Almost Toco Generous. “Our Hopeful's" mother mined he shouki be generous ways divide with your friends,” was her dally admonition. day she was holding forth on this thems to an admiring friend when “Our Hope ful” appeared with a much-begrimed face. "Mother, I've brought you some taffy,” unclasping the chubby fingers, which disclosed palm a dark, sticky substance her As she ‘Cur Hopeful’ bent knegs mouth and sure You wis deter “Al One on the moist ed put it in her mouth forward with his hands on his watch eration, “Are is down Prince times." $100 Reward. $100. The readers of this paper will be Jearn that there is at least ona sasoe that science has . itsstages, and that is Catarrh, H Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, Hall's CatarrhCureis taken inter nally, astingdireetiy upon the blood and m1 coussurfaces of the system, thereby destroy- ingthe foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the cen stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors haveso much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun. dred Dollars forany ease that it falls to { wnials, Address the 13 the of wide owed open you good? and he pleasedtn dreaded dis- are in ail & Catarrh been abla t tend {or ist of test F.J. Cagney & ( 1 1¢ Rold by Druggists, 75¢, Take Hall's Family Pill Jiust before 3 You he War ndation Commissioner rOCOn To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Qi druggists refund mc E. W. Grove's signatm Gre This Will Int MotherGravs Sw Mother Gray t hi deeihing used by e. N ments pean pounds of t EOUTrees try. FITS perma ness afer f NerveRestorer, $2 Dr. BR. H Ki INE According popuiation tres inte flora NO SLEEP FOR MOTHER aby Covered With Sores and Scales. Could Not Tell What She Looked Like Marvelous Cure hy Cuticurs. “At four months old my baby's face and body were x0 covered with sores and large scales you could not tell what she looked like. No child ever had a worse case. Her face was being eaten away, and even her finger naiis fell off, It itched so she could not sleep, and for many weary nights we could get no rest. Al last we got Cu ticura Soap and Ointment. The sores be. gan to heal at once, and the could sleep at night, and in one mouth she had not one sore on her face or body. — Mrs. Mary Sanders, 700 Spring Bt, Camden, N. J.” esting of the _Filtgen war vessels are under construe tion i the docks of Germany, Galalith, or “milk-stone,” is being much vied for decorating. os 5 A SASS “COMMERCIAL REVIEW. Dun & Co.'s weekly review ol trade Says. Trade prog five far, and the ‘ “ 1. sieady CXCOS8e activity 18 lary in 1 undoubted had a te WHOLESALE HM. i Live Stock neavy Os5r4.70, ligh rales, 4.050 4.5% SHEEP - Market weak: good to 5.65: fair to choice sative lambs, 5.60607.75 choice WORLD OF LABOR The net profit from the Russian T Gov. srnment monopoly mn the spirits fae OF The population of Fall River, Mass, has decreased from 114.000 in July last, when the textile strike started, 10 935.000 at present Of the $1,087.300.47 spent last year by lief of strikers 2437,575.10 went the Colorado district. The rivetmakers in the South into Staf- tricts of England recently submitted to t reduction of 10 per cent. in wages in consequence of the trade depression. The Central Labor Union of Indian- apolis has a committee at work to pur- shase a park for she exclusive use of la- bor organizations of Marion county, In- diana, to be used for picnics and labo dunonstrations. ; ACHED IN EVERY BONE, Chiesgo Society Wounan, Who Was So Sick She Could Not Sleep or Lat, Cured by Doan's Kiduey lls, Marion Knight, of 383 Ashland Ave, Chicago of the West Side Wednesday Club, says: "This w when 1 started io use Orato fiites Donn's hiduey Pills 1 nched i 1 bone aud had palns kidueys pelivi Ol The urlue thick and and | and Fans wis QUA better ¥ MARION KRIGRT, The second week 1 ing heartily I began to huprove ge erally, and before weeks had passed 1 was well 1 had spen hundreds of medicine that did mot help bul $6 Doan’s Kidney IDills resi perfect healt A TRIAL FREE-Addr Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. } i Fri Vega seYen Yel t dollars fo me ' ” {ea lave 3 &i UCaiers HE REVISED THE RULES. Finally Budget Was Reduced to Important Section. STRAIGHT MADE THE ACCOUNT Charies M. Schwab's Neat Rebuke Presumptuous Englishman M 8 hwal ounbling pre too thoroughly. ww wanted to how she had 1 3 I pointed to a leseon which began, ‘Up, up. Mary, the gun is high,’ and told her to read it She looked at it for a moment with a puzzled frown, then she began confidently: “ ‘Double up, Mary, the sun ia high!’ “At her fether's suggestion she re turned to school next day.” when | oereaserd tuition Measuring Space, James Whitcomb Riley, who sionally visits country schools in the Hoosier state, once gave a brief ad. dress on the subject of the stare, At the conclusion of his interesting talk he sald: “Can any of you boys tell me what space is?" The bright faced young son of a country editor promptly raised his hand. “Well, my lad.” said the poet, “what do you think space is?" “Twenty-five cents an agate line for display matter, sir” he piped out. Saturday Evening Post och SOME FACTS ABOUT AMERICA, First 8¢ Named-—Result of Quest for India. Huet Jericans Brazil SAaVS Time £911 Ty London pronounce Amarica pogiea Amer Goth Amaric motto ton armorial America “Brazii wa the fi century wn to centh till mapped ag an ¢x Japan Cparats islands discovered he new world of Gre vamed ‘America provin America vel ‘Not hefor middle the terry teenth century wi NE et } extended to North aadaition £3 America CHANCES ARE THEY WERE, {+.Boiled Eggs Have Been Hard. After Were hy the Votes Counted V¢ 1 iu he 1 ion of the and enYH ined fe yeu i I fod quieted his wy atom made sleep possibile He “The next morning | astonished to find my condition of con stipntion had digappeared. 1 could not believe it troe alter suffering for so many years; then I took more in the food, read the little “The Road to Wellville,” and started follow. ing the simple directions, “1 have met with such in the last five weeks | have gained eight pounds in spite of hot baths which take away the flesh from any. ane, “A friend of mine has he cured of a bad case of indigestion and stomach trouble by weing Grape-Na's Food and cream alone for breakfast, “There Ie one thing in particular} have noticed a great change in my mental condition. Formeriy 1 could hardly remember anything, and now the mind seems unusually acute and retentive. 1 can memorize practically anything 1 desire.” Name given by PPostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich, wis interest book cosnite thnt sy entirely intense Cold Breeds Catareh. i - y ¥ A . 0 , “4 i’ J i A * 4 NY 4 when SCENE | . MIN THE WN Severe # ; op Westher. { awution EIT IN FEBRUARY. iH THE a \ rouble. rrp Rd RE the bulk FINALLY CARINE from, or with what If you buv your the pound. how can nality? 3 2 ect purity and uniform q ALL your GROCE ERT PACKAGE COFTEES, is of quality, and flavor. For OVER A CINTURY, LION COFFEE standard coffee in unidorm in of homcos. packed carciails vniii opened in factorics, & yme, has no oh of Leing adi tart with dust, Or Os Cis ms, or un 'S EVERYWHE £0) GUARANTEEE blood, wind on th after eating. | guinriy You are sick starts chronic s vom ry CASCARETS toda: right Take eur ad roney refunded bookiet free _BILIOUSNESS torpid ve stomach ih tr Jorvead bo Sand mas kidneys, thin and synlesn woahennd trouide. A care bs Parsons’ Pills taken sxvording te directions, will thoroughly clmnee the #tomach amd pov be, mvigomte the liver, ro sud st regen ol] (he sooretivg asd exorel ang Sands of the body They will vom tm Lie Blond petoe aos ich, the skin mat apa {ie eanpie sess woft and remy Price 2% vente Bn'd by all dealers LK JOHNSON & CO, Boston, Mass will new . Blart with derayped sated wastes wal wtiet through the Pod wwen fhe whole Ny and by -perions CHEY BOW . . YINBJMIsPAPRR IT D : ADVERTISE larakss 1 T PAYS - - nt » NOW is YOUR OPPORTUNITY a 5, wn ay Broek Inthe Mint avn CF AND Clan « riod » a Aassat Magnifie nt pros Ew. § Peoftue! . Watt Messer £0 12 mows, apltalin «tion smal, A Tepasry Stork. Exsect tn Rave 14 Wad. son Pumipiag Plan’ onmy ete, A so Tanke: Win pa pies 1a ail | ends anne ly 1h on srsaent Bree SEER. Cmasn t's wrloe now T 12 sant, mY pFoe £5 AeAoal ff oroa, 8 ceats cer Khiace Bed Fh tome foc AL OW MARA Im nediaialy, Hifepepe tram Aa Ey Un Drenle. Addres wr TYE 1841 Tremont Strest, DESY LR, COLD tend su der absolute ry SHER to Cure ¢ LCC Campir & nv. Chicano or Nevwp Yer LOR IIL TE RTT ENG Se a Never anid is ds Ra Greatews cat of (0 comtary. Yiriloa Ya Oe 1a, in Mich, iin Ma Bh aad in N. Dacia BN one, par nore T63 oan ews tial record in NCH Fer 10¢ and this notice wr mall vos free lols of Pare secd samples and oN Lit onielor, Bh Io li aul WY all wonder aod nawnig of elber sosde, - ICUN A SALTER SCED OO. {roan Wis. EEW rE TINY te poli wild wed gee aoe Pa Sank of wed masts and SE) done Feenaeee | Pree. De fl KB CLEEA'D BORE, Box 8, Avanta, Ba. LaALs Vehiume LSE * Pors Lng ren. astes he I pene, Sad te Grate ATA LO