wssanaB omnis won —— COMMERCIAL THE DISCOVERER |. ose A ni flurcy Of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, the Great Woman’ Ss Remedy for Woman’ s is. ' Review ol * money mar ket had little deleterious mercial channels, most a further increase in the volume Orders come forward distant delivery, and buve much diffi { mm making Hl Cont licating of bus 111058, freely fot here is only One Genuine- Syrup of Figs, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The Tull name of the company, California Fig Syrup Co., Is printed on the front of every package of the genuine. The Genuine- Syrup of Figs— is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita- tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes: offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or caildren. Many millions know oi its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE (ALFRNIA JIGS Louisville, Ky - re 5 aia : - -~ VN Pe A brn « > ced oe Hoalih, ETS k farm. cine in the world has recei ME Shae x hE 0 other female med nnqu 1alifled endorse ment. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubl hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, It will entirely cure the worst forms Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Womb, and consequent Spinal ‘Weakness, Change of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorsh cea than edy the world has ever known. It is al Imost infallible in dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an velopment, Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation. Weak mess of the Stomach Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostratio . Headache Deb ity quickly yield to it. Womb troubles. causing bos we ght and backache. in stantiy relieved and permanently cured by its use. [Under all mstances it invigorates the female and isas h armless as water t quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling care” and '* want-to-be-left-alone feeling. excitab ness, Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness. flatulency, me! and headache. These are sure indicat ved such widespread and es OF such of Female Co Falling and is np I SI IBriy ana pecu any other rem such cases, It early stage of de Cal. freneran PRICE FOOTY CENTS PER BOTTLE circu system, - me lassitude, irrits don’t nervous choly * bi fons of Female i &, or some de- rangement of the Uterus, which this medicine alwas Kidney Complaints and Backache, of either sex. the Vegetabl le Compound always cures Those women who refuse to ac rept anvthing else are rewarded a hundred § : i a4 impure, thin, diseased, thousand times, for they what they want—a cure. Sold by Druggists not or full of humors, if you have blood everywhere. Hefuse all substitutes : 12 { : ; poison, canoer, oar! dh eating sores — 1 , eopema, tobing, ris{iogs and lum pw abby imply skin, bone pains, estand, rheumatism 1 or skin uisease yr any blood « ake Botan od Baim i. B. B.) accord ad ] heal Bg to directs BOTOS aches and pals op he blood is made pure and r free from hg) rN ery pire - m3 y Vy Tits WwW. ee DOUCL BM ; y ~ Py ¥ $3508 3° SHOES WwW. L. Douglas £4.00 Cilt Edpo Lino cannot be equalled at any pric 18 8 cures Cures Blood, Skin Troubles, Cancer, Blood Polson. Greatest Blood Puarifer Free. If your blo« BN Al wie ®t Loos Pisasant and foe’ ne toe f pou eke vecasorally ome of Palsons, Pills. 