Oh, the windy day is a laughing day! For the wind is a funny fellow; He roilicks and shouts when skies are | gray And leaves are The pines, a Fling out their arms and laugh with a will, Nodding their turning vellow, moment ago so still, heads, as who should 2g “The old wind has an Oh, the 3 For the wir Thro’ fi Insistent, The strings acheSas rs I'm criticalls “passably let prett through cau conceit in them Richard for girl glad, tone was pres ards friend of "y propose at walt like most 1 intend” | myself with as little ages n I believe, an really Mont: Somehow the comvietion doubtioss intended to It w never a COnve:s ari med because Miss Ric wa very hiers suppose.” she went on, no need creatures.” sald, “to delay as Ons You've poOoT sible.” ng av questions, the privilege of an ery old friend do you?” graciously; “1 expected them.” inquired, with suspicion. “Nothing, except pects ever since you could toddle, you remember, for [nstance, to marry your Fraulein or not?” Blva's face brightensd “Rather!” she sald: “and turned all embarrassing.’ a tendresse for you, Monty.” “Probably,” 1 agreed. ple have.” “Don’t be conceited!” reprimanded Elva; "but tell me all Mollie t, and exactly what attraeted people call her pretty, mvaelf only p ds?" I inquired innocence “Who thing about Mollie ards? “Why, you did of e about ds Some thor ie her adm Richa: aii “Mollie with extreme sald any- Rich , that 1s tO 8a yos vou didn't, then-—why, I how what' about her? It it “1 wouldn't I said, for refus Elvi tea, tion de 100K ilef en," | A pave suddeniy have for years “And that psychological curred at lady Follet'a? “Occurred at Lads Fi | echoed. And then there wa silence I let my eyes wander slow! the room lingered { the ridiculous biue Cats w Elva adorns her mantelshe skimmed the photographs of merous admires carelessly into quoted moment realizes a fac ariag him HOIOK CA been They Vague ith and nue te i her the overmantel, me from elaborate frames. I think Elva's eyes must have been wandering, too, for they came to an. and then, without any rhyme or rea son, they filled quite suddenly with tears. Now, | can never seo a woman ory without feeling that something drastic must once, I started up, and then the rest seem. ed to follow as a natural and easy consequence, In less time than it takes to chron be done at my ! grin- quietly blue cats were erving the diabolically of vantage. when,” | on from thelr several ‘And more or to earth your PRY in think terms of } as appeared to life presents cannot even in nen ’ # » moriaisa ov only riasting, itaelf 80 the mortals, dawning consciousness under the symbols of time and Space We live in illusion of beginnings and ends. Harper's Weekly. Strange Mountain Sickness. If mountain sickness should come The asymp toms are those of habitual drunken All the limbs shiver, and in is, 1 think, caused by an Inability to focus them. The speech comes with difficulty, and in one case that I saw the mental coherence was as obvi ously at fault as the physical.—Lan. der's “Lhasa.” The inventor of the tide table nev er saw the sea In Nis life. NOTES Congr As 2 notion comparat manure, as lifferent ont should not no proper dispose pride w incurs the run up a it to some PvE ae ; 1 VE rid random, leaving settle surest habits tounis a i one else to when due, ix one of the to enitivate extravagant is an ornament in every Thrift modern improvements, is the trpe of womanhood the world knows As a matier of fact, the average wom an ig a shrewder buyer than the aver age man within her sphere of expert ence. She knows when she gets her money's worth, and she insists upon having it. Even where she has not learned the value of money by earn- ing it outside the home, she often can teach her helpmate how it fa best spent. At any