Shdp—— = THE CENTRE REPORTER. 'HURSBDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1904. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Reformed-Centre Hall, momiong ; Tusseyville, afternoon, Evangelical—Centre Hall, morning ; Egg Hill, afternoon ; Tusseyville, evening. Presbyterian—-Spring Mills, Thursday and Fri day evenings, 7.00 o'clock, Sunday, 10.30 a, m,, communion ; Centre Hall, 2.80 p. m. Lutheran Georges Valley, morning ;: Union afternoon , Centre Hall, evening. Methodist-—Sprucetown, morning ; Centre Hall, afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening. [Appointments not given here have not been reported to this office. | SALE REGISTER, Saturday, October 22, 1 p. m., James N, Leitzell, Spring Mills, household goods Thursday, November 10, 12 o'clock, J. B. Royer, 1}; miles south of Ce Hill, three work horses, three cows, ten head young cattle, farm implements, ete. Wednesday, November 23, 10 a. m., }4 mile east of Centre Hall, on I h Valley road. farm stock and implements. Annie aud Lizzie Bible. UBLIC >= short} Fort Hotel SATUR © wi SALE OF orn cows and THOROUGH-BRED voung bulls, at Old DAY. Of TOBER 15T1 BEARS IN ULINTON, Five of Bruln's Tribe Sialn Within a Week in Sugar Valley, Bear promises to be unusually plenti- ful in Clinton county this year as in | ar Valley. Leading the bear huntsmen is John Ruhl. He killed first two bears below Tylersville. A. D. Kleckner shot a big fellow near his lumber camp, north Loganton, Samuel Matter and John Cooper are season of Hollow, Newton Feidler killed their stones along pounder in Bpruce shook and John game with Cherry run after a battle, clubs and long and flerce sm — A ——— Rev, Potts Injured Rev. Potts, formerly of Centre Hall, tree recently, ticalars, Wednesday afternoon, Dr. A. D. Potls pastor of the Lutheran church, Petersbur picking g, while apples at Remodelling Flouriog MIL, The Red Mill 1 by George Harter and son is belt g mill owned uri Rg CA Iv remodeled, The latest mill- fensive ing machinery is being iustalled and the capacity increased. Hunting Season Opens, The hunting season for squirrels and wild turkeys Saturday, 15th. opens to hunters, consequently open of the mountains, A— i base Daoberman’s Cattle Sale cattle, Dauberman, Shorthorn at by John GQ. were of choice Fort hotel, Esq. These cattle tiie Daubermanp farm aod are lot. register at head of loeal column, all raised a choice pe Presiding Elder's Daughter Married Miss Grace Brown Bell, daughter of Presiding Elder and Mrs. J. Ellis Bell, was united in marriage with William Murdock Kiser, of Pittsburg, at the home of the bride's parents in Altoo- na, Wednesday evening of last week, al eight o'cloe it was a pink and white wedding and was a very neatly arranged and pretty affair. The father of the bride performed the ceremony. is ne —b——— Dynamite io Buckwheat Sheaf, A three-pound stick of dynamite was discovered in a sheaf of buckwheat on the farm of Milton Paust, in Penn township, Lycoming county. It supposed the explosive placed there by an evil disposed persou whose 8 © crop was thresh <. in Was futention was to blow up ithe threshi I wurder was providentially frustrated. Whi e when th ve fiendish attempt at wholesale n———————— Connty superintendent Candidates Mifflin county is well supplied with exndidates for county superintendent Prof I.. Haua- the field for reelection, and of public schools ~ Wath i= ir araong pried are T M. C Wills, of J 3 Wayne: G. T. Ci { WwW. Oidt aud H D oesiuv, the other teachers who are re- W. Lmuver, of