The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 12, 1905, Image 3

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    - — - m— - rime —— : A. es mt = = . - . = “ = " - wine Oa ————
A | i 2 ] i 1 Belietn nie, N. WwW, Sarper
| Rel ‘ { The Latest Pennsylvania News Told la Short | 5. Woy Patrick Gherrity
| | A > Y junrge i. Meek
D. F- FORTNEY | fo Dh Order, | Philipsburg , 4. W, Lukens
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW r= : i : Lai] “ 81d W. KG. Jon
Office North of Court House. ~ G a Li Te : i DISPELLING TOBACCO ODOR.
gem——— FR ——— — . : Ww o F i ow. ! le
. | unpleasant mell of tobacco
Ww. HARRISON WALKER i Tea Na Si inging to curtains ha and. furaf te jay
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW i THE DUAL PURPOSE COW Beta In the di ry business, | ro i po diape lled by sprinkling ground cof
BELLEFONTE, PA Many farmers believe in the “dual | leet © worl n \
No. 19 W. High Street. pur se cow-—an animal that iii in only suffer loss of that one day, Coffe fumes, are in all cases, admirable
All Pralessional business Jrumplly attended to | produce both beef and milk profitably . ind
$4 '
a shovel, setting it alight, and
carrying the latter about the room.
an disinfectants. aay ihe my y ‘Many burglaries all | urtin B®
or sah ne 41] Lehigl ile 8 i a8 in Ferguson,
me ORE — ! Biucks Coat ris rire 0 w
8. D. — Jxo. J. Bowen W.D Zemny | advantages or disadvantages of keep-| u far ily growing up, for it te; 3 | HOW TO CARE FOR A BRASS BED. 72 & py A a Gregg. N. P
CSH-ETTIG, BOWER & ZERBY ing such an animal; sufficient to say| them to | ! rious and helpful, I'he bed should be dusted with a
: ee { that such a cow is desirable In tae! but h lear hat { tf te / Joth eve das
ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW | judgement of some cattle-keepers, and | boy hat, ! {
EAGLE Brock tha h . ti vl . od
“NT s that the authori 8 wi OnaGueLed
BELLEFONTE, PA ] sii 3p oo
Successors to Orvis, Bowen & Orvis ‘he iry 1! at the St. Lou
Consultation in English and German { Position provided a class for
ET ——— ————— We will not at predent discuss the
EE ——— meee | 1FY Of such cattle—Class
five Hol Curries
ATTORKEYV-AT-LAW | at ! he little é i : | more
"BELLEFONTE, PFA | fat in he milk produced wi H ndered it hi sine w.! : i .
Office N. W. corner Diamond, two doors from at thirty conts 'y MIN lids not water. not havin ymel-canacity, | "
First National Bank. ire r
All kinds of legal business attended to promptly |
fipecial attention given to coliections. Office, Me
floor Crider's Exchange. Jy
Practices in all the courts. Consultation I»
English and German. Office, Crider's xchange
ery lah ay : e ree i e given h chopped : (CENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNSYLVANIA
Buikting ty 1069 lbs { . hie at 3t x 01 “31111 ity os A x, : : . . ws Contant as Table Week Days
Old Fort Hotel
EDWARD ROYER, Proprietor
Location : One mile South of Centre Hall,
Accommodations first-class. Good bar. Parties
wishing to enjoy an evening given special
attention. Meals for such occasions pre
pared on short notice. Always prepared
for the transient trade.
Sig Mis Hoe
irst-cless ueonmmodations at all times for bet
man and beast Free bus to ar 4d from all dh : 4 Ba, a , : : ns © a 3 Ew
.h § 5 » ’ Vv ¥ > 0 9 4 VY
trains. Excellent Livery attached. Table : : ox . . : Via Phil
board first-class, The best lUgquoss anf i pro ; : A Fuad
wiues at the bar,
a—— . - " y fa st I , Ravana f : t it Card : n " y 40 weed? New York
) » e : : : Via Ta:
LIVERY .2 a | Set by et Tt ts 1 | nS gear |e
Special Effort made to
ccommodate Com.
mercial Travelers...
Centre Hall, Pa, Penn’a R. R
Penn's Valley Banking Company
W. B. MINGLE, Cashic
Receives Deposits .
Discounts Notes .
diet bie
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Superior to other remedies sold at high prices.
Cure guaranteed. Successfull Py used by « verge
200.000 Wemen, Price, * 33 Cents, drug. 4 3 = . : b . ” ; . Ti ! nothes ant hon Rimn fiv minutia ‘ m nf k # ne ; " § i ar 3) Come to our store and You
gists or by mail. Testimonials & booklet frees n the r i . : ha . 1 i Ve ry : : . .
