THE OENTRE REPORTER. 8. W. SNITH, Editor and Proprietor. Pew’ A. NOVEMBER 9, 1805 Centre Haw, . TH URSDA Y, TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Re- porter areone dollar per year in advanoe. ADVERTISEMENTS.-20 cents per line for three insertions, and b cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Other rates made known on application, The figures opposite your name on label of I r + ate the date to which your subscription fi pai When no date is given the date implied Sid. 1900: when no month is given the month PE { ia July—thus : “00” means July, 1900; +01", means July, 1901; “04 "’ means that your subscrip- tion is paid in advance te July, 1904. Other months than July are indicated by abbreviations, When you pay your subscription always ex- amine your label, and when a notice appears that corrections have been made, compare and report immediately if you have not beén given roper credit, No receipts for subscription will sent by mail unless by special request. The change of date on label ought to be sufficient evidence, Money by mail is reasonably safe. There have been no losses to this date. oF THANKS. —Resolu- Ro d for at the rate of le in advance) the Cards of thanks, um charge, fifty cents, # RESOL UTIONS ANI Oak LI tions of respect w \ one-half cont t minimum ct! tWO cents per worn also payable in ac dval 100, LOCALS, Rocking chairs free if you buy shoes of Yeager & Davis. M. H. Bnyder, came home near Pittsburg to cast his ballot. from Teachers’ Institute next week. Call at the Index Book Blore, Ivy W. View Fruit Farm at private sale. adv. in this issue. Bartges advertised the Fair Nee Audrew Gregg and Clyde Smith, both employed by telephone compa- nies, voted at Centre Hall. The Free Library, Grange Arcadia, will be open to the public Saturday afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock. John Knarr, who for the past few months had been in the far west, re- turned home beginning of this week. P. Hoffer Dale, student in the medical department at the University of Pennsylvania, home to vote. Philadelphia, was Hall was al- Not a single spat day-—an The election at Centre together peaceable. was on during the unusual condition, Mrs. Bennett, entire wife of Dr. H. M. Bennett, of Park, Washiog- ton, D. C., was the guest of her uncle, Isaac Bmith, for a week in She returned home Tacoma this place, last week, Mrs. Phoebe Yearick and Mrs. W. B. Mingle, of Centre Hall, today ( Thursday) started for Phila- delphia, where they will be guests of their relatives time, Mrs. James Alex ter, Mrs. Royer, twins—James sand Elizabeth nesday went to Buffalo Cross where they will be the Andrew Ruhl. daughter, and friends for a short der and daugh- and the latter's Wed- toads, of Mrs, Eimer guesls Aaron Long and Penns Cave, election day. Both the Longs are hunters, and bave killed a nice lot of game this season, The f wild turkey Foster W, the Fleisher farm purchased by ex-Bherif! Brungart, Mr. Frazier wations next spring, but is undecided as to which particular locality into which he will move. Elmer, of on sOn were callers rer killed a fine, large Saturday Frazier, tenant on was a caller Tuesday. will change le a Is Coming Again, Dr. Franks, the eye specialist will be in Centre Hall at the hotel, on SBat- urday, November 11th, and will re- main for several days, visiting the nearby towns, Are your eyes weak 7 Are you near- sighted, far-sighted, or have you cross eyes? He will examine your eyes free and supply the proper lenses to cure the above ailments aud stop bead- ache, dizziness and burning eyes, Help your eyes with glasses which will prevent loss of sight in old age. The Dr. is a specialist of many years practice and study ; comes regularly and has done work for the best citizens in this county with entire satisfaction. All kinds of glasses made to order on short notice, at reasonable prices, At the hotel Baturday, November 11, Colyer. Mr. and Mrs, John Horner and fami- ly spent Bunday at the home of Em- met Jordan, Miss Annie Fahringer, of North- umberland, is making a visit to her mother at this place, Communion services will be held in the Zion Evangelical church Bunday evening, by the presiding elder, Rev, T. L.. Wentz, Miss Bertha Bubb returned home Saturday, after spending a week at Asaronsburg. Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Bible and daughter Nellie, of Bprucetown, spent Bunday at this place, Howard Bhadow, of Reedsville, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lee and son John visited at Lewistown over Bunday. Mrs. Ellen Holderman will leave for Woodward today (Thursday ) where she will spend the winter at the home of Mr. Hess, John Bediyon is the proudest man around, since that baby girl arrived. The shorn lamb can’t always raise the wind, The fellow who gets into a peck of trouble should resort to other measures, | LANDSLIDE FOR BERRY IN PENNSYLVANIA Democratic Candidate Elected Treasurer by Over 75,000. REFORM FOR PHILADELPHIA Show Tremendous the State, Latest Returns Democratic Gains All Over Reformers In Philadelphia Swept the 60,000 Plurality and Entire Ticket. Nov. 8 I the re City By Over Elected Their Phila has been swept by ment, the City by a surprisingly large While returns from only §2 wards in this city had up to morn known of the resul Iphia *hiladelphla form move ticket winning plurality. a few of been Party this ining wards to y local Rep E indicate ublican ticl victory with it Berry, tho WILLIAM H. Yreasurer-Elect of candidat Plu Phils , tire Sent Message to the tuto slate ‘hen asked for a stater have nothing to sav: § The City Party sympathizers cele their Mctory by parading the As soon as the result was defi nitely known hundreds of them form line and marched down Chest- nut street. An unusual turnout was that of paign committee of the City Party, which is made up of some of the wealthiest and most influential men on the They marched be hind a band to the tune of “Onward, Christian Soldier." Estimates from county in the state indicate the elec: tion of Berry for state treasurer by from 75,000 to 100,000 plurality. Off- cial returns will probably increase the figures. In only two counties of the state Somerset and Washington-—-are gains shown by the Republicans over the vote for state treasurer two years ago. Large Democratic gains were made in all the other counties. Sev eral other counties, which have here tofore been staunch Republican coun- ties, have gone for Berry by large majorities. In Lancaster and other Republican strongholds Plummer ran away behind the vote for state treas urer in 1003. Plummer lost his home county of Blair, and Berry lost his county of Delaware. State treasurer was the only state office for which there was a contest at the election in Pennsylvania. Judge John Stewart, an appointee of Gov: ernor Pennypacker, was reelected as sociate judge of the supreme court for the full term of 21 years. President Judge Charles E. Rice and Judges George B. Orlady and James A. Beaver, of the superior court, were re elected for a term of 10 years. John B. Head, Democrat, was also elected a superior court judge to succeed Judge Peter P. Smith, the minority member of that body, who falled of renomina- tion. Under the law no elector is entitled to vote for more than three candidates for judge of the superior court when four are to be elected, as was the case brated gireels the op city, practically every Mr, H: nominees for 1d was the only Dems erat this office, ractically made his an election. Homer 1. Castle, as brought acks on the state nt, following the » Enterpri National Bank affair, the Prohibition nominee for jurer, blic Interest treast treasury centered In irer, for ipal candidates were J, of the Republican ' parties, and William H. Berry, » of the Democratic, for state nominee incoln also the cholee ers of Philadelphia, party, the the on purely ound that it ganization There was to the re-election o Hie no o James 8. county. ele cted in 1 i n HDO- i nO Oppo BIG GAINS IN THE Returns 8S vy of 4231 The Reg county on of the re Venango 500. The 01 a plurality of 2331 of 2831. The vote mon pleas court ter—3ives The a Democrati for judge of in yery close Plummer a pila inty gave a Ix ADCHS same ooOy i of 8018, mo cratic gain of 31 Schuylkill—Gives Berry a of 4500, The same county ues a plurality of 724, a Democratic gain of 522 P. M. Dunn, the Domo cratie candidate for judge of the or phans’ court, is re-elected Dauphins-Gives Berry a plurality of 1500. The same county gave Mathuos a plurality of 9705, a Democratic gain of 11.205, Bucks—Gives Berry a plurality of 1200. The same county gave Mathues a plurality of 1931, a Democratic gain of 2131. lehigh—Qives Berry a plurality of 2000. The same county gave Hill 357, a Democratic gain of 1634. The entire Democratic county ticket was elected. Northampton-—Gives Berry a pla rality of 3500. The same county gave Hill 1427, a Democratic gain of 2073. Chester—Gives Berry a plurality of 1800. The same county gave Mathues 3776, a Democratic gain of 65676. plurality gave Math 500 ARRESTS IN PHILADELPHIA Police Quickly Put Down