men's Articles Doomed aI 98c One big lot of Ladies’ fine Oxfords, Gondola and Vici Remember we have thousands of different lots of fine Shoes and Slippers that we have not got space to mention ht Have nothing lieep you away, we have what you want, Nothing Reserved iy . *