_VOL. LXXVIM. CENTRE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR. 148th Regiment, Pennsylvania : Volunteers. CHAPLES rede NV river it» Work= ¢ May 15 novel to jekaburg rosd, pear the May 17, tured on ruday, weil bad 12th shifted frie iH For five dayna Lie regiment changed position and skirmished over thé same ground in a disastrous assault on the uile = unded ithont joined enemy’s works. the regiment ing and skirmishing Marched in the night to the left of the army sons Mill and formed marched about five miles number were wi Fight results from the to near Ander battle Lines other troops ; returned in the ght Marched ten miles. May 20, rested and slept duriug the day. Marched m. all night, along the Ric hmond and iii from eleven o'c lock P at day-break, thence through Bowling Green to Milford ; forded the Matis pony river, formed battle lines and be gan to fortify ; marched twenty-five | miles ; fight at Milford Station rain ; deep mud May 2, Bunday, | noitered to New Bethel church and re-| turned after steady regiment recon- night meandered ten miles May 23, marched early in the morn: | ing by way of Old Chesterfield to the | North Anna ni which was al of fifteen miles, May “4 river u er, reached | p.an,, after a meandering march NOrihh Anus crossed Lhe + pontoon boat bridge, near the | aud Potomac RK. KH. bridge fortify the tuarched two miles 4, hinished Richmond formed pusiti May fines and began to the intrenclitnents | at idnight then rested May 2% till North Anus river of the 1 remained in the new works toward evening then recrossed te to the north wo 5th FP skirmish line hotly engaged left the North hundred men May ai, Ata st a marched leisurely in and bivonacked =a hv uf thorn Eily SOL Coneord chureh, to hed fifteen miles hed at inkey Wes g ; ari OY ~, TORY reschied the Pam rive Hh two mies " Pp bridge Fowi go nioon in crossed Lhe formed line « anid fortified wmition the works iate the pi in the night tel niies May JY, Munday econnoitered skirmished with 1; & enemy cre«k. near the Pamunkey river May 30, constantly Lion changing posi marching rapidly from place to place. Joined iu a charge and fight in woods and brush on fotopotomy Cree aud in Lhe tify miles dUring aight Mav 31, all pight ; had a quiet day in the trench- es. "When night Totapotomy creek to the south and be- gan to fortify June 1, 1564 cations all lying on the ground resting and sleep- ing. Btarted toward Cold Harbor at 4 | p. m. and marched leisurely all night | to find another battlefield, evening began to for the new position, Meandered ten the day and worked all worked on fortifications got in crossed the! new fortifi- | Quiet day thed in w night men June 2, renched Cold in the morning Harbor early | all night in march ing fourteen miles, Regiment moved found in dense woods slong Polemy ria, near Cold | Harbor. A fight regiment fost men ; fell back; dreadful heat and A welcome rain in the evening. forward the eniemy whisued ; enemy dust, seven June 3, up all night ; moving, shift- ing. Formed lines with the Zad Corps al three o'clock in the morning and inter joined in the assault on the ene- my's impregnable position at Cold Harbor, which resulted in a terrible defeat of the Union army snd waa the greatest failure of the war. Twenly minutes after the frst shot was fired ten thousand Union soldiers had fall en, to one thousand of the enemy. Agsin and again the Union army had thrown itself against this stronghold without success, Gen, Grant ordered the attack renewed, but wiser counsel of other generals prevailed and the use lesn slaughter ended. Gen. Grant was held responsible for this defeal ; the terrible and fruitless loss of life, and was often afterwards referred to as “ Girant the Bateher,”! Union loss al Cold Harbor, fifteen thousand ; Cons federate loss, nineteen hundred, June 4, at Cold Harbor regiment worked sib night in fortifications, worked