Pr. LaFranco, Philadelphia, Pa, ‘ : é 3 ‘ nOOT 1 i time the ‘ routeq water a ra u A oe kt i He g. Hue ovill be convinced of a few facts
sable im to make a Comforiabi in| The family net trace of Me Sommer | When cod il aap hit with « force | 3 grade of Eafayeic Clg bin | ...C. A RAPE...
— = i i
$e Fom bd dddd ddd
CONSTIPATION, tou abint af I ey A ne wamp Lutheran Che ew Han.
INDIGESTION, pe nd they has t firn ixed le a : er vio thirty years ag i fos Pi ] . at Ww J 3 a, pr ok ane IE i bn " pe > > y , an Successors to . .
SICK HEADACHE, | In their mints that tho hog has no all of the artifical flowers came from | around them. cover and bake 16 min | Frederick Geiger, a former pastor, who | SURRY Wobvies
And imparts new life to the whole system. At | ne i . re, ‘ he ui very expensive. the fos ’ Rts’. raf \h a pretty platter with cream sauce uty Revenue Collector Charles E. | 4 Foutra) Bisieca a! the
all druggists and dealers, 25¢, or sent by mail, Puven 1 rece vod :-} Sh Et ris i rristown. served notices on rgest Fire a
if your dealer will not supply you. Address, his will ‘acc good mans ountry hit upon the plan of pre. | poured os her : ol l he tom abe i farvteon : : Insurance Companies
John D. Langham, Holley, N.Y. | of the failures hired men make as| Serving native flowers, making use | Tomato and Lettuce Salad—This ts | the members of fourteen social clubs | 4 SHORE CInPAG 6
orale by 7. Prank Smith, Centre Hall, Pu. ~ | + t ewine. The raising and | Of thelr knowledee in preserving the | eh ‘as. the most graveful In the | county courts and also take out inmernal | 3 THE BEST IS THE
facding imy vod wily % a in J | ) an 0 produce them | w¢ as i revenue nses if they want to avoid ar-
that has ia } nl " Y be vy artificial means he 2la, even the best Inatoes are viet § +h " E Layiso CHEAPEST . * . .
i HAR i § ig! i, Al ¥ ’ i He . A 3 - ' 4 f i | t it : x . +
SBULTAN’'S DINNER IS EXPENSIVE. | the boy commences ti , cami | nut peeled nowadays, b ch careful i ATi Jose in 1 Wat pena No Mutuals
—— { him and for the swine that are t« Merits of the Thistle iousewife prefers to tak ite ex: | nig f. Fielcher Lyons, 3 P0-year-oid | No Amesmments
‘a i 1 : { tra tim and relieve the stomach widow, hving nortl Dioomsburg, a
It Costs Turkey's | Ruler $5,000 Every | come under his care. a1 wwnlow’s recommendation | , oa oo TS tf battling with 0 ite, tof her house to as. Before insuring your life see
! Frese the ¥ eau! of hat n ' openca | ! : ay } i ay
Day. and the nettle as valuable | IT°™ the n 8 a To] Eel et es se ate Was & the contract of THE HOME
The Sultan of Turkey's dinner costs | LEARNED IN and a iclow In sugzosts a ; Ye Shih R remart. of 2 eon aud Sa ms Fat > which in case of death between
him $5,000 a day § : SEER OT 1 accomplish this task quickly wash dr il kin tend af Thm ie heap Rar the tenth’ and twentieth years re-
The table is sil and it is said | I have . the toma g with boiling water and | i a rs ea a a3 turns all premiums paid in ad-
be the most Let no man | ee-haw at the mention of { 0 110mm 4 {a moment entirely jm. | ANG DECK. 007 32481 Afi isappeared in dition to the face of the policy.
f the thistle. Culpe pet praises it, and | mt. put in a oolander | | Rn : i 4 !
contains | sther roughness swver fod. 1 has llorms ug thal 1's "effectual for | a 3 he cold water from the fan
Jno. F. Gray & Son
| the entirely unremunerative
alfalfs hay as soon
the sllversmith's that the world | will make better
i i eve y the und i Money to Loan om First
! ler ft hi : have)..." ton sib a ani t : shock, the latter making hb 3 i Mortgage
The dishes are brought In ure he | fun y wt vit | vas | *'HRES al vent and cure the In ‘ y m th or four min- ' bok feel
! good ves on separated . : , ; . 3 Ha ! fu !
heads of jublakiars, or cooks’ assists | cttw wns y . o {fale v1! mn 1e ia 8 MS | ates Son th ¢ can be slipped | hice disnlaved : tivity i Office in Crider's Stone Building
1 £ J ; | skim ik, ¢ 1k nd alfalfa hay ' we ‘ : ’ i ac y |
ants, and each dish is covered and : ited tuning with. the saline hie jaundice It og thout injuring the appearance | different sections of Las t county the | T BELLEFONTE, PA.
