THE CENTRE REPORTER. 8. WW, SMITH, Editor and Proprietor. PENN'A. {BER 10, 1904. CENTRE Hann, . THURSDAY, NOVEN TERMS.—The terms of subscription to the Re- porter are one dollar per year in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS.—20 cents per line for three insertions, and b cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Other rates made known on application, RESOLUTIONS AND CARDS OF THANKS. —Resolu tions of respects will be charged for at the rate of one-half cent per word, (payable in ndvance) the minimum charge being $1 00, Cards of thanks, two cents per word, minimum charge, fiity cents, algo payable in advance, The figures opposite your name on label of pa- per indicate the date to which your subscription RB paid, When no date is given the date implied is July, 1900: when no month is given the month implied ta July—thus: ‘ 0" means July, 1900; 01”, means July, 1901; “04 "’ means that your subserip- tion is paid in advance to July, 1904. Other months than July are indicated by abbreviations, When you pay your subscription always ex- amine your label, and when a notice appears that corrections have been made, compare and report immediately if you have not been given proper of iit, No receipts for sabseription will )e sent by mail unless by special request. The change on Isabel ought to be sufficient evidence, by mall Is reasonably safe, There h no losses to this date ¢ of ds Mo: &ye been A REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE Carried All Doubtful States In the Country. EMPIRE STATE IN THE LEAD New York Gives a Plurality of 185,000 For and necticut, Roosevelt Fairbanks—Con- Delaware, New Jersey, Indiana and West Virginia Also En- dorse the President's Administration. Parker Ran Behind Bryan's Vote of Four Years Ago. Yori 9.—The Rept national ticket has been elected by a vote in ] i hat will exceed that McKinley in 1904 f the balloting was astounding even to the New blican NOV. most san iii INANagers. 58, they ox- that confined Kentucky has not . ot i party. ¢ north- change returns available, ctoral 7oute stands as follows For Roosevelt. Colorado . r Jersey. ... Californ York. necticut .. New Hamp For Parker. 11! North Carolina. 12 h Carolina 9 12 iR 12 Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Necessary to election. 239. 383,195 IN PENNSYLVANIA 5 Tennessee Texas ew Virginia ....... Totals . .....181 Republicans Also Elect Twenty-nine of the Thirty-two Congressmen. Philadelphia, Nov. 9.—~The Republi- cans have made an almost complete sweep in Pennsylvania, carrying the state for Roosevelt and Fairbanks by 383,105, a gain of 94,762 over McKin- ley's plurality, and electing 25 out of 26 state senators and 29 of the 32 con- gressmen. They have also elected 176 of the 204 members of the house of representatives. This gives them con- trol of both branches of the legislia- ture by a large majority, insuring the election of Governor Pennypacker’s ap- pointee, Philander C, Knox, for United States senator, to succeed the late M. 8. Quay, John P. Elkins, the Republican, is elected state supreme court judge by a majority almost as great as that cast for the Republican national ticket. The Republicans have also carried nearly all the judicial districts in which elections were held for common pleas Judges, and the five counties In which associate judges were chosen. The following slate senators have been elected, those marked with the * having been re-elected: First district, *George A. Vare, Rep.; 3d, *William. H. Keyser, Rep.; bth, Charles L. Brown, Rep.; 7th, James P. McNichol, Rep.; 0th, *Willlam C. Sproul, Rep.; 1ith, *Edwin M. Herbst, Dem.; 13th, *Milton Heldelbaugh, Rep.; 17th, D. P. Gerberich, Rep.: 19th, Oscar BE. Thompson, Rep.; 21st, Ster- ling R. Catlin, Rep.; 23d, *Robert 8. Edmiston, Rep.; 26th, *Myron Matson, Rep.; 27th, Frederick A. Godcharles, Rep.; 20th, Charles BE. Quali, Rep.; 31st, Willlam H. Manbeck, Rep.; 33d, *Alexander Stewart. Rep.: 34th. Bé- A. Irvin, Rep, fol the late A E Steinman, R Rep.: 38th, *C Ist Ww 13d. David A. Wilbert 45 *John W. Crawford, Rey 7th, Elmer 1 Phillips, Rep.; 40th, *A. E. Sissom Rep the unexpirea Patton; 36th, 37th, *John E. Woods, MaeNe« Rep; Rep th, ieorge NEW JERSEY FOR ROOSEVELT Republican National and State Tickets Elected By Safc Pluralities. Nov. 0.—The result has been a veritable President Roosevelt's approach, if it ality does not by Mec the state obtained ars ago, when he Republicans by 06,- Stokes, the Republi- Ir governor, against campaign was made the Dx taxation velt Black, qmocratic an hind ina equal Roos al 30 G00 1 piat- but will he Repub : Wil ngre and d Congre led in de Demo also man lidate ut Republican. West Virginia Reports X W. Va, Nov. § Returns Y unusually to ac except in The belief is Fairbanks a majority ex more ipossible sult have 1 ana frevty ‘ irom a probably number of arly everywhere have sustained only as compared with their jorities ris w that n ans f Ur provi Democratic Gains In Kentucky. Lousiavill Nov. 9.--With one- third of Kentucky's 1866 precincts re wried, the vole indicates a majority state for Parker of from 12.000 The figures of the Demo- erat and Republican managers show but variance from this result Keniucky in 1900 gave Bryan 8090 pins rality, The returns from 683 precincts show a plurality of 16,026 for Parker, Ky i tf 14 fn ittle The Vote In Mississippi. Jarkeon, Miss, Nov, 8. — Returns coming in show that between 60,000 and 75,009 votes were cast, and the op- position to the Democratic party will poll between 10,000 and 11.000. The Democratic majority for Parker and Davis will be in the neighborhood of 50,000. Mississippi returns eight Dem- ocratic congressmen, the Republicans making no opposition, sm AI MSPS A man may be thoroughly honest and still have an smbrella every time it rains. . HOW PARKER TOOK IT Defeat Philosophically, Esopus, N. Y., Nov. 8.—Judge Pare ker conceded the election of President Roosevelt 8.30 evening, when he recelved the Demo- cratic national had al- ready admitted that doubtful state had been carried by the Republi can national ticket at last a bulletin that headquarters 0eve ry He appeared it is known that his fate He recely 'ws in his been smoking with bor Ti headquart ker's de hy tive ment though plored he greatly de- f in his discour- where he two of his neigh Democratic Judge Par overwhelm eleat owl study from the When to make blank towar for a moment “1 am going Preside { DELAWARE On Nationa! and x In Michigan. higan was the an land- ‘alrbanks have by an unprecedented estimated at from Frod M. Warner and Ket are elected at jeast 11 of the 12 congresamen from Mi Republican, and the leg. fglatur vhelmingly Republican insuring h Fee of United Bates Burrows publi 100 Oi the Republi stmt #1 lection Senator J Virginia For Parker, Richmond, a V, Nov. 8..-