all day in oftensive trenches; approaches snd tunneling. Apportionment of Delegates ont meeting of the Dem rat sani ities the de 01 were ref fpor changes were made Wn fp tarchiased Nell Property cated on W. A. Nefl, of I'he price Lhe Joh ve property, sold Ly Sandoe, agent for 3 Mary L406) ' ' va I'he purchased Bethany, 1iinoi mid is very low roperty is proj i; nest to that # short lime William inthis 1% rit . § ETHIE, SO 8 strunk, the purchaser Case, June 6, worked in trenches by hitch i ea all Inst night. June 7, trace from 6 p.m. 105 p. m. less wounded this truce both the the Confederate and Un- During freely on amity ; the and crack- tobacco, the trade i battlefield in pe rect flee hinnies for Union troops traded « ers (oo the J Lice fey ha fon in abundance, The signal gun announced the trues he white flags came down in five minutes the men had sesnperad their respeclive b i works sand wer agi Wal of lied hing for chances [a Kill each J Ure ita i fortily and tunnel vd SECOND WEEK OF COURT or mud Fabre Vi and denial of alleged pag Er Arthiur Norris v tappent from judgment of Justics i 4 I'liis case grow out of the plain. the de- peace tif selling a cow to defendant fendant paying and the plaintiff to price deliver the few ould De Action thie balance olf cow at Lemont a days later, and before thie Ww delivered she sickened and died, to recover the purchase | money he defendant claimed that il he would was nol mpleted contract lose the dollar, bi the f il balance, as wile wa linble for the not completed until the cow was ele livered, and that i lost thi The jury rdict favor of Norris for $44.4 aintifd the Pp COW returned =a» ih Court was called Thursday moro of last week for the purpose found Of dispe ing of parties gully as well the presentation of the motions and petitions by tl at the bar, I'he poss i eo atlorneys following sentences Robert Fe found guilty of embez: were rentman who femaent frow American Express Uo to pay a fine of $300 and costa of prose cution : also to undergo Im prisonin in the Western penitentiary for a peri od of two years Harry Kessinger and Ge Grge who plead guilty to larceny were to rE sentenced of pre ion imprisonment in the 1 Hani pay a fine of $1.00 a out Also to Huntingdon He formatory, 8 igdon, under {hal ing day and nij hghting at sRirmishaiby « June I | Harbor tonak u is bine of rong on fight wat fins withhward at mdnigl #11 Hichmor tight wacked hed Cer Rie the ri Wileox meandering, roundabout march the Lon Va over twenty mile reached federnte defenses of Petersburg, after miaGnignt ale for the day's | jrifes edd ih Ri Petersburg in TON cariy in the morning i the enemy's | heavy battle en- Nos, 4,12, 138 CRp- lost ained aliack on r iia f works Hedans of { sued I and 14 onfederate works tured {mien heavy reglinent twenty-thiee killed and wounded front, Confederate de- ntinuoualy © few June 17, regiment sent to the line of akirmished « toward second June i5, regiment still in front stantly and heavily engaged the casusities Ms} KR. Henry badly wounded June 19, Sunday, regiment still io front ; skirmishing continually ; casu- alties light, June 20, regiment relieved at 9 p, m. by 9th Corps men. Moved a mile to the rear and bivouscked, The mun were entirely tired out and soon lay in bunches and rows on the ground, fast naleep, June 21, moved two miles to the left (south }, formed lines along the Peters burg and Weldon R. R.; fortified ; worked all night, Skirmish near the Williams House. June 22, left the works sboul noon and sdvanced toward the enemy's lines ; the Johnnies came to meet this advance and s furious fignt ensued, Union troops outflanked, defeated and driven back with heavy loss. Among the casualties was Lieut, W. W. Bier ly, of Co. A, mortally wounded and atmndoned to the enemy on the retreat of the regiment. . June 23, advance {wo miles and fight on the Jerusalem Plank road.’ June M, returned and with the bri- gade moved into the main works at Fort Steadman, which the regiment now helped to finish and the siege of COT. Among Forster Worked and skirmished by detail slong these lines to July 12th, iE Were nn pmonwealth Hoover, Anna IL. Hoover, Moore, VE, | Mary They Was called for trial, were property with intent to defraud credit- H. H. Montgomery, of the South Ward being the tor. Fram the from the indictment the evidence, it ors constable information obtained well appeared fu fa that defendants property while residing on Linn Sireet, to satisly claims due F, KE. Nagiuey, and the Telephone Come pany, und several other parties, but notwithstanding that fact the goods were delivered at the station at Belle- fonte, and shipped to Williamsport, After the evidence of the above case the Attorney for the defendants sub- m'tted several points to the court for positive instruction to the Jury. On motion of Counsel for the defendant the Court held that Anna LL. Hoover could not be convicted ass charged, for the reason that she was the wife of Grant Hoover, one of the defendants, and what she did was presumed to be under the direction of her husband and that perscnally she could not be convicted ; that the title to the proper- ty was claimed to be in the wife and that this Court could not try this question, The case was submitted to the Jury on a question of costs, The verdict of the Jury was that the coun. ty should pay them, HEPORT OF GRAND JURY, We have soled upon thirteen bills of indictment of which twelve were found true bills and one not a true bill, and also upon two bridge view hills, which were approved. We beg leave further to report thst we have visited and inspected the county buildings and find the court house in fairly good shape, with the ELIT § PROF. | FETTER Ae Vielochier rect fhe Fagle Ws Vol teatant Folin 1. Gray ir, ©. Marpsier ¥. x wrye Howard Boro Thomas Bowes I. HH. wih! J. H. Wagner Wm. Henderson Dr. ©. W. Melntire H.C Holter Howard Jacob Bobb Henry J, Fielcher i, L. Pletcher HD. Thee I. KB. Pheasant W.T. Neft Huston CM. Wilson 4. 4. Fink J. 4. Miles Woo Miller WwW. Parone Dallas Cronister Liberty ee Win, A. Batchelot Geo, W, Eaton EK. 1. Beehviel, I. M. Morrison Geo, W, Page, PE, Bechdel Marion T, FP. Baightol, Harry BE. Ha J A. Piper... 7% } O. BETTER fIIENT haga Git i endent. vile find eas Ham plon MM. Heisler Wen, ©, Martin Frank Musser Henry Genteel W. BH. Baird ate College ir. T. & Christ bw WW. HE Glenn A. F. Markie Win, 1. Homan Irving 1. Foster, OC. H, Ets Tavior Henry Yingling fames F. Goss, john Shively Alien Hoover Fatii. Won ver Panic! Conard non EE. M., Lovas Win, 1. Brower A. 4. dardner i. A. Way i. TT. Uomiey timant Davidson... Unionville « GW, Humb 1. I". J. MeDonuvell Daniel Buck. in. EA Russell, A. TT. Rowan, bE. C, Morrison Walker frm OC Ohl... N. H Shaffer... 3. WW. fe..inin in AL Deitrich W. A. Berk. John Gulser Worth -- “part Weston... $1. C. Woodring H.C. Thompson... A. BR. Woodring. ....... A. Y. Williams... .. HH Lali NR 905. ROBERT BILL SIGNED site Mord of § thie ory board | nd one Vii eugin” ommissioner, Mem- will receive no sal- | be entitled to their actual I'he npg iriio for the COTE E88 ti tration of fier fill~ i stale into ten reg vital ties and to appoint an officer for alary of $2,500 d to appoint other help as on the epartment, The bill ommissioner control of the Lhe slate except wWAlers or tanneries, establish sani- district at a authori b also clerk experts and Lid MAY Le Necessary in CARITYIDE ig f the d wi the $y ¢ { 4 LICRIS US i 8 hin to regulations for the slale, x t a8 ant 1s ii $i Ot fiat jo0ai boards of health, who are operating under s passed during AeREION A fewis Faust Seriously Io iured ig seeident f afternoon orse along when { i iat alnp 4 REGHD Lhe animal reared, ana backward, alighting J HNUETINAND as Dit gel Mnmon Kewise