LIMITS OF WAR ZONE Broken By Cossacks Who Raided South of Liaoyang. THEY MAY FALL INTO A TRAP Japanese Contead That China's Failure to Boforce Neutrality Releases Them From Obligation te Observe Restriction, Which Russia ignores Japan Determined to Pro- tect Herself. ng operator Ceneral 000 Cossa the rear churia "ye Nt PERISHED IN BURNING HOUSE. New York Lawyer, With His Wile, Two Children and Servants Killed. after they A police the cries into the house s parlor floor, smoke until and but were dry The firemen were the lower ) halls had burned The charred bodies the servant and four found in a through «hich have been attempting bodies of Mr. child were in a bedroon ams Woman Perished in Fire. Waltham, Mass Mary Craig Lovell, wife of F was burned to death thi been of Mrs. year-old Masor child wer they are to supposed to escape. ( Special) tham, where she and bh hus C. Lovell, of Bostor Lovell was on the fifih alarm sounded, and after the fire her lifeless body was found at the foot of a stairway. Margaret Connor and John McDonald were severely bhurmed, and many guests escaped by means