Disturb. ances at the Polls. Philadelphia, Nov, 8. ~ Contrary to general expectation, there was no great or very serious disturbance in the city. There were, however, many emall scrimmages at polling places, especially in the more thickly settled words where the Republican organiza tion is very strong and where the City Party put up a most determined i The police iriment was at i of the situation, wins started {it Some of these small cleared was dep into had it no one Mayor Weaver, who force swearing into the expected, wolice of tho outlying strong rps of reserve the police iy the were sent 11n the on, A «« pt in captains biles, go LW any automd( +» polis § a voters, the el COLONEL GUFFEY'S STATEMENT Berr Reg Says inion of THE VOTE IN MARYLAND Disfranchise Amendment Defeated By Majorit tion among eign voters the extrem count has been slow some of the city precincts baliot, the and the votes in and remote county districts have not been counted The returns so far received, however, make certain the defeat of the proposed constitutional amendment by a dee cisive majority of 20,000 or more, and very probable the of McCul- lough, Rep., state comptroller over At. kinson, Dem., and the election of Re- publicans in three out of four of the city legislative districts. The Republi can candidates for sheriff, city court clerk and city surveyor in Baltimore are also elected, Chief Judge Harlan, Dem. is re. elected by 10,000 majority. The Re publicans did not nominate a candidate against Judge Harlan, though there was an ndependent Republican candi. date. The political complexion of the next legislature is uncertain, and will not be known until the official count has been completed. Virginia Elects Democratic Governor, Richmond, Va, Nov. §.~Claude A. Swanson, Dem., was elected governor of Virginia by 20,000 plurality over Judge 1. L. Lewis, the Republican can didate. The vote everywhere was ex. coedingly light, but Democratic apa thy was offset by unfavorable condi tions on the other side. The negroes throughout the state abstained from voting almost entirely. The Republl cans gain a few members of the legis hature. election cog Masons Bangueted Mrs. J. W. Kunkle and daughters, Mrs. J. R. G. Allison and Miss Laurs planned a complete surprise for J. W, tunkle, the proprietor of the Centre Hull Hotel. Monday night Mr, tunkle was initiated into the myster- ies of the third degree of Masonry, while this was in the referred to prepared a sumptuous the hotel, Mr the lodge re members of the oi der present and Indien Progress, spread al wnkie wee detained in the seated around the beard, om until all wire and then he was hurriedly called te | surprise was genuine, a time before hie realized was in his honor. Twenty or more Musons enjoyed ti were 8B. E, H., Braucht Mills feast, Those out of Weber, Boaleburg ; Dr. H. H. F. Ros ing town and ANAL, HMpr si pny Marriage Lic Wi. OC. Hud Ashville Henrietta F, Zeigler, | Herman E. Hollman, | Jen Bair, Bou I Thomas Tubrid Julia Gleason, M nes KON, inette James H. Behree Muude A. ‘harles Craft, dzzie Kl James J, | M : Alda B. Bt Ltatie R, — Linden § Hall. J. M., Wieland made a trip to I’ burg, last week, A party of hunters from Shamokin spent last week at Laurel Rup. [hey shot quite a lot of rabbits and plieas- ants, but got only one turkey, Merchant Howard &. Miller and bersburg, enjoyed a drive behind their handsome team of bis ‘Rw, is wife, of He last week, to visit Gra id r, for a few daye. CRINE from ( The Xpects | i i nome iantter part of move to Havmond cam ap Mouday, to attend th H. HEan Mrs, [ion side here the Brooks latter the Pott day visiting friend many friends of gathered at her iehrate her ved a i the day WHO were Fee) YN PN UN ON YN 9 ow = E000 Of 0! 2 & of us. for you, Q) Y ol s your Shoes nake it an obje . . . t Ol ¥ i ORO Epc [OO We are to our Store. done by any adding » pn a your home ; premiums QO vit Lace Chairs, Pictures, ware—articles Q A [ORONO i © YEAGER [©] iw & ent never been Our premi- 1welp you furnish rill not have to ugs, Rocking Silver- home cozy. ium depa artm 14s you ga make your * Sek Bie © & # x = w Q o & DAVIS y Savers 0a THE mm simply because the Vin know that man understands clo that he has gone the limit of used good judgment, and that penbeimer Clothes, Fall i stylish—you may It may not mean Means ne nas but simply leads you to our stock of Rup- latest and newest are being shown by us, ———— p55 AT, AON I ——— a 5 OO AR A RA lo Is it trueyo then use of earl The Stren » VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewe CT Or