i — acai A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. Rev Jacob D Van Doren, of 57 Sixth street, Fond Du Lac, Wis Presly- terian clergyman, says “1 had at. tacks of Kidney i disor. ders which Kept me in { Jays at ao house {o} unnble to do any. What | suffered hardly be tol Ling. can Complic in, the part which nitions set iculars of ' i 1 will be please io Zive ln a interview {0 person any wie requires informa- This I can scientionsly say, Doan's ills caused a improvement ith They the 1 action of the tion. Con. Kidney general in my hes brought great relief by pain the Kidney Donu’s Kidney all Milburn Co, } lessening and correcting secretions ‘ills rie ot) 2 1 uffalo, N. YX. dealers cents. Foster. Deer Just Looked Around. A deer Bur wander: offering BQUOeZ( wires of railroad, the other injuring entered the garden of The man ¢ Eeware of Ointments For ¢ Contain Mereary, mel tem v suriaces, except or sician the then by F. J Lo mercy directly ofthesy be sure y ternally J. Chen Bold by Take Hal to FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Hayes’ First Letter A ppeal- ing to Mrs. Pinkham for Help: ** DEAR Mis. PINkHAM :— | have been under Boston doctors’ treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell me 1 have a fibroid tumor. 1 can- not sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My abdomer swollen, and I have had flowing spells for three Years. My appetite is not good. | can- not walk or be on my feet for any length of time ** The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe my case, so 1 write to you for advice Mus. E. F. Haves, 252 Dudley St. (Roxbury), Boston, Mass, Mrs. Hayes’ Second Letter: “DEAR Mis. PINEKHAM : — Sometime ago I wrote to you deseribing my symp. toms and asked your advice. You re- plied, and 1 followed all your diree- tions carefully, and to-day 1 am a well woman, "The use of Lydia E. Vegetable Compound pelled the tumor = Signed Pinkham's entirely ex- and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now, “Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is worth five dol- lars a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give ita faithful trial.” — (Signed) Mus, E. F Haves, 252 Dudley St. (Roxbury). Boston, Masa = $5000 forfeit If original cf above letters proving genuineness cannet be produced MONARCH STUMY "tien Will pull sfoor Stump help Guaranteed tostand & strain of AG ibe. Catalogue and dis founte address MONARCH GRUBBER CO. Lone Tree, In. a Eph 1 AA A fn, A Son al without o THE KEYSTONE STATE Short Order. iograph 1903, tl of Sum } mill manufac process YOars ago, by which i} Detween two large pressed ont between wedges Young, a pioneer oil til hi charge of the mill od grain and potato Crops are from all parts of Montgome ry it seed 18 grovn the oil Michael operator stones and mill reported County Roop, as arrested and held for tt ed with robbing the telephone cash box and a chewing gum slot ma chine at the Hotel Montgomery, It is alleged he secured a room at the hotel, but arose about 4 o'clock A M., and after committing the thefts distributed chewing gum liberally among the hotel employees, While Frank Reilley, aged 20 years, was directing the rasing of a fag | pole for a political rally at Oak Hill the pole fell on Reilley and one of his ices was broken Station charg George of Custer f 3 i (COMMERCIAL REVIEW, .. Dun & ( Trade TC, readily placed hile the y decreases New od steers, BEOOQ mon, more : ; Hrong. cowe, st ng, native steers, 400 2.80; halfbreeds and Westerne bulie dress 1.000 4 15; oxen, 2.50 3.40; COY steady; quarters of beef: tomot ters of CALVES Veals grassers, unchanged: er; veals, so0@B 50; here: grassers, J. 500s on HOGS State and ed beef, beef barely ctea Westerns, | no very choice 300 3.12; Westerns Market 10c Pennsylvania hb wer: prime ORs 500 hry 00 WORLD OF LABOR A school for salesmen has been opened recently in Chicago Plans for the forming of two locals of bellboys’ unions in Boston, Mass, are being made. In Durban, Natal bricklayers and plasterers receive 168, a day, carpen- ters 158. and plumbers and painters from 108, to 128. San Francisco (Cal) union buteh: ers will follow the wake of the Oak. land butchers and establish CoO-Cperar tive sbhous over the city, A NEW PHASE OF THE CASE He took the y She was a buxom She “It's capital He muttered “1t labor Washington Star. in his boat; neighbor iad ‘ ‘ gaid: really BRIGHT IDEAS George-—Y« Ci Charlie a8 a Japanese and people he Gritty nder made wa Addison's Bp iblic Ledger. A BAD BARGAIN “Did Wilkey get away with you on that horse dicker?” “No, but the horse did the first time 1 hitched him up.”