DAY FOR THANKSGIVING i Proclamation Issued By President Roosevelt, THE LATEST NEWS BRIEFLY TOLL. DOMESTIC Mi: r and heir of Hoffman ejected Relatives - of Fra i poy d Ms tOrme apartmen Ne Ingersoll Lockwood, ] of trust o and y claims a dee property roroner began ga it Yer wi ad woman’ the investigation he student at Kenyon ome way Should Be Grateful For. setts £1 ial Pes “i Almighty tarougn he ustom has now lowed by imme in easier and more ur ve dan « foreiatners, the 4s great mr history that once a ¥ apart a day to the Giver that they the abun- time, Xpress for fant merc: received, should acknowledge nings and pledge themsely i in good faith to strive Dur- ing tl blessgd with bountiful cr Our business pros- perity has been great. No other people ! Af mn £11 1aniuiy em 3 : | PPT Have Lech has ever sto terial well BOMB IN A TENEMENT. Woman Found it Just in Time te Prevent Terrible Explosion. SUES SUICIDES ESTATE. 3 1 } v Bank, chmond 1n (Gravson Ky in Son Phil by Miss Mary daughter Rhode Isla: iment erected if General trip over th said Cl Head, viackmail tory of Hopkinsville, § jor dorm College, at purp the Sout! 1 i by fire. Lo ance, $¥.000 Rev. Frederick Foote John 1 ass] staal stant t Her Business, FOL Ia jer boarding |! Alice Slaugh has begun against the «¢ $5000 damagy In January, 1901, M Slaught the Bolke tr k pl room in the and killed his wii own life. Miss Slau in the night by $0 and her health was greatly the resulting fright. TI printed the news of the f result her house was given undesirable advertising. The notoriety drove away business, murg n the “best Bolke shot took his s awakened f gunshots mpaired by ay the sound ef NewWssaAners ’ newspaper Three Fell on Carriage. Mrs. Mary R one of the most Danville, O O., (Special). Motz, aged 700 wife of prominent citizens of Knox county, was instantly killed and her son Clifford was fatally injured near here by a tree, which was being cut down by axemen, falling upon them. They were on their way home in a buggy, and as they reached a turn in the road the tree cll and crushed the occupants beneath it. Engine Explodes. Dallas, Tex., (Special).—A passenger train on the. Houston and Texas Cen tral, running at a moderate rate of speed, was derailed near Ennis, Tex, by an Saplogion of the engine. Seven coaches left the track, and the violence of the explosion was so great that the roadbed was torn up for several hundred yards None of the passengers was seriously in- jured, but Brakeman Glenn was killed outright and Engineer Davenport and Fireman Trailer were probably fatally injured. nferr n the Maced an cruiser nk by the Japanese d, has been repaired. Emperor Francis Joseph has, it is said, ded to grant universal suffrage 1stria. I tenant Lieu nt General von Trotha, com- vanding in German Southwest Africa, reports a hard fight with the natives, hich he lost 3 officers and 13 men killed i 3 officers and 31 men wounded the combined British and Japanese fleets. The enthusiasm of the public is unabated. Nicholas and formerly gov- in Pans The old union flag came down from the palaces and public buildings in Swe- den and the separate flag reappeared. The Cossacks and police treated very roughly the rejoicing populace and dem- onstrative students in Odessa. An expedition to the North Pole is about to be organized under the patron. age of the Belgian government. Five American missionaries are re ported to have been murdered at Lien chow, China. Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian novelist, is reported to be very feeble, The retiring British viceroy, Lord Cur- zon of Kedleston, who has been making a farewell tour of India, is prostrated at Lahore, British India, with fever brought on by exposure to the run, The Swedish steamer Johar (17234 tons) and the Russian bark Antares (340 tons) both foundered recently in the North Sea after a collision. Twenty i i | | i : ! i i i ! ANARCHY IS RAMPANT Wild Mobs Loot and Terrorize Odessa | and Other Cities. | HUNDREDS KILLED IN STREET BATTLES | i Rioters The Police Side With Roughs Whe | Call Themselves “Loyailsts”— Attack On | and Massacres of the Jews Are Incessant— | Strike Called Off. : WOTrK were t NEW YORK AS SEEN DAY BY DAY, New Yong ¢ . Petersburg Quicts Down. srg. { By Cable) i nter While Democrats and ~~ The al that they ill soon in have made a virtue of neces ave declared the strike off Philippioe Road Costly, (Special) ~Major finding be Francisco, L on, who has had charge of the construction of a wagon road from Manila to Bagulo, in