BIG WAVE ENGULFS LINER Five Steerage Passengers Are Swept - Overboard AND MANY OTHERS ARE INJURED. The Disaster Came Unexpectedly, When the Decks Were Filled With Merrymakers—A Big Wave Suddenly Swept Over the Ship, Completely Covering the Lower Deck and Rislag Walsthigh on Upper Deck. Five lives are New York, known to have 31 “ (Specral). been and more than persons fatally on the ( Ane steamer Campana when wave roll steamer with So sudden was aster and attended office Ur SSENRCErs wi was travel MIKADO AND CZAR SIGN. Peace Treaty Effective ad War Formally Ende’, government to in clamation Aurora, Jemtcl constituting Admiral En t' at Manila, and the Len: land, which months, may whenever the the s squadron , at Mare Is interned for probably now be released Russian government sees been 4 bra nave understood, the ships have been under- going extensive repairs to make them seaworthy, it may be sometime yet be fore they are ready to sail A AA Islands In 8 Quake. Kingston, Jamaica, (By Cable). —An- other carthquake shock was felt at 4.15 o'clock P. M., lasting for nearly a min- wie. It was oppressively hot before the shock took place. Jail Term For Congressman. Portland, Ore, (Special). — John Newton Williamson, congressman from the Second Oregan district, convicted of subordination of perjury in connection with land frauds in Oregon, was sen tenced by Judge Hunt in the United States Court to serve 10 months’ impris- onment and to pay a fine of $500. He was also reprimanded by the court for his failure to set a good example in his exalted public position. Marion R. Biggs, formerly United States commis- sioner, was given an equal penalty. DOMESTIC Mrs. Grave Evans, of Des Moines, Ia, fainted upon learning that her hus band, Ralph W. Evans, had been se cretly married to Miss Jessica Penn, a girl and art who had Ti wlel d Frederickson, walk, Conn, is on the h Barrett, who ran i 1 $1,300 of his his wife, but does Dr Arthur wealthy New Y nude on top of a He had from mental Two more society student, been his John South Ww i lim} cimoeaq abberatie the latest Representative Ira Wade, a timl The Southern i 1 140 new 0,000 be installe Omaha Joseph A York arrested £ 2.000.000 and othe the uble is feared hat Gen. Baron F appointed public will be made until next week M. Ossovsky, the assistant police at Kishinef, was assassinated was said to have been largely sible for the massacre of the Jews, The Russian government will lend Baku oil men $15,000,000 to cover of repairing the damage inflic by rioters The new Peruvian minister, Dr. Man- wel Alvarez Calderon, formerly minister of Peru to the United States, Cuba and Mexico, has arrived at and it is believed that exciting interna. tional questions will be discussed. The Duchess Sophie Charlotte of Old- enburg, fiancee of Prince Eitel Frederick, has been sremier, but ervary no the elect, The Prince Victoria Adelheid, eldest daughter of Duke Frederick of Schies wig - Holstein - Sonderburg-Gluecksburg, was married at Gluecksburg, Prussia, to Prince Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha. The British squadron was officially welcomed by the Japanese at Yokohama, where festivities were held in. honor of the visitors, Forty arrests were made as the result of the discovery of secret printing estab- lishments on the outskirts of St. Peters burg. The strike of the factory workers is reported to be spreading in Moscow. SIR HENRY IRVING DEAD For Many Years Leader of the English Stage. DIED SHORTLY “ER A PERFORMANCE Oaly jan Hour Before He Was Stricken the Famous Actor Was Playing at a Theater in Bradford, Eng. His Rise and Success as One of the World's (Greatest Actors His Hamlet and Other Roles. COW CAUSES FIVE DEATHS. Lics Down on Raliread sed Throws Esgise Off Track. and saved the the debris rest urning y he train from Bllad Woman Perished. woman Chicago, (Special) —A was burned to death in her kitchen while her deaf mother sat placidly rocking and mending in an adjoining room, hearing i nothing of the daughter's cries of agony, | The victim was Mrs. Frances Harvey, !a widow, 41 years old. The mother is Mrs. W. Vierer, years-old. Mrs tad | Harvey had been blind from childhood, by heart, and blind i but she knew the he { had been accustomed to doing the cook- { ing. She had placed the kettle on the gas stove when the sieeve of her dress be- came ignited Six Firemen lojured. Chicago, (Specias, Six firemen were injured, two probably fatally, in a col lision between a hose cart and an electric car. The car was running at 