STRANGE TRAIN WRECK The locomotive on Other Track Blew Up. ENGINEER AND FIREMAN KILLED. All the Passengers lojured Were on the East bound Train - Cars Blown From the Track Among Those Who Were Injured Was Justice Hooker, of the Sepreme Courl of New York. eme of four robbing the shot Br civn | AV red and instantly illed Pei Laurence T. Milton, a Sebery's three companions es aped y am upon the four men before daybreak while they were slinking along the y ard, carrymmg a large piece of pipe When he ordered them thes dropped the pipe and ran of four shots fired by Qe. bery down, A Terrific Explosion. Ind By 230 quarts of nitroglycerin vate sentry £4 Milton Copper et fo halt Cie broug the hit Sentry Montpelier, the explosion of 2, in one of the magazines of the American Glycerine Company, three miles north of here, two of the company's employes { Special) NEWS IN SHORT ORDER. The Latest Happenings Condensed for Rapid Reading, Domestic, [WOUNDED FOUND FROZEN | ing 20,000, | | | | | Italy. Joseph , for of the Grand Trunk merly connected United States, died Price mer 10H Railroad, and ratiroads in in Lond m of paray with The British Foreign Secretary has defi mitely proposed to the European powers general of Macedonia, Maxim Gorky and seven other Rus- stan authors and publicists are to be tried on political charges, but Genergl recover. A hole 30 feet deep was torn in the ground. Several farmhouses within a radius of two miles were slight ly damaged. Trees 500 feet away were uprooted and stripped. The explosion was heard distinctly at Olio City, zo miles away, a provisional government, President Castrolhas not yet returned try. No progress has been made in the } | Prince Ghica of Roumania, who has been elected chairman of the Albanian Independence Commitiee, says he i start a general revolution in Albania, Aonibilated-- Some Companies to Twenty or Thirty Men of Near Wounded Japaoese Found Chenhatio Pass. FARMERS CENSURE HEPBURN, Congressman Hanged in Effigy Near His lowa Home LIVE WASHINGTON AFFAIRS, Seed Distribution Under Fire. For the Jamestown Fair. Darling Gives Up His Place. oodnow, way question, introduced Blythe, general cago, Barling Company Family Perish ia Fire, Johnstown, N. Y. family of Jay Antis, consisting of Antis and his wife and two grown-up daugh- ters, are supposed 10 have perished in a was drafted In of the Rail : come mand Quincy (Special), — The y. The house was completely envel- oped in flames when neighbors discov. ered the fire, and owing to the density of the smoke, all efforts to gain admis sion to the burning structure were futile Antie and his wife and daughters were known to have been at home, and no traces of them have been found City Hawley to Be a Brigadier. Senator Platt (Ct) introduced a authorizing the retirement of Gen. Jo seph R. Hawley, the retiring senator from Connecticut as a brigadier general Notes of the Z Departments George B. Robbins, president of the Armour car lines, explained his com pany's side of the controversy before the House Interstate Commerse Committee, denying all charges of unfairness made President Roosevelt has written a let ter 10 Secretary Hitchcock on the sub ject of granting contracts for the educa: tion of Indians te denominational schools, Secretary Taft was heard by the Hause Committee on Ways and Means in fa- vor of a revision of the Philippine tariff, TEN KILLED IN A SLEIGH Merry Party. RUSSIAN REFORM SCHEME. | Report of the Committee of the Minislers Plans Proposed. | Thirteen Members of the Ladies’ Ald Society Were Returcing Hom: in a Sleigh When a Passenger Train, Going at High Speed, Struck Them and Everyone in Sleigh Injured. Quarier Showed Increase Preferred Steck. Persons were ‘ 5 y tally witen a Rap iia northbound passenger sree! Crossang I he street car i leet Seat Adder to Aciress, Bavaria (By Calle) lein Reubke, of the Court Munch, Fraa Theater, who is playing the juvemil “Bergrschmiede.” lend in Haupt man's found her dressing table a beautiful bonbon box with a note requesting her 10 open the box before going on the stage. The ac tress was too much occupied to do so until just before the last act. When she opened the box an adder darted out and on fastened its fangs in ber dress. FINANCIAL, Mexican Central's net cember increased $1048 Morgan and inends are openly bullish on nearly all good stocks. it 1s offically dented that President Ramsey, of the Wabach, 1s 10 resign. Bethiehem Steel will pend $5,000,000 on improvements, save President Me vam. ; "No increase in Baltimore & Ohio's. | Sxigend, cays a leading ralrouder who ought to know profits in De ys iis