4 They keep the liver and digestive < rect works ug I Mehaes & te anion get uncies, Saved. ¥en appearances are sufficiently dec CHEESE ._. Sreade ae a ’ dressmaker in his pink s : A . . Tr wrung his hands de- The man velvet coat spalir. “Here it Ig October.” he cried, [ have not yet evolved a new winter gowns.” “Master,” said idly “What, § in BABY CAME NEAR DYING “and idea in From an Awfal rill Bleoa ton Speedily Cured Skin Momor~Seratehed Han Wasted by te a Skele- Caticura the apprentice tim- boy ught out PCE ENR LA EoRis WHIRL ALL List FANS, a novel type of gt Syrup Tastes Ghose a woman » i*h pe with look Desoribe ad is o2 wings Let the woe master cried Twill take hicago Chronicle. pales 1 segae us model it at i world by storm,"-C W.L_DOUGLAS aeANT SAND SELLS EN'S Gis. 80 SHOES THAN ORE Mo, ARY OTHER MANUFACTURE ER. $10,000 "22%. W. L. Douglas $1.80 shoes J Celient style, easy fitting, and » Qqusiities, achieved the ia test 2 shoe in the world. They ore # those that cost you $5.00 to £7 difference is the price. If | cow my factory otf Brockton, Mae the world under one rood mek shoes, and show you the care vw 11 ot pair of Douglas shoes 1+ mede. vou vould re why WW. L. Douglas $2 50 sh wr shoes produced in the world, Hi could show you the Cliference between the shoes made in my factory snd (hore of other makes, you would onder«fon hy Douglas $1.50 shoes cost more fo male, uhy they hold by if amicted Base with weal 8 OF nery . eyes, ue line's Great treatise [rea Pa 22 Thonpsor s Eye Water TPR ERR Er Soran —— RIO ERATE For Your Family and Your Horse The Best Antiseptic Known. All the Comforts of Home. Goodwin Gian onc i a fine cour 3 New immed pian "TPs 25 vy ; Thame Mrs. Winso often ion alles es pain toathing selling. Piso's Curd canaot be too highly spoken of O'Brizs, 322 Third Minn. Jan, 8, 100) riacough cure. J, W, Avenue N,, Minneapolis, COYOrs, pele 82 H ort, Conn. t is a ge pose, and they offer nomeone should write t Sronze Cor very here are twenty eight County of London iteh cured in 30 minut 3 Sanitary Lotion; never fails Druggists. Mail orders prom; by Dr. Detebhon, Crawfordsville ncreased du sireets, London was 194 by 374 new Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mallen is Nature's great remedy —Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Cs onsumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At drug. gists, 26¢., 60¢. and £1.00 per bottle, To He'p Women from Cars. As the girl alighted from the car she turned to her escort ingly. “Do yon know you in a thousand?” she said. “I'm delighted (uv hear iL. ewered radiantly “1 mean about heininz a girl off a car,” she said hastily. “You first man, but one, who has helped mo i off the ear properly for a year. Men | generally grab a woman by the elbow | and hoist her shoulder high in the alr. | That makes her look awkward and feel cross. Or else they take hold of her arm with such a grip that it hurts, rumples her sleeve and pushes it up | from her wrist. Bomcimes they grab her hand, and she has urgent nood of both hands to hold on to har skirt and io the side of the car. Now. all she desires is that they gently but firmly slip one hand under her arm simply to steady her, help her to keop her balance, and that's all. And thats what you did.” “Well, who's the other man?” {nquir. ed her escort, “Oh, that’s Jack,” she replied, blush- fogly. “We're engaged.” troll ApPprov & man are ” he an. aro the fine in on the and in tl fall we have the iver on the lawn." The Sunday Mag: azine Advance. e old days.” obse dyed € mar physi eiting wa for whatever ailed would bleed him for nshot wounds or anything else” “So 1 have read,” comments man with the hay fever. But. of course, as human know! edge broadened, the medical profes sion came to the knowledge that- “That if a man needed to he bled they didn’t have to stick a scalpel his arm.” finished the man who to fifteen specialists to be cu whig! that Ign remedy They believed blood LOVETT patient fhe Lhe into had red TWICE. TOLD TESTIMONY. to Find Relief. The thousands of =owen who suffer languor, woinary Jisorders and oth: Kidney ile, will find com- fort in "he words of Mis. Jans Far rell, of C06 Ocoan Ave... Jerse; City, N. J. who says: “1 reiterate ql | have sald before in oralee of Dean's Kiduey Pills. I had been having heavy backache and my general health wis affected when I began using them. My f ot were swollen, my eyes pulled, and dizzy spells were frequent. Kidney