7 TD SAPP 8111 AILING WOMEN. Keep the Kidneys Well and the Jidneys Will Keep You Well, Siew, learning suffering, the true languid women are cause of had backs and how to them Mrs, W if Groosb cure SAYS: regular. So Doan's gravel irouble has is good and health be ter. Sold by itl Foster-Milburn Ce, Kiduey stones. box. Buffale. N. X. NATIVE NEW YORKERS SCARCE. About One Out of Every Ten in the City Population. that thirty “em takers finish work a few have light that this light igh Now on upon how ers—— pers fng the las fon there New Yor souls no actual of whon tempted hea ding. led that thers of New Yo Can who SED, Doubt Word of American. ver ver WAS Spe smerican A BRAIN WORKER Have the Kind of Food That Nsur- fiahies Ernin., Mus: Inims ms I cannot w bho of the debt it tl food “1 discov ledgment Nuts { my iat 1 owe to Grape ered long ago that the very bulkiness of the ordinary diet was not calchlated fo give one a clear head, the power of sustained. accurate think- ing. I always felt heavy and sluggish in mind as well as | after eating the ordinary meal, diverted the blood from digestive apparatus, “I tried foods easy of found them usually defi ment. [I experimented breakfast foods and they, unsatisfactory, till I r Nuts. And then 1 golved. ly which the brain to the digestion, but ient in nutri. with many too proved ached Gi problem was pes “Grape-Nuts agreed with me perfect. ly from the beginning satisfying my Funger and supplying the uvutriment that so many other prepared foods lack “lI had not been using it very long before I found that 1 was turning ont an unusual quantity and quality of work. Continued use Las demonstrate! to wy entire satisfaction that Graj Nuts food contains all the elements needed by the brain and nervous sys. tem of the hard working public writ er.” Name given by Postum Co,, Bat. tle Creek, Mich. There's a reason, Read the little book, “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs, ———- i ——————————— a ——————". A THE KEYSTONE STATE has resumed hos writing a letter to i Italian his life up O'Bi wlay night a block it not $1000 Bede dali ky deat} released was four years W. Cotta ngham, ‘ublic Schools of Eas anniversary of Tuesday Mr. Cottis ' secretary of Dallas Lodge F. for the thirty-ninth ¥ superintendent ton, celebrated the Bist 4 was and utive nesday elected A, AM, COREL President Thomas, of the Lehigh Val. ley, notified the Merchants’ Association nf Hazleton that the company 1s now pre. paring plans for the erection of a hand some new depot in that city. The mer- chants two weeks ago notified President Thomas that unless a new depot was erected they would withdraw all patron age, The Buck Run Coal Company and other coal corporations are following the ex- ample of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, and establich- ing volunteer corps for administering first aid to inivred emolovees. COMMERCIAL Dun & Co.'s Sys R. G. Weekly Review of Busin of gratit condi to take WHOLESALE MARKETS. sriet 4.0000 nominal dressed untry dress. alves, 4ad per LAMBS «- Receipts, 1. lambs slow lami 7007.68 nadian lambs sold Receipts, 4.000 Not no sales reported. CATTLE~~Receipts, 8500; Common {0 prime steers 2804.25; heifers, 2.00 @eoo: bulls, 200 400; stockers and feeders, @4.15; calves, 2.00@7.00. HOGS-—Receipts, 25000; market gen erally steady. Good to prime heavy, 4854.08; medium to good heavy, 4.75 @ 48%; strong weight butchers’, 483@ 40%: good to choice heavy mixed, 4.70 packing, 4.300480. SHEEP — Receipts, 15000, medium vigher Sheep, 3788.20; & Sm, sn 6.006 ; _spring lambs, 6.75@ 7.50. FACTS. WORTH REMEMBERING. nna CARO market steady. 20a 6.00; cows, a 80: A secret chamber, furnished in old oak, was inexpectedly discovered during the demolition of the Plough Inn, Little Ealing, England. The inn was 500 years 1d. The grandmother of Dick Turpin, iighwayman, once kept it, “aiming the right to serve, as British subjcets, 20 Victoria (B. C.