expressed him his ardent supporters, lire to sland by the yi hen installed in office Giramley, the present | arid with- | of aspirant, the rinally prior IOrmaiy on morning and | ¢ iE ition of . § f 5 #RLIon WO the organization of | give ption ' La Fhe Beporter is nol given mie § gyri I'he writer had sufficient con fidence in the superintendent just | elected to support him in the columaos of this paper and vote { i0 tf him in vention, because he believed him to Le superior in fitness. There are degrees of fitness. Mr. Etters will undoubt- edly prove Lis competency, bul if he fails to do so he should be succeeded, three years hence, by another. One of the best opportunities given a county superintendent of schools to give the local schools lasting benefit is to weed out the incompetent school teachers. This method will not pop- ularize him with many of the sch ol teachers, nor will it gain the support of a class of school directors who have an interest foreign to the welfare of the public school system. The superin- tendent-elect will be obliged to seize this opportunity to lessen incompetent tenchers in order that he may com- mand the continued confidence of the school directors who elected him, as well as all citizens in the county who take an interest in local educational affairs, cobl- t 10 THE DIRECTORS = if you have been misqooted in the ballot printed above, please notify this office wo that the correction may be made ans HI A soperintendents Elected in Other Conntics, Lycomivg ~4U. Broce Milnor Huntingdon J. G. ill finir-T, & Davie, Clearfield «WE Tobias, ( new ) Unlon-D, PP, Bmapleton. Camoron—Mise Mattie M. Calling Miflin-J, ¥. Wills, { now | Kayder(eo. W. Wallboro, Northamberiagd Wallace Feltzor, (new Ihrape ill of smalipox his is ut the home of the Krapes W. W. Bo man, reports that lis ih he Clncinnals wheel faclory i= DELI operated Lo ils fullest capacit the orders far exceed Lhe f i § for Bool At the MeNitt, fort nge oi merchant al msde his £0 1 ny years, bul up-b first trip to Philadeiphia He is old Inatiers goods, date in business i ied il James Alexsane ander, who re tre wari fla . CLS adits Hill to Milroy, was er day. to say that the past two weeks greatly on account The original i wire and was « WW glarted art (i Haven, wi John week wenl to Bittner A It Williams Bitne teaching a term of mid nla Lory mauLe and okout, the groom birgess of wore marris iast week he i= a son of Jacob Swires for Democratic Philipsburg, who was a candidate $ John H. Brown, Esq, nndertaker, and John Hev trio Thurs wud cota} (i: 8 Wedne widny . creeks easily Mills, which headquarters sccessible from Spring place they made their The State College Times has this to gay : Miss Grace Bmith, of Centre Hall, a recent graduate of a hair dress ing school in Williamsport, will come to the College Thursday of each week, Any ladies wishing to see Miss Smith can do so at the residence of John W. Btuart. Miss Blanche B. Ksup, of Belle fonte, sud Arthur E. Kline, of Al toons, were married at the home of the bride Thursday morning of last week. The couple will go to house keeping in Altoona. The groom isa son of John A. Kline, of near Mill heim, formerly of Oak Hall, it i= ramored that 8B, 8. Brown bought back the Milroy holel, and will again open it to the public. The cotirt refused to give the present land. lord the privilege of selling liquors, and consequently he closed the well known hostelry, which proved a great inconvenience to the public, A neighboring exchange pays a high tribute to 8 man who helps his wife devotes a portion of his spare time in assisting her to solve perplexing house. hold problems. A good desl depends upon the motive, The man who Is actuated to share the home burdens with his wife because he loves her, is a gentleman and a hero, but the fellow who does it because he is afraid of his wife, is not a subject for praise or on