rate, nothing is more certain than that without re sponsibility she will never learn. The man who relieves his wife of this rou. tine responsibility has no just reason for complaining {f her bills are so heavy as to embarrass him Evening World. \ BODY IN ICE FIVE YEARS. Remaing cf = Norwegian Fisherman Is Found on Behring Sea Island. Had i Ce on Bea ¢ 1 eh Ole Biostron tomb at h of ‘ar as a Weather Proph n New York np own to the socalls battal Chinamen ™% Fe 4 4 The entire Frey vet wes ld 2 TLILeN w York Took On New twelve vans men of Ky., formed the leagne of Marry or Bust } pledging himself ta take a wife with. in the year or suffer expulsion from the league and to pay a fine of 8100 Vow to Get Married Year's day + { v4 LAIEYIe ATTORNEYS. CLEMENT DALE ATTORNEV-AT-LAW BELLEFONTR, Fa Office X. W, corner Diamond, two donrs from First National Bank. Ire Ww 4 RUNKLE ATTORNEY AT-LAW BELLZFONTR, PA. All Kinds of legal business nitended to prompuly i Boor Cri der's Exchange. HN. B. EPANGLER ATTORKEY-AT-LAW BELLEFONTR, PA English and German, Butiiing. Office, Crider's Kxohange roe shoppin 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 0.1 tn. Uu. pring Mills Hotel BPRING MILLA, PA PHILIP DRUMM, Prop, Phat clam scoommotations at ail Umes for man and beast, Pree bus 10 sud fromey trains Excellent Livery attached, board firtclass, The best liquors wioes at the bar ’ s r Centre Hall Hotel CESTRE BALL, PA JAMES Ww, BRUNKE, Prop, Newly equipped. Bar and sable supp with the best. Bummer boarders given Silention. Healthy locality. Beautiful sosnery ; Within three miles of Penns Cave, a most ful subterranean cavers: eulrances by a Well Joeated for hunting and fishing Heated throughout, Free cRITIAge W all tralng Old Fort Hotel ISAAC BHAWYER, Propristor, oi. Location Bouth of Centre Hall" Avsommodations frstcias. Good bas. wishing Ww enjoy an evening given # Sllention. Menls for such cocasions parad Ehort notice. Always pre for the transient trade Srmmesmcs—— One mile on RATES: $1.60 PER DAY ——— Pen's Valley Banking Company CENTRE HALL, PA. W. B. MINGLE, Cashief Receives Deposits . . Discounts Notes , , . LIVERY .s Special Effort made to ccommodate Com- mercial Travelers..... D. A, BOOZER Centre Hall, Pa, Penn’a R. R PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Philad, & Eric R. R. Division and Northern Central Ry. EASTWARD Week dare for Bunbury Philsdeliphia, 11.45 a. m0.. bs itinore 12.1 Pom Walt or our and Passenger oes ’ Dally for Sunbury surg and (utes r Scranton. He York, passenger MONTANDON 8 New 1 Week ermedinte stat Train ¢ Week : intermediate stations. Thr 0d Passenger Conch for Phila ~Train 921. Sunday only, for rmediate stations ———— ugh Parior Jeiphis Wiki I EWISBURG AXD TYRONE pu RAILROAD Week Days ; EASTWARD. P.M AM TATIONS. AM Pa i Bs b & 4 i 18 1 48 é WESTWARD C3) 3 Pe 54 EoSRBECe TR RER 12S BB BE 80 0 8 RE we a Fog ol Fd is 26 2 | 88 i 45 tL = 16 | | # | Lemont } | Dale Summit i | Plessant Gap Axemann { | Bellefonte i Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Ma don 6t50a m,7.3a m Pa Tn a aD od T8p m., returhing leave Montandon 1 wishurg at 7.40, 0.27. =m 08a m., 450 8 Pm. and 8.12 p.m, oa Sundays gains leave Montandon 9.28 and Ole mand 8 m., returning lea } burg 8.25 a. m., 10 oa m, and 4 “5 m. lawis Yous. ATIIRBURY, J. R. Woon, ners Manager Pass. Trafic Mgr. GEO. W. BOYD, General Pase'ger At Owasso SF i SR ee 03 0G Tn ar du 0 SRLlyE 8 55 ie eB * OAT TDA 0A M00 00 0 6 00 G08 “ a rs NSYLVANIA, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF pEN Week Days Condensed Time Table Road Donn ———— No.1 Nod Nos! June 18, 1904, | | | Eng de] ¥ SEITE ER Www MII IS ARDS E2308 EneE BEyx EER 2 ERR eva Bn tama SO bh oh a dg a SEF ay oF uf oh df assy ~ B89 aunpy gEuEsoos z www w os Dow 5 85%. Sra, 3