Benguel Province, on the transport Logan from the Philippines. This road, it is reported, is government a great sum, amounting to between $1.500,000 and $2,000,000 Major Kennon is authority for the statement that the road cost $75.00 a mile for the 20 of the so miles up into the mountains Killed in the Philipplaes. Washington, (Special). A dispatch to the War Department from Manila an. nounced the following deaths: Drowned, body recovered, Norman Gerhart, Troop H, Seventh Cavalry, October 15; drowned, body not recovered, Paul E. Scoggin, Company E, Seventh Infantry, October 15; dysentery, Carl O. Dexter, Company F, Thirteenth Infantry, Octo. ber 20, and appendicitis, Frank R. Grov- er, Troop 1. Seventh Cavalry, Octo: 7 last AGAIN PROVOKED BY CASTRO. Venezuela President, la Aoger, Steps All Cable Messages. Paris, (By Ca Advices received { by the Foren Office here say that | Venezuelan government suspended | dispatch of cable messages t i France and Great Britain ble) for a American and British Ministers at Caracas protested, and the American Minister also voiced the protest of France. The ground for the not received a reply to a cable message sent to an agent abroad. President Cas- tro attributed the non-receipt of a reply to foreign influences, hence the suspen- sion, which, it 1 understood, covered offi- cial dispatches, The authorities here say the incident 1s an additional provocation FINANCIAL. The high price of cotton has stopped exports of that article. “The feeling of conservatism is on the increase,” says W. L. Bull *The Rock Island's September report shows a gain of $21,000 in net profits, Gould stocks are not only acting bad- ly, but his railroads are not making fav- orable reports. Again the report is circulated that Great Northern preferred is to get a cash dividend of 25 per cent. at the be. ginning of the year, MASSACRE MISSIONARIES | Chinese Said to Mave Killed Five at | Lienchow, Dr, Machie Was Captured and Would Have Been Massacred Had it Not Been That a Mandario, Whose Life Had Been Saved By Dr. Machie, interceded for Him. LOUIS AT ANNAPOLIS. British Prince on Americans Sell Navy's Welcome. He was {a fav ta & i On board be th sed h {10 wi {in i 1 ceived an of «hat i suite astern, he i Ametican of | gentleman who receives a gue { mail and luncheon were waiting, {first remark was apropos of the corre { spondence. It was brief, but character istic: “It can wait” “You know, of said the Prince, “that 1 am in Annapolis express ly to go to Washington. My visit is to carry the letter from the King to the President Il be the guest of the course,” I will British Embassy while in Washington | Then 1 go to New York, and next to | Gibraltar.” i ———— Positively No Rebate, Philadelphia, (Special). — The Penn. sylvania Railroad has issued notice to its freight agents and solicitors cautioning them to observe strictly the spirit and letter of the inter State Commerce Laws Information of secret rate-cutting by va- rious companies has been coming to the traffic officers of the Pernsylvama Rail- road. It has been determined to take such action as will show that under no circumstances will the management of the company countenance any rebates or other miringemeigg of the law. PRINCE MEETS PRESIDENT Bears Personal Message From Edward, § WOMAN'S ODD WILL Bequests For Keeplog in Condition Four Husbands A CHINESE PRODUCT Eger Yolks Bersx. Against Importing Mixed Wit, 60,083 Moths For Smithsonian 19.000 900 Primers Exploded. sed belo TIHMIss ION wmittee of letter-carriers present ition 10 Postmaster General Cor elyou, asking for The President 1 railroad { rate problem with Senators Culiom and Dolliver | President Roosevelt and the members of the Cabinet have been invited to the reception to be given to Mrs. McLean, of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution, The Interstate Commerce Commission decided the case of the City Gas Com. pany Norfolk against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad favor of the former, nw Jon gous Laanry 1 fra Ca discussed more the Of mn An inquiry into the operation of pri vate refrigerator cars on transcontinental railways was begun by the Interstate Commerce Commission President Roosevelt has been presented with a copy of the resolutions adopted by the bishops of the Methodist Episco. pal Church, The Farmers’ National Bank of King: fisher, Oklahoma Territory, has been closed by the Comptroller of the Cur. rency. Ambassador ence with the lan matters, usserand had & confer. resident about Venezue-