en ra SAE I 0 — J ww ———— > 550 - a s— a —— COURY PROVEEDINGS, LOCALS Harris Township. a ™ v] | ry TTI TTYL rererersyeryey ——— Progress Grange will meet Saturday | The Modoes and the Riley hunting Court Hears Civil and Commonwealth TIT ” Tl ON! | CRsea—Tiia Vordints afternoon. | parties returned Inst week, each having Presbyterian appointments—Spriong | three deer, Do You Need Anything in the Hardware Line ? George T. Brew va Christian Sharer Eve Bharer, W, H. Marcey, A. A Bertels and Thomas Pence, an action . : j on Baturday., In spite of the rain, of ejectment for lands in Rush town-| Wm. Fetteroif, east of Centre Hall, | Or f ship, was continoed by agreement of | Was a purchaser of two sixes for John | they were welcomed to their home, at ne dose of hip, wi : counsel , and George F. Emerick { Bhingletown, by a band of calithum- Pectoral at bedtin 208. PF * ’ My $ . . : plans whose hideous music could be nignt coughs o i 1 7 g . . co . y : . ward for miles around, No croup. No bronchitis list disposed of were the following : Bmit nt to Williamsport where Heap! nl ies & pun : t i isiti ys : Yh bronchi, + p » Ni 3 / i Commonwealth va James Audrews he will re 1 for some time on flags Just a vl ng 2 ) " CTE Sibi friends in Pittsbur C bh Cc X I assult and battery with intent to com Mr. and Mrs. John Bible. of Centre nrg. i ’ Mrs. Anna Glenn and little girls, of | mit rape. Prosecutrix, Frances Swish- | Hill. recently visited their daughter, 8 A v ! dix # + 4 | - y H er. Verdict of not guilty and the costs 8. Daniel Rosstuan, at York. The Restord, ih lag ut the home of i ec Ct Oral : . MIR, Ml, A, OOUs, i divided between the prosecutrix | } Mills, morning; Centre Hall, aft-{ J. W. Bmith, one of the managers at | i : ernoon. {the saw mill, returned with his bride Among the cases on the crimins ‘ednesday morning Miss Grace Locks or Hinges Mill Hooks Gandy Stitched Belts Cant Hooks Lace Leather Stoves and Ranges Tie or Fence Wire Paints and Oils Emery Wheels Galvanized iron Roofing Limonds and Disstons Saw TEER the defendant. 5 rs thu Ssaere ne Sis! Naly--a Mrs. E. P. Melntire and son Nor- d octo r's medicine for a Commonwealth vs Jesse Barr, be- a i wh 4 Y os : fy | a of Alloona, spent Thanksgiving |§ affections of the thre at trayal. Defendant plead guilty and 3. } od | Join trom 11 { day in Boalsburg, : chial tubes s, and tUngs. was given the usual sentence, i ; AL Ha ry Hess moved his cigar and con- for over GO years. ‘iopery store to the store house on “yy Aoar's { Commonwealth vs Harry Bottorf T . b . : : Ir) ers Mills, and | the premises of his mother, Mrs, Mary dssult and battery. Prosecutor, Samue making but | Hess, Furl. Verdict of guilty returned sentence suspended. Commonwealth vs 9 oa. 5 RRR ERT 0 the present. Mrs, Sara Rankin departed on Sat- | nweel urday for Altoona where she expects | fF : spend the winter with her daugh. Mrs, E. P. Melntire. Mrs, Theodore DD. Boal re-| TELNET Err EY TVS TOT dey Ueda Pos “avd uril] vr i y A Postal Card will get you the best 0 counts—assult kes dpirps A vite . two counts—assult Market Prices, Write to-day .* .* fendant plead guilty to the fi and a nol pros was entered - . y bowels open with ono 3 N y ‘ Land owners should it by th irned last week from Washington, | Aver's is at be dtime. just one Second count. Reotencea to pay alinel fF Tov WA ‘ p Boy A lank at . 