-~Detroit Free Press, CIRCUMVENTING PATE. The palmist agalne! studied lines in the young man's hand “You will have a loag life, sir” eaid “Well, that's some comfort.” “Yeu,” she went on: "“vour line of life, an we call it, has a break in it the the you have repaired it for my inspection by creasing it with your fingernail or the back of a knife blade. or some thing of the kind. A man (hat win Fifty cents, please.” ~Chicago Tribune. a es Asc Doge Became Intoxicated. A beer wagon collided with cream stand at Providence i the stock of cream was precipitated into the street. A leaky beer barrel turned the muss into a sort of frozen pudding, which bartaken of by several of the more vora badly in aimlessly manner for an fee I, and Wa Twe anlmals ind ' > dogs ¢lous of the became wancered a mort smusing n time toxicated about a long FITS vermare ‘ ness alter first day I; Nervellestorer $24 enn Dr. BH Kring Ltd ia is Or nervous. Kilner Crea: i treatise (ros Phila. 1’ The ra pleted with Mao's Cure lor Consumpt medicine for coughs snd Bawurr, Ocean Grove v cod i Vel The first London bor tricity was Bt, Pancras lowed the rom Texas ane with AND used lr B&O Overcost when cold, ma wind cost fit rained, Potten hore 2 3 Boy other er owned,” { The tame spd address of ihe writer of thie unsals fed let Lay may be had on Sppiiontion.} Wet Weather Garments for Riding, r ork Eg. or g The Pigs of the Pid CO, ~OWERy TOWER CANADIAN a fisy spa BOLTON, U.8. A. A “Success” Training School Goldey College 1s oa Hus 5 K Bek nt hes 3 - students for +} tintes with two firme. INVER & rite for X30, Wil in New EB Goldey College, B NoMoreBlindHorse ry lowy Bore Eres Vary UARANTEED cuss od, fi the stoma Bloated bowels ting ver trouble, sallow skis s mre sick Constipation kills ¢= te and long years of # for you will ne r advices, start wih sided. The get booklet free. Address Stor ilmer ver get Cane ne tables ng Remed wv Ww. L Douglas makes and lent sire, eany Hiting an okoee made in sland why W, |. oy perior weRring gua Douglas BEN shoes CLger, and are of greater Intrines sales for the year ending July § W. L. Don ake no suber 3 SUPERIOR IN FIT, “I hove worn WL Divapiions §8 10 solsslartion. | find thee ex B00 to C0055, 8 Mei'l . W. L. Douglas nses Jorona Coltakin be da finest Patent Leather made, Dept Ea Le QUICKLY STARA TE flor pon Billonsness, Stel Headset waved all Liver and Bowel ¢ ERS - plaints can be cured by using Recording to directions Parsons’ Pills thie like wi “cus 'y i stom lent a raed Hauer by they reviove nil possibility of indie tion bottle 81.00 sie, ar tamil of price catery Cents ou draws rage reoeipt wept A NEW CRIPPLE CREEK IN OLD MEXICO. PROD Cin Got MINES, with * ® oH g 4 Ar m FIER 589 CANDY CATHARTIO endicitia, bili ath, heads Wt ie thar 23ir ¥ i eould show yor grade les the difference upd, rou w wir shape, 01 § Look for 1 t + conceded to mS orl and wear to othery ¢ img from J L&E Int. Revenue, Richmond, Vo. 50 shoes. Corona Colt 4 or Eyelets used exclusively, Brockton, Massachusetts. IR ¢ oar ALL WORTH $3.00 cone'sting of a pair 'gisie T00i ba Siew re long ake auality wy ab int tents fine rated belt & ple ‘ Football § : Quality handkerchiefs at a fF axy MONEY WF wiTH HIEPS TO SELL a ne De me ry ard wy I spreiee at fotbmil out RES X RE CHARGES Sem ¥ k TRUST Tou OTHER PREMIUMS All Won! Sweaters Redler Skates Fountain Pens Boxing Gloves Watches, ote VISE I'VERY DAY LOLLY. GLI SUNDAY DOL. ea big bests Magee hehd. curly hair. pearls Teeth hg eyes, divased I0 ollk ow satin and ace DAY DO * a Is $ eal mite every day dolly ESENTS dosen dainty dell OUR EVERY Be alr THA * half » GIRLS, wo Bnmdhes chief, Ll yo “Mo money, apd you will revpive wt ann doll omifit. WE PAY ALL RG ES, Boral Nyssa ne Bs Ad ross at OTHER PREMIT MS ha virgen Tad ® Poom, Maricure Sew oe 12 Best 14th St, Nw York. Co.,