scaled with the royal seal. There are rh 1 cake and al : hay are | *ANBER 1 Ie blood exco e ingly; and | or firmoese of the fruit. Slice evenly ther night, a any Gitferent |
always fifty or more dishes. and all cheaper than butter fat ‘h SPFing. H you picase to holl the ten | Lun 5 sharn knife. lay on leaves of h uses being 1 ear Akron the | I ITTIIT MM
are set before the sultan He Same I have loarned that it w i! take! der i " cut off the prickles lettuce and dress with mayon- : re Bic nce ol Tyo : . Be as ere red | —, i] SE
Hime, He eats, usually, from about years to build up a very good dairy Uae ou | ¢ Yea mind x Shoe you tse or French dressing Instead o A So wa ches and Rr aey i B50 YEARS'
six 3 + Seg Ra. 4 ’ i self will change your blood as the nities tha * Ant chen small and | . t Mountville and vicinity the hx
Though the sultan is himself a eyes lima Tu ap | season changes, and is the way | _ leing the tomatoes when small al residences of Frederick Copeland, A. B EXPERIENCE
il In b in : roi
| round, can have enough of their pulp | Fisher, H. 8. Binkley, J. M. Fridy, D
. nes Antag 4 anfe reover. “the tH hink ia AN isher, S. Binkley, J. } ridy, D.
total abstainer, the finest vintage | My plan Is startag out would| © be sal Moreover. he decoction | + out to form a cup, which is filled | B (
g 1 te tatin hai " ~ Copeland, C. H. Heidler, John H.
wines are always offered to such | to purchase good heifers, just a iit. | ©F the thistle being drunk expeis su with minced chives or celery and | Carter and B. F. Hendricks were en-
guests as dine at the palace tle before they come fresh. By care. | PeTflous melancholy out of the body, mayonnaise tered, but little of value was secured. :
perv Als 4 i v4 8 i a 4s 8 . A % . h,
Every dish the ruler partakes of is ful selection and care. one can bukld and makes a man as merry as a Rice a la Japanese—The Japs ex vs . é
first tasted in the kitchen by the grand
: ket, and my opinion is that it is ; . heir method | : i
up a good herd In a few yoars. cricke : eel {n cooking rice, and their method lg Square cre follow SAE T A am
vizier, lest it be poisoned, and it 1s | "DP * B \ ra las | the best remedy against all melan. ceedingly simply. Put one cupful | NEit Dquare, has elected the following 4 RADE NARs
past year, no doubt have learned only exceedingly simply. officers to serve for the year: Noble
immediately thereafter that its seal
Kennett Odd Fellows’ Lodge, of Ken-
: v » p ” “ - 3
what others In the dalry business| Choly diseases that grows” And this | rice which has been thoroughly | (Grand, George Donaldson: vice-grand
ing takes place. Always, before he ; 8 {
pect to learn a great deal more if 1] "Did you ever see a dead donkey?" boiling water. Add =alt, and when | Taylor; recording secretary, Warren | throntion is probably p santablo A Communion
I 1a uot because he eats 35.000 in it too. 1 find that it requires at-| has discovered the secret of longevity. | oy tne saucepan, uncovered, In a mod. | representative, Vernon T. Belby. A ng Ae nani 0. recelvg
as a matter of fact, no more than a
io foe months, $i goa bral re sion hears,
J for twenty-one years pastor of St. John's Broadway
number daily several thousand. to teach one to tend strictly to busi | are beirg improved. saucepan, Reformed Clutpeh, has resigned the pas § Co,2ctormsen. New ew York
: torate and will go to Philadelphia.
gi 5 s ’ .
can fall to on a dish, the sultan must have learned years ago, and 1 ex-| Sives us the answer to the question, | y.hed over the fire with five of fast | Charles H. Pyle; treasurer, J. Pennell Anyone sanding a sketch and description mg
H § ie 7
thone st ristly confidential, T1andbook on Pelonts
sic, without ohare, in the
worth of food himself that the sultan's "eri
Reading. A handsomely Hlustratnd weekly, jarrest
half dollar's worth. But the guests end of the vear for harvest, it comes Is Mexfeo rallwayas are being extend: of and every grain be distinet and Ko
galekly ascertain our ion Jree -
itis not stay in the business. I Intend to stay | He 18 not such an ass as to dle. He |; pag boiled fast for Aftoen minutes | Kitts; trustee, William Montgomery ; | Iomt ra hdost apaney fof moc ring patie.
d i raf ’ icle inut the Saturday half holidays have been aboal-
Bi ls . ‘a . tention every day, we have no dave London Chron erate oven, In fifteen minutes a ti
dinner bili is 80 expensive. He eats, off: we do not have to wait till the w— wi m—— water will have completely evaporat: ished at the Read ling Railway shops in fl merican
ev. B. BB. Ferrer, of Reigelsville, | eaintion of any scent
pp ‘ » y dd an oilities for transportation s Ww { ’ *
and retainers who dine at his expense | Very day; It is a very good teacher €d and fa P fluffy. Not a grain will stick to the