LIFE'S S TRAGEDIES Thou art not be pil known fhe threat of midaight lands moan And all the Dread and despair great things “That sit like ecrowas of Kings Or that Queen «If by these only cursed, Grieve nol too not the ied, who hast when the fore winds are out: and anguish~--the upon the brows ween about thou hast much; worst It is the slow and tears bring the the years, Falling and That turn the gold head , the dull softly That furrows to man's And days wed, Aad pain That make and str dead witl with yew The Better rise and hope, Than many Better the s wrong, For Than doubts and and the | Monotony tha The empty row skies, dawns, pale Mean hopes, pompa She possessed condi ered of gave Obsery st roet passersby atira Therefore Mes Marie work from maaed to wait This jong propriately ‘tive exact ‘sized her seating h bxfore a forward a [ris lace and over one eye of fell back chanment “Ah, Madam'® If the offect swell! Just the thing “he horse's head brid ure. “But how about she asked, a mirror gav did Miss Maric “Tot ma tell you, turned this clever young woman, you might look New York mowhere could you get such Which was quite true “It cortainly is a he shopper, eraning her neck to at her profile. “What is the price?’ “Lot me see,” said Miss Marie, re moving the hat and examining it erit- fcally. “That hat. madam, was ori ginally $45. It's imported and abso Tutely a novelty. But as coming to you, “Isn't that “Oh, dear me, madam, materials; consider the style” ing it on fier owa shapely head; ‘sider how It becomes you.” “Well, I'll take it."*sald the wioteh, and Miss Marie winked at Mis Etho and Mise Gladys, who stood near watching the transaction. with an vou from the ed wit front anxiously urances as “that and a result.” over, thing.” said look sweet rather expensive?” plac. ful?” asked Miss Marie, after shopper. had bees bowed out. the “Did frightful breathed were instant and a woman They were ict, and wms man faded proud ly plac a structure upon yarnyard! Miss Marie glared “Perhaps you woul she said, with just , 8 ghe placed a highl of claret v mu and buckles head stood off Fev and looks yoeriu 1 sort of “reminds a bright, c¢ ie remarkid me of a circus Miss Marie removed i airily: comiag to town.” with height. Then ahe brought a stun- ning poke of gray felt, with exquizite lace ties and drooping marabout plumes “looks just like the honnet my greataunt Hannah used to wear to Gaurch,” announced the amiable critic, with a beaming countenance. “only Aunt Hannah's had a curtain hanging ind you would Marh could put a curtain on. That be so niece.” Miss Marie was getting In a rage this to was LEAN took American the em- empire in comiman Mikado's army of prom mer ana Japan colony soled and act az an advizory rib Stage Ice Cream. Jefferson tells the story of an amusing “break” in a production of “Camille” at the old Walnut 8'rest Thea'rs in Philadelphia In those days and cotton was stage ice cream. Armand phy Camille were at table, where they had been discussing such viands as these, and their dislogue was making the finest sort of an ime preseion on the crowded house, Enter a maid servar: with candelabra of wabb sort imaginable, The Boone was © engrossing that the maid ‘was hardlly noticed by the audience. but when she had so down the ean delabra between the unfortunate Cae and hor over and or: candle set the fos cream in a blaze “he nervous strain upon the howe was broken, and the entim audiencs burst into a roar of laughter that brought dowa the cuntaine- liar. Josaph the Heat TOMATOES tomatoes, SPICED Twenty pounds of and peeled; quart of pounds each scalded eight sugar, four spoonfuls cinnamoa, cloves table and allspice. till CED tomatoe PICKLED SLI TOMATOES. Peel the Se Fg Wats a! 3 EO A A A Ri Once in ton days thorough'y wash broom in hot soapsuds nearly dry and hang where dry quickly. Not only Fa 5 § «11 mger, but it wil the carpet ghake til] the straw will will the broom last | clean carpets better Table ioths or the the kitchen floor can be and cleaner with oil Yau and water. —Chicago Dail Some of wern It alias wares are very effective A tall jardiniere in cream white, wreathed with huge brilliant flowers, modeled separately and attached to the jar, is atrik- ing For plazza tea sery red and gold Kaza-ware all Japanese shops is a good investment Dresden china in delicate colorings and elaborats designs may now be stonishing'y low prices, be this ware ig out of fashion. of aew and good shapes ia delightfully linoleum on kept fresh with soap News olic the mu very ices the 1 sold in cause