1-GOVERNOR Makes Use of His Family i CAVITOL Peruna is known from the the Pacific otters of congratulati commendation testifying to the Peruna as a catarrh remedy ar OQ f he from every State in the Uni man is receiving hundreds of daily. All classes write these the highest to the lowest. The outdoor the clerk preact catar rostram., est enemy, their be entirely well-nigh un safeguard known free versal Unique Postage Stamp. A unique postage stamp has, it is stated iiscovered in It dates 1 Wallachian existence {fs round inde Ww ne gphers cross | on the 813. and ] then n¢ from June for Roumanii The stamj The country Carnwath It was maintens of the ervilles —Jondon JOYS OF MATERNITY A WOMAN'S BEST HOPES REALIZED | Mrs. Potts Tells How Women Prepare for Motherhood Should The darkes wife are wher ward to chil dless Many a w has found herself pable of motherhood owing to a dis placement of the womb or lack of strength in the generative organs husband and * come to look for -~ I lasnianle i anda onely oid age distressing pains, accompanie offensi dis charges and, gener ral by irregular and scanty menstruation indicate a dis- as or nerve 28 indi ration the womb and surrounding organs The question that troubles women is how can a woman who has some fe- male trouble bear healthy children? Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 Park Avenue, Hot Springs, Ark , writes : My Dear Mrs 1h % During the e rt was delicate in he I were very an home, but | had not carry a child t who had been cured by Vegetable Compou by ve of f my married life 1 sband and bless our and o« oud ito arr: AREONR, o maturity i Lydia E ned advised me to try it did so and soon {eit that I was growing stronger, my headaches and backaches | y f haa no more bearing-