Milroy ; Nwigart, of Oliver; James F J. A. Rouk, of aper, of Lewistown : W. Firth, of commie for Exhibition, ¥ add WM Penn porents of Willlameport's famous mid» g!, have received several of- fers from museum people to secure the bby for all of ¥ deh b promptly refused, Tie weeks old and weighs two and one-half pounds. The little pink doll boots she wears reach to her knees, The house is thronged with curious spectators, and the object of their curiosity is enjoying perfect health, H————— i fA S— Want Midge 5 re is Lapointe, the already exhibition purposes, ave been child Is eight One-Way Hates to the West, From September 14 to October 14, inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell one-way Colonist tickets from all points in its territory to Western and Southwestern points at greatly reduced rates, thus affording a specially attractive opportunity to visit the growing and rapidly develop- ing crop-producing sections of the grat Western Empire. Detailed in- formation as to rates and times of tr.ins can be had of all Pennsylvania Railroad ticket agents, north of sirie vg the ground on i d for three ho d and When the phy dinted him, the Willing Walters’ two miles sratreet +1 from: a ladder, «}e CK red UHLCOHsCIOUS i i ie alss Dr. WAR sUDDmMOn: , of Alexandria i Wl resus say external i bat Rev. Po i his A fad fie iplesane Hi fall. Dr. believes that the trouble is not Ke 81 land this, at least, will be co news to Lhe tushy E—. — Traveler of Heal Estate John A ux. to Wm. B le et, ux., dated July 1904, nun Half Moon nsidera- tion $2,000, Way et “ath, acres | 'ewp.: e Heury H, ate 65 pei hes dated July ZJre in Poller tion $4,400 M. E. Bouts James, dated O jin P eration $2 000 Ro x t iret E. Bouts, dated Dec. 20th, 1 et Ww. P, 100 acres baron to 17th, 1 itter Twp. ; consid Wis wert E. Brys a et. u 0 Margs- S01, 400 | meres in Pottles U'wp. ; consideration $1 Joho Irwin ux to | T. Bowers, dated April Kunes € Janes 1s : Consideration by IIS, Bouse {BGG 00 10 Eaglev | § itt ia iiie riLin { ¢ via 1904, yusideration Charles Mil H. RK Hou E. Councel et ux | Grant, dated May 25th, jand lot in Philipsburg ; « 1 $3.500., John W, Z«igler et. al. Joseph K. Moys ted 1904, farm of 172 acres, 5 executors to r, da March 81st perches Miles Twp. ; coosideration $10,430 R. H. Dunean et, ux. to Tr Presbyterian church of Spring dated June 28th, 1904, picce of ground io Spring Miils ; § W. R. Potter et in Usled Ae § ui consideration §1. ux. to C. WW, Bid. in Union Twp. ; consideration $700 William Resides et. ux. to (. Biddle, dated July Sth, 1004, ten acres in Union Twp. ; consideration $1. Aaronsburg, Nelson Wert and family spent Sun- day with friends at Penn Hall. Mrs. Robert Boob is visiting tives at Lewisburg this week. day with his sister, Mra. Ida Wyle. Mrs Minnie Gibb, of Irvor 8, spent ; t week with the Kline sister Emanuel Brown, of Williamsport, f it Frank. 18 sister, si Mifflinburg, one das «tf weosk r«, Miunie Noll, : R58 Wilh of Vieksburg, a fow ¢ Yevie vin Weaver has hone friends returned FR sUMIMDPT #pen LR ron, Olio, Bulh with Y aver, of Coburn, is spend. afew weeks with her tw, ul thin pines, Merchant EE A. Bower and wife ve gone to Philadelphia to buy their vinter stock of goods, Mrs Mionie Adame and children, of ste Callege, are the guests of her pa ta, Mr. snd Mrs. ler Mrs. McGee and Mrs. MoAlmay, of Vestmoreland county, spent a few Lye with their brother, Rev. F, W, Losuffor, Mr and Mrs. Troxell, of Winfield, Visited their daughter, Mr. Katie Crouse a few days, returning