Fine glaas, and elaborately etched haw. admir. A floral in gray. pink or green, on Royal Doulton, is also very willow and toilet sets are Blue and white thorn pattern pattern good, A Bavarian china that suggests Carlsbad has a decoration of exquis itely painted pink and yellow roses, A huge coffee pot, of warm brown stoneware, though marked French, is surely German in origin. large plaques of Italian ware, with classical scenea set in renalssanee or heraldic borders, are capital for dark corners or to place over a low door way. and Northern Central Ry. Time Table in Ffleet May 29 1904 LEAVE MON TANIH EASTWARD CAI BIO pDRAs Daily Harrisbu sbarre, Scranton sdinte stations "ottavili +41 wI% 1 iwepers undist } i WESTWARD © WEBER ve Lewish n Reon ing leave Mont Lewisbu ry at 7 . 0. 008s Pp 0. an od 8.12 p m On Sundays trains leave Me 100i a. mm. and 4.36 p. m., returning leave Lewis burg 9.85 a. m., 10.00 a tm. and 4.68 pm W. W. ATTERBURY, 1. R. WOOD General Matiaget Pas. Traffic Mgr GEQ BOYD, General Pass'ger Agt Ca's Brought Bank rugtcy. Mizz Ann Jane Terrill, who wae romande 1 » on Wedng th on been a charge ruined by She was continually inval gation fanciers of cats’ homes, in which she bankr ourt at Truro tome of the 500 cats with which she lived the life of a recluse at Perran porth were extremely valuable an! mals Miss tor at many ved in Hit with eat and keepers OO se que nce of recently passed through the iptey « Texrill various prizes was a frequent exhibi cat shows and won London Express. An Enterprising Sleuth, A man who was “wanted” by the police had been photographed in alx different positions, and the pictures were duly elreulated among the police. The chief of police in a country town wrote to police headquarters of the city in search of the malefactor a few days after the set of portraits had been issued as follows: “1 duly received the plomires of the aix miscreants whose capture ia de sired. 1 bave arrested five of them. and the sixth is under observation and will be secured shortly.“ Philadelphia Public Lodger. Spring Mills Hotel EPRING MILLA, PA, PIILIP DRUMMN, Prop, First -clem socommodations at all times for etl men acd beast, Free bus to and from all trains. Excellent Livery attached, Table bosrd firstcimes. The best liquors and wises at the bar. a ———————— Centre Hall Hotel CENTRE HALL, PA JAMES W. RUNKLE, Prop, Newly equipped. Ber and table supplied Summer bowrders given special Healiby ocality. Besutifal scenery Within three miles of Penns Cave, & most beaut by & boat with the best stiention ful subterranean cavers: entrance Well located for huntin Heated throug Free carriage to all trating 01d Fort Hote Tr ISAAC SHAWVER, Proprietor, 8. location: One mile Bouth of Centre Hall Accommodations first-class. Good ber, Pi wishing W enjoy an evening given sp silention. Meals for such occasions pag pared on short notice. Always prepared for the transient trades, EATES: $1.9 PER DAY Penn's Valley Bekin Company CENTRE HALL, PA. W. B. MINGLE, Cashief Receives Deposits . . Discounts Hotel Haag BELLEFONTE, PA. F. A. NKEWOOMER, Prop, Heated throughont, Fine Stabling. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. Bpecial prepamiions for Jurom, Witnesses sod any persons coming to town on special eof cartons. Eegulsr boarders well cared for, Notes . . . ATTORNEYS. ki H. ORVIS ( [BY I8, BOWER & M BOWER JERVIS EL ORVD ATITOBXEYEAT LAW Ld INTE, Pa. LEFONTE, PA irod LAW ned to prompaly ons. Office, ire LAW EB ELLEFONTE PA . FPANGLER ATTORNEY AT LAW BELLEFONTE. PA, lon is rider's Exchange LIVERY 2 Special Effort made to Accommodate Com- mercial Travelers... D. A. BOOZER Pa. Penn'a R, R, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Cnet Centre Hall, Trav Marrs Desicns CorvmicuTs &C. Anyone sending s shelch and description snay quickly ascoriain our opinion free whether an vention is probably patentable Communion. ne strictly cprfidential, 1{andbook of Patents pent Tres. Oldest agency for ROMIrING patenta, ie ts taken throngh Munn A Uo. receive special motice, without charge, int Scientific American, A handsomely MNusteston weekly, Largest ote eniation of any scientific journal. Terms, tna. 43 a » rear © Tour months, FL 80d by all newsdeadnes, MUNN & Co,2e1oreseemr. New York Branch OMe, Es F# BARGAINS! Ss A The readers of this pa. per are toustantly apon the alert to ascertain where goods can be pun chased at the prices, and if a merchant lowest does not advertise and keep the buysr conver sant with his line of goods, how can he expec? to sell them? A a HINKOVER THIS)