NEWS IN SHORT ORDER. The Latest Happenings Condensed for Rapid Reading. Domestic, Auburn, Mo, grant The court in Dunlap fi petition of Charles F appointment of a guardian for his grand son, who is now in the Holy Ghost Us Colonly, at Shilo} Former dir Grass Twine 000 for which on the gro sllegally declas A Hoolish the matinee at im New York the presence vi:d aiid Edward designer urday nig! Sunday The Old racoke colli near El y 83000 We in a colli Shawnee, Sight Martin, Rouss, A Chic Cause patients jured El Foreign, The gendarm Budapest, 1 ance following erals at gendarmes fir and wounding on A large anarchi place in Paris Michel, bist prevented any It is announced that formed a ministry and Presiden: Louvbert of the premierih The Balken committee ha jzed President Roosevelt for support of any action Great Britain mas take to bring about more effective re forms in the Christian provinces of Tur key. A special military commission has been | appointed in St. Petersburg Invests gate the origin of the firmg of a charge of grapeshot during the relig cele bration Thursday, : Germany will send 2,300 fresh trix ps | to Southwest Africa, although it is an «4 sc 3% a on at the fi heavy gn Serio i » memorial American to Hous lieved the Herero part of the African gebellion is at an end MANY SHOT DOWN IN ST. PETERSBURG Capital. PEOPLE CRY “DOWN WITH | LIVE WASHINGTON AFFAIRS, Steel Output and Steel Trust A resolution niroduced by { sentative Little, o A neas, dire d Labor May Lead to a General Revolution---The Dead and Wounded Estimated at 500 to 1,000. gun practice on nassed dragon i Fegmnent wo nadverient. Los Sake i 3 Was Ks OF the Guards v left in the gun Girl Foully Murdered, Ala Another Charge Agalast Sorenson, Ore The grand jury returned an Shortly af ¥ ¥i4 Deca iy FRiy i Spe cial) “ “3 fed addi ment against George Soren Portland, { Special) n her way ' eral has Miss Belle Bloodworth, daught HARWOT LN, danger tional indict onal it 3 son, charging him with perjury im con. with mvestmaion land-frand cases the was nection the now atr. Evidently beaten nto under by government on a heavy instrument, the as assin afterward made good his work ¥ sending two bullets h the girl's | charge of attempting bribe former So far there is tie work | United States Lhistrict Attorney John every inch of ground is being H. Hall, but the jury failed to agree, vd was digchareed hy Tudor Rellineer authorities Sorenson tried thro to no ci to m, but Abroad. Fer a Citizenship Commission. £ 3 War Boanct for Roosevelt. Raising Pay of Naval Officers. A New Porte Ricen Attornes Notes of the Deparimenta Wir SeTIRer passes pas 2,154 ured ig killed gers noiram accidents on Foregn orable CMpiove i The Ser lations on the amendment to the es Re Por tradition tre aty w Spain Prof. James FE Talmage, of the Utah | State University, and author of the doctrines accepted as authorita- tive teachings of the Mormon Cherch, was on the stand in the Smoot investi gation before the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, The House Committee on Postoffices and Post Roads reported the Postoffice Appropriation Bill. It carries $180, 781.003 Senator Mitchell made a speech in the United States Senate declaring the churges against him to be absolutely Of son and atrociously false, American Minister. IS THE CAUSE, Venezuela's Executive Has Left Capital City Moody is Sltuation From All Polats Warships May Be Sent to Coast In the Spring. Altoracy-Ueneral Studyieg View, the ol snd | . | the Veoeruels { Tried es a Russian Spy. A Treasure Car Robbed, away, Rive but Gessier Rossesa lndicled. New York Ros sean, charged with sending an infernal | { Special). ~-Cessler mrachine to the Cunard dock a year ago last May, was indicted by the grand jury under the section of the penal code which makes it a felony to senda dynamite of other explosives to a steamship or rail road without label or other sign of its character. It 12 expected that Rosseau will be speedily extradited from Phila. delphia and brought to this city for trial, | REFORM FAILS IN MACEDONIA i Evgland Communicated Wi'h Other Powers Ready for Radical Action. {3 i iy i} ‘ j ¢ i FELL DEAD IN CHURCH An Unbeliever to Whom a Kevivelist Had Jast Referred Tried for Slocum Disast i : ’ the iver last oon lives mdberg al office of of steamboats, Judge Thom- arcant Court Fleming and we section of the nich makes neg- team vessels, 1% destroyed, i nited indi iment RE agaist based the the result of wi wisughter - FINANCIAL, in Inspection The Pennsylvania has issued no mort. gage bonds for ten years, A private despatch from Gates said: “it 1s a cinch to buy copper.” They are talking of 3 cent car fares for short distance in Pittsburg. Excellent conditions” is the report on Winter wheat made by the “Mod. errs Miller,” The last sale of Kensington Back tock was at an advance of 8 over the amie lime last year,