to their home on Monday. Charles Wyle and family, of Read- ing ; Mrs. Bamuel Bchoure, of Milton, and Clayton Wyle, of MiMlinburg, were guests at Lhe home of Jacob Wyle Inst week, Following is the report of the Wolf's Chapel school, for the first month end- ing October 7th, E. R, Wolfe, teacher : Number enrolled, male 13, female 22, total 35 ; per cent. of attendance, male 86, female 03, Henry Stover, John Bower, Mabel Bower, Edne Winkle blech, Estella Musser, Miranda Mow- ary, Helen Bower, and Martha Stover were present every session during the month, is — John H. Garver, west of Centre Hall, was one of the Reporter's callers on Tuesday, Thomus P of New Castle, i died Bunday at the sge of one hundred th, ¢ HIEARr | and two years, { Bamuel Goodhart, in adjusting the chain on his bicyele, tore the nail and 34 13 end of the index finger Mar- Mire Mrs, Smith and daughter | garet, Pyrone, wi guests of { J. A. Reesman, sister of the fo od. oJ. | geveral day J Mrs. Homer Tiner, Mrs ruey, last week, spent # in Boalsburg, visiting Barr and other friends. nlere- will give a oplicon in the Spruce . town JM 10 church, Saturday Hig i TI ‘ ' | pou try house and 1 { devole ¢ i Albert Alls | last week naan Hall. er Wm. Poorman is | up a =f i Mi: ft fis able f « 13} ticia at Mr, Mollie home of her Quite a i te ih | {ed $ ter of Job i Pie Dutler, : hh fre, and wae fore the fire vas ER ! Inguis i Pot Friday, uu ter, iile fell fr Usiain d serious ivjuries, fined bed WW jriCk= rR on im the i ¥ i ladder and ¥en have ong iit to hile “vor mince, Mina Gill, who lives at the home of Richard Brooks, fell from an outbuild. ing on Friday, while and was severely hurt, bones were broken, The Linden Hall Lumber Compa. ny's men are engaged in taking up the iron on their tram road in to Laue rel Run, preparatory to shipping it to their other operations at White Deer, Mr. and Mrs, George Miller left ‘on Friday for a weeks’ visit among their many friends in Milroy. During their absence Grandfather Miller will visit bis grand daughter, Mrs, John Ehuny, at Houserville, Jueob Lee avd family, of Milion, spent Bunday with Philip Bradford, and left for their home Monday, Mr, Lee was formerly assistant in the rail. road station here, and is now with the Empire fast freight, bunting eggs, although no cin anscisroitt re { THE JURY WHEEL, | Persons Who Will Sit to Hear and Decide Disputes, I'he jury wheel lowing names of per fi% fol- he No- vember court, beginning on the fourth Mouday of turned the will out vho ut the called upon to decide cases that mont] widow’ itr town 2 slong tis re SDTa) ATR T A INS Sade de Fi § Sab J COOK Stoves, 12 Rolls 2 on pi Te LINOLEUM and Qr JOHN SMITH & SPRING MILLS he # BRO. BND N HN 0D BND DN DWN BBO DOD TW WWW WH WY TT NDT WWD DD DW DW THE BI NE 2 AR Mou ! Thinking of Buyin Yeage SEN NAAN P Here's Information for You Our Leading Lines Always InSwek , .. .. .. For Men STETSON For Women , . . . JOHN H. CROSS BILT WELL DOROTHY DODD SHOES WALK OVER YEAGER & DAVIS SPECIAL We have the well known Freed Brothers Working Shoes. YEAGER & DAVIS BELLEFONTE, PA. MA 22 YEAGER & DAVIS »& oe] w ou NAN FROQOVE PC EVIVVOUO0VORIUTE VICE OT OOOO LOGS RG000O iB For You... .: A BIG SURPRISE. Call and look over our line of Chamber Suits, Side Boards, Couches, Chairs 0000wdt0000ROOLDRS and anything in the housefurnishing line, LOOK AT THIS: Chamber Suits Were $31.00 Now $25.00 Side Boards . 12.00 “ 11.00 Couches ‘ov 18.00 Book Cases and | Writing Desks | 15.00 15.00 6 8%, Rugs ..REARICK BROS... 4.00 3.00