5 ; 4 1 of one dollar and costs of prose tiot ! ed VY ¥v¥. Dariges dh nev. A, A Hack attended the fu- Sc 00 a John 1. Olewil 1 A. H. Knoff vs Louis Rosenthal, an | %2 tn i asthe pera) of Rev, Mile O. Noll, at Lewis ; = ; BEL EFONTE appeal. The | ifl had shipped > ¥ : runt 1 hoy : bOolR) a IE, inst W ednesday, : ELL EFON'I EE, PA. piaintiii poultry in er te to the def } » ! cbtain alse th Lirant Houser lost a horse last week T I ; IY il Crates i 2 defen t Wi ] s Wis We tap) vith cholee! Charles Mofiit retarned 1 y " h Naz zz 222222 NNN FT FV NNN NNW neglected to return the crates and suit | 2TH x his 9 | Me Moflit returned O this place, | see e ndex... < was broazht 10 recovat _ | fruit, whie t oth the and | after spending the summer in Kansas, { as brought to recover 8 RAMS OF | ’ A ) . Mu bartges intends Mr. and Mrs. 8 . Wagne ds B( 3ellefonte their equivalent waloe rdict i Be A : J : R rand aon Bellefonte, Pa. : r We } ‘ an- | of the Mountain City, are visil- et oe? REN : 3 asndsdnache x favor of the plaintiff for one M. C. Gephart vs James B. action to recover a piano, anid Mrs, Cyrus Durst, iN ¥ Hosterman is the guest of Mrs, Boob, near Miflinburg. ' the defendant, Me et Featans 1a caller Trasdas micraine. Fror Lol Rev.A. A Flack was tosbie to Si | is ‘ommonWes th va Alber! Ves i 17 to attend the fu. | « appoints ants Bunfay on asodut l ’r" HOLIDAY NOVELTIES . rape. Prosecutrix Ida M. Park: bute alison dma ab Li 3 diet not t guiity a —— ¥ A A —————— Commonwealth assault. Proseculor, John F, 0 : ina od . ter, which | Spring Mills. hes have rod " A 1 ’ gus IPH Bill igoored and prosecutor pay : } vy ] 3} O nel | IR D } inkle, a former resident o in « r. They comprise A re | THE BELL TELFPH win ff 8% Bs % costs. § Lod } | Vat vitl i ier- ih piace, but now living in Bhamo- Commonweslth v oh arr. de i814 i Fe 11 th, at} kin, is circulating among friends here Memorandums, Pipe Rack lovel 5 > : sertion. Plead gullty an ‘ [1 04 kl I R \ i» Spang il present overs. Pen Winer ; 4 Reaches 2 J UU suspended by the court. i + leageriown, Ww ou toe ’ n Leitzell, wife and baby, of uches, Card Cases, and & : “4 [no the cases of the Quaker City [steamer Arabic for Mad Lewisburg, recently visited at the|l| pocket, 1 4,000,000,000 Messages Mutual Fire Insuraoce mpany the : ) g Lalro and the ne ef Mrs, OC, C. Bartges, the for- They are inexvenaive ranging jn | } > receiver, Chas. E. Brown, ! .. 1 : |W cost f: , 8 An Amn es voluntary non suit. peri Liiree 1 . Th nectings conducted by Rev, | + Ly, UU UA : 1006S In UsSt, aint aden x x adwadtnadhondy. Xs ¥ 5 In the case of Commonwealth 3 ne faney, of the Evangelical church, are John G. Platt, recognizance was re gis progres Phere have been be- bode is pewed for a continuance to the Ja M Fran « promivent and veen forty and [fly converts, as a re- 1 uary term of Slims afd 1 i gs 1 rly, wife and two chil . coer, ove ee we | L,, The Index... || I PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE CO ow weeks’ visit to Mrs, i Mra. Wm. Smith. - a “ r i Alison. J7.. and Bracs — : Contract Dept... Bellefonte, ¥ a a ¥ . 