}) Chines have applied for enrollment in the Fifth Regiment, Canadian Artillery, mm tha city. The commander has referred the matter to the minister of militia at Ota wa, The better class who devotn purest geientific fo reouia, their Lives medicinal agents of Cures Blood Folson, Greatest Ilo 1 f v Cares Helehing of Ga al Ureath and Had Bloaaiir 12165 FREE COUPON 120 | Send t) with your name { and of a druggist at | j Who does not sell it for a free sampl box of Mulls Anti-Belch Wafers to i 4 upon : address and ane | Muir's Care Towie Co., 328 Third | | Ave., Rock Island, 111 i | Five Full Address and Write Plainly Sold by oll druggists, He per box sent by mail. A married man seldom boasts that he doesn’ know the meaning of {rar $100 Reward, S100, The readers of this paper will be pleasa dito Jegrnthat tases is at east one dreaded dis. ease thal science as booa able to cure ia all itasin gos, and taat is Cataren, Hall's Catarrh Curels the on’ Hositive cure now known to stitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment, Hall's UatarchCurels tak enintors wally, aotiagzdirestiv upon the blood and muse coussuriaces of the system, thereby destroy. ingthe loandation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the cen. stitution and wsslsting nature in doing its work. The peo srfetors have so mueh faith ia Heourative po srs that they offer One Huns dred Doligrafor any ons that it falls to cara Bend tor ft of testimonials, Address F. J. Cnzxey & Co,, Tolado, O, Bold b Dra ikiats, T8e, Tako Hall's Pawmlly Riils for constipation, Some women try to attact attention by trying to look miserable, , everywhere, valle of the better out a liberal amount of PoTASH in the fertilizer— not less than ten per cent It must be in the highest quality Farming” are ) prac ctical rowing of potato » . srs tes § Write 1 GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York A ANTI-GRIPINE Zoi. Ay IS GUARANTEED TO CUR GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AKD NEURALGIA. teell Ant Griptae 10s desler wis wont Guarantes Je os) all tor MONEY BACK ir IT DOESN'T CURE. - F. Ww. Diemer, B.D. Matulsctu Epringleld, Mo One Dollar for a Pos stal Card Address, PR ICE 70 CURE THE GRIP , “= IN ONE DAY [7 ANTHGRIPINE | WAS MO EHAL FOR WraDACS) ma TO PS rer ENGINES AND BOILE Pe vars been the standard for all materiel 824 wor st of putensbics gs to sll on ssl a An Attias, the best wor d more thas the other Rind Write today Tor cur oe ATLAS E ENGINE wilting wgencies in all clive ave for Our Mig our alter WORKS INDIANAPOLIS nice “Well, gentleman 3 waffles, what made you ask | = ro if 1 wanted another one?” i Aanmatis Simm +4 “Bishop,” exclaimed th» | “you's Len want no more Blne Tagine in sere Eline Relies in service XTINE TOILET | PLL FOR WOMEN troubled with ills Roculial$ oe their sex, used as a cessful, Horoughly ceases ops @ & soreness, cures leucorrhesa and nasal catand, Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pom water, and Is Bar more Cleansing, healing, and economical than lugwid antiseptios for TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at draggin, 50 cents a box, Trial Dox and Book of Laestrections Free, THe BR. Paxron Com rany BosTON, Mase. black a‘ready, mo.” 43a ittle 000 00% 1 done of wouldn’ an RE County of London UNFORTUNATE js the man or woman who, loving a dinner, must eurb thelr appetite fear of alter consequences o woud through Parsons’ Pills are ah aid to digestion, insure ausivila tion of food, amd wake hearty esting possible without distress or regrets Price Ihe, hve bottles $1. All droggista. L 5 JONSON & CO. Dotien, Wass xi &1%4 pubs PENSIONFOR AGE, Jul. ied he at ones for blanks ny a Ww il Buti B13 asia adi ulkding, fa Ave, sid Trade-Marcs A new order Tals races IT PAY> SOVERTISER A sarzt Thompson's Eye Water Ww. ii, “iti mg, on