20 miles an hour when it struck the rear of the hose cart, knocking the vehicle 25 feet. Seventh Victim of Feud. Mobile, Ala, (Special). « William Young was killed from ambush while returning to his home, at Wheelerville, 13 miles west of Mobile. He is the seventh victim of a feud which has con- tinued for the past 25 years, Ise CHOPPED MAN HE KILLED Gruesome Murder in a Lodging-House in New York, FLIMSY STORY BY THE ACCUSED MAN. Teli the Police of Hearlng Souude of Cracking Bones and the Falling of Pleces of the Carcass, as Human Butcher Proceeds In His Work What They Saw Through the Glass ln the Partition Door. SIX MINERS IN A BLAZING PIT. and Another Killed By Explosion. Eogiseer An - NEW YORK AS SEEN DAY BY DAY, New Youx City, N. Y showing the slighest effect of LUKE WRIGHT RESIGNS. ———————— A ———— A —— FIVE KILLED IN NUTINY Captain Was Among the Victims of the Plot. COLORED MEN WERE IN CONTROL. From Mobile, Ala., to Philadelphia, Scene of Mutiny Three Negroes All That Re- malged of Crew Captured snd Taken to Southport, N, C. MARKEL LOSES BIG CONTRACT Panama Capel Commission Aspuis Agree ment, resign Several harges were preferred | Tucker involving his ! as a member of the Terri | These charges | President, and were n Department of Justice for investiga- tion. The request for resignati based upon the findings of that Investigation against pers mal rai were pre sented referred by him LIVE WASHINGTON AFFAIRS. Gen. A. L. Mills, superintendent the Military Academy, in his report pictures very satisfactory tions as ro discipline, military and soldierly conduct of the cadets, says that hazing in any form has shown no symptom of reappearing The L.. West a member of the Board of Com. missioners for the District of Columbia It is stated that there will be several important changes in the personnel of the Philippine Commission. The arbitrary actions of President Castro and other phases of the Venezu clan controversy were considered at the cabinet meeting. The President and Mrs, Roosevelt had as guests at dinner Secretary and Mrs, Taft and Postmaster General and Mrs, Cortelyou, The President has directed the ap- pointment of Col. Henry G. Sharpe to be chief commissary of subsistence of the army. The National Wholesale Lumber Deal. ers’ Association has approved the Presi dent's attitude in railroad rate legislation. § i 1 cond: His Governor Generaiship, faction with the situ pines, Luke E. Wright, of the Philippine C about the first December General Wright is expected {in the United States duris and is entitled $1X | absence prior I ment of his labors as Governor General | It is understood that he expects to re | turn to Nashville, Tenn, to resume the practice of law President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft, it is believed, practically have de {cided upon the successor to General | Wright, but no intimation has been per. io | mitted to become public as to his ident. {ity. It can be stated reasonably definitely that General Wright's successor will not be a man now connected with the Com. mission. Diamond Case Dropped. Red Oak, lowa, (Special).~~The case of Thomas Dennison, of Omaha, indicted for complicity in the robbery of $75,000 worth of diamonds from J. W. Pollock, a New York diamond salesman, on 2 train near Missouri Valley, lowa, was dismissed by County Attorney Greenlee, of Montgomery county, Dennison’s case was to have come up for a second trial in December, the firet trial having re sulted in a disagreement. The case has attracted wide attention, having been once heard in the United States Supreme Court, Neck Broken, Walked Mile. a 5 fre ina ( Specia \ ft FINANCIAL. Senator Elkins is said to favor the en- It was reported that $000000 gold Eut rope for import. Union Pacific's net carnings mn gust increased 8467477 and Pacific's increased $386,402 “There 1s only one side to this market and that is the ball side” was the es sence of a private dispatch to De Haven & Townsend Philadelphia banks have advanced the interest rate on call loans to § per cont. Money has not been above that figure since the autumn of 1903, wien it was 6 per cent, Grose earnings of the subsidiary come panies of the Interstate Railways ir. creased $33.237 for the month of Sep- tember and $100,538 for the nine months of 1008, over the cofresponding period of 1004 Coxe Brothers, whose coal lands are said to have been bought hy the Lehigh Valley Railroad, produce about 1,500,000 tons of coal ammually. That is about what the Reading mines in six weeks, Ag Southern