UTINEERS STILL IN CONTROL Situation at Vladivostok Has Not Been linproved. FLAMES ARE SPREADING IN GOMEL. At Lodz, Russian Poland, Three Men Entered a Hospital and Stabbed to Death a Man Who Had Been Condemned By Revolutionlsts--The THE LATEST NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. DOMESTIC Schaick, master of i h 1,000 Captain Van General Slocum, on which were in the Baltic Provinces is $4,000,000. is sailor by the Battery, give fortress my ne o out | newspaper ons of spatch, ne Ner ved, Coss: resis of news Mode, of the t: ops Lieutenant-Genera expected ing mut The : been made STOLE FOR WEDDING TROUSSEAL. Preity Woman Accused of Shopliitieg In a New York Store. Noted Acronsut Desd. Nine Hours ia Panama. Vashington, D. C House voted to ad the provision sight-hour law in der.in the urgent ‘ory motions were made by io prevent the further com the bill. dehicier MUCH IN LITTLE The Mexican lap dog i nember of the dog family. Seal skins to the number were shiped from Alaska last the smallest of SCARON. The Christian population of 8 estimated at $82,000,000, of per cent. 1s Catholic. An eminent scientist has estimated that the average man's eyelids open and shut $000,000, times during the year, In Govan, Scotland, the health author- ties have traced to wandering diseased sais recent deaths from diptheria, A man in Portland, Ore., proposes to surchase fir logs which the sawmills of British Columbia will not use, build hem into enormous rafts, and tow them ‘0 San Diego, to be there cut into fire- wood, the earth which 43 thm Fri I'he chairman respectively o disense i ti ¢ Frem 4 ie Moro 4 private meeting to It is probable or some other small intrusted with Moroccan pol and the German delegations t conference held 188 the hat Switzerland weutral power will the organization of the sition De Jules Jaluzot, former member French Chamber of ed with illegally using funds for ulations mm the Pars ugar market, thereby causing a panic, was sentenced t year s imprisonmen i dept es, og One three Att CONspIri expelled from House of Commons larger represemtation of Jews than ever before. Sir Edward Grey, the new foreign secretary, has been returned by a large majority, Five {foreigners a German and an convicted of lie order and The British contains a Frenchmen, SIX HOTEL GUESTS DIE IN FLAMES in Lowell, Destroyed, SEVERAL BURNED AND INJURED. The Richardson Hotel, One of Lowell Lead- ing Hostelrles, Is Partly Destroyed by Fire Rapld Sweep of Flames Through the Building Cut Off Those en the Upper Floors. Chief Hotel Mass., is CUBANS' GIFT TO MISS ROOSEVELT. Authorizes President Paims te Ex pend $15.000. Senate Costly Staircase Unsafe. ] Pears i Spe ial} Hall, age baby na s, here, an she was pelled of the even Her The behalf other family year her would not and play been seriously injured interfered in her court placed her in an day be alle health has Humane and the Society Another Brooks Comet. York, Pa Colister Morton Craig, an architect, of this city, has been { Special) medal League of competition awarded second prize—a silver given by the Architectural New Yorkin a design which was open architects, dents, and draftmen 30 years of age and residents of the United States. The winners of the first and econd prizes have been invited to at tend the annual dinner of the Architect. ural League in New York, when the medals will be presented, to all stu under LIVE WASHINGTON AFFAIRS. Nearly $3,000,000,000, ommerce of foreign : | ingly dpproacned surps ne it 8 1,000,000,.000) 100 ¢ Bureai $1,000,500 Philippine Bonds r Wider Market For Cotton. House the ad the effect of suspending labor law in the Panam Agar 1 will have Eight-Hour | Z ne Htion Pt Member § of the ouse are working building bill of $12, fOr an omnious ATTY an appropriation about 000.000 Shonts, of the Chairman Theodore P Canal Commision, acknow t he draws $12,000 a year salar Clover Leaf” Railroad, Panam edged ¢ from the President Roosevelt makes public the charge of Government Attorney Mos rison that a Beef Trust attorney has offering bribes 10 influence publi opinion in Chicago President and Mrs, Roosevelt issue invitations the marriage of then daughter to Congressman Longworth be cn {0 Secretary Taft explained to the House Committee on Insular Affairs a pend ing hill for the purchase of coal lands to enable the United States to mine fue for its own use in the Far East The Philippine Commision has de cided to sell $1,000,000 of the 4 per cent bonds. The Commision has accepte the bid of the White syndicate to buil railroads mm the sugar districts, The House of Representatives b a vote of 104 to 150, passed the bill pro viding for the admission of Oklahom and Indian Territory and Arizona an New Mexico as two states, GALLANT OLD SOLDIER DEAD General Jee Wheeler Succombs to Pocu- monia im Now York, WAS A HERO OF ln the Confederate Army and His Valuable Services as One of the Principal Comman. American Campaign. GIFTS FOR MISS ROOSEVELT. Magaaificent Silver snd Jewelry Being Made in New York ve Hid $200,000 Werth of Gold. N M., 3.8 : , s4 G } NaAric mii Heeerye a . 1% Albuquerque, { Sp lismantling the o the Jeme Mountains, north of this Morris Brothers Ji hidden under ge id b city, : G wered a big, solid . ( h about £200,000. { 1% SUpPPO to have been stolen and hidden there by some former mploye of the mill, when the latter was operation 10 years ago. The contrac. tors have been taking out the machinery to ship to the United Verde Mine, in Arizona, Pistol Duel Fatal Montgomery, Ala. (Special) A spec. ial to the Advertiser from Florida, Ala. ays: “Grady Miller, the 16-year-old son f Dr. 8. 1. by the negro porter of the Lake View Hotel, There were no eye witnesses to he shooting, but the pistol shots were ward, A search was made, and near ww was found the negro, m a dying con. tition. He lived long enough to say that se and Miller had engaged in a pistol uel, There is no way to asceftain the Miller, was shot and killed suse of the tragedy. POWERS, Doomed ALIGNMENT OF THE The Morocco Conference Seems to Fail. Won't Resign. & residen f rebates Clevels There is report nor 100 Owner and Guests Die in Mine. bot a Ky { Six ial wood Mines, near ly killing. William tor, and Edward Waldon, hig the mines mine at the time of Uwens here, caved Burnett, Pierce Herbert nests, who were inspecting There were miners in the cavein and Mystery of a Strangec’s Death, Va mat { Special Huntington, W. neartly in an alley in block, in the heart of t¢ o'clock. Bro cuts throat indicate foul play, and the officials are investigating here is nol & pape about the man's person that may lead 10 identification save a telegram dressed about his his which indicates that he was E. BE Tur ner, of Newark, O. “he telegram 5 went from Newark EE ‘Beas.” bg . Si to Turner,