1 2g r Thanksgiving va- 4 Tr thre efforts of. Rev. 1aater. | PENNSYLVANIA R, R, itz, who is superintendent | Philad, & Erie R. R, Division ¥ 45400. HOPES SOUTse and Northern Central Ry. mpls are being made i NN NI WE NN a Now Is The Time ‘sunday school normal is an opportunity 1m lesen] we Lautherar (, will preach it here Bundsy Rearick will » day. sisted in Rossman’s the atwence of hool Con New Year serv. vel Dean ds Itowney s ndo and sauit and battery, Nol pross = - Misa D ney ok place Thurs Com. ve | ie ] \ : kidd of oo] { and battery, Mra MM K Fea mer and Son -NTRE HALL. PA. Con. va. Joh i LER] fant ens el f° : : 8 341 be rimeriy of this p receiving stolen goods. Not guilty burg bday even WE WER | Reporter and the groom's many young Com. atuuel iMfith. Proe Fain ' ELD ‘ {friends in and sbout Centre Hall, wish : J] Mattie Eby. Nol prossed. Same, Jo- | th* Lewisburg and 7 broad, 1 the ug couple an sbundsnce of WW BTN BW BBN W : NWN BWW BW CN TT TDN P sep Ceros Nol proses i dhs FOE ae Woh _— . eA bi I A su Bs U1 —— A ——— also nol prosses i ' « 3 ral i @ 4 AUR Girip Quickly Koocked Oar, Joseph Alters va. F. PF. Mi ad. | COU, y riguos of Me ome weeks ago during the severe 8 ; ter weather both my wife and my. | . if contracted severe colds which | for $749.12, / aa Cs th ‘t Hoa | speedily developed into the worst kind | College Hardware Co. ve. Theodod }/ / Re re ~~ |of a ia grippe with all its miserable | § T. Boal, Verdict $132.77. " go dibs elt FRU, Ne ay ne,’ says Mr. J. B. Egleston, | | braskas, = rods house Map 0 Lan ding, Iowa. ** Knees and . ’ bid i ie aching, muscles sore, heat Trespass. Verdict $4 a : EY. %4 ‘ an Tae | BLOPDE d ip, eyes and nose running, —————— tr — Tr ol ; a 1p | with alternate apells of chills and Biate Grange, was made through W, | NEey | fover We began using Chamberlain's | . « : . 7% wl it . “iq, who daring the past few years | Congh Remedy, aiding the same with | 910 » Sunday only. for Wil The Btate Grange win 3 : ih PML. bias «le oil af a y 1 y i ys dose of ( hamberiain’s Stomach and i nansport and inte rmoediate stations hs Sor bury, Tuesday of vext week. odsands of dollars © | Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use | — ine sssmisoms NOusRNuS Aoliare, fF 1] soon completely knocked out the LFwisal RG AND TYRONE RAILROAD 650 Names for Jary Wheel > -—r / grip.” These Tablets promote a WESTWARD Week Days . a Linden Hall bealthy action of the bowels, liver and | ’ The court made on order Monday ; : kidneys which is always beneficial | FM AM PM STATIONS M AM morning, making Monday, December : adies « en when the system is congested by a 8 5 40 5 42 Montandon 0s 9 10 eleventh, the day for filling the jury | Conal cted a missionary service in the | sold or attack of the urip. For sale by wheel, Hix hundred and fifty names | Chureh at Boalsburg Fhursday evening. | C, W. Bwarlg, Tusseyville ; F. A Y has rented the Miller | Carson, Potters Mills. Raw WWW WW SW WWW NW WBN BV ust what you have been looking for— A Reliable Line of Mens » » © + 6OODS nm LOWEST PRICES bs. for 25¢ Granulated Sugar, 5c’per Ib. Flour Sulphur, 3 cents per Ib. ¢ F. E. WIELAND, Linden Hall ¢ fn We WW WW BW WWW Wt cans ministrator George Kaup ve. John F. King h Parim | in EASTWARD, | NNN NNDB { the Lutheran church ) 5M Lewisihurg By 38 5 57 Bieh # $2 ¢ 0} Viekshwirg ¥ 8g jo Mim HAIR a Ww fontat ow sien Lron 37 Paddy Mountain v Colburn erty Rising Springs Penn Cave Centre Hall By | Linden Hall | Omk Hall | Lemont 8 50 Bd ddd dB Be ddd Bed 2 dd didi Bo ddd. died dh The Centre Hall Roller Flouring Mills. J. H. & S. E. WEBER, Proprietors ml 3 WHITE LILLY FLOUR 2} 2 08 él | md ILL FEEDS | | will be selected. The jury commis | Lie . HR o ? IC d Frederick | farm from Heary suser, the new as is y Sionem are John Decker and Frederick EE a Y gr Sho Sow 0000000000 000at Oe ———————— spring. Mr. Miller bas not decided Shot Index Finger Of, where he will locate, John Btover, a young farmer of near Mra. D. OC. Hess has closed her house Pine Grove Mills, acoldentally shot ofl | for the winter snd gone to spend the the index finger on his left hand. He | time with her granddaughter, Mrs. G went to the hog pen early Tuesday | M. Hall, in Huatiogdon morning to sheot a hog with a reval. | Theodore Boal and family are at ver, and in preparing to do so, while | their summer home fora few weeks, in the pen, the sceident occurred, The | after which they will return to Wash wound was dressed by Dr. Woods, ington, D. C, for the winter — M tenon Rhoda sod Jennies Ry e and | Kun Over by 8 Tenino, Mr. und Mre, Charles Bell, of Reeds | David Calderwood, a yoniag man of viile, spent Sunday at the McFarlane | Pennsylvania Furnace, was killed on | home, : tie railroad at Tyrone by being thrown HB. E. Weber made a business trip to from a ear. Both his legs were cat off | Altoona last week. His reroaing were brought to Penosy!- | Reuben Tressler, while on his way | vanin Furoece Tuesday, where inter-| io Muncy, stopped here over night | ment was wade. He was employed | with ..obert McClellan, ou the railrond but for a short time,| Mr. and Mm. 'Fmok MoFatiane | and was sged twenty-five yours, Mrs spent Thanksgiviog with Mrs. Jennie | John Allen, of Boalsburg, is a sister Henry at the Thom pson home, at! vesoee of the deceased, Martha Furnace, Rocking chaiis free if you buy shoes | Bugs free if you buy shoes of Yeager SPRING MILLS, PA. of Yeager & Davis, & Davis, . Holiday” Goods . | Dale Summit itll Pioasant Gap y a ; : i 9 i i AxXemann » 156 We have on hand a line of Holiday (9 00, | Bellefonte 1 50 Goods suitable for a handsome Additional wiains lomve Lewisburg for Montan Present for anyone, 8% "pm, returning eave Momundon ny | 4 The Highest Market Prices will be paid for all kinds of OUR CHINA CORNER Vouisburg at 7.40, 9.07 6. m. 10.08 4. ‘m., 450 aud Grain— Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rye, Buckwheat, Was never prettier than now, On Sundays trains leave Montandon 9.146 and + 2h. m A489 p. m., returning leave Lewis KERCHIEFS—s¢ to 6oc. DIE 5.30 a a, S000 5. AI Baled Hay an and Straw will be bought at all; times, at the FANCY TABLE LINEN w SR RY, pd Be WOOD. best prices the market will afford. With Napkins to match GRO. W, BOYD, General Pass'gor Agt, Se —————— TABLE COVERS, TOWELS, To is COAL All sizes of Coal, the best Grades of Coal to be CEN AD, TEA AND COFFEE POTS pron og Week Dh jountiaon, ARB had, always on } Sand, We invite school Nickle lined with Silver—a use- 1 4 STATIONS. 131 1 8 | boards to consult with us before placing orders for fuel, ful Present for your wife. : TOILET SETS—$3.00 ap.” SUGAR 3c per Ib, 36 0.00.00 G0 0H hdd ESO DDD eos GG adk abut nbn mld =f BER ERTS ions SSeS eoTSsSsosoRStISEIT ITS Pes GDRGY v LE hh fh hf hh v FT TTT TT rr rer rere ree GRAIN WARM EY, . 5D: SMITHS SALVE - a —— A VS “| Wheat oven El 58882 EOP hte PERRI BV Ba week ramrine, . (7 aka —— PFRODUOK AT STORES, 5 vl J Bw : 5 @ CEREREEEEERY gSuEgsgnsEx BRSEX/uNEEK =58%% BRP PETADOAD BEEYNSIE88S5E F