action was irregular and the secretions high: ly colored. To-day, however, I am a well woman, and I am confident that Doan’'s Kidney Pills bave made we 80, and are keeping me well” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a bos. Foster-Milbura Co., Buffalo, N. ¥, Live Stock. k BE} ofp 1se. higher: dian active and unchanged ; mediom cows tiow {0 a ade lower: ws and bulls steady Native 1.50(@5.30; Westerns yulls £, cows, 1.40 3.18 SHEEP AND L AMBS- amba steady to strong. $40; culls, 2.50@3.00: |] ills, 200; Canada lambs, CALVES—Veals steady; ull: Westerns not w cd Veals, 4.50 @8 25; grassers, 4.50; dressed calves steady; city dressed veals, B@ 12¢, pound; country dressed, y@t1Vic HOGS—~Market firm; no trade of im portance, VES {x0 wl st med grades and cor { . good girers, mon nde) steady ; cep, 3 S00 1 ’ SCrs vers per Chicago —~CATTLE — Market stead; ‘ommon to prime steers. 3.0006.40; cows, 2.75(4.00; heifers, 2230500" bulls, 2004.00; stockers and feeders, 2.150(04.25; calves, 2007.00. HOGS -— Market steady to strong Choice to prime heavy, 408605.10; medi. um to good heavy, 4.854.095; light- weight butchers, 4.05(@5.10; good to choice heavy mixed, {804 4.05; packing, 4.304.953. FACTS WORTH REMEABERING. The Baptist women of the world are SUppOTrLIng 300 missionaries, uby W siweed, of Foxton, England, is 11 years old and weighs 172 pounds. Sir Oliver Lodge, whose name is fam. ous in connection with physical research, was put into business at tne age of four teen. The King of Spain is a skillful and fearless rider, a keen motorist, a deadly shot with either rifle or revolver, a splen- did fencer and an exceptionally clever borer, TRY IT FOR } Bhounalion, Strains, | 2) Sprains, Swellings]| and Enlargements. | Price, 26c., 50c. and $1.00. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, 815 Albany 8t., Boston, Mass. JAREF ULLY conducted experiments, ranging over many years, have proved con- clusively that the liberal use of PoTrasH is essential to the pro- duction of big yields of full- eared corn. Let us send you our practical books telling of these and many other careful crop-feeding tests; they are free to farmers without any cost or obligation. Send name and address. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. PRICE, FN 25 Cts ANTI- GRIPINE © is BAD COLD, NEAGACHY EADACHE AN D NEURALGIA. 2 tors F. W. Diemer, Tr Biter A NL. ARAN ah ons ENE—— “Dy; Manult thelr shape. fit better, wear louger, and are of greater intrinsic value than any oiber £3.58 shoe on the market to-day W. L. Douglas Strong Malo Shoes for Men, $2.50, 82.00. Boys e’ School § Oross Shoss. $2. 54, $2, 51.75, $1.56 CAUTION. t uy ins 2h Ble bat it without bis name and 1» w NTE mn. Dongine Show a ox pe Fast Color Epeiets wrod; they wu Write for lilostraied Catal ! W.L. DOUGLAS, Brockio Reliable Information : We will give One Dollar for a Poesia! Card giving the first reliable news of a chance to sell a horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range § of sizes. We do not want inquiries at {i this time for vertical, traction or gas engines, A show t free for inapocti ENGINES AND BOILERS have for years been the srsnderd for «1! steam plants. Best of material snd workmruahip. Qur big output enables us to sell on email prot. im. An Atlas, the best in the world, costs ne more than the other hond. Write today for our special offer, ATLAS ENGINE WORKS Felling agenriee in 47 oie INDIANAPOLIS Ooiios Engines Wigh Spend Pngivee 1 ster Tabs 1 Dory FourValve Bmgires One pound Pngines Tobuler oilers Artometic Bag ivse Theontliog Degioes Portals Boilers Aims Eminent In services 000 000 0 PF Suiev Brier (n A. » PENSIONFOR AGE. 3:55 sion for mga Write me at onoe for binuks and instructions Freo of No Pension, No Pay. Addeas W.oH Ww Wills Building, 312 indiana Ave, Wash GC Patents and Teade-Marks WANTED. Jakes Surin Wasi! 1 Takin vAvas IT PAYS